Sad but True, The UAW needs to wake up and realize that the rest of us in the US have been paying a fair share for our benefits and do not have the nice promised pension, etc.
Reality is no one is really promised that not my 401K or IRA. Why the gov feels the need to bail out the union funds AKA United Airlines and what now looks like Northwest and Delta after it let the companies under pay their obligation is beyond me other than special interest Greed.
The Steel companies thought they would be around for ever and Bethleham Steel is Gone. Reality is if you do not change to changing conditions then you will die. The socialist system the UAW has operated under for so long is out of date.
The Unions did good things in the early years, but the last 30-40 years they have really not done much for the people that pay them a chunk of their hard earned income. Each and every person already has the rights the unions preach they get for the workers promised to them. If you do not like the pay, benefits etc. and do not want to negociate a better package on your own then find another job or learn to live with it.
UAW like so many of the unions always wants a socialist answer of give me everything and not give anything back. They fight the companies rather than work to build a better product, better company. Again the US Unions ignored chances over the last 25 years for sure to build stronger companies that would keep their workers jobs. At this point, we are going to see major changes in the US auto landscape. I for one will miss some things and enjoy the new changes.
A Global economy will always have fast currents that move and require a company to move with it. The best thing FORD and GM can do is to move to get new models out that gain profits and then put those profits into paying down financial obligations. The Executive mgmt and stock holders will reap HUGH benefits if they just wait a while rather than wanting instant gratification. Get their obligations paid and then they will be a terror force for the asian and European companies to deal with.
Sad also is that the European Unions have this headache coming to them also. Germany needs a major wake up call.