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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. I am a sad Panda, that is so UGLY! I love the look of my 94 SLT GMC Suburban, but that is UGLY. The older Yukon and Denali that I did not care much for is SO WAY MUCH BETTER LOOKING! I truly hope it looks better in person.
  2. Amazing how we are back to the same old Nixon Watergate Corruption under our current administration. Reality is the Republicans call themselves conservative yet are the worst liberal spenders around. The Democrates call themselves Liberal and yet are very conservative and have worked hard for balanced budget. Reality is a need for balance between the two parties as history has proven when one or the other controlles all things in the government things get out of balance. Much the same way in the auto industry. Things have been out of balance and are only now coming into balance. Quality of auto's as proven with the recent reviews of the Buick and large SUV's. We do not need our government bailing out companies. As a free market, there needs to be a consolidation of airplane companies and auto plants. The unions served their need in the early 1900's but have become lazy and corrupt over the years. The exec's have also become lazy and corrupt as well. At this point we need new leadership or a change in the current leadership to get the companies in a competitive situation and deal with the debt of each company. Changing the unions from pension to 401K and going away from the current union contracts will be a big change and saving pin as to if Ford and GM can survive the oncoming 5 years and there after.
  3. Here is what I posted in the impala thread: We'll I have to say that for all the positive comments on the Impala and Malibu, I have had the complete 180 degree experiance with these two Auto's. On a 2 week business trip in CA, 1st week was in Sacramento and then I drove down to San Jose for the second week. 1st auto I got at the rental lot was an Impala, had 2480 miiles on the speedo. Engine, for a v6 has plenty of horsepower and Torque for get up and go getting on the freeway. 1st thing I noticed after getting on the freeway was how noisy the auto was, the freeway noise was terrible. Discovered that the suspension was very soft and seemed to not handle bumps or potholes well. Interior was totally Cheap plastic looking and like stated, the interior color light grey shows everything, dirt, dust etc. Not a good color for a rental auto. We'll this car got taken back via tow truck as it ended up dying on me and not willing to start again. Just like the complete electrical system shorted out. You get nothing, no lights, no turn over, it was dead. The rental company brought me out a replacement auto, a brand new Malibu with 148 miles on the Speedo. Same v6 with plenty of get up and go, but cheap plastic interior with light grey interior again. Noticed on the drive down to San Jose, The front passenger door had this noise like a rock rolling back and forth. Thought it was something in the door pocket. Checked it and there was nothing there. Had a passenger in the auto and they said it was in the door. So a noise that is driving me nuts. 2nd thing noticed. At 6'6" I have to have the seat all the way back. that leaves about 3 inches between the back of my seat and the back seat. NO ONE can sit behind me. What a poor design of interior space. 3rd noticed issue. Had 2 other people with me in the auto and went slowly over a parking lot speed bump and the exhaust system scraped as the auto bottomed out on the speed bump. 4th issue noticed, Trunk side carpet wall was not attached to wall seemed to be cut short so that it had a 1inch gap. Bottom board sits on 2 little plastic slots and they did not hold in place already sagging into the spare tire. 5th issue, suspension spongy and over all road noise very loud. My list could go on, as a new auto. This is not an impressive auto. Chevy needs to build some replacement auto's that are much higher in quality both inside and out. Very disappointed. Highlight was I stopped at the Chevy Dealership and WOW what an Awesome New Tahoe. That is what every auto, truck and SUV should be like!
  4. We'll I have to say that for all the positive comments on the Impala and Malibu, I have had the complete 180 degree experiance with these two Auto's. On a 2 week business trip in CA, 1st week was in Sacramento and then I drove down to San Jose for the second week. 1st auto I got at the rental lot was an Impala, had 2480 miiles on the speedo. Engine, for a v6 has plenty of horsepower and Torque for get up and go getting on the freeway. 1st thing I noticed after getting on the freeway was how noisy the auto was, the freeway noise was terrible. Discovered that the suspension was very soft and seemed to not handle bumps or potholes well. Interior was totally Cheap plastic looking and like stated, the interior color light grey shows everything, dirt, dust etc. Not a good color for a rental auto. We'll this car got taken back via tow truck as it ended up dying on me and not willing to start again. Just like the complete electrical system shorted out. You get nothing, no lights, no turn over, it was dead. The rental company brought me out a replacement auto, a brand new Malibu with 148 miles on the Speedo. Same v6 with plenty of get up and go, but cheap plastic interior with light grey interior again. Noticed on the drive down to San Jose, The front passenger door had this noise like a rock rolling back and forth. Thought it was something in the door pocket. Checked it and there was nothing there. Had a passenger in the auto and they said it was in the door. So a noise that is driving me nuts. 2nd thing noticed. At 6'6" I have to have the seat all the way back. that leaves about 3 inches between the back of my seat and the back seat. NO ONE can sit behind me. What a poor design of interior space. 3rd noticed issue. Had 2 other people with me in the auto and went slowly over a parking lot speed bump and the exhaust system scraped as the auto bottomed out on the speed bump. 4th issue noticed, Trunk side carpet wall was not attached to wall seemed to be cut short so that it had a 1inch gap. Bottom board sits on 2 little plastic slots and they did not hold in place already sagging into the spare tire. 5th issue, suspension spongy and over all road noise very loud. My list could go on, as a new auto. This is not an impressive auto. Chevy needs to build some replacement auto's that are much higher in quality both inside and out. Very disappointed. :angry: Highlight B) was I stopped at the Chevy Dealership and WOW what an Awesome New Tahoe. That is what every auto, truck and SUV should be like! :D
  5. B) Sweet, you know this is gonna be pretty close to what it really will look like when it comes out. Thanks for a Awesome job well done in a hurry.
  6. Keep in mind while the V6 will have HP, most ricer cars have high horsepower with anemic Torque, meaning they can not tow crap. The UV8 could still have say 350 detuned HP and a but load of Torque. 450 or so. My thoughts on that. A awesome towing motor.
  7. I totally disagree with you. In a day when interior Room for us big americans is needed and control, having a wide low slung hot rod of a car is exactly what america wants. Sounds like you been eating to much Rice burner auto crap. The Width is fine, total control on thr road. I have yet to see many ricer cars or some Europeans that have bumpers, adding that would really be a step back wards. Built into the body like this is just fine. Wheels, why not? nothing wrong with large rims. We know they will have smaller rims on less powerful Camaro's but on the SS this is the right thing to do. B)
  8. :lol: I totally agree up to the last 3 statements, Seattle does not have many Hybrids, out of my office here, there are 3 honda's, 1 Toyota lover that has both the Prius and Highlander Hybred and all the rest in the office have GM, Ford or Jeep. Trucks / SUV's which make up 38 of the 42 people working here. Seattle sells tons of these rides. Chris who owns the Toyota Hybreds hates his Highlander as he only gets 16 to 17 miles to the gallon not the proclaimed 22. As he told me yesterday, Until the auto warms up, the engine is used all the time. While AC is no longer required of the engine, the Heater is, so during cold temps if you have the heater on then the engine is on all the time. So for his 10 mile communte to work, the vehicle never gets warmed up in time to eve use the Hybred system as designed. He has gotten close to 20 on the couple long road trips he has taken but over all he leaves it at home more and more now driving just the prius and is thinking of dumping the Highlander in the spring time. :P Just Proves Toyota does not have the ultimate products. Yes while we tease each other about being tree hugging, Granola munching Hippies, most of us just enjoy playing in the woods splashing the mud and enjoying life. :D
  9. I totally Agree with dumping the Chrome from the windows. I also would dump the Chrome from the Rearview mirrors and the big ugly Chrome around the Emblem on the back door. Sleek and Elegant, not Gaudy and Pimp Mobil is what the Caddy should be about! <_<
  10. B) Nice for sure, but still too watered down for A&S. Hopefully it will look better in person on the lot than in pictures. :)
  11. WRONG, you are WRONG. Reality Check in this diverse WTO, yes there will be a few states hurt by GM or Ford going out of business, but over all most people will only see it as a small 1/100th of GDP or Gross Domestic Product. I know this as Seattle my City was Dependant on Boeing and Logging and with every Boom came a bust later on. On I5 there was a famous sign "The last person leaving Seattle Turn out the lights!" Due to Diversification, this state only rely's on the Logging industry and the airplane industry for 5% of it's employement. Yes it would hurt if 100% of those two business closed down, but the state would still survive. People found other training and jobs to live on. Same with Michigan, if GM and FORD close, the people who want a better life will get new training and move to find a job that supports their family. Only those that expect others, a company or government to give something to them will really be hurt. UAW is like this, they expect or feel a job, benefits, reitrement is owed to them. Nothing is owed to anyone, we make of our life what we put into it. I for one could care less if FORD survives, parts would be bought up by other companies or taken over like Chrysler, but I do hope GM wakes up and realizes that they will have to fight to survive, no one really cares except for some workers and those of us that like GM Products. We have to fight and make a reason to survive.
  12. :( Sad but I totally Agree with you. While I am a Proud White American who lives in Seattle washington. My wife is from Korea, my education I got in Japan. Yet I believe we support and keep the profits here in this country for the betterment of all. My wife is a big USA only person, she agree's and loves driving her suburban or Caddy CTS! :D Yet her sister is what ailes us, Her sister will only buy Honda due to them being Superior autos that outlast anything America can Build. No matter what she reads about recall's, or her own grip's about broken issues in her Civic, she still say's it is superior to anything the US makes. I asked her what she has to back up this superior Claim and she points to the Auto Mag's and the youth market that has all those cool RIce burners buzzing around Seattle. Her Friends that also say the same thing but will quickly bad mouth a US auto even if they have never owned one. I took her for a ride in our Caddy and while she loved it, thought it was nice. She said she would not trade in her Honda as it was superior to the caddy. :huh: Like what dope are these younger people smoking. GM and Ford will have to save themselves and they will have to do it with changes from top down including the Marketing companies they use to get the message out and getting Auto's that drive passion. Right now Passion is missing from allot of Ford and GM auto's. For me, I just hope I can retire my suburban once one is available with the Duramax Diesel. :P
  13. <_< I hate Chrome, It totally has turned me off the caddy. I like the current model as it looks good with very minor chrome. The new one looks like something a Pimp would drive. Mercedes and BMW have made a fortune off Mono auto's. THere is no need for all the chrome parts that will end up rusting. Hell the 70's and early 80's taught us that the Chrom only ends up with Dings, looks bad and rusts. Even a new 300C I saw at the dealership with it's Chrome strip had a ding in it all ready. Chrome does not need to be on everything. I Love the BIG LOOK! B) This New Suburban reminds me of my current 94 GMC Suburban from the back end. It looks great. The current suburbans always looked like a bubble and small. I did not like them at all. <_< Yea for the NEW GM 900's :D
  14. <_< Maybe that is cause there is no Camero and only the Sting Ray is what will happen? :unsure:
  15. :P What a great start to an awesome Auto Year!!! :P
  16. B) This baby is SWEET!!! Yea this is so much better than the Mustang. I take one of these. :)
  17. <_< No we just need to shoot all these stupid Neo Conservative Asian Loving Fuggly's that have no real concept of auto's or any real understanding of a vehicle. These are the same idiots that could not turn a screw to save their life. BASTERED! :angry: This baby rocks and way better than any honda Element or any other Honda, Toyota or asian trash. If they made a real auto with real size for real americans, they would realize none of their auto's make any sense and would have to start over. Let the people that want to die young and be cramped have the Asian trash, I stay with supporting my US made Auto's. B)
  18. :puke: Tha is so Fuggly, they really should have just redone the Current SRT4. That will not be a hit at all except the dying baby boomers maybe. What a complete BOMB! :(
  19. :P Interior and over all Spec is nice, but the picture is Hideous. :( I Like the Chevy look better. Course I like the Denali Engine and tranny! :P
  20. :P YES, this baby is HOT and Sharp, I like it's looks even better than the GMC or Escalade Version. I just hope I can get the Suburban with the Duramax and have all the pulling I need. :P Rock on GM!
  21. <_< Yea, but they still are Butt Uggly or Fuggly! :P
  22. <_< H'mm Guess I will have to wait and see this display, cause the description is sure not blowing wind up my pants. <_<
  23. :P Talk about Fugging Ugly from Nissan. Mercedes, Can you say BMW Copy of the Ugly trunk! :lol: Course nice, but I take my Caddy any day over these unreliable Over priced Garbage. :P My coworker has a New s500 he spent his options on and was bragging about it, course now 6 weeks later, it has spent half that time in the shop and he has been in a E series loaner. :lol: Yea right Mercedes German Quality my ass! :P
  24. <_< We'll Good thing I did not stay up for this, I test drove an H3 this week and while nice, it is so underpowered. GM, Nice try, but you fell short again. :(
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