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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. Moltar needs a class in reading between the lines! JK
  2. That is a HELL of a Burn out. Amazing!!! So has anyone else seen MSN review of the ZR1? MSN Auto Review of ZR1 Is it just me or did they make a skull in the Engine bay? To me the center air intake looks like a Skull using the Corvette logo as the eye's and nose? Totally Cool, as this is death to all those over rated sports cars out there.
  3. This is HOT, Yup I really like this, a nice evolution of the SRX. Original which I own is too much like a station wagon on steriods. This at least now looks like a real mid size SUV.
  4. 2006 Escalade ESV Platinum edition - 14.5 MPG 2005 CTS - 24 MPG 2004 SRX - 24 MPG 1999 Dodge Durango - 15 MPG ( Daughters Auto) 1998 Dakota - 17.7 MPG (Sons Truck) 1994 Suburban Custom 402 engine - 11MPG full or empty never seems to change There is the family fleet of auto's. Not too shabby for personal haulers I think. Course if our greedy oil companies did not ship off our refined petroleum products we might actually have lower prices. Damn SOB's While the U.S. oil industry wants access to more federal lands to help reduce reliance on foreign suppliers, U.S.-based companies are shipping record amounts of gasoline and diesel fuel to other countries. CNBC report on the record shipments of Gas products out of the US. Here is why Diesel and gas are so much more in price.
  5. Let's remind everyone here that GM had a HUGE Portfolio of products and has been selling off / slashing non core companies to get back to a lean fighting Auto builder only. As such, these one time charges are totally understandable to rid themselves of the parts companies, etc. Reality is this will hurt everyone but by 2010 we will see a profitable GM with an awesome assortment of vehicles. As other reports have stated, with gas being cheap, a number of people, approx 1/3 of Truck / SUV purchases bought way to much truck / SUV for their real need. A cross over or Station wagon on Steroids like the SRX style is all these people really needed, but marketing being what it is sold what the people asked for and even Toyota got caught up in this with their Bomb of a Tundra. So Let's keep everyone focused on the positive future that will come with a host of World Class Leading Hybrids and Newer Diesels. We survived WWII when the Japanease bombed us and won that war. The Japanease then said if they could not beat us by war they would do it Economically. We can muster our strengths and hopefully get people to stop being selfish instant gratification and Buy American where ever possible to rise up and win the long term Global Economic battle of consumption.
  6. Exciting times ahead for GM, I love all the auto's they all have potential.
  7. Depeche Mode Music for the Masses CD I picked it up in concert over seas. They rock. Yup I am a Depeche Head.
  8. Being I was away on a business trip and was too busy to check the site, I missed voting, but as such here is my input: I own 3 cadillac's (04 SRX, 05 CTS, 06 ESV Platinum), 1 GMC 94 Suburban and a 09 H2 Hummer. Yup, I have no interest in Pontiac, Buick or Saturn. Chevy might have a commuter car for my wife who is wanting a plug in. Next purchase would be the Hummer Hx to go with the H2 I just bought. As I have stated elswere on the site here, I see GMC as a luxury version of Chevy and so they might as well save money by just killing off the Buick and Pontiac name plates and keep it under the GMC plate. Keep Saturn for the people who want american but not any other GM name plate rather than purchasing a ricer car. Then you have the luxury end of Cadillac / Hummer which should only be sold as a group. There is a market for luxury 4x4 vehicles. Saab, not really sure what to do with this quirky line. Was a reason long ago, but I just do not really see any valid reason to keep it alive at least here in the US and I am sure it could be killed off elsewhere and replaced by something in one of the majore lines. Very interesting survey of the people on this site, Clearly shows a mix. Would be interesting to see who ownes what here and how many are truly a GM only Fan. I know a number of people here talk big about GM but have a Prius or Honda, etc.
  9. Give me Asian woman or Brunett woman any day, night or hell all the time. Woman are just so much fun to play with, There is Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner plus dessert all rolled into one lovely package.
  10. Screw em all, Let Chrysler, Ford and GM go Bankrupt and Toyota buy them all to be the world best and biggest auto Dealer. :AH-HA_wink:
  11. Interesting how our country has aided so many counteries and how many we have rebuilt at the tax payers expense. I have 4 generations of marines and while I support my fellow brothers and sisters in the armed forces, I see no need for us to have bases any longer in other counteries. We might as well save billions that could go to pay off our national debt, solidify the Social Security and work to build our country stronger internally, fix the roads, infastructure, etc. Look at how Japan has become one of the riches nations after they made the mistake of trying to be imperial and bombed us. We then kicked their ass, rebuilt their country and they then said they would beat us economically. They have very little national debt in comparison to the USA and are very strong with no Military bases in the world. They have even said they would like us to leave Okinawa. All in All, there is no wild west any more, no need to be the Big Bully as Bush loves to be and reward his war mongering friends that put him in Office. Focus on where we were headed in 2000 when we had a budget surplus, was paying off national debt and could have fixed Social Security and other issues. We have sold out so much of our country and it is time to take care of our self and the needs of our fellow americans. let the rest of the world finally step up and deal with some of the crap going on in the 3rd world hell holes. let them kill themselves, why should our fellow americans die, as long as they sell us their oil and other products we choose to purchase, use them up and let them figure out how to finally stop be controlled by religous idiot leaders and get educated to be better universal citizens. Time to fix America, Sadly I do not see to much happening even after the election with Socialist Obama or Spend Happy religous nut McCain. Both are lousy choices, Hopefully their VP's will be strong contenders as you never know how long either of them will be around. Really we need to just fire all members of both parties and elect new people who are not bought by big Corporate America.
  12. Just like Religion, this is another tool invented by humans to control humans and take their hard earned money. 99% of the time, these people just like religous leaders who have huge churches and TV shows are very talented at reading humans body language and listening to say what people want to hear and believe. It amazes me how many people want to have other tell them how to live life, what to do or not to do and will play guilt games on a person to get money.
  13. I think GM could really strick fear into everyone with an ultimate mustange Challanger killer. Camero SS 2mode Hybride. This would be the best of all worlds. Killer off the line and 0-60 times with the electric motor assist and yet still have the grunt of the 6.2 engine along with higher MPG rating with Cyclinder deactivation. This would beat them all. :camarosmile:
  14. WOW, So much Drama about a few comments that clearly not many here like, but until the final hammer does fall, everything is still up in the air and possible.
  15. Amazing the sarcasim I read on the threads about GM and then to read the sections on who owns what and see how many people have wasted their dollars on the Prius crap when it has been proven that you can save more money on an econobox gas car plus gas price even in todays dollars of $5 a gallon over the crazy prices they charge for the prius. Everyone seems to forget about the car payment, higher insurance cost etc. So many people talk about american and owning american and yet the true colors come out in showing they own anything but American. GM will survive, some of the current brands do need to die, I would expect at least 2 more name plates to disappear. As an owner of a H2 I would hate to see Hummer disappear, but they could easily merge it into the GMC family as a section to compete against Jeep. Also Pontiac can also Die in name only and move the product into the Buick or GMC family. Gm could and should survive on Chevy, Entry level, GMC or Buick Mid luxury Level and performance and Cadillac as the top level Luxury performer. No I have not forgotten about Saturn, but then Saturn is the Asian import Fighter, it can survive on it's own. If the numbers do drop and seems to not do well, then fold them into Chevy. Chevy/Saturn = Entry level and basic autos GMC/Buick = Mid Level / Performance Cadillac = Luxury This could and would work well for GM.
  16. Man, here is an autoline that truly can die! I have read that for most people, the outlandish cost of a hybrid actually makes no sense over a normal gas powered ecobox auto. Only thoses that feel they have to have a Hybrid to justify their driving or those that drive 15K or more miles a year really can benefit and recover the outlandish overcharge of price.
  17. Can a reading make the barf reflex any stronger?
  18. Weird, but why do people who claim to be a GM fan then go on talking about buying an asian ricer car or a German autobash car. if you really are proud of our country and our companies, then stick with it, buy american and support the people and products of this country. Even when GM brings in an auto from one of their plants over seas, at least the profits go to a company here in America. I know and understand not everyone can stick to large less fuel efficiant auto's, but there are plenty of 30+ milage, American Auto's. We'll just finished reading the thread and see that the man did stay with american. Very Nice G6, congrates on your excellent choice of auto magic fun.
  19. WOW Another Horse with Blinders on, you think everyone can live with a Tahoe or some other small vehicle? You probably are one of these small average americans at 5'8" tall or so. Lets try and see if you can put yourself in my shoes or others like me. 1) Large family that truly needs seating for 8 plus room for stuff that has to go along. Tahoe does not cut it. Plus need the ability to pull a trailor, AKA need a 3/4 ton or 2500 Suburban that truly meets my needs. There are plenty of people that still need a suburban class vehicle. GM NEEDS TO PUT THE DIESEL IN IT!!! If anyone else went to Siema besides me, they would have seen the concept Suburban that had the 4.8 Liter Baby Duramax engine with 6 speed tranny. That would be the perfect setup and drop the gas engines for the Suburban line. There is a valid reason to keep the Suburbans / Yukon XL / Escalade ESV line going.
  20. Hey Ven, I life in kirkland and took the Empire Builder from Seattle to Chicago and back. As long as you have the 5 days, it is an amazing way to travel and see our awesome country, not to mention in North Dakota for those that love to restore old trucks and cars, I saw 100's if not 1000's of old cars sitting out in fields. Would love to get me some. Over all, for my work, it just is not feasible. Even our mass transit sucks in Seattle. Too much politics and promises and not enough actual changes to make getting out of my Suburban worth it even when it takes $150 a week to fill my tank. But I love the ride and comfort.
  21. Thank Goodness OIL closed down again today at $122 a barrel from the High last week of $135. Weird that we used to complain about $50 a barrell and now we complain about $100 and who knows where else it will go. Interesting thought, After I read the GM press release, I was wondering if I could find an electric motor that would drive my boat fast enough and have a small Diesel generator to recharge the battery pack. Hybrid power Boat???? Hey GM how about adding this to the awesome marine engine line you make.
  22. QUOTE(dfelt @ Jun 3 2008, 09:16 AM) My thoughts and I am sticking to it. After all, I love all my Vehicles that I own: 2008 H2 2006 Escalade ESV Platinum 2005 CTS 2004 SRX 1994 GMC Suburban SLR We'll maybe you are one of the growing crowd of people who like a Horse with Blinders thinks everyone can fit into small Econo Auto's. My family 6 generations now are born and bred in the USA! Our Heritage is German, but having large families, playing on the water, AKA towing a boat or sets of WaveRunners, camping, etc. We use these vehicles all the time. But the biggest reason for these auto's is pure comfort, at 6'6" tall 280lbs, I am not about to be cramped in a tiny auto. I am average size for my family. There is only one person, My son who takes after a great aunt who was tiny at 5'8" tall and he is a Gymnast, so muscular at 165lbs. Plus I have seen these so called 5 star crashed tested auto's and when hit by a large auto or even worse a Big Rig that is all over our freeways, these cars are totaled and never really protect the occupant. I will pay for the gas as I want plenty of steel around my family, friends etc. YOU CANNOT replace QUALITY of LIFE by driving a small eco car. I understand not everyone can afford to drive large vehicles, but as long as I can afford it, I will protect my family the best I can.
  23. Sorry but I disagree with the sell of Hummer, Again, small brain short term instant gratification of profits in the thinking of selling HUMMER! When will american companies learn from Demming and Drucker? They finally were forced to learn about quality and still they have not learned the long term lesson about visionary thinking. Yes you all can flame me if you want, but while I agree the over all shift is to smaller auto's, there is a market and will continue to be a market for the Hummer type products. They have missed out by not adding the diesel into the H2 sooner. A company in Colorado will sell you a new H2 with the Duramax and 6speed allison tranny and it gets mid 20's for milage. I know a lot of people that would buy this. Same with the H3, the 5 cyclinder engine was a joke, the V8 finally gave it a proper engine and if they would move a bit faster and put the new 4.8 diesel in the H3 it can be a home run hit. Hummer should have been merged into the cadillac dealerships from day one. Just like GMC, Buick and Pontiac should be one dealership and eventually you can merge it into just one name plate and dump 2 of the 3 names. We all need to admit it that GM has been long in the tooth for change and that there is TOO MANY name plates, but this could best be cleared up by simplifing the brands to just a few and merge the few excellent products into those few name plates to have them be successful. Realisticly I think we could see just Cheverolet, GMC, Saturn and Cadillac. My thoughts on this. Cut the middle management fat, wasted marketing dollars and stream line everything to allow a 4 tear product plan. My thoughts and I am sticking to it. After all, I love all my Vehicles that I own: 2008 H2 2006 Escalade ESV Platinum 2005 CTS 2004 SRX 1994 GMC Suburban SLR GO GM!!!
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