First, driving is NOT a privilege, but it is supposed to be a right. You have the right to travel. It is your lovely government that fooled everyone years ago by trading in your horse for a car with a bunch of limits, then legislated the horse into impracticality.
Second, in the end, the government is going to dupe you into using self driving cars by making manual driving such a hassle that its not enjoyable or worthwhile. Writing laws so you always have to yield to the self-drivers. Programming traffic lights to turn green for self-drivers, etc.
It once was a government run by the people, now its a government that controls the people, generally by slow deception. For example, the laws in the failed SOPA are going to get passed. If not as SOPA, than as PIPA or CISPA (which is currently succeeding) or they will be installed piece by piece as riders on budgets and other boring, everyday legislation.
WRONG, Driving is a Privilage you EARN, No where in our laws does it say driving is a Right. This is just like Cell phones or the internet. Tax payers being taxed heavily have ended up subsidising the Internet for everyone at the schools and Libraries and then we end up with people saying it is a right, same with cell phones. People seem to think this is a right for everyone to have.
Nothing here is a right, but a privilage you earn by working hard to afford the ability to drive. Sorry, but I have the Right to make more money than you and earn the privilage to drive nice expensive cars.