I suppose there is no truck market either, as evidenced by the current tundra and titan? The Grand Prix wouldn't be fighting the Camry, or the Avalon for that matter. I would be more correct comparing it to a less luxurious and cheaper BMW 5 series, than to the Camry. And their is a market for a large sporty RWD car, which is why Dodge didn't stop after the 300 and Magnum. They originally weren't even going to build the Charger, but after seeing what a hit the 300 was, how could they not? And if you want to hold Toyota up on a pedestal like they are perfect, you would be on the wrong site. Toyota doesn't have one single car that I would want to own. They don't cover the enthusiast market. They dont compete with the Solstice, the GTO, the Corvette, and they wont compete with the G8, or the Camaro. They build cars that provide excellent transportation, but little else. If GM turns into Toyota, they would lose more sales than they would gain. If GM is going to come out of it's slump, they will need to return to their American roots, while offering high quality at the right price. Why buy the copy cat Toyota, when you can already have the real Toyota? And it's already been said GM isn't the default brand anymore, so copying Toyota wont fix that.