I have a reprogrammed pcm from zzperformance.com, they say it:
Speed limiter removed
Raised rev limiter
Raised shift points
3-1 and 4-2 skip shifts
Transmission line pressure increased
185F fan turn on
90 second fan on at key-off (this feature activates when engine coolant is 180 degrees or greater)
MAF calibration is year specific
WOT fueling richen to reduce KR
Removes lag by changing downshift tables
Correct VIN number programmed in
Part throttle KR issue fixed
Torque abuse modes are modified to eliminate bog at launch
Shift KR is remapped for modified vehicles
Power enrichment tables modified for cars running increased boost
P0128 code removed for running drilled or 160 Tstats on newer cars
Torque converter lockup tables modified to improve transmission life and eliminate ‘converter lockup hunting’
I also have a ported throttle body, 3.5 pulley, colder spark plugs, high flow air intake, modified torque converter, upgraded clutches in the tranny when it was rebuilt, and a shift kit. I estimate I am at about 280hp and 320ft/lbs of torque now. I did the 1/4 mile at 14.89 @94 mph.
I still need to buy the 3.0 pulley, intercooler, and have the exhaust done.
Heres the cam I bought: http://zzperformance.com/grand_prix/products1.php?id=117
I bought the 105# spring and modified retainers also, and plan on raising the shift points to 6400rpms.