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Everything posted by gmcbob

  1. Okay, maybe offer the 6.2L LS3 motor as an option below the SS too.
  2. I like these changes to the Impala actually. This car needs a more modern drive train for sure. I see TONS of 2006 + Impalas on the road and as far as nondescript 4 doors go, it's a pretty good looking car. I drove one as a rental once too - and it struck me as they type of car I would be in the market for with about 10,000 miles on it because I could probably get a screaming deal on one. (If I was in the market for just basic point A to point B family hauler) But this nameplate deserves to be on a much higher profile, very well executed rear drive sedan. My 68 Impala had some real character to it. There were coupes, fast backs, convertibles, SS packages, etc..that made that car super awesome. I know the Camaro more or less fits the need for the rear drive V8 coupe and convertible buyers these days, but I know there's a solid market right now for rear drive sedans. My suggestion to GM = build an Impala sedan and coupe off the new CTS platform with current Chevy styling. Give the base model this new 6 cylinder engine, then have a more powerful V6 in the middle, and then offer an SS version (for both sedan and coupe) with the LSA motor.
  3. We're in Houston so it really isn't very cold here, but we've had some unusually cold weather the last couple of weeks sprinkled in with a couple of nicer, warmer days, which gives us a flavor for how the car behaves based on the outside temp. That being said, 0ne thing that both my wife and I have noticed, is that when it's cold outside (in the 30s or lower) the car takes a while to start running what I would consider normal. It seems kind of sluggish and not overly responsive on real cold mornings. But after a few minutes, it runs great. This is my first adventure with a turbo car (believe it or not) - I'm wondering if that may have something to do with it ?
  4. Very nice. Like the new VW's a lot. Our 2011 GTI is sweet.
  5. Thanks for all the good comments! We both really like it. She drives it mainly, but on the weekends I've been driving it a lot when we both go somewhere. Lots of fun - and to my pleasant surprise she actually wanted the manual - so even better. As a side note, I'm getting excited about the 255 HP Buick GS (with a manual)...I could picture that sitting along side the GTI in a year or so.
  6. I haven't posted on here in a long time, but thought I'd post a picture of our new 2011 VW GTI. My wife traded in her G35 earlier this month. She wanted something "fun and zippy" - of course the first thing out of my mouth was "GTI!". We test drove a 2011 Mazda Speed 3 but ultimately ended up with the VW. Also in the background is my 68 Impala (which I hate to say I really haven't been keeping up with) and the trusty 08 Vue.
  7. This is weird, the round plastic trim piece that goes around the knob that adjusts the lumbar support for my seat came off my seat. One of the clips that holds it onto the seat actually snapped, and the two remaining clips won't hold it so now when I sit down, it just pops off (along with the knob). So I just took it off and have the knob on there without the trim piece. I don't think I'm going to buy the trim piece as the knob works and stays attached to the seat just fine w/out it. It doesn't bother me too much, but it definitely makes me wonder if I should be defending GM as adamantly as I do. I know a lot of people who would be pretty bummed if this happened to their car. Generally speaking, I still really like the car...but these are the kinds of things that really just shouldn't happen.
  8. Yeah, it's not anything in the door pockets because I thought the same thing and took everything out of them. I did clear out a lot of the stuff in the glove box too that would cause it and it still does it. It sounds like a loose screw or maybe the glove box door itself. I can live with it, but it's just ever so slightly annoying when I catch it (usually if my radio is off)
  9. I actually haven't been on here in a VERY long time. I hope everyone is doing well. Well, my 08 Vue is two years old and has about 36000 miles on it now and for a while I've been hearing this slightly annoying rattle coming from the passenger side of the dash. It sounds like its on the inside, but I'm not sure. I can only hear it with the radio off and going over bumpy or worn out streets or gravel like pavement. When the surface is smooth, the rattle instantly stops. I almost want to say it's the glove box or even the front seat, but I don't think it's either one of those, because if I press on the glove box or hold the seat steady, it still rattles. It's really the only thing about the car that kind of ticks me off. Other than that, I'm perfectly fine with it. Any ideas?
  10. Yeah, I sort of get what you're saying. It's almost a little too nice for it's intended audience (younger people who buy BMW 3 Series). I also kind of think of the current CTS as sort of this weird, somewhat expensive misfit in the world of luxury cars. It isn't a true G35, IS350 or 3 Series competitor because of it's weight, but it also really isn't cross shopped by those in the market for a 5 Series, Infiniti M or Lexus GS either because it isn't quite that size (that's a complete assumption, but I'll bet I'm right). I hate to say it, but as much as I really like the car, I can sort of understand why it's having trouble gaining traction like the first generation one did. Actually, my wife and I looked at them before we bought her G35 back in 08. The new (at the time) CTS was just too expensive the way we wanted it equipped. It was supposed to compete with the G, but it sort of didn't - it was too nice but at the end of the day, it didn't seem as "valuable" in a sense. (Plus my wife still associated Cadillacs with old men - even though she liked the car - go figure). I think GM would be smart to make the next CTS a little bigger to compete with the Lexus GS / Infiniti M and 5 Series (and keep it rear drive of course). They would also be smart to make a 426 hp version LS3 motor optional (as well as still having the uber mega 556 hp V8 in the V Series). This would give Caddy an honest to God competitive midsize type luxury car that it doesn't really have in the current STS. This new smaller ATS we all think may be coming can then truly compete with 3 Series / IS models as Caddy's "entry level" car - something that only tips the scales at around 3300-3500 lbs like a 3 Series or IS. Make the direct injection 3.6L engine they have now available across the line - but tune it up a bit. I think it needs around 350 horsepower - which I'm sure is quite possible without much tweaking. Doing these things would give Cadillac more relevance and make them more competitive in the market place. The CTS isn't working because it's the wrong size and doesn't have enough power to lug it's 4000 lbs weight around. It comes in mid pack in comparisons because of this I think - and it kind of shows in the sales. I see plenty around Houston - but I don't see them in the same quantities as I do other luxury cars. They're sharp, but just not quite right in the market place. Maybe Cadillac should do something crazy and go back to using names - like Eldorado and Seville. It could create some buzz and get people looking at them that may not have even given them a thought. I sort of think it would be this sort of cool, retro-yet sort of post modern thing that could make Cadillac somewhat more interesting to young people.
  11. Oh ,and to add to my post above - I think the CTS may simply just be a little too expensive. Just a thought. I'll bet the sales of the CTS would pick up a bit if they lowered the price around $5k or so.
  12. Yeah, the CTS sales have been disappointing lately. And I like that car a lot - I'd hate to see GM turn that into a FWD car in the future, which I can certainly see those bozos doing. But keep in mind it still sold right in line with the Infiniti G and outsold the Lexus IS - which is essentially it's core competition.
  13. I have a slightly annoying rattle in my 08 Saturn Vue XR. It sounds like it may be coming from the glove box or perhaps the center stack - maybe from the plastic around the gear shift??? It's real tough for me to pinpoint. I can only hear it at somewhat low speeds over rough concrete. I thought it something in my glove box, but after removing almost everything from it, the noise is still there. The radio masks it fine, but it sort of sucks. Any ideas? Overall I think this car is pretty solidly made, it almost seems like an out of character noise to hear when I'm driving it.
  14. Is it odd that I actually went onto Google Maps and found that exact location?
  15. Yeah, it's a little disappointing to see the CTS drop like that. But it still looks like it outsold the Infiniti G Sedan and it's right in line with Lexus IS sales. As the months go by, I'm seeing more CTS' around Houston, which is cool. I saw a new GMC Terrain in traffic tonight. I'm still trying to decide if I like it or not. I'm seeing a lot of new Enclaves on the road here now. It seems like just in the last couple of months Buick Enclaves are popping up in traffic almost daily for me.
  16. I would love to see market share percentage by region or city. For the most part, I'm sure it would be pretty predictable. Some areas may be kind of surprising though. I've taken a lot of road trips over the years, and aside from enjoying the scenery and the towns, I also get a kick out of seeing what people drive in certain regions. It always seems that out in the rural areas, the domestics tend to dominate, and as I get in towards the cities, I start seeing the mix become more 50/50 - or more in favor of imports. So my observation from last year, when I drove from Houston up to Buffalo, NY and then back down through the Appalachians to Atlanta and back to Houston was actually kind of interesting. I decided to go through Indiana and Illinois on I-70 and then across through Ohio. I remember seeing a lot of Big 3 (American) cars in Illinois and Indiana. But I remember as I crossed into Ohio, being slightly surprised at seeing a lot of Toyotas and Hondas on the road there. Of course the Western NY area seemed to be dominated by GM and Ford. It was almost the polar opposite of Houston, where at any given intersection you would see nothing but Camry's and Accord's. In Buffalo, at any given intersection, I would see almost nothing but new Malibu's, Aura's and Fusions. Of course as I worked my way back South, it became more import friendly again. I think there are multiple reasons why this happens. First and foremost -there must be something to do with the fact there are so many companies in the Midwest (and Western NY) that directly supply parts and services to the Auto companies. Secondly, I think because there are so many suppliers to the auto companies, even people that don't directly work for those companies know someone who does, so there may be a sense of camaraderie. So that really brings us to the idea of "values" or American "pride" I suppose. The Midwest lost so many jobs to the Asians during the 70s and 80s in manufacturing, that that regional resentment probably hasn't worn off that much - even going into 2010. Down here in Houston, we have virtually no ties to traditional manufacturing. We have the oil and chemical industries and now we have a burgeoning medical center (they do a lot of cancer research here). People who work in those industries typically don't have a "buy American" no matter what mindset. I guess when it comes down to it, we're just not a manufacturing country anymore. The fact that companies like Toyota and Honda (and now Hyundai) are doing as well as they are doesn't surprise me in the least.
  17. I will say this though about Houston - I see a TON of the newer F-150's around here. I do see a lot of newer domestics on the road, but it's mainly trucks and the larger BOF SUV's. There are some new domestic cars sprinkled about the automotive landscape I suppose, but it just seems like Toyota basically rules the roost when it comes to mid size and compact cars. I'm even starting to see a lot of those new Venza's on the road. Toyota just does real well in this market. It may have a lot to do with marketing. It may also be a little bit of a function of the conservative leaning right wing voters who tend to buy into the idea that they shouldn't buy products from GM, because GM is now "Government Motors". And/or they're generally opposed to anything the new Obama Administration is involved in. I'm not really sure if there's a real strong correlation there though. There's so many different types of people that live here now that who can really say?
  18. Oh yeah, I've seen approximately 0 new SRX's on the road here too. Okay, I see new CTS's almost every day - but compared to say, G35's or IS350's or something, they're outnumbered like 7 to 1. GM just has a lot of work to do in markets that aren't tied too heavily to the auto industry and/or are geographically distanced from Michigan. I may be slightly exaggerating here on how few the numbers of new GM cars and trucks I see, but it truly is astounding how they really have a very small presence here in Houston, especially compared to the Big 3 Japanese companies. Houston is an insanely diverse city with a somewhat stable economy and large population that bases their entire lives around the automobile (we have a poor mass transit system and we're very spread out). GM needs to do better here I think.
  19. I've seen one new LaCrosse on the road here in Houston - and it was a rental (in my parking lot at work). I've seen one or two new Equinox's and handful of Camaros. GM must be doing a lot better in other markets. Most of the newer cars around here are Toyota's. Typically, if I see a new car with paper plates it's either a Toyota, a Nissan or a Honda. I periodically see a new Chevy Tahoe or something, but none of these new Eqiunox's or LaCrosse's or anything like that. Based on my observations, I would say that GM accounts for like 5% of the new car market around here, maybe less. Probably more like 2%. At any given point in traffic, I'll look around and see that I'm probably driving the only GM car within 10 cars of me - other than maybe some guy's Chevy work van or something. Especially in the more uppity areas of town. It's weird. Yeah, if it's a GM product around here - it's a truck or a Tahoe.
  20. I hope that if I buy another GM car in the future, they'll compensate me somehow for the hit I'm going to take on the resale value on my Vue. I was kind of hoping that by Penske keeping Saturn alive, it would have helped the resale value a little bit. Oh well. Whatever.
  21. GM has big hurdles indeed. I dunno, I feel a little bad for being so negative in my post last night.
  22. Yeah, to see Caddy sales where they are is pretty disappointing - but hasn't Caddy been sort of at the bottom of the luxury car pack (in terms of sales) for quite a number of years now? I'm not saying that's great, but if you look at all the luxury brands out there, they're pretty much all down for the year. The CTS is outsold by most of it's competitors, but it's more or less holding it's own I suppose. The Infiniti G Sedan only sold 3300 units last month, and it isn't like BMW 3 Series are flying out the doors like they were 2 or 3 years ago. But GM shouldn't have let Caddy slip this bad in the first place. Typical GM stupidity. The CTS is nice, but 2008 was too late. I dunno, I do tend to be a bit of a realist at the end of the day. I see GM sales continuing to slide, even after the economy picks up. They have a horrible image problem all over most of the country outside of the Midwest - and perhaps even in the Midwest- and declaring bankruptcy and having Washington inject 50B into the company to keep them afloat pissed off WAAAAAY too many people. And lets face it, nobody cares about "buying American" that much anymore. Nobody really buys into the idea that supporting an American based company really means that much going into 2010- so GM can't really fall back on the notion that the American public embraces that idea and will simply start buying their products because of it. They don't. Not saying I don't, but so many people from so many varying demographics don't, that GM really doesn't even have the "buy American" crowd to fall back on either anymore I'm afraid. I have one insanely intelligent friend who has a Phd (he's actually a geologist) that believes we probably should buy American made cars. He is part of maybe 10% of the populace that believes so. And from his demographic, maybe only .005%. GM alienating buyers with substandard product for too many years was one thing - but couple that with a down economy and being on the front pages of the news in such a negative light for the past 6 months, and it's just going to be a complete and utter disaster for them. They can produce nectar from the Gods right now - but I think it may be too late. By this time next year - they'll only have about 13% of the market - where they are in California right now. The monthly sales leaders will all be dominated by Toyota, Honda, Nissan and maybe Ford. They're f*cked.
  23. I think this should be a Buick Regal Grand Sport. If they're bringing back the Regal name there's no reason not to bring back the Grand Sport name too. Although I think if they do sell this here as a Buick, it should have more power. The goal for GM should be to match S4/335i performance too. Despite the weight disadvantage (why does GM make their cars so heavy?), I still think it's entirely possible. I agree the GNX was a special car and that name should be left to reside with that car and that place in time for Buick and GM.
  24. I know - while I think GM overall does a pretty good job with their trucks, I still think they should have the 6.0 Liter and 6.2 Liter V8s available in all of the cab and bed configurations. A buddy of mine is thinking about getting a regular cab 4x4 Tundra with the 5.7L. (Before I knew you couldn't do get one like this) I suggested looking at a regular cab 4x4 Silverado with the 6.2L. I really think if GM offered that 6.2L motor in more configurations, it would sell pretty well. The Tundra is weird. It's the truck that I really want to hate, but I simply just can't get past how they made the right decision to make the correct motor/transmission/axle ratio available in all of their bed/cabin configurations. At the end of the day, GM has such a better following with full size trucks than Toyota that I know management thinks it doesn't matter. And I think now the focus is going to be on smaller and mid size cars anyway (where it actually probably should be right now), but still...I say, even if you're out front in sales with your trucks, go for the juggler and absolutely crush your competition when it comes to all out truck performance. I wouldn't let Toyota (and Nissan with the Titan for that matter) have the ability to claim in any way that they're superior in any particular measure when it comes to the truck segment (in this case - acceleration). That is the one area where GM kind of messed up the GMT900s. They certainly have the sales lead, but I say, go all out and make that 6.2L available across the board - and get the msg. out there. I know Tundra and Titan sales are horrible, but I think that over the last couple of years since those trucks have been out, they could have persuaded some of those buyers to (stick with) GMC or Chevy by simply making the most powerful engine available in a truck that has cloth seats and just an extended cab. I don't know, GM is great at making odd decisions about how they build and sell cars. BTW - I did go and drive a new 2009 4x4 F-150 yesterday with the 5.4L / 6spd. It's actually a pretty nice truck, but I have no idea why Ford decided not to beef up the horsepower on that motor. It definitely felt slower than the 5.3L Z71. All the test numbers I see online prove it's slower too. Ford really must not care at all about that aspect of what might make someone interested in a truck.
  25. That's cool that it looks like you'll be able to get the 6.2L in more than just a fully loaded crew cab next year. I don't understand why they didn't do it that way to begin with? I just may pull the trigger on 2010 EXT cab 6.2L GMC in a year or so depending on finances.
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