I think that GM will do just fine when all the dust clears. It won't help them to make up stuff and hold unreasoned grudges against Toyota. More than any other foreign maker, they try to Americanize their operations. The article linked to in the first post in this topic discusses the Kentucky(Georgtown) plant. 90% of the parts used in the cars assembeled here come from less than one days drive. That means they are made mostly in Indiana and Ohio (and of course Georgetown). Another 5% of the parts for these cars from California. I know that many of you consider California a foreign country, but hay that's your problem. About 10 years ago son-in-law #2 bought a new Toyota pickup. I looked under the hood and the parts were mostly names like Harrison and delco (GM suppliers). When the Ford Explorer had its roll over problems it turned out that GM and Toyota used the same model of Firestone tire, but with more stringent specificatins. Toyota routinely holds its American suppliers to standards not required of them by other manufacturers (GM in the past not included).
Those millons of people employed in the automotive industry include parts store clerks, mechganics at Sears, and many other related firelds that are just as dependant on Toyota owners as domestic ones.