Where do people work in California? Do they manufacture anything? I'm just having a hard time figuring out what everyone in this country is going to do when we no longer manufacure anything in the US......well except fot the Japanese 3's cars at $9.00/hour after the UAW folds.
I do believe that people in California think they are better than everybody else, as with most of the people in all the other BLUE states(except the others states might not be as superficial). I know that the Midwest is becoming more and more alone in prefering American vehicles, and that's why I said you and I were in different "automobile universes". Blue state people seem to really be worried about image, and fitting in....therefore if you neighbor drives an import, and a magazine tells you to buy an import.....well then, you better get an import, or people will wonder what's wrong with you.
You know who mostly drives imports in the Midwest? Foriegners, and people who are strong democrats. The foreign engineers at every place I've worked at seem to prefer Imports, and so do the people who hate Bush. The funny part is, is that democrats should be supporting the UAW, but mostly Blue states are buying Japanese cars. Democrats must be smarter though, just ask them.
As long as Chrysler survives, I'll still be happy. I'll probably be working for an automotive supplier who only supplys the Japanese 3 (probably at a reduced wage [no Big 3 for competition]), but if I can drive my Chrysler (DaimlerHondaChrysler?), I'll be happy.
So, back to the Ridgeline. I see them coming off of trains everyday in Toledo, and have not seen one on the road here yet.