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To be clear, it would be a 3-4 year old GM vehicle. Not new. The majority that i've been taking a second look at have not been from a GM dealer in the US, either private sales, our a 3rd party pre-owned lot. I am still trying to wrap my head around why its not clear that GM should honor a warranty for one of thier vehicles in North America, no matter what North American country the car was purchased in, or what the residency of the next owner/vehcile in fact is. To make the point, after 1 or 2 bad service (warranty issues with the Av bed leaking) experiences with my Avalanches at my dealer (I bought through there as we knew the Sales Manager for 10+ year and had bought 5 cars off him at the various dealers he moved between in that time), so I took my Avalanche to another GM dealer, and had it fixed the first time without issue. Why should this situation be really any different? I can partially understand the notion of dealers being upset that its their manpower and labour used, when the vehicle wasn't purchased there. That said, I have had no issue in my above case. As a dealer, you're part of the GM network, and I suppose that GM reimburses those dealers for the time and expense for warranty repairs. I don't think it matters if the VIN shows as a US VIN or a Canadian VIN. Plus, the decent service received under warranty issues at a dealer is going to make me more likely to return for the regular maintence at the same dealer down the road. Which means $$ for that dealer. Am I missing something? I know some smaller Asian manufactuers don't honor it either across the border. They also sell different models of vehicles that you can't get in Canada, but can in the US, and vice versa. But GM vehicles such as the Escalade are virtually identically sold (minus block heaters, I am sure) across North America. Bottom line, Carbiz, if I was a regular customer of your maintence department for my scheduled service over the past 3+ years, and one day next month I bring in my new vehicle, an imported 2004 Escalade, still under factory warranty, to fix a leaky sunroof under warranty, for example, they'd reject me or no? If they did rejct warranty service, can they point to anything from GM (Canada or US) directly, preventing them from fixing my legally imported and registered Escalade under warranty?
Yeah, I'd have to haev a bill of sale and some other documentation sent to US customs, at least 3 days in advance. Then, onto Canadian customs to pay GST, AC Tax and the RIV paperwork fee. Obviously insurance would have to be in place. Then given the outline for what work has to be done on the vehicle to confrom to Canadian laws (usually safety work, if any..usually its only DRLs, but Cadillacs have those standarad even in the US, I think). If there is any, you have to go to Canadian tire, and get them to do the work and send the paperwork in within 45 days. I know I'm missing a few little things in there, but its pretty close to that procedure. No duty needs to be paid, as long as they were manufactured in the US/Canada/Mexico. We'd make a holiday of it. Find a vehicle in one of the places where we have some friends that can check the vehicle out for us and get it inspected, then buy it submit the paperwork to US customs and make sure we have everything for Canadian cutsoms, then fly down, pick it up, drive it back. It takes a bunch of hassle, time and some expense, but as mentioned, even after all that expense, we're still coming out well ahead, from the looks of whats available down there, usually with a lower milage, newer vehicle for significantly thousands less $.
I'm fairly biased, born and raised in Calgary, so I've lived here for 30 years. Its nice to be in the middle of the moutains sitting by a lake in less then an hour. Down to the US in about 5 or less. Drive out to Seattle/Vancouver in less then 12 hours. Had a great summer...winters are not bad..not the same amounts of snow as in Toronto, but it is colder...until the warm west wind comes in and bumps things up 15C. Breifly, don't read a lot into that video. I am not saying racial sterotyping by some bars doesn't exsist, but the TV news went on a witch hunt too. To be honest, the black and asian friends I have have no problem getting in to places like these, and many of their friends want nothing to do with the bars in question there, just due to the clientle there, and the music played. And by no means should be the stigma of racism be assoicated with Edmonton of Calgary. There are virtaully no hate crimes (reported) in Calgary, a city of 1 million, every year. So its not Redneck Central like some associate with Western Canada (or the US) for the matter. Best of luck in your decision.
Just curious...this search that has stretched a couple months to replace my Avalanche (coming off lease in 5 weeks) is contiuning. My latest option is picking up something used in the US, and bringing it back to Canada. Prices are much more reasonable even after the exchange rate, as is the selection. After driving one here, of all things an 03 or 04 Escaldade ESV (maybe EXT), mainly because of the 6.0L. Maybe a Denali XL too. Important is that the wife likes it too (although I am sure she'd take a Suburban for a lot less $$, and no 6.0L engine). The one here I drove got sold the next day. I've read all up about the hoops that have to be jumped through at US Customs and at Canadian customs, so I know all about what to expect. What I haven't found out is if a GM Canada dealer will honor a factory warranty for a car brought in from the US. Of course, assuming it still has time/km's left in a factory warranty. Pretty much the only thing stopping me from getting completely serious about this..even then it may not. The prices down in the US are ridiculous. So even with the flight down there, the paperwork and hassles, i'd be able to get an 04 ESV, still with some warranty room for $8K less than an 03 is here. So can I "import" a GM car from the US, and have no hassles if it needs warranty work done on it? Or is it null and void when I bring it across? Sorry if this has been answered somewhere else already.... Cheers,
Nice. Forgive my ignorance...can previous model years (pre 2006) Onstar sytems be upgraded (inexpensively, not rippping out the old box and antenna and putting in a new one) in order to take advantage of this now, or down the road?
Give me a break. $500 from GM on $<30,000 cars for a whole week, and GM's managment is a bunch of crooks and liars? Although in Canada, we have simsub cable, so we get feeds from Rochester NY and Seattle...I just saw a labour dale sale commercial for vaunted Toyota also giving "factory incentives only until Labor Day". How about those poor Toyota owners who just bought a Toyota, only to return to the dealership because of its crappy quality of workmanship this model year, and realizing they could've saved $500 this week? Thankfully, I haven't paid enough attention to this board, but you certainly live up to your repuatation. On a brighter note, and chance of GM Canada doing this?
Had two experiences...once in my first car, a 1986 Camaro with Ttops. A sunroof in my leased '98 Cavalier Z24. Camaro was 8 years old when I got it. Leaked like a seive in heavy rain. With about 2 months to go in my Cavalier lease (so jujst before the warranty would've been up), its started a drip in a heavy rain or in the (no touch) car wash. Up here in tis part of North America, the cold winters wreak havoc on the weather stripping. Sure, cold weather, but the odd warm spell in the middle of winter softens it up again, and allows a partial melt....but then when the sun goes down it (the water metling) freezes inside the strippping...etc. Never again. I had to factory order my 2004 Z71 Avalanche and wait 8 weeks, because all that were available (at the end of the month, so the salesman could make his $$) had sunroofs. The 5-6 months of decent weather we get here they're nice, but as soon as you see that first drip, they become a PITA.
Magnum is useless as a hauler of any sort. It looks cool, but with the low, slanted roof, and high floors, its doubtful my 80lb medium size dog would be comfy back behind the seats. I think on the next platform that the Malibu or Impala is on, give it an HHR typr body (not HHR, but just a bit boxier at least in the back, you know what I mean) to make it actually a station wagon with some cargo height that you can load Rufus, and luggage, and have some room to spare.
Thanks again. We looked at the Uplander a few months ago when I could of pulled my lease ahead. (not that I wanted to). It was nice, although a bit too utilitarain looking. At that point we were looking at leasing, not financing. Yes the "van" stigma too. We need some utility, and like the plastic fold flat in the HHR (more space than the Equinox too). And, its not that much cheaper (rates either) than an HHR. No kids yet, just a bigger dog. Drives and feel like a car. Sips gas with the same efficiency as the Optra. Biggest thing is getting the payments down a bit, at least for the next year or so. Then this is an upgrade over the Optra, at a modest price. (That said, I doubt I can lease a Fully loaded Av for $650 anymore...the residuals have dropped significantly over Spring 2004) Plus, I'm working an angle here too...if its not enough utility/we miss the 4WD come winter, I can make a better case to the wife for the Avalanche (or used EXT) etc (which we used a lot to camp in, and, the old "Once you had a truick its hard not to always have a truck" motto stands) this time next year as her lease is coming due. If the HHR is enough utility, I can spread my focus to a car. 08 Mailbu...wait for an 09 Impala? Thanks for your time...I'll see what happens in the next few weeks, and, most likely put an order in.
Ok thanks. The '07 factory order is the preferred (but not cheapest) route, but only if 60mo financing went to 0% would I look at trying to find an '06. I have to turn my lease in at latest end of October. So would have to be getting into something soon after...ie not sure if we can do the 1 car thing for 6 weeks until mid December.
Hope this is ok to post here. I figured its not "GM News" worthy, but a little more laid back here. Does any Canadian dealer have an idea what GM is rolling out next? IE September 1st? My salesman have been mum on the subject. I looked at the board from this time last year and saw very little. I'm (sadly) giving up my 2004 Av in about a month or so when its off lease. The wife and I have decided on the HHR as a replacement (her Optra car is up in 15 months...so this will be hers then, then me, back to an Av or something else a little more substansial) Thanks to a few dealers, its clear there's not a lot left for 2006 in the HHR LS with options we want, in Canada. Which is too bad, as the 2.9% 60 mo financing would be saving us $30/month on a comprably (although the 2007's have the running boards stanadard, after all the issues i've read about) equipped 2007 with a 5.9% rate We're leaning toward a factory order 2007 to get exactly what we want...but the 60 mo finance GMAC rate is 5.9%. The dealer says if it goes down by delievery (4-10 weeks) we get the lower rate. Fine and dandy, although I assume it will only drop 1%, if that, for the 2007's in the next 6 weeks. After all that, it boils down to this: On Sept 1 (4 days from now), will the HHR's 60 mo financing rate drop (both on 2006, or 2007)? If an '06 dropped to 0% over 60 mos, that $1800 savings could have us move up to an LT for the same price, or, allow us to find an LS in Canada that has what we want (right nmow there's only 1 or 2 in the country) but also more options (more chance of more vehicles available) on the LS. I'm just trying to keep the payment low so that I can spend more htis time next year! And 6.0% interest on a GM car is a tad high, even at 60 mos. I know the drop to 0% eventually, just not sure if its Sept1 or Oct 1. Thanks for any insight. Cheers,
Thanks very much..I assume the upgrade to the Pioneer speakers and sub is also necessary as it was in 2006, on the LS...adding almost $1K to the price all in. (unfortunatley). Are you with a Canadian GM dealership? If so, I may have a quick question or two via PM.
What's the change in pricing in Canada? Looking at an HHR (a factory order 2007)..but GM Canada.com can't "build" 2007's like Chevrolet.com can do for American customers. From the past, I think that's the case until October 1.
Another option to think about in a couple moths when the lease on the Av is done. I have about 623 options/considerations. In comparo to the price of the (2006)Accord V6 SE - It comes out to about the same MSRP (30,400$). Of course the Saturn has a larger engine, more gears in the tranny, and 18" wheels, and more appealing looks IMO. Same safety features. It obviously won't have the Accord re-sale.
If you're going to take a Ram, you sholdn't be critiqing any othe trucks dashboards. Or, be bitching about Ram colors. The RAM 1500 also doesn't come in anything close to Sandstone or Goldmist....Khaki brown, which is similar to the 07 Silverado pics in the thread (Medium Brown I assume)
Yeah, I meant more the residuals changing than the lease rates. 2.5 years back I got a fully loaded (minus sunroof and DVD) Z71 (MSRP $53,200), with some negative equity from a 2003 I had for a year, on a 30 mo lease @ 1%. Now, the 2007 $46K LT, I was quoted this past weekend, as paying $30 MORE per month then what I am paying now for my almost fully loaded Z71. The difference is the LT's buyout is $8500 less in 36 months then my loaded Z71 is that's coming up in 2 months (so 30 month total)...so I am paying that much more off.
Test drove a 2LT a few days ago. The lease of my 04 Av Z71 is up in 2 months, so exploring options. I like the new Av. I have a cladded one, but this one does look unique and grown up a bit...a different look than the cladding of course, but head and shoulders above the current uncladded Av. The drive was great..of course, not a Z71, so the bumps weren't as sharp, but the larger wheels and improved suspension was fantastic and noticeable. Engine wise, I didn't notice a whole lot of difference, not that there really is, but I was maybe expecting something a little more "lively" then my 04 Av. The interior, too, is grown up. The list of standard equipment is far and above what standard was in 2004. Some of the basics (like steering wheel controls) were options back then, which made me step up at the time to get some of those things. I don't need DVD or a sunroof, or, as much as I 'd like the navigation as a toy, it's not a need. The remote start is a great idea, and seems to be a standard dealer order option...for $200, well worth it. On the exterior: The 20" wheels are a must...thankfully they do come (and the dealers orders them with) on the LT trim, not just the LTZ's The lighter tailgate is useful..and with the box remaining unchanged, the tent accesory I have will fit. I do not like the deletion of the step on the back corner bumpers. It came in very handy if you're stepping up into the box to reach the stuff at the back. The big issue I have with the exterior, is a peice of plastic underneath the front air dam. Its about 3 inches high, and severely reduces ground clearance. I scraped it on backing out of the driveway...a standard, residential driveway that even my wife's Optra doesn't scrape. It just doesn't seem right...I am not going to go hardcore and whine that an Avalanche 4x4 should be on par with a Hummer for ground clearance, but honestly, it should not have bits like that that give it limited ground clearance that don't allow it to clear standard, residentail curbs. The salesman told me it was for drag coefficient...I looked under, and it does not cover/protect anything. I'd likely get it removedd...of course it is built for getting scraped, but its never a nice sound to hear, and, there's always the chance that it will crack the facia that its rivited into. So on the whole: Other then the leather (which, I can, reluctantly delete on my next Av), the features are adequate enough. I love the Avalanche and its versatility. The new look is what I am warming up to...the 20" wheels are a key. Certanly for the $8K (CDN) MSRP difference in price from my 04 Av was, to the $46K 07, I am ready to make the jump. The only issue is waiting for the lease rates/residuals to come down a bit for the 07's...which they likely will in the next couple months. Even then its an issue to get clearance from the "boss". to get another Av. In short to current Av owners: Try it out. A bit more refined look, a vastly improved interior. They didn't mess with the heart of the vehicle (other then the rear bumper step). Engine is the same, purportedly with beter fuel ecnomy. More bells and whistles if you want them. To potential Av owners: Drive one. The monochrome look and wheels will attract more mainstream then the current generation. Once you realize the potential of the midgate and box, you'll likely wonder how you didn't own one before.
I like the exteneded cab look...wheel selection, and color look great. The front clip looks great on the Chev and GMC. As a 2004 Avalanche owner (thus, having a current gen GM interior) I almost prefer the LT interior. I am a bit hesitant about, from the pics last week, the crew cab's proportions, when those pics come out.
I had 2 cladded Z-71's. Still have my '04. There were so few cladded in Canada (this time 2 years ago) I got to factory order it (full load minus sunroof and DVD) The lack of dings and swirls is a godsend. But the main reason for me preferring cladding, was the uniqueness and agressiveness of it. And, the unique front end. The WBH looked stripped/like a Silverado, sharing the same front end. That said, I did always like the Escalade EXT, for the painted cladding look....and an Av enthusiat painted his cladding to match the body color, and it was the best of both worlds...(unique front end, and, bad ass appearance). As I said, seeing the 07 up close in black, I like the union between a more agressive look then the old WBH, and can accept the look of it. Nex to drive in it, sit in it, and see what knd of deal I can get on it. (Lease ends in 4 months on my 04). The only requirement is its should be in black and have 20" wheels..Gm offerings or otherwise. A full load with rear park camera would be nice, but not in the budget I don't think
Saw a new LTZ Avalanche up at the dealer (Calgary) today, while getting the wife's Optra serviced. Wow. Was lukewarm on them when announced without cladding and disappointed to see that they copied the front end of the Tahoe/Burb as opposed to it being unique like the current cladded version is...but man, it looks badass in black up close, as opppsed to Auto-Show Orange when I saw it in March. Its beefier on the side panels then current gen uncladded version, and just looks like a big badass truck. Nevermind the interior, I have to find a way (promised the wife I'd "downgrade, $$ wise for the next vehicle) to get myself in one of these, even an LS if it looks anything the same (wheels will be smaller, that can be changed) when the lease comes up on my 04 almost fully loaded black Av Z71, come the fall. Hopefully the leases stay the same (term wise, 2.5 years 0.2% interest, as I got on mine in 04) on these Avs..or, the Tahoe's come down from their ridiculously high lease rates currently (for the current gen models), to make the sell job that much easier. The plan is/was for a 06 Impala SS, as finally there's an engine in there I can love...but fallen in love with the Av over the past 3 years (had an 03 for a year), so it will be tough to give up and justify...but this truck exceeded expectations of something I already enjoyed.
RWD/AWD, at least it means this is a final guarantee that the Camaro will be Transport Canada bumper approved, unlike the GTO.
I haven't seen any interior (dash board) shots. I assume its the same as the new Tahoe/Suburban? To be honest, as a owner of a cladded 04 Av, I don't mind it. Looks a lot better then the current uncladded versions, while still having an agressive look.
I have had 2 Av's (a base one, traded up a year after for a great deal and got an almost fully loaded one), and this is not an issue.And this is after cold winters in Canada which are more susecptiable to creating issues with the rubber weather stripping. After 5 days of heavy rain last Summer (so much rain that ground water came up and partially flooded the unfinished part of our basement) the bed of the Av was as dry as a bone. Great vehicle...the lease is up in 9 months and am torn what to do..my head says I don't need that much truck, my heart says that likely any other GM vehicle won't seem the same.
Yeah, they could've at least tried with functional guages...the back lit yellow strip is all for show of course, but how hard would it be to mock up some late 60's Camaro guages to slip in there, instead of glowing orbs? Love the tail lights... And for the love of things holy, bring it to Canada Makes my lease expiry decision in 9 months a lot harder...almost thinking of clunkering around town in something extremely cheap for the following 15 months to save up the dough to be first in line come (hopefully) early 2008.
The only concern about production design I have is the wheel well gaps. Nothing of course that aftermarket tires could fix, but... A comparo to the peliminary Mustang concepts from 2 years ago to the current production car will give some ideas on those potential subtle yet noticeable changes.