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I wondered if I was the only one too... Actually, given more to the emotional components of an argument, I can't tell you how many times neocon's have accused me of being a 'liberal' or 'unpatriotic' for my views. What's scary is that neoconservatives often frame their arguments around fear, not logic. They will offer up as 'evidence,' sophomoric arguments like 'terrorists want to kill us, because they hate our freedom.' They'll go on about unbridled capitalism, about 'jobs that don't matter,' while the Chinese have a booming up-and-coming middle class. Attacking Iraq is necessary 'to root out terrorism,' while our open borders don't matter. They mocked Bill Clinton for being a '(dirty) liberal' for his spending policies, yet back a President who's vetoed one spending bill in six years. Just draw their attention to any one of the above points, and they'll shift their focus not on the argument, but on the name calling. They will often defend their point, by stating: 'we live in a post 9/11 world now...'
If anything, to me, the way that Rush Limbaugh was, is, and will be, remembered, is by the line: "That's not what this is folks!" (In Rush's imitation of *real* conservative objections: "Rush, the Patriot Act is doing away with our Constitutionally protected freedoms" Replies Rush: "That's not what this is folks!" Another *real* conservative objection: "Rush, the President is going to bankrupt our government with all this spending" Replies Rush: "That's not what this is folks!" Yet another *real* conservative objection: "Rush, we're going to war with a country (Iraq) that never attacked us. You're never going to democratize that region" Replies Rush: "That's not what this is folks!" So as much as Rush attacks 'liberals,' to many Americans, he has smeared the clear line, between true conservatism, and neo-conservatism, in his attempt to render useless, true conservative arguments against neo-conservative policy. That Rush would be rewarded, in any capacity, boggles the mind...
Were you referring to the sapphire blue, the slate blue, the medium blue, or the royal blue? There is indeed a difference! For the Trailblazer is the *best* looking vehicle on the market in sapphire blue, yet "(I) wonder how GM could've let the Trailblazer design out-the-door," in slate blue. My former sales manager was big on follow up - too big in my opinion. I'll never forget my first sales job, fresh out of school, and follow-up calls were a new thing to me. "What should I say, when I call them" I asked. "Tell them we got their car in Hunter Green" remarked my sales manager. "Good evening Mr. Smith, it's Michael from Mazda." "Hi Mike. Before you say any more, I just wanted to tell you that I have only just started looking around. And I don't care for high pressure salesmen." "Of course Mr. Smith. I only called, to let you know that we just got your Millenia in the Hunter Green color, and it really looks -" "Mike, you have the car in Hunter Green?!?!" "Yes. I am actually looking at the car on the floor. If you'd like -" "HONEY!!! IT'S MIKE FROM MAZDA! THEY JUST GOT THE CAR IN HUNTER GREEN!!! MIKE, WHEN CAN I SEE THE CAR?! WE'D LIKE TO TEST DRIVE THE CAR!!" "I'd love for you to see the car Mr. Smith, but if I am not mistaken, didn't you drive the car on your last visit?" "YES, BUT I WANT TO SEE HOW IT LOOKS AS I AM DRIVING IT!" "WHAT ABOUT THE SAPPHIRE BLUE COLOR, WITH METALLIC FLAKE NUMBER 34?! DO YOU HAVE #34 IN STOCK?" "Well Mr. Smith, I would have to check on that. We do have the sapphire blue color, with metallic flake number #33.5 in stock, and-" "METALLIC FLAKE 33.5 IS UGLY! CAN'T YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO?!" Needless to say, at some point in my career, the once-thought-impossible happened: I actually started hating cars. Thanks for the memories Sixty ...
I think you wrote a great description about what to expect - especially that the money is either there, or it isn't; no middle ground. The hours flat out suck. Best yet, I love it when few 'real' people walk in all day, and your best prospect comes in, twenty minutes before closing. Fly, here's an important question to ask: You want to find out how Up's (prospects) are handled. Some dealerships do things on a rotating basis, where each salesperson takes turns on handling new people coming through the door. Other dealerships, practice what is called an 'open floor' - meaning that it's a free-for-all - whoever grabs the prospect first, gets the chance to sell him/her.
That's an unbelievable deal. I like the Taurus. I had a 1995 Taurus, in fact, and loved it - but Taurus's are known for not holding up over time. I don't know if that's changed with the final generation, but that was true, with the generations preceding it. Unless you get a Friday car, you can expect the Taurus to be relatively trouble free. However, most newer Taurus's use the AXOD transaxle, which you can expect to go at around 100k. If you do buy the car, make sure the transaxle is serviced regularly.
Dodge, congrats on your new job. Actually, I might be alone on this one, but I'd actually look highly upon a new employee, who, on his own, got himself out of a jam, finishing up the rest of the day. Shadows can be a pain in the ass. I don't know if the battery terminal wiring is a common problem, but I had the same problems, with my Sundance...
Cool thread! Anyone have a good recipe for a jalapeno/texmex burger?
1) To get physically fit. 2) To get up on my Christian studies, and to become a better Christian (in a way that I show others more patience, grace, and kindness; hoping to help more people than last year).
What is it with this band, and its' singers?
A merger simply doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't make sense to me, economically. NAFTA failed both the American, and Mexican, people big time. And I don't see how anyone could merge the Mexican, and American, cultures. For while America, and Americans, have a 'melting pot' mentality, the Mexican culture is very nationalistic, and non-inclusive. And while the American, and Canadian, cultures have more in common than the Mexican/American cultures, Americans, unfortunately, have never looked at Canadians, in a 'peer-to-peer' sort of way. Historically, we're in a very interesting period of time...
This is interesting: "Robert Pastor, a leading intellectual force in the move to create an EU-style North American Community, told WND he believes a new 9/11 crisis could be the catalyst to merge the U.S., Mexico and Canada. "Pastor, a professor at American University, says that in such a case the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP – launched in 2005 by the heads of the three countries at a summit in Waco, Texas – could be developed into a continental union, complete with a new currency, the amero, that would replace the U.S. dollar just as the euro has replaced the national currencies of Europe. Pastor was asked what North American leaders would need to do to move toward integration. "It's not that I want another 9/11 crisis, but having a crisis would force decisions that otherwise might not get made." http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/printer-...RTICLE_ID=53378
ROFL! That's gotta be one of the funniest things i've read on this board... So what caused the damage to his Escape? The fallen exhaust, or the fact that he drove into a ditch?
I am in total agreement, for it might surprise you that there's an actual Biblical mandate commanding believers to approach someone with the Gospel twice, and then leave it/them alone. That's one thing that drives me nuts; the incessant, and forced, preaching. Yes, we are commanded to spread the Gospel, but I think the best way to win people to Christ, is through conduct, not words. I gotta disagree with you there, for in many parts of the world, there is serious religious persecution. I agree, and think that the compassionate and merciful side of Christianity, has been thrown out of the window, with too many Christians.
Buon Compleano, Trinacria!
I appreciate your feedback. Actually, my comment was not in response to any individual post, or poster, but to the tone that some take, towards matters of faith. Not to jump to conclusions, but perhaps on this matter, we are on the same page then, for I follow not religion, but Christ. You're right; we all have free will, thus, the complete freedom to do as we please. But would you say that you do, or do not, follow God? For if you claim to follow God, what is the strength of your claim based upon? For how can someone follow God, and not do their best, to adhere to His standards?
Here's my take on it all: God is perfect, although man is not. Therefore, when man teaches God's perfection, he is, by default, a hypocrite. For by default, how can something imperfect, teach perfection, without hypocrisy? Should not the teachers' heart and motive come into question, for no one is perfect? I myself am a Christian who, at times, has not acted like one. For there are times when I lost my temper. There are times when I've cussed up-and-down. There are times when I have been impatient. There are times when I haven't acted in a way that was as nice as I could have. Now, I am by no means excusing my behavior, although this must be considered: If I acted 'by the book,' all-of-the-time, I wouldn't be human, for I would be perfect. And so I am sure that there have been, at times, an unbelieving person or two, or Christian or two, who's thought of my person: 'He calls himself a Christian? For surely he's a hypocrite!' Yet, to those who know me, they know I have a sincere, and strong, concern, towards all people. For I believe that each person is significant, and that every life matters. And I have spent much of my adult life, in an effort to reach out to others, that all might know that God loves each and every one of us, and that the hurting and rejected always have a home. But I can be seen in both ways: A hypocrite that cussed while repairing something, or two, a flawed man who does his best in reaching out to others. Finally, I must also wonder: Why separate yourself, or dislike, God, because of those who purportedly represent Him? What has God to do, with those who represent Him? Did you know that, when Jesus walked the earth, His main problem was with the religious people of His time?
Thanks balthazar, for the detailed reply, which helped me better understand the dynamics between wheel/tire dimension/ratio's. Is there a big difference between a 15 X 6 wheel, versus a 15 X 7 wheel? Can I use the same tire on both wheels?
Thanks Z28, for the tirerack site was/is very helpful!
Right now I am running 225/70-15's, on my Ford pickup. I'd like to upgrade to stock 16" wheels and tires. Anyone know what sized tires I can use, without throwing my speedometer/odometer out of whack? (Yeah, I know it's a Ford, but I picked it up for next to nothing...Not a bad little truck however)
Don't think about it that way. Why? Remember that *every* person who's using the equipment was, at one point, a new member, with their own 'newbie' behavior. Though you wouldn't know it by looking at me , I joined a gym a while ago, and most of the people there, were very helpful... Let me know how your experience works out (no pun intended), because I am thinking of joining a place near my house.
Razoredge: As quick as I was to point out how I thought you were in error, will I acknowledge this: It takes a big person, to publicly admit, when they're mistaken or wrong.
When driving a CVT during normal acceleration, where does the unit hold engine rpm's? Of course, I don't expect a CVT to wind the motor out, but where's it usually kept? 3k-4k? What about on the highway?
Thanks to everyone, who replied - for the tire brand suggestions, and retailer suggestion(s), were very helpful! I like the Firestone tires I have on the truck now, but I don't trust them, so...
No double standard, at all. Why? Because it's extremely doubtful, that the posting of guy pictures would even have been brought up, had female posters been the one's posting them.