The map is not done yet- But you head South, on Opdyke Rd 3 or so Miles
4km til you turn right to loop around and go South. Woodward runs good
with heavy traffic in the Southbound lanes except really packed in between
15 and 13 mile. Northbound in almost always a parking lot, and I generally
avoid it during cruise weekend.
My spots are on the West side of Woodward, a few blocks North of 12 mile.
NOS 696 might be best, or 16 mile across town and I-75 down to twelve.
Using the mile roads and half mile roads works well for cruising for ex:
One could take Coolidge to 13, go down the south lanes til Catalpa, which
has just been paved, go west back to coolidge, right (north back up to 13 & WW
That way you're not parked sucking fumes in the north lanes, always
rolling, seeing lots of good stuff- the west side is also better because the
wind almost always goes west to east, so again, no fumes.
Northwood is at 13 and WW. pre cruise viewing is best at 13 1/2...
every Saturday from now til September. Northwood is jammed full of cars
the week preceding the cruise, I mean blowers, slicks, hemis, open exhaust.
Autorama and magazine style cars are everywhere you look.
Ford usually hangs out in Birmingham 14 1/2 -15 mile a block west of WW
GM didn't have a huge display as usual last year, just lots of Trailblazers SS
and some performance division stuff...I will find out more after shutdown ends