taking a bigger scope at this...the mini ice age Europe had..oh what was it...17th century?... created the trees that were more dense to create the near priceless stratavarious (sp?) violins. there's the whole earth's wobble cycle, milankovitch cycles that even the mayan's figured out near 2000 years ago.
i'm of the persuasion it could be happening, but it's more of just climate change... supposedly scotland has been getting colder over the last few years, sorry no article link though. I know I saw one on how the air pollution from china may be changing rain patterns from the midwest-west to the coast.
i think the big thing is that these people that are using this science data think we know everything, please! if we knew everything, life would damn near perfect, and to think we know a lot about how we indirectly affect things is silly. there are at least a few ancient cities that are under about 140 ft of water.... did their progress cause the sea to rise and swallow their cities... *sigh* using that data the sea levels have been rising for more than ~5000years.... i wonder how industrial lized they were back then?! hehe.
again, good chance it's happening, but it's been happening much longer than we think looking at the big picture from about 10,000 years ago.
what to do about it---- we have plenty of tech to curb our increasing CO2 emission rates, i say just increase ease of these techs to enter the market and if it's really good, like renewable diesel, to stop letting NIMBY crap(with-in most current laws) ruin our chances to make this country cleaner, energy independent and quite possibly cheaper to live in.