It WAS built to compete with the luxury intermediates (GS, M, 5-series, E-class, A6)
I guess I was just emotionally taking up the CTS's cause as being the intermediate Caddy. But unfortunately an STS that's only five inches longer, yet cuts a bit of a similar presence to the M and the GS kinda steps on the CTS's toes in Cadillac's lineup.
And them you have the BLS in Europe, further making the CTS look kinda weird.
In basic, as far as the CTS goes, I'm left feeling like the name should basically be killed off in favor of a new rear-drive compact Caddy that can line up against the G, C-class, and dreaded 3-series.
What also complicated matters for me is the fact that Caddy is not properly replacing its DTS with a big car that can actually compete, which left me in my mind thinking the STS was meant to fill that role (that is, until I sat in one, and also really analyzed it up close, before turning eyes toward the GS and the M, then back to the STS)
So basically, I'm left cold, looking at a 2006 Caddy lineup that is:
-A BLS that, in all reality, probably really IS unnecessary, and should have been a Buick instead.
-A CTS that's too big to compete with anything smaller than the G35, but is knocked out of the intermediate category by the STS.
-The STS as the intermediate that packs an evil interior that renders it basically better off being a personal car
-A DTS that hasn't kept up with current Caddy technology, therefore coming off as a basic-by-comparison senior citizen's car, a glorified Buick (maybe the name dies in three years)
-Lacking in engines that the overcompensation-minded luxury buyers really need to step to the S-classes and 7-series of the world (V-10, V-12, anything)
Anyway, all that being said, I would love to get my hands on an STS of some sort, find a GS, 5-series, or M on the freeway, and have a real duel.
However, when a replacement finally comes, the STS should be only 195 inches, taller by an inch in the rear of the cabin, slightly lower in suspension geometry, and with Displacement On Demand on every engine offered.