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I Totally Got Owned...

Cory Wolfe

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Know how you guys always "gave it to me" about my driving? Well... I suppose you all were right. I guess the inevitable happened... I... uh... wrecked. I'm fine, though. Can't say that my Millenia is... It happened the other night. Got a pic earlier today. Would've gotten more, but my batteries when dead before I could. Eh... Anyways... from what I can remember... I was on my way to Brookville, for no reason really. The roads were a bit wet and I was going about 55. Um... as I came up to this one turn... I just... IDK... must've lost it. Next thing I remember, I was in an Ambulance. I honestly don't remember what happened. I'm not even sure what I ran in to. Anyways, I was cleared and then my parents took me home. They kept asking questions, but I didn't know what to tell tell. Once there, I just went straight to bed. I felt pretty $h!ty... had a massive headache... still do. Well... I guess this is what I get. It's my fault. I should have taken you guys' wise advice. I almost didn't post this, but figured I might as well...

Here's what left of it:

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Haha.. :lol:

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Yeah... I don't f@#king think so. But anyways... the other night, while I didn't wreck, I went for a wild ride. It was around 10pm. The roads were wet. I had just installed something and was driving around trying it out. I was only going the speedlimit, mind you... when suddenly a deer appeared (haha... I can't say I remember how it appeared... it just did). Well... I swerved. I missed it... but... I lost it. Appearantly wet roads make it pretty difficult to regain control. I almost did... but the car was pointed in the wrong direction and was already on its way into a... prepare yourself... a field. Oh man... that shook the hell out me. I mean... not literally, but I was freakin shaking afterwards. The fun part was getting out of the field. First off, it was by far taller than my car, so I had no idea where to go. Second, it was wet. Third, it was on a slight hill. I eventually found my out and was surprised to find out that me and my Millenia made it out practically unscathed. As it turns out, it just got clobbered with hay and other $h! you'd find in a field. My car was covered in it... On the way home, alot of it blew off, but it was still rather dirty... and smelled like a freakin field. My radiator was stuffed. Anyways, before I washed it earlier today, I took pics of it. Afterwards, I took pics of where it happened... notice that it was on a straight piece of road, heh. Now all I have to do is to get some strong scatch remover because the paint on my front end looks horible now. Scratches everywhere. Most of them unremovable, but I'll see what I can do.

Here are the real pics: :P

The car:

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The place:

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Heh... You can barely see any skid marks since the road was wet and it just slid.. so these might be irrelevant.

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This time, it's scratches in the paint. Next time, you might not be so lucky.

To your credit, you couldn't have predicted a deer dashing out in front of you... I haven't had it happen to me, yet, but I've driven past dozens of carcasses where someone DID have that accident, and am always reminded to keep my eyes on the road and the trees.

We're just saying take care of yourself. :)

Speaking of lucky crashes, the DAY AFTER I first got my Cobalt, I slid off the side of an icy road into a snow bank. No scratches or anything, but a tow truck had to get it out. That's the day I first got the hint that traction control has nothing to do with keeping your car on the road.

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My god you are the most desperate little attention whore on this site. Your constant "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!" schtick is very old and irratating. Knock it off. You make your life a big soap opera here and then when you have nothing to bitch about you do $h! like this. GROW UP!

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LoL....looks like you caught Croc on his heavy flow day.



Cry wolf too many times and you go down.

Chris: you can grow up any time now too.

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My god you are the most desperate little attention whore on this site.  Your constant "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!" schtick is very old and irratating.  Knock it off.  You make your life a big soap opera here and then when you have nothing to bitch about you do $h! like this.  GROW UP!

Quit trying to censor BV... he's just expressing himself :booyah:

If you don't like his topics, don't click on them. :spin:

You can also use the ignore feature... :spin:

Maybe we shouldn't censor Religious and Political subjects either... it is the lounge after all. That could really make things interesting around here. :scratchchin:

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Maybe we shouldn't censor Religious and Political subjects either... it is the lounge after all. That could really make things interesting around here.  :scratchchin:

Good idea! I've been all for that for a looooooooooooooong time.
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Cry wolf too many times and you go down.

Chris: you can grow up any time now too.


You first sweet cheeks. :lol:

(Actually he is a "Wolf" or um...."Wolfe" I guess)

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I don't cry wolf.  I don't encourage bull$h!.  Nice try.  And what the hell are "sweet cheeks" cuz that just sounds gay.

Hah, oh right. Sour cheeks then.

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(Yes this is what you get when you do a google image search for "sour")

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I'm not exactly sure whether I should laugh or drive down

there to Brookville just to give you a kick in the pills. I

think that you're just one of those people that will not

ever realise the consequences of your actions until it's too

late, and by that I don't mean a totalled Millenia.

While it was a pretty shocking joke with no harm done, it's

not April Fools and stuff like this can be bad Karma. When

life tries to teach you a lesson it's best to at least try to

learn from it, not laugh in the face of danger.

Good to hear you really didn't break your skull open on

your A-pillar. Real funny joke though. :unsure:

Edited by Sixty8panther
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that wasn't a wise idea BV, you might have just ruffled some feathers....

Well, I'll have to say that I am pleased then. This is what I would call payback for the other thread. So far... I see lots of ruffled feathers. I think I did well. If you don't like it... well... go slap those who pissed me off.

This time, it's scratches in the paint.  Next time, you might not be so lucky.

To your credit, you couldn't have predicted a deer dashing out in front of you...  I haven't had it happen to me, yet, but I've driven past dozens of carcasses where someone DID have that accident, and am always reminded to keep my eyes on the road and the trees.

We're just saying take care of yourself.

Yeah... Like swerving to miss a deer has anything to do with my driving. So... I'm just lucky it was a field and not something else, like with my mom and the Blazer. I understand though... Just had to have some fun in the face of adversity.

My response here requires some interaction from you, BV.

1. Raise your right hand.

2. Turn your head to the left.

3. Give yourself a good slap across the face.

4. Try not to like it.

I don't blame you for the deer thing, but way to scare everyone. Ass.

My pleasure. :P

My god you are the most desperate little attention whore on this site.  Your constant "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!" schtick is very old and irratating.  Knock it off.  You make your life a big soap opera here and then when you have nothing to bitch about you do $h! like this.  GROW UP!

Hahahaha... :lol:

LoL....looks like you caught Croc on his heavy flow day.

I'd say so...



Cry wolf too many times and you go down.

Chris: you can grow up any time now too.

Hahahaha... :lol:

Quit trying to censor BV... he's just expressing himself 

If you don't like his topics, don't click on them.

You can also use the ignore feature... 

Haha... yeah... what Ven said. I had an agenda behind this and you don't like it, Croc, please let someone else post something... more... purposeful. Mmmkay? Thank you, Mrs. Croc.

Not censoring, just calling him on his bull$h!.

Hahahaha.... :lol:

I'm not exactly sure whether I should laugh or drive down

there to Brookville just to give you a kick in the pills. I

think that you're just one of those people that will not

ever realise the consequences of your actions until it's too

late, and by that I don't mean a totalled Millenia.

While it was a pretty shocking joke with no harm done, it's

not April Fools and stuff like this can be bad Karma. When

life tries to teach you a lesson it's best to at least try to

learn from it, not laugh in the face of danger.

Good to hear you really didn't break your skull open on

your A-pillar. Real funny joke though.    :unsure:

I don't believe in Karma....

But anyways... nah... this happened when I was driving no faster than anyone else on the same road. As I said.. the speedlimit... and it was on a straight section of road. My driving had nothing to do with me ending up in a field. Maybe if I had just hit the brakes and slid into the deer... I wouldnt have had to find my way out of a field, but then I'd have considerable damage. Maybe I could have regained control after swerving, but as I've clearly said in the past... I'm not retarded and I don't think I'm some magical driver. So yeah...

Like my joke? If any of you are pissed, you now know how I felt... And I have suceeded. :D

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Guest YellowJacket894

What else could I say -- or use -- other than:


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Haha... I now see what a lack of a sense of humor you guys have. :P

No, it's your very real lack of maturity. $h! like this isn't cool or funny. I call bull$h! on the whole "everyone is responding according to plan" rhetoric. No! Someone just died in a car crash today by taking a turn a little too fast in slick conditions. She was 19 and her name was Abby Matthews. I met her once or twice and one of my close friends was very close to her. Don't f@#k with people with this kinda $h! man...it isn't funny and it isn't the result of anyone "not getting" it.
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Ha-ha ha!

BV's at exactly 4,444 posts.

S#it, wait that's less than my post count... I gotta get out more.

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No, it's your very real lack of maturity.  $h! like this isn't cool or funny.  I call bull$h! on the whole "everyone is responding according to plan" rhetoric.  No!  Someone just died in a car crash today by taking a turn a little too fast in slick conditions.  She was 19 and her name was Abby Matthews.  I met her once or twice and one of my close friends was very close to her.  Don't f@#k with people with this kinda $h! man...it isn't funny and it isn't the result of anyone "not getting" it.

Haha... I'm not denying the lack of maturity, you, my friend, need to look into something to help with that PMS. You are almost as bad as Harry, Josh, and BM combined. Can't blame me because of something that happened in your area. It's not like I don't know anyone that's died in car wrecks. For every joke, someone could get pissed because of something related, but exactly what is the back bone of many jokes? Reality... But hey, I'm laughing my ass off at you and everyone else right now. My sentiments? Payback is a bitch. Get over it.
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Otherwise we may never know who the dominant dog is.

If people want to fight they'll find a way. I say let 'em fight. BV knows how I feel. I feel no need to "fight" with any of them. Yet I still feel it was wrong to lock that thread. Nothing inappropriate was said...

Besides, I wanted to add a nice visual to Nick's "e-kick in the nuts"

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"Yeah... I don't f@#king think so."

The attitude in that sentence reeks of bitterness.

Nah, that's cockiness.

I thought it was a funny joke, BV. At first I was like "No, that can't be right" and I always look to the next post down to see someone else's first reactions on stuff like this. Yep, I called it. :)

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Haha... I'm not denying the lack of maturity, you, my friend, need to look into something to help with that PMS. You are almost as bad as Harry, Josh, and BM combined. Can't blame me because of something that happened in your area. It's not like I don't know anyone that's died in car wrecks. For every joke, someone could get pissed because of something related, but exactly what is the back bone of many jokes? Reality... But hey, I'm laughing my ass off at you and everyone else right now. My sentiments? Payback is a bitch. Get over it.

Of course, it's gotta be PMS when I call any one of you on your immature bull$h!. :rolleyes:

Payback? What payback?

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I'll say one thing. Your lucky because you crossed the double yellow into uncoming traffic. Your lucky no one was coming the other way.

Also I have hit deer and been in cars that hit deer and know 50 million people that hit deer. It sucks badly. Plus I have Avoided hiting deer in icey conditons with out going off the road. Also if its wet out sometime the speed limit is not safe.

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Shouldn't we be talking about something that's actually very important?

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Man this wench is stirring up the $h! on Today, Larry King Live.......I think it's time for her and Barbara Wa-Wa to have themselves a little CAT FIGHT....

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Also if its wet out sometime the speed limit is not safe.

Yes, very true... ice, fog, heavy rain... they're much more

dangerous than snow, it's just that so many people are

pu$$ys these days when it comes to snow for some stupid

reason, I'd rather drive through snow than through a wet

road wiht a slick oil covered surface.

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This thread=retarded

I'd rather watch monkeys throw crap at each other than read this thread.

This  thread<0

Actually, monkeys throwing crap at each other is a pretty apt metaphor for BV and Croc's relationship.

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But just remind BV that the banana is for eating :booyah:

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thats nuthin i bounced off 2 opposing guardrails on a 6 lane highway goin 70

. . .

thats not a joke i actually did it in a 94 olds cutty

but i wasnt driving my car or for that matter a car with airbags or ABS

hah good job at avoiding tho good luck you were there too

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it isn't the result of anyone "not getting" it.

Or, perhaps, in my case, not "getting any"....

*rolls eyes*


Seriously, Croc ... very sorry about your friend. I know how painful it is when someone dies senselessly/needlessly like that. I've had a few friends die in auto accidents that could easily have been avoided ... and some that were just freekishly unavoidable....

As for the rest of the thread ... wow. Just wow.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker

MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/

What's it like to buy your favorite car brand new? Wish I knew...

"You've made a fool of everyone" ... Jet ... 'Look What You've Done'

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Or, perhaps, in my case, not "getting any"....

*rolls eyes*


Seriously, Croc ... very sorry about your friend.  I know how painful it is when someone dies senselessly/needlessly like that.  I've had a few friends die in auto accidents that could easily have been avoided ... and some that were just freekishly unavoidable....

As for the rest of the thread ... wow.  Just wow.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker

MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/

What's it like to buy your favorite car brand new?  Wish I knew...

"You've made a fool of everyone" ... Jet ... 'Look What You've Done'

yah same here croc condolences . . . i lost a girlfriend to a drunk driver while i was the passenger . . . so i know how it is

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