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Starbucks stories


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First and foremost, Starbucks is a stomping ground for losers involved in multi-level marketing....Amway, Quixtar, etc. These people are the bottom of the cesspool and it's too bad they have to bother people wanting to enjoy a cup at Starbucks or peruse books at B&N.

About 1 year ago, I had an Americanized Hispanic guy start chatting me up at a Starbucks about 2 miles from my place. About the fifth question is what do you do and where? I tell him I don't disclose that and since his "sequence" and "approach" is so familiar and proceeded to go off on him. He hadn't EVEN ordered a drink! Most of these people are such zeroes...they're stringing together all kinds of weird jobs and they think they will make a killing doing this. Only those who invented it and are at the top of the pyramid will make any money. And they bother other people in the process.

About 2 weeks ago, I went into a Starbucks in a decent area after going to a job site. I put down my attache in a seat, laid out some paperwork and my key ring. I went around the corner to get sugar and came back to find my keyring gone. My wallet was in my pocket and my paperwork was untouched. There are no markings of any kind on my key ring. This wouldn't have netted someone anything and if they "DMV'd" me, they'd get a PO Box for which I had the key changed. I essentially stayed there an hour going through every corner and even looking at 3 waste bins. Nothing. AAA came out and opened my car just in case they fell down under a seat. Nothing. They had to make a new key. What an inconvenience.

Last night, I went into the Starbucks from the first story. About 12 women gathered at a table. The first few looked "normal." Then came in a couple with pert swept back short hair, golf shirts, khaki shorts and, for God's sake, their cell phones on their belt loop. None of them had wedding bands. OK, I see what this is all about. One of them was actually attractive and did not "fit" with the rest. Talk about stereotyping...some of the more "feminine" ones smiled at me as they got up to get something or even politely asked if they could take a chair. The surly ones made it a point to avoid looking at me as if I was invisible. God, I swear, unattractive carpet munchers are a bad breed, aren't they?

Starbucks stories?

Edited by trinacriabob
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I can hear the rug munchers outside right now... our streets are closed off by dykes on bikes right now haha.

This weekend is the gay pride parade in Toronto, and seeing how I live pretty much right in the gay district things are a little crazy and loud this weekend. The parade is going on right now.

Yesterday I took the gayest elevator ride I've ever taken in my life. I get on and there are 5 men, 5 big dots on the gaydar. One wearing a pink shirt declares in a very high pitched, stereotypical "gay" voice, "Going down. Men's dresses, please!!"

Note to all of the above: I use these words in a positive way. I am NOT homophobic, and am completely supportive of all of what goes on around me. An open minded girl I used to live with even took me to one of the drag queen shows at the bars here. That was interesting, to say the least... I've never been speechless before, but being hit on by a 6'4" guy in a tight pink dress just shuts me up.

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Bob, my one Starbucks story is very boring. I had a regular once at a Starbucks in DC. We have one around here that I know of, out on Lincoln Hwy. Not sure if it has a hitching post for the buggies. You know I was just being a dick, isn't that why you love me? Not trying to hijack the thread, bud.
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Since I live in VanCity, you don't have to look far for a Starbucks. You'd think it'll hit a saturation point, but it doesn't. Hell, on Robson street, there are two big Starbucks' kitty corner to each other. Down the street from me are two within a two block stretch... I live in yuppie central (so... many... Lexus'...)

As for stories... I've never set foot in a Starbucks and I never will. Not because I support any loony anti globaliztion propaganda or any thing like that... it's just that I don't drink coffee...

I've got plenty of McDonald's and fast food stories, but those are for another time.


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I only go to Starbucks because my girlfriend and I like the strawberry creme whatevers. Everything else to too expensive and most of the clientele are irritating. No one cares if you got your shoulder bag in Milan, its f-in' ugly.

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Yeah I have one. I asked for a Cup of non-black Coffee and they keeped on asking about some crazy addictives so i got pissed and left and made some nice praticlly free coffee at home.

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Hell, on Robson street, there are two big Starbucks' kitty corner to each other. 

Yep, on a beautiful summer day, that's a great place to sit and watch all the (weird) people go by. I took my cousin from Europe there and she loved it (Robson, Burrard, Canada Place and the whole West End in general).

You call it Van City. I call it Vahn-koo-vair (listening to Radio Canada in French).

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I can hear the rug munchers outside right now... our streets are closed off by dykes on bikes right now haha.

This weekend is the gay pride parade in Toronto, and seeing how I live pretty much right in the gay district things are a little crazy and loud this weekend. The parade is going on right now.

You must live somewhere near Yonge and Carlton, right? There is a high rise Days Inn at that corner I've stayed at (under $ 100 CDN in downtown T.O. and it's a reliable chain !)...and the neighborhood is...well...sensory overload.

Knowing me, if I had to live in T.O., I'd probably live in Woodbridge. That's where all the assimilated WOPs moved upon leaving Little Italy. I went there to get something to eat on a Sunday afternoon before heading to YYZ for a flight out and, I swear, EVERY single 'effin restaurant said they didn't open to the general public until later because all the Italians, Portuguese, etc. were having BAPTISMS. And this was like 3 pm and I couldn't eat! Still, they have some nicer new construction out there.

But, I'm a warm weather critter so T.O. will be a tourism destination for me. But I do like it.

Incidentally, this thread would "SECOND CUP stories" in the Maple Leaf country.

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A Starbucks opened up in Andover Mass... shortly after I

walked inside for the first time. (both ot that location and

Starbucks in general) I was not totally clueless to what

Starbucks was, in other words a coffee shop for people

too f&%$ing important and "worldly" to frequent a regular

coffee shop. :rolleyes:

I walked up to the counter and asked: "It's my first time

in here ever, what kind of a coffee would you recomend?"

The little snotty b!tch who was about 3 years younger than

I said "This is Starbucks!., we don't sell coffee!"

She said the word 'coffee' as if I had ordered up a fu*&ing

1/4 pounder w/ cheese at McDonalds.

I walked out & have never gone into one again except to

hang out with the ex who liked some overpriced beverage

they have. She's noit really a snob & we'd both make fun

of their super-liberal, tree huggin' self loathing customers.

I hate snotty people like that. Perhaps I'll go to a Starbucks

again someday... I'll pull up in a 1985 Chevy C/K Blazer in

black primer and a conferedate flag front plate, walk in &

ask for a coffee: black & a chocolate doh-nut. All just to piss

off a little snotty bitch who was versed by their corporate

employee handbook to say:

we don't sell coffee. <_<

Then I'll get back in my nasty truck, crank G&R again and

do a burnout in their well landscaped parking lot.

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A Starbucks opened up in Andover Mass... shortly after I

walked inside for the first time. (both ot that location and

Starbucks in general) I was not totally clueless to what

Starbucks was, in other words a coffee shop for people

too f&%$ing important and "worldly" to frequent a regular

coffee shop. :rolleyes:

I walked up to the counter and asked: "It's my first time

in here ever, what kind of a coffee would you recomend?"

The little snotty b!tch who was about 3 years younger than

I said "This is Starbucks!., we don't sell coffee!"

She said the word 'coffee' as if I had ordered up a fu*&ing

1/4 pounder w/ cheese at McDonalds.

I walked out & have never gone into one again except to

hang out with the ex who liked some overpriced beverage

they have. She's noit really a snob & we'd both make fun

of their super-liberal, tree huggin' self loathing customers.

I hate snotty people like that. Perhaps I'll go to a Starbucks

again someday... I'll pull up in a 1985 Chevy C/K Blazer in

black primer and a conferedate flag front plate, walk in &

ask for a coffee: black & a chocolate doh-nut. All just to piss

off a little snotty bitch who was versed by their corporate

employee handbook to say:

we don't sell coffee. <_<

Then I'll get back in my nasty truck, crank G&R again and

do a burnout in their well landscaped parking lot.

stop giving me evil ideas. :D

I'd like to be able to say I've never been to a Starbucks, but I have, unfortunately been dragged into a couple.

All I wanted was a friggin' Hot chocolate. The Krispy Kreme across the street would have sufficed.

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You must live somewhere near Yonge and Carlton, right?  There is a high rise Days Inn at that corner I've stayed at (under $ 100 CDN in downtown T.O. and it's a reliable chain !)...and the neighborhood is...well...sensory overload.

Knowing me, if I had to live in T.O., I'd probably live in Woodbridge.  That's where all the assimilated WOPs moved upon leaving Little Italy.  I went there to get something to eat on a Sunday afternoon before heading to YYZ for a flight out and, I swear, EVERY single 'effin restaurant said they didn't open to the general public until later because all the Italians, Portuguese, etc. were having BAPTISMS.  And this was like 3 pm and I couldn't eat!  Still, they have some nicer new construction out there.

But, I'm a warm weather critter so T.O. will be a tourism destination for me.  But I do like it.

Incidentally, this thread would "SECOND CUP stories" in the Maple Leaf country.


I live just north of Allan Gardens. The real gay strip is not at Yonge but Church north of Carlton. So I'm right in the thick of it pretty much. Yes, Yonge in this area is sensory overload.

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This is too funny...I've only had positive Starbucks experiences. They built one right across from my HS at the beginning of my freshman year, and I got in pretty well with the employees. I got free drinks left and right and I always left good tips. Then their manager Kim left last summer...Man, those were the days. Now I go to a few different ones and have a good relationship with one of the baristas at one location, but it just isn't the same. Oh well, I still love their stuff.

One iced tall non-fat upside-down caramel macchiato for me, please!

...and yes, I know that is quite possibly the longest drink they make, but it tastes so damn good.

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One iced tall non-fat upside-down caramel macchiato for me, please!

Your parents have a Mercedes "Truck" and you live in California.

You're right in the bulls eye of the Starbucks demographic. :P

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^ LOL.

I have only had positive experiences, too. Some stores can get too crowded, though. I hate hot coffee but I like the Java Chip and Strawberries & Creme. They have some mighty good looking food, too. I think I could order almost every dessert.

Edit: LOL @ 2 up.

Edited by sciguy_0504
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i work at starbucks enough said . . .

but let me tell you since all that come in are pretty much homo sectuals the women who get hit on too much (particularly attractive women) both work and come there frequently

i got plenty of stories but none are bad really just weird and awkward

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"Papa Smurf can I lick your ass?"

"Yeah, lick my ass, bitch."

Dude, it's been over four years since I saw that video on

EbaumsWorld but it still makes me laugh. :lol:

Smurfette Gone Wild!

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Dunkin' Donuts coffee blows Starbucks away.  I'm not talking price-wise either.

Dunkin Donuts coffee is under-roasted (more like a french roast)

Starbucks Coffee is Over-Roasted (more like an expresso roast)

thats why some people end up picking one or the other.... good coffee is just hard to find.

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I had a nice experience at a Starbucks in Camp Hill, PA. I went in with my aunt, uncle, and cousins. We sat down, they drank some wierdly-named coffees and I had a cookie (I don't drink coffee). We talk about our cars, and my uncle asks me what kind of engine is in my truck. I tell him that it's the Vortec V6, and some guy turns around and says "If you were smart , you would have bought a Toyota instead of your crappy little GMC!" I tell him that it's none of his business what car I have, and that he needed to turn around. He then says "I bet your GMC has been into the repair shop, like what, 16 times already? My Tacoma's only been in 3 times so far." I say "is that right? Well, for your information, my crappy GMC has been in the shop Zero times so far. Only has had oil changes. But of course, my GMC is obviously inferior to your perfect little Tacoma, am I right?"

He gets up and walks out in a huff, and I continue to enjoy my cookie.

And that was only my first time in a Starbucks! I can't wait to see what my second time will be like...

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His panties were all in a bunch because you had the B@LL$

to order COFFEE in a coffee shop! <_<

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I had a nice experience at a Starbucks in Camp Hill, PA. I went in with my aunt, uncle, and cousins. We sat down, they drank some wierdly-named coffees and I had a cookie (I don't drink coffee). We talk about our cars, and my uncle asks me what kind of engine is in my truck. I tell him that it's the Vortec V6, and some guy turns around and says "If you were smart , you would have bought a Toyota instead of your crappy little GMC!" I tell him that it's none of his business what car I have, and that he needed to turn around. He then says "I bet your GMC has been into the repair shop, like what, 16 times already? My Tacoma's only been in 3 times so far." I say "is that right? Well, for your information, my crappy GMC has been in the shop Zero times so far. Only has had oil changes. But of course, my GMC is obviously inferior to your perfect little Tacoma, am I right?"

He gets up and walks out in a huff, and I continue to enjoy my cookie.

And that was only my first time in a Starbucks! I can't wait to see what my second time will be like...

BINGO, DN90, that was the kind of &#036;h&#33; I was looking for...weird interactions of sorts. Really immature and combative on his part...how OLD was he? Edited by trinacriabob
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Ugh, maybe I'll stop out there since I'm not doing anything else and get something normal, like a double inside-out, upside down, caramel mocha mocha triple flip latte mango frapuccino with a hint of cinnamon. Nothing too crazy since I'm practically a virgin. I hope they have an ATM on premises because I don't like to carry too much cash.
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No strange stories or awkward experiences from me... The only thing I can tell you is that their stuff is good but very expensive.

I think the last time I was there I had a white chocolate drink of some sort. Damn, that was a delicious coffee-like beverage.

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Ugh, maybe I'll stop out there since I'm not doing anything else and get something normal, like a double inside-out, upside down, caramel mocha mocha triple flip latte mango frapuccino with a hint of cinnamon.  Nothing too crazy since I'm practically a virgin.  I hope they have an ATM on premises because I don't like to carry too much cash.

Why don't you just stick with the Strawberries n Creme frappucino? I think that would be the best fit for your...personality. :yes:
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Ugh, maybe I'll stop out there since I'm not doing anything else and get something normal, like a double inside-out, upside down, caramel mocha mocha triple flip latte mango frapuccino with a hint of cinnamon.  Nothing too crazy since I'm practically a virgin.  I hope they have an ATM on premises because I don't like to carry too much cash.

O.B. is funny as hell. As usual.

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BINGO, DN90, that was the kind of &#036;h&#33; I was looking for...weird interactions of sorts.  Really immature and combative on his part...how OLD was he?

He wasn't that old...maybe mid/late 20s-early 30s. And the best part was I saw his Tacoma out front-it was a new one, but the front bumper was already hanging off of it and it had more dents than a golf ball.

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A Strawberries n Cream Frap sounds like something a hopeless metro and/or girl would order. I'm not into that. I'll stick with a small black coffee, then put my own skim milk and sweetener in it. They do still remember how to make coffee, right? :smilewide:
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