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Illegal stuff you've gotten away with


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"We" in the following refers to me and my university classmates who shall remain nameless.

We tried to grow some weed but it wouldn't take. Obviously I've partaken from time to time as well.

Underage drinking, of course.

We stole lots of street signs in university, our house had at least 30.

We built a recyclable soap box derby car with money from our engineering department and used the leftover money to build a bong. We stuck the engineering logo on there - hey, they paid for it.

We were on our way to a keg party one night and the cops were already there breaking it up when we got there. The cops were all inside and left their cruisers out front. We let the air out of the two passenger side tires on one Crown Vic. That's probably the worst thing I've done.

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Dude... this is my kind of question... There was a reason I used to use "illegalBV" on Alpha's old chatroom. :P

Underage Drinking

Public Urination

Indecent Exsposure

Driving without a License

Driving without Registration

Driving with illegal accesories

Driving afterhours (well... )

Driving "dangerously"

Riding Motorcycles without a License

Riding ATVs on Public roads

Running from Cops


Breaking and Entering


Unauthorized use of Fireworks/explosives

Porn (it's illegal! imagine that! :P )

Heh... alot of that I haven't done in years, though. I was a bad kid, I guess you could say. I don't have an ATV anymore... so... that eliminates the possibly to do some of that now. I think alot of it was because of my neighbor, Shawn, who I pretty much grew up with. He forced me to do alot of that stuff... :lol::D So... I don't hang out with him anymore, unintentionally, so that pretty much rids the possibility to do anything else again... Besides the things related to my driving. Heh...

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Oh... BV's "Driving with Illegal Accessories" reminds me of one of the dumbest things I think I've ever been a part of.

We called it gravel surfing.

We had a piece of particle board about 2x3 feet. A big hole drilled at one end. A rope tied through the hole. One end of the rope was about 3 feet long and was for you to hold on to. The middle was tied to the board, and the other end of the rope was tied around the trailer hitch on my friend's MX-6. We then drove around gravel roads in 1st and 2nd with someone standing on the board and holding on for dear life. Nobody fell off thankfully, and it was just some harmless fun.

Then my friend decided he wanted to go faster. He figures gravel is too unstable and he won't get up to speed. So we go out to a paved road, and pull the board back out. He's going along at about 40 km/h (25 mph) and I can smell the sawdust he's wearing off the bottom of the board. Pretty nuts. Then, they hit a big bump where a culvert went under the road. He flew up off the board, landed on the road and slid along a little ways. Very nasty cuts as you can imagine. Dumb!

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Well, these went through college:

Defrauding an innkeeper (paying for a room for 2, sticking in 4 to 6...usually at Lake Tahoe or other locales with ski areas)

What would squirting people with a Hyposquirt on the streets or in the arrival loop at LAX be considered?

What about egging people's houses?

Drinking and drugs were and are boring, so I never had that issue.

Through the current day:

Who doesn't pull over to the side of the road and take a leak? (public urination)

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*I drank a whole can of Budweiser when I was 5

*Swiped a couple of hangers from Kohl's

*I put a Snickers bar in my coat pocket, walked around the store some more, and walked out with the Snickers (I forgot I put it there).

*My dad bought like $1000 of fireworks in South Carolina and brought them up here (fireworks are very illegal in Maryland). We still have a little left, and they get used for special occasions (4th of July, Christmas, Super Bowl, etc).

*Used the side of I-68 as a rest room

*Almost raced a guy in a Mustang on Coastal Highway in Ocean City while driving my mom's Venture. Decided not to since she was in the front seat.

And that's about the worst I've done...

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Let's see:

Indecent Exposure (because I could care less)

Stole a Pepsi (from a vending machine dude while filling the machine for some girl)

Isn't it illegal to accelerate too quickly?

I've raced above the speed limit (though usually 5-10 MPH.. highest I've been over the posted limit is 98 in a 70)

Watched porn before I was 18 (it was illegal for me then)

Driven without a license by accident before

Trespassed into a pool/hot-tub after hours last night

Drank a Seagram's and Mike's Hard Saturday.. not hard stuff, but it's alcohol

Public Urination (because.. well.. I'm cool like that?)

Wow, I'm terrible. :rolleyes:

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Put pennies on a railroad track...took a penny, didn't give a penny...hooked up an illegal cable connection....toppled the regime of an African dictator...the usual.

I took a penny and left a nickel.. does that count?
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What do you mean acting?

j/k. For the most part, I've been a good guy. Sure, I did some dumb stuff when I was a kid (which I'm not going to itemize), but I like to think that I've matured out of most of that stuff... except for speeding. I routinely go faster than I should, but nothing like my Camaro days.. anybody wanna know how fast you can move a '79 Camaro? I'd like to let you know but the speedo in that car 'only' went to 130mph. The car could quite willingly peg the needle between the 'p' and the 'h' at the bottom of the speedo gauge. The car really ran out of pull in the high 120's, so I doubt I was going much faster than that. My buddy's ex-undercover highway patrol car (a '94 Camaro) could burry its speedo at 140 - and was still pulling strong. THAT was a scary sob! Way too much power for everyday driving. The car used to tear up $60 transmission mounts because of all the engine torque (let's see *any* Toyota pull that off).

BTW, here's a Police (LT1) Camaro chasing down a BMW M3:


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One time me and a C&G member who will remain anonymous

picked up a couple of MILFs at a bar in Lowell and then after a

72 hour orgy of drugs, unprotected sex and S&M one of them

ended up dead in the trunk of our '57 Plymouth Belvedere... I

popped the trunk to grab my sawed off 12-gauge so we could

rob a Liquer Store and there she is, neither one of us could

remember how or why she ended up there.

Well, after we speed-balled & finished off that 4 liter of Vodka

we screwed up to Lebanon, Maine and burried the evidence in

shallow grave in a swampy part of town. It actually went

pretty smoothly until that spade shovel broke & we just threw

a dirty dog blanket over the exposed part of the corpse and

screwed out of there.

That night I drove back to Mass on a 1/2 bottle of caffene pills

and 3 two-liters of Mountain Dew.... we pissed into a empty

bucket of kitty litter and shot out the rear tire of a Box Van on

the way back but other wise meintained a low profile. Thank

God we did not get pulled over at the toll booth when we drove

through it doing 92mph while snorting coke off the dash.

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Underage drinking? Noe Schitt! There's practically no enforcement back in Hong Kong.

I've always been speeding on the 401, hitting 150 (Cavalier) / 170 (G6) at times.

I accidentally ran a red light once.

I've written some cracks for software. I removed a copyright protection dongle for an accounting software my dad's company was using (simply because it wasn't compatible with anything after Windows 98)

So I guess I'm harmless to this society :P

Edited by ToniCipriani
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Why do I want to believe that story, Sixty8? :P

Okay, you got me... it was only two 2-liters of Mountain Dew. :yes:

O.B. is a freekin' mad man, someday you will realise the err of your ways.

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One time me and a C&G member who will remain anonymous

picked up a couple of MILFs at a bar in Lowell and then after a

72 hour orgy of drugs, unprotected sex and S&M one of them

ended up dead in the trunk of our '57 Plymouth Belvedere... I

popped the trunk to grab my sawed off 12-gauge so we could

rob a Liquer Store and there she is, neither one of us could

remember how or why she ended up there.

Well, after we speed-balled & finished off that 4 liter of Vodka

we screwed up to Lebanon, Maine and burried the evidence in

shallow grave in a swampy part of town. It actually went

pretty smoothly until that spade shovel broke & we just threw

a dirty dog blanket over the exposed part of the corpse and

screwed out of there.

That night I drove back to Mass on a 1/2 bottle of caffene pills

and 3 two-liters of Mountain Dew.... we pissed into a empty

bucket of kitty litter and shot out the rear tire of a Box Van on

the way back but other wise meintained a low profile. Thank

God we did not get pulled over at the toll booth when we drove

through it doing 92mph while snorting coke off the dash.

In other words, just an average weekend in Lowell?
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I helped G.W. Bush dispose of the body of a hooker he decapitated after snorting lines off her ass.

Let he who hasn't helped an acting president dispose of the body of a hooker he decapitated after snorting lines off her ass throw the first stone.


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Me and two of my co-workers kidnap my awful boss after I mistakenly poison him with rat poison, except it turns out to be skinny and sweet. He finds out about the rat poison and tries to blackmail my blond co-worker into sleeping with him. She hog ties him with the phone cord. He gets loose and the redhead co-worker tries to shoot him. We kept him locked up in his house, attached to a garage door opener while we try to find a way to reverse blackmail him.

While he's locked up, we make a bunch of changes at the office which everyone loves. Productivity soars. He gets loose and comes back into the office, awarded a promotion and sent to work out of the country.

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Hmmmm...interesting. :)

I wish I could say I've done lots of crazy things, but I had a lot of tradgey in my younger years... :(

Not a saint though... :AH-HA_wink:

One of my favs...

After work ( at night) a co-worker decide to race in the parking lot at work...

As a joke....

A Firebird and a 12-year old Cavalier...you could guess who won... :AH-HA_wink:

Got the surrounding businesses all crazy..lots of people watching... :ohyeah:

After, we had to hustle out of there...cause a bunch of cops arrived...

My poor manager comes out after closing the store, to find 6 cops cars waiting out there for him... :lol:

Best part was how funny it found it....

Ah, good times...

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Me and two of my co-workers kidnap my awful boss after I mistakenly poison him with rat poison, except it turns out to be skinny and sweet. He finds out about the rat poison and tries to blackmail my blond co-worker into sleeping with him. She hog ties him with the phone cord. He gets loose and the redhead co-worker tries to shoot him. We kept him locked up in his house, attached to a garage door opener while we try to find a way to reverse blackmail him.

While he's locked up, we make a bunch of changes at the office which everyone loves. Productivity soars. He gets loose and comes back into the office, awarded a promotion and sent to work out of the country.

Hey! How come I'm not in the Story! :angry::lol:

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Guest YellowJacket894

Let's see...

Shoplifting (I've done this more than once. But it was all $15 or less.)

Excessive Speeding

Driving an ATV on public roads

Driving without a license


Underage drinking

Underage smoking

Not that bad, I guess.

Edited by YellowJacket894
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Dude... this is my kind of question... There was a reason I used to use "illegalBV" on Alpha's old chatroom. :P

Underage Drinking

Public Urination

Indecent Exsposure

Driving without a License

Driving without Registration

Driving with illegal accesories

Driving afterhours (well... )

Driving "dangerously"

Riding Motorcycles without a License

Riding ATVs on Public roads

Running from Cops


Breaking and Entering


Unauthorized use of Fireworks/explosives

Porn (it's illegal! imagine that! :P )

Heh... alot of that I haven't done in years, though. I was a bad kid, I guess you could say. I don't have an ATV anymore... so... that eliminates the possibly to do some of that now. I think alot of it was because of my neighbor, Shawn, who I pretty much grew up with. He forced me to do alot of that stuff... :lol::D So... I don't hang out with him anymore, unintentionally, so that pretty much rids the possibility to do anything else again... Besides the things related to my driving. Heh...


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Road ATV's on public roads. However the roads are gravel around here, and basically its against state law as these are technically "public roads" but out here in the country no one cares and the Sherriff waves at you when you go by. Just as long as you keep your pace reasonable and dont act the fool you are going to be ok.

Um Skipped school once years ago, 10th grade I think. Managed to get a 6 pack of Natural light then 3 large pizza's as me, my friends Seth and L.T. had ourselves a party. Then we got busted lol.

Speeding when I was younger, however most of it was like only 5 to 6 over the limit. Course who doesnt do that?

Racing down the "Bunkie Shortcut" an old, abandonded road in the middle of nowhere.

Also jumping the "bump" near the end of the shortcut. If you hit it at 75mph you would ramp off of it and fly thru the air, about 3 feet off the ground.

Jump the rail road tracks near my house on my Big Red 250

Fishing on my own property without a license. Course Im not going to spend big bucks on a license when I only fish every blue moon. Thats just wasting money. Plus its on my property in the middle of no where. LDWF can kiss my country arse.

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Since murder is nothing....... :unsure:

I have done is Illeagal hunting.

Drug production.Selling.Use.

B & E


Forgory of legal documents

uh yeah lets not go on.....

Seems im the bad guy on this site.......

*Opens Closet* (Skeletons fall out) Damnit get back in there!

Edited by capriceman
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I just got a speeding ticket a few weeks ago, 75 in a 45. I was passing some people going slow, then the cop came from nowhere. I also got in trouble last year for street racing, which I really wasn't(at that time). Other than being addicted to speed(not the drug) I'm a good boy :)

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Let he who hasn't helped an acting president dispose of the body of a hooker he decapitated after snorting lines off her ass throw the first stone.


That reminds me, is it illegal to your your rocks off in the back seat of a stolen police car?
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Since murder is nothing....... :unsure:

I have done is Illeagal hunting.

Drug production.Selling.Use.

B & E


Forgory of legal documents

uh yeah lets not go on.....

Seems im the bad guy on this site.......

*Opens Closet* (Skeletons fall out) Damnit get back in there!

Nah, hang with me. Then you'll really get in trouble! :P:lol:

And there is lots of illegal hunting around here anyways...

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