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Do you believe in paranormal things? (ghosts,ect)  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe in paranormal things? (ghosts,ect)

    • Yes
    • No
    • skeptical
    • do not care

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let me see some opinions before i post my issue.

if you have had some expirences tell us.

Edit: My reason is posted below an few post down.

Edited by capriceman
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I voted NO but it really depends on the story. I am a man of 1 science and 2 faith. I know biology and chemistry pretty well. I also have a fair understanding of physics. I can explain most magic tricks after seeing them the first time. If I don't get them the 1st time I do get them the 2nd. I don't believe that Aliens from a distant planet are abducting people just to stick stuff in their bunghole. I know it would take MILLIONS of years at the speed of light for ANY thing of any mass to make it to Earth. For something to travel for Millions of years AND have life on it it must basically be a traveling civilization AND have the capability of providing food for those inhabitants. Not to mention the logistics of the psycological size of this. A person who didn't grow up with a planet would not have a complete concept of it, much less a being a few thousands of generations removed!

Now there are things out there that just CANNOT be explained using the knowledge we currently have but hey people thought that rivers flowed from the sea to the mountains at one point in time! Having said this I can say that I do believe in some things but not most. My line in the sand is how many teeth the people have that tell the story. If it is less than 15 teeth in the mouth then they likely cannot be trusted.*

*This part was a joke but most people can judge the stories correctly based on their gut instincts.

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When me and Marcia started dating I was still skeptical,

then a voice out of her fireplace at her old rental house

yelled at us clear as a bell after we... ummm, well you

know. :wink:

I was so sure I heard a voice I looked for a tape

recorder or some other "non-supernatrual" explanataion.

Then I find out the house was residence for Nuns back in

the 16-hundreds. Creepy way of lettig you know pre-

marital relations are not okay in their book. :blink:

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I don't think so... And if it turns out I'm wrong, I doubt Intelligent life would really want to contact us. Two reasons... one, our race is kinda mean and two... they likely have wireless internet and have been to YouTube and seen that we're also kinda dumb...

Besides... ever notice how it's people in the deep south who only seem to claim they were abducted. You never hear of a Japanese person or African dude getting abducted...

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Do I think that we are not alone in the universe? Yes. The universe is far too big for us to be the only intelligent life around. Do I think that aliens are en route to destroy/enslave/abduct the human race? No.

I'll just say that I do think that there are ghosts...I like to think that there are at least.

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I don't think so... And if it turns out I'm wrong, I doubt Intelligent life would really want to contact us. Two reasons... one, our race is kinda mean and two... they likely have wireless internet and have been to YouTube and seen that we're also kinda dumb...

Besides... ever notice how it's people in the deep south who only seem to claim they were abducted. You never hear of a Japanese person or African dude getting abducted...

:rolleyes: Yes all of us in the south are abunch of dumb hicks in the same way all you canadians are abunch of pot-smoking hippies......seriously though, ive never claimed to be abducted by aliens and it's not just people from the south that claim this to have happened to them.

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My dad's company restored this Japanese guy's house who claimed he was abducted. It was funny, because the guy tried to get my dad to give him an "abductee discount." I think my dad gave him $5 off the job.

He also called Tony Blair the Tooth Fairy and William Howard Taft Santa Claus, but that's another story...

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Well some people that go to chat no what i have been encountering the past week.

Over the years i have some unexplained stuff happen but i just ignored it. until about 4 days ago some crazy $h! started to happen. circuit breakers poping. The Flood pump kicking on for no reason. Stuff falling down brand new lights burning out whilw standing underneath them.Florescent lights just go black no dimming or anything. seeing stuff in the corner of your eye. Nothing holding a battery charge. lights turning on. next morning both of my cars need to be jump started. Also that night it was around 68-70 outside and the up stairs dropped to 48ºF and the basement to 52.

Then last night some stuff happened again. like a very heavy unsafe feeling someone watching you mood. then my sreen on my speaker falls off(its an old Kenwood were it firmly goes on then snaps in place requires exceesive force to remove). I go to pick it up, my body gets real tense like a flinch almost preparing to get hit then something touches me. My G/F leaving the house to go to a Hotel to sleep the night.

Also last night my frienbd mark brings over his newly bought 1982 olds Cutlass diesiel and it wouldnt start back up. so i help roll it into my garge so he can work on it. about 10 minutes after my speaker screen fell off he informs me that the gas tank fell off and there is 16 gallons of diesiel in my backyard.

I am i guy that says well somthing happened to make this happen. Either there is some crazy bad timing of $h! or somthing i have no knowledge of is messing with me.

I have been in one house in my life that made me drop my skeptic view a little and my house might have made me think twice about my that i should not still be skeptical anymore.

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hah i beleive . . . ive had some nice ghost entounters . . . the poltergeist was the best tho lol

oh and this burning child in an old plantation was fun . . . but hes gone now . . . amateur excorcism of sorts

:huh: do you hold sayonces(sp) or somthing?
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Diesel Cutty? Damn let's see some pictures please!

As far as the paranormal I've listed my only legit

encounter... I've been freaked out before & one

time recently thought I saw a face in the window

but I was not "sober" so I can't say it was anything

to be taken seriously.

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I often wish there was a tongue in cheek emoticon.  ^_^

They tried, but trying to visually represent a tongue in cheek just creates way too many other insinuations. :AH-HA_wink:

I wouldn't rule stuff like that out entirely, but I think most of them are just people trying to explain things they don't have the knowledge to understand fully. A great example is the way that people tend to say that the crazy dreams caused by sleep paralysis are actually an alien abduction or a visit from some demonic being.

Sleep Paralysis Abductions

So yeah, label me a skeptic. Sure would be fun if they were real, though.

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I'm skeptical. After hearing stories from my mom about ghost encounters, I know such things exist, but I'm scared $h!less of having such an encounter. My mom's made me terrified and paranoid of such things unintentionally. So, I don't want to believe they exist, but I know they do.

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ha no seances . . .

theres an old plantation near my house . . . and the only thing really standing is an old slave house and when you go to the top of the house in the attic it gets cold even where theres light and then you open the door to the top of the stairs and its really cold but if you stepped inside the room you actually literally got soo hot you immediately sweated profusely . . . and heard a child crying . . . we kinda did research and put like herbs and cairns and charms up and carved them into the door and now you can barely hear the crying or the temperature change . . . or the smell of burning flesh blah i hate that

the poltergeist tho was in my friends old house and its still there but its cool . . .

actually my friend just told me her house is not only haunted but its got like dozens of secrets so im going exploring with a studfinder and a flashlight in her house

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I hate to belive it too. but for somethings i have tried and searched for explanations but i have none. Feelings and emotions can be fake but the physical movement of objects is too much and hard to explain.

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naw, just some guy walking through the walls you know the norm.

But last night i got a call from this crazy old looking for his luggage it was pretty funny. And you probabaly wont belive me but this old crazy guys cell phone number was (586) 420-6969.

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hah heres kinda freaky for you . . . last night i took a walk cuz i was bored and as i walked down our major street the streetlights went out as walked towards them and back on again when i had passed individually . . . every single street light along a quarter mile of road it was weird but kinda cool lol

but i think thats possible because of the whole EMpulse that our bodies have

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  • 4 weeks later...

wow. I walked upstairs to get a glass of water and i Know i saw somthing about 6 foot run from my living room to the end of my hallway. Of cousre i chased it since i thought it was a robber but nothing was there checked everything closets all my windows were locked an it would be impossible for some one to crawl out shut it and lock it from the outside. Also i did somthing that some one told me to take random pictures. So i cant take um since my Camera just says "Charging Flash" and i know its charged since it just came off the charger. then it said battery level to low for live feed. So my battery went from full charge to empty in about 3 minutes. after i saw this my dog was tense too it kept roaming around looking for somthing, since it came up stairs with me. Also my Air conditioning blower wouldnt turn on but the Compressor outside worked fine.

As of Now though my camera works when its hooked up to the charger and i will test it when its fully charged later. My air works good and the dog is back to sleep.

So I dont know what to do.

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So yeah... we've decided to keep renting instead of buying...

we'll be moving to a few towns over in Mass as of August 1st.

Where to? The house previously mentioned in this thread.

Marcia LOVES that house and when we found out it was back

on the renter's market we decided to postpone a house

purchase & just do that. I'll have a barn for the Super 88 &

the back yard is a lot nicer for Sofia to run around in.

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There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

I use that quote to remind myself of just how little we understand our world, let alone the universe. I believe in the possibility of the supernatural. I don't have any evidence or personal proof one way or the other but I know that such things are possible. There is too much that has happened to people, too many weird stories for everything to be dismissed.

As for other intelligent life in the universe, it is far too large for us to be alone. I am not sure they would be visiting Earth. One reason is the distances involved.

Of course, at times, I am not so sure there is intelligent life on THIS planet.

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at times, I am not so sure there is intelligent life on THIS planet.


there isn't...that's why there's a bumper sticker saying "Stupid People Shouldn't Breed." Just go to Wal Mart sometime, those are the ones with all the kids in tow.

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Guest YellowJacket894

Friends, enemies, I have an experience I'd like to tell. Please, find a log placed near the campfire and sit down.

I live in the state of Kentucky, the state that fought alongside the Union for a large portion of the Civil War then joined right up with those Confederate loosers near the very end. Yes, it's the state that can't decide if it's in the South or the Midwest; it's the state that claims Lake Cumberland, where all the Buckeyes head for the summer.

I have relatives that live in the small town of Franklin, about ten or fifteen miles or so away from the Y-Body (Vette/XLR) plant in Bowling Green. In early July 2006, my parents and myself went to visit them.

Our visit to Franklin isn't the point here, though. It's was the late night ride back that is worth mentioning.

We were on the outskirts of Glasgow, Kentucky, driving on the Cumberland Parkway when, behind the tree line, there was a somewhat dull, pulsating light. The tint was red. As we kept heading north to the city limits of Glasgow, the light would gradually get brighter and brighter.

After about five minutes, we approached a hilltop. This is where the odd light was the brightest. And you could see almost everything. There was a road some few odd feet below where this light was coming from and I could see a police cruiser parked on it, lights flashing. This eerie scene stood still as we passed from the hilltop and to the Glasgow exit.

The pulsating light could be seen for a few miles from the hilltop heading north. Then there was nothing but the night sky.

As for what it was, I have no idea. And I choose not to assume anything, either.

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I'm skeptical. After hearing stories from my mom about ghost encounters, I know such things exist, but I'm scared $h!less of having such an encounter. My mom's made me terrified and paranoid of such things unintentionally. So, I don't want to believe they exist, but I know they do.


Tell mommy to lay off the sauce. Or does she drink because you cry?
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Guest YellowJacket894

Tell mommy to lay off the sauce.  Or does she drink because you cry?


You really are a crocodile, aren't you?

Mamma says you're angry 'cause you got all them teeth and no toothbrush. Why haven't you got a toothbrush, Croc?

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You really are a crocodile, aren't you?

Mamma says you're angry 'cause you got all them teeth and no toothbrush. Why haven't you got a toothbrush, Croc?


Chill out bluegrass...NOS knows I'm just playin
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Friends, enemies, I have an experience I'd like to tell. Please, find a log placed near the campfire and sit down.

I live in the state of Kentucky, the state that fought alongside the Union for a large portion of the Civil War then joined right up with those Confederate loosers near the very end. Yes, it's the state that can't decide if it's in the South or the Midwest; it's the state that claims Lake Cumberland, where all the Buckeyes head for the summer.

I have relatives that live in the small town of Franklin, about ten or fifteen miles or so away from the Y-Body (Vette/XLR) plant in Bowling Green. In early July 2006, my parents and myself went to visit them.

Our visit to Franklin isn't the point here, though. It's was the late night ride back that is worth mentioning.

We were on the outskirts of Glasgow, Kentucky, driving on the Cumberland Parkway when, behind the tree line, there was a somewhat dull, pulsating light. The tint was red. As we kept heading north to the city limits of Glasgow, the light would gradually get brighter and brighter.

After about five minutes, we approached a hilltop. This is where the odd light was the brightest. And you could see almost everything. There was a road some few odd feet below where this light was coming from and I could see a police cruiser parked on it, lights flashing. This eerie scene stood still as we passed from the hilltop and to the Glasgow exit.

The pulsating light could be seen for a few miles from the hilltop heading north. Then there was nothing but the night sky.

As for what it was, I have no idea. And I choose not to assume anything, either.


WEre there wildfires burning, smoke can chnage the sun red...

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