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Today's kids cynical


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I got myself out of bed early Wednesday morning to get a haircut before work. I got to the barber shop, noted the people ahead of me (couple of middle-aged guys, an older gentleman and his grandson, about 5-8 years old), and plopped down in a chair to "rest my eyes". Within minutes, the TV blared a promo for the new movie, "Cars". My ears perked slightly, in part because I'm eager to see this movie. The promo ended, and I went back to "resting my eyes", though not for long.

Within seconds, a voice piped up: "That movie doesn't look good."

Suddenly, my dreary eyes were not so dreary anymore. I looked at the young kid who had just uttered those words. While my mind was wrapping itself around what the kid had just said ... and attempting to formulate a question, someone else asked what was difficult for me to figure out how to ask: "What do you mean that movie doesn't look good?"

Without missing a beat, the kid replied: "It's about cars that talk and drive themselves around. That's not reality."

The shop became suddenly quiet. No more discussion was had on that topic. But, my mind starting thinking....

Does this mean that today's kids are cynical about life? Or, does it mean that today's kids simply don't have an imagination? Or, does this mean that us adults (er, at least those of us who are notoriously cynical) are shedding our outlook on life on innocent children? Or?

My goodness. When I was young, I had a healthy dose of General Lee, KITT and Herbie. General Lee provided the "racing" energy. Yeah, that car didn't talk ... it didn't have to ... it performed ... and that horn...oh that horn. KITT ... the dang car TALKED! Plus, it could drive itself ... and help Michael stop criminals. And, can't forget about Herbie ... the car with a mind of its own, the ability to drive itself, and the uncanny ability to deciper between good and evil people ... and appropriately act towards each one (never will forget watching Herbie spray oil on that one fella).

And now, the movie "Cars", that I've been anticipating for weeks, was suddenly a movie that a young kid didn't think looked good. Aye. I can't imagine being a kid and NOT liking or wanting to see this movie....

Well, at least for me, cruising season (a definite reality) has started ... what with my older 4 MCs having made their debut in mid-May (had to get a battery for the '79, but otherwise, they all started ... and are running well) ... and being able to clean (wash, wax, etc.) the daily driver '87 MC LS for the first time this year last Saturday.

Now, if only I could get sponsors for the radio show ... and figure out what the "mass" is on my liver ... and find a new job.....

BTW, anyone in the Chicagoland area interested in going to see "Cars" sometime this weekend? I want to go ... but would rather not go by myself ... and it'd be cool to have a group of us see it together....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker

MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/

"What I really need is an open road" ... Montgomery Gentry ... 'Speed'

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Well, I think we can just blame society for children like this..

First, everybody blames the media for this and the media for that, but if they didn't watch or support the things the media exploits, the media wouldn't show it!

Second, people don't allow their children to have imaginations anymore. Some of these things have been going on for years. For example, many young, young boys who try playing with a doll are told not to do that because their parents think it might make the kid more feminine.. it won't! It gives them a sense of creativity, actually. And don't ask me for how.. it does.

Third, society allows children to grow up too fast by allowing these kids to see things way ahead of their time.. Example: viewing PG13 and R-rated films at young ages. These films have a rating for a reason. Now, is that to say a 10 year old can't see a PG13 film or a 15 year old can't see an R-rated film? No. But, these are "guidelines" to help the parent control what his/her child is exposed to.

Whatever. I'm happy I was a kid who could enjoy sitting down to Bugs Bunny, Scooby Doo, Ducktales, Tom & Jerry, Bobby's World, etc... and love every second of them.

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Or maybe the kid likes realistic movies? Plenty of children saw Shrek, Chicken Little, Lilo & Stitch...this kid just likes action and realistic stuff I guess...

Hell I'm a cynic and think that squirrel in Ice Age is hilarious.

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I'm looking forward to "Cars" myself, but I was disappointed with Ice Age 2. It was too predictable. After 15 minutes, you really knew the story and how it ended. The dialog was thin at best. The first one was much better. Do I regret seeing #2? No, but for the same team to live through an entire Ice Age… it was hard to swallow. (no jokes Satty :P )

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Well, I think we can just blame society for children like this..

Yes you "society" is ruining us

First, everybody blames the media for this and the media for that, but if they didn't watch or support the things the media exploits, the media wouldn't show it!

Second, people don't allow their children to have imaginations anymore. Some of these things have been going on for years. For example, many young, young boys who try playing with a doll are told not to do that because their parents think it might make the kid more feminine.. it won't! It gives them a sense of creativity, actually. And don't ask me for how.. it does.

My parents use to let me play barbie dolls with my sister all the time! wed use the kitchen floor as an ocean and have pillows as the boats!

Third, society allows children to grow up too fast by allowing these kids to see things way ahead of their time.. Example: viewing PG13 and R-rated films at young ages. These films have a rating for a reason. Now, is that to say a 10 year old can't see a PG13 film or a 15 year old can't see an R-rated film? No. But, these are "guidelines" to help the parent control what his/her child is exposed to.

Ive ben watching R films since i was 10 :lol:

Whatever. I'm happy I was a kid who could enjoy sitting down to Bugs Bunny, Scooby Doo, Ducktales, Tom & Jerry, Bobby's World, etc... and love every second of them.

Dave Chapelle, Carlos Mencia, Jeff Foxworthy, RON WHITE!, Bill Engvall, Pablo Sanfransisco, JON STEWART, Premium Blend, STEPHEN COLBERT, Reno 911. is what i watch here! :lol:

Edited by Charger4U
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Hell I'm a cynic and think that squirrel in Ice Age is hilarious.

Yes, I'm sure I'll get the Cars DVD for Sofia eventually.

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Guest YellowJacket894

Whatever. I'm happy I was a kid who could enjoy sitting down to Bugs Bunny, Scooby Doo, Ducktales, Tom & Jerry, Bobby's World, etc... and love every second of them.


I hear ya'.

Damn, I feel old. :P

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I don't know about any of you but most of these kids TV shows are horrible. My mom takes my young cousin (5 or 6) to school every weekday and usually I have to sit through rediculous shows. She also likes "Saved By The Bell" but that's cool. I would never let my kids watch such trash about jacked up-looking birds that can talk, etc.

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after reading some responses, the articles Jay Leno writes for popular mechanics came to mind, the most recent one. he talks about how people today are so distracted in their cars, he felt safer in his old jag (i believe) than than some ladies in an SUV w/ the nav, cell phones, radio, and talking to eachother to. sorta reinforcing the growing trend of "the car- the appliance" mindset. Being it's more fun to be entertained in the car, than to just drive, pay attention while checking out the scenery, and enjoy the drive.

NOS-- what about transformers too!?

the best "cartoons" on nowadays are fairly odd parents and adultswim, which kids shouldn't be watching much of anyway.

edit, forgot about Foster's too.

Edited by loki
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I don't know about any of you but most of these kids TV shows are horrible.  My mom takes my young cousin (5 or 6) to school every weekday and usually I have to sit through rediculous shows.  She also likes "Saved By The Bell" but that's cool.  I would never let my kids watch such trash about jacked up-looking birds that can talk, etc.

Kids shows (or at least shows aimed at younger demographics) do suck. Ever watch Yu-gi-oh or Dave the Barbarian or Camp Lazlo? All stupid, stupid shows about stupid, stupid things.

What ever happened to Tom and Jerry, Looney Toons, and Spongebob?

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I hated Looney Tunes as a child...

my tv viewing consisted of such classics as Inspector Gadget, Salute Your Shorts, Clarissa Explains It All, Care Bears, Gummi Bears, David The Gnome, Bewitched, I Love Lucy, The Patty Duke Show, The Jeffersons, All In The Family, My Brother And Me, All That, The Keenan & Kel Show, Sabrina The Teenage Witch, Boy Meets World, Clueless, etc etc...

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hmm... i was a big Pete and Pete fan... i loved looney tunes... and alot of the shows listed... and yes loki... foster's is possibly the greatest cartoon created this side of the 90s

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Sounds like this kid is a future Toyota buyer.

Quote of the day :). Heh...I hadn't even thought about it like that ;).

Oh ... and I agree about Ice Age. I remember when we sat down to watch it one evening ... I wasn't too sure about it ... but, my cousin swore it was good ... and I loved it. Haven't seen IA2 yet, tho....hmmmm

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Welp, today, I went to see "Cars" on the UltraScreen, ironically with 3 "non-car" friends, and enjoyed it immensely! Along with the storyline surrounding the Piston Cup, the movie made commentary on the "Mother Road", Route 66, and how towns along that road were once thriving places ... but went downhill after the interstates, particularly I-40, were built. I came away wanting to go on a road trip ;).

AND....one of the announcers of the races ... the one on the right as you look at the announcers ... was a 2nd generation (1976 or 1977) Monte Carlo!

So....if anyone else is interested in getting together to see it, I wouldn't mind seeing it again!

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Loony Toons kick a$$, classic Donald Duck is the shizznik &

Duck Tales were the bomb-diggaty. Ninja Turtles were just

plain bad-a$$, Scooby Doo was always a guaranteed good

time while the animated show COPS left me wondering if

cars would really look like that in 2006... now that I can look

back & reflect upon it: they look much more boring.

Posted Image

Edited by Sixty8panther
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i saw Cars with my kids this weekend, and my son was absolutely enthralled (he is 6). It has been Lightning McQueen this and that for weeks now, and after seeing the movie it hasn't changed. There was enough for me to enjoy as well, lots of appearances by famous people related to cars and racing. I can't wait until I have this for home viewing.

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I saw cars on friday night and I, my wife, my father in law, brother in law, and our whole church laughed from about 30-seconds into it until after the credits were rolling. My favorite line "I'm as happy as a tornado in a tralier park!". It was a great movie and the voice cast fit great. Richard Petty as "The King" Mrs. Petty as his wife, "Junior' was obvious to me (not to some others, but definitely to me) even having Darrell Waltrip as one of the annoucers was great. And I have to say that Larry the Cable Guy really made the movie.

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My favorite line "I'm as happy as a tornado in a tralier park!".

LOL! That got a roar of laughter from the crowd that was in the theatre when I saw it....

It was a great movie and the voice cast fit great.  Richard Petty as "The King" Mrs. Petty as his wife, "Junior' was obvious to me (not to some others, but definitely to me) even having Darrell Waltrip as one of the annoucers was great.

Darrell was the 2nd generation (76 or 77) MC ;). Sadly, some of the references didn't immediately come clear to me ... I suspect that was, in part, because I was watching it with "non car enthusiast" friends. If I was with some of my MC or other Chevy buddies ... I'm sure they would've jumped out more at all of us ... which is why I want to see it again ... he he he.

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Too bad you don't live closer ... we all could go together.  I think it'd be neat to see it with some "car enthusiasts" :).


So one thing I thought I'd mention after looking at the

Lightning McQueen that came in Sofia's McDonald's

Happy Meal the other day:

L. McQ. may be an imaginary car but he's much more

interesting, sporty and original than any actual NASCAR

stock car from the past 15 years. Seriously restrictor

plates, body templates & tacked on Taurus/Fusion head

lights on a Peanut M&M shape are not appealing to me.

NASCAR should jooin the 21st century and build some

circuits & then restrict NOTHING except for displacement

and make a neat McQ style sporty template wiht some

leaway in terms of ground effects/spoiler tweeking by

the individual teams.

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  • 3 weeks later...

saw it, loved it. pixar is so great to even think of every detail they can, even the backgounds :) tons of great personalities pulled in for the voices.

just a fun fact, they supposedly used tons of linux boxes to process each frame like 5x faster than it would've taken otherwise, like instead of a few hours per frame , it just took 1 hour per frame of the movie. wonder what pixar has coming down the pipes next :)

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If Pixar does a movie named "Trucks" that is as good as "Cars" I may not know what to do with myself.

He he he...that'd be an awesome follow-up to "Cars" ;).


I still haven't gone to see it a 2nd time yet ... maybe this weekend, tho I was hoping to find some car enthusiast friends to go with me...he he he.

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