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Vaccine discussion

Drew Dowdell

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The problem I think a lot of people had [right or wrong], is that the 'facts' have steadily shifted over the last 2 years, but at every point there were still vocal platforms demeaning folk for asking questions or challenging the 'then facts'.  I think everyone is aware of the rushed nature of the pandemic uprising and the mad scramble to develop treatment(s), but the aforementioned is still going to stick with some folk, and they're going to resist. 

The above is not me; I'm fully dosed - I stayed close to home & watched numerous news sources when the vaccine initially came out, and after a short while, when no mass ill effects were reported, I got on board.  But I also take everything out of D.C. with a healthy pinch of salt- they're general fuckups down there who need interns to velcro their dress shoes on.  F 'em.

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15 minutes ago, balthazar said:

The problem I think a lot of people had [right or wrong], is that the 'facts' have steadily shifted over the last 2 years, but at every point there were still vocal platforms demeaning folk for asking questions or challenging the 'then facts'.  I think everyone is aware of the rushed nature of the pandemic uprising and the mad scramble to develop treatment(s), but the aforementioned is still going to stick with some folk, and they're going to resist. 

The above is not me; I'm fully dosed - I stayed close to home & watched numerous news sources when the vaccine initially came out, and after a short while, when no mass ill effects were reported, I got on board.  But I also take everything out of D.C. with a healthy pinch of salt- they're general fuckups down there who need interns to velcro their dress shoes on.  F 'em.

Thank you as you have brought a sane alternative questioning to a solid discussion that I think we all agree has been good for all here.

I totally agree with you that all those folks in DC are messed up in one way or another. Too much BS about power and themselves than the job they were voted in for taking care of the citizens.

Yes to always monitoring all sources of facts, review and consider how the data is presented with a good dose of does this make common sense?

Yes everyone, I realize that commonsense is not always common with folks. That is where we as a majority can hopefully help others to understand the facts better.

I do worry about the rest of this year as I think what we see in Europe will foreshadow what will happen here and I do expect infections to increase and the death count to go higher.

I do believe that by 2025 we will have a solid grasp on this virus and very solid facts as you well pointed out about the rush to find a way to combat this virus and the moving data daily, weekly, monthly that is normal in a fast changing situation.

Yet, I still believe the design, testing and research has a solid base to follow compared to the hyperbole of social media and armchair doctors.

As I am still amazed that there are folks that believe treatments for Horses to rid themselves of worms can cure covid. ? or bleach shot into the body and all the other crazy cures that have been debunked.

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Apparently Pfizer is seeking FDA approval for 4th boosters. I’m 3x Moderna, but I’ll get Pfizer if it’s approved. Mixing vaccine boosters is supposed to give a slight immune advantage.  

if it gets approved soon (and there is no reason not to, they already do it for the 65+ set and the immunocompromised), I’ll be eligible at the end of April. 

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About Covid and misinformation and thee science changing...

Of course the science of Covid changed over the course of the pandemic. The science behind preventing and curing is still changing and will continue to change because:

1. Covid was a new disease and our doctors knew nothing about it.  Preventive measures HAD to be put into place regardless if some of it was not effective.  An erroneous decision is better than no decision.

2. It kept on changing as we learned more about it. As some measures were not effective. Other measures were introduced to better protect ourselves.

3. And this cycle will continue as we learn more about Covid and as Covid continues to evolve.  It seems that its evolving but becoming less deadly. But with vaccines... No vaccines and for the unvaccinated, Covid is as deadly for some.  However, the older, deadlier strands are still present with us. Those have NOT gone away...    So...our learning about how this disease survives and evolves will continue to evolve.

4. Yes, there was MISINFORMATION about MASK WEARING in the beginning.    LIES.   Doctors said we did not need masks.  Then they said we need them...


THAT was said because health authorities KNEW humans in general are garbage. THAT was to protect the health organizations, hospitals, doctors and nurses. 

How so?

So garbage humans dont HOARD the masks...

Toilet Paper Shortage GIFs | Tenor


Like they acted with phoquing toilet paper...


5. But that lie PALES in comparison to what garbage hidden agenda a$$holes did and continue to do to weaponize this pandemic...

Same garbage, human waste outfit that has cried foul for the Sandy Hook shootings, for the elections, Freedom Convoys in Ottawa...

Some have cried foul of Covid because Covid has mildly inconvenienced them... 

Some have cried foul because they actually benefit from the misinformation mayhem. 

I am NOT saying not to question stupid politicians.  I am NOT saying not to question politicians because some of them (most of them?) DO have hidden agendas....

What I AM saying though, is that somewhere down the line, you have to start accepting politicians words and you have to start questioning loud mouth human waste garbage that just spew things with nothing but vitriol and nothing of substance.   And as far as politicians go, sometimes human waste politicians are EASY to spot and are part of the misinformation...





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10 hours ago, oldshurst442 said:

About Covid and misinformation and thee science changing...

Of course the science of Covid changed over the course of the pandemic. The science behind preventing and curing is still changing and will continue to change because:

1. Covid was a new disease and our doctors knew nothing about it.  Preventive measures HAD to be put into place regardless if some of it was not effective.  An erroneous decision is better than no decision.

2. It kept on changing as we learned more about it. As some measures were not effective. Other measures were introduced to better protect ourselves.

3. And this cycle will continue as we learn more about Covid and as Covid continues to evolve.  It seems that its evolving but becoming less deadly. But with vaccines... No vaccines and for the unvaccinated, Covid is as deadly for some.  However, the older, deadlier strands are still present with us. Those have NOT gone away...    So...our learning about how this disease survives and evolves will continue to evolve.

It turns out a lot of the early interest over Ivermectin was due to a faulty study.  There is a parasite that is prevalent in tropical and sub-tropical environments.  If you give a patient a steroid, as is often done with covid patients to help reduce respiratory inflammation, this parasite if already in their system can spread rapidly and kill the patient. Ivermectin is the treatment for the parasite. So patients who got the steroid and also got ivermectin appeared to recover better from covid. 

10 hours ago, oldshurst442 said:

4. Yes, there was MISINFORMATION about MASK WEARING in the beginning.    LIES.   Doctors said we did not need masks.  Then they said we need them...


THAT was said because health authorities KNEW humans in general are garbage. THAT was to protect the health organizations, hospitals, doctors and nurses. 

How so?

So garbage humans dont HOARD the masks...

Eh, I think that was a message that got twisted.  Fauci's early statements about masks was "please save the masks for the medical professionals because we don't have enough" and he feared the hoarding as you pointed out.  Very very early on in the pandemic, the week before things started shutting down, I was in Miami to visit my parents and I stopped by a Home Depot and Walmart. Every mask, paper towel, and cleaning supply was wiped out.  The day I left I stopped at Costco for gas and a slice of pizza before I got on the road and it was a mad-house with people buying pallets of water and everything else they could get their hands on. 

There was also questions about how well the virus could move through the air.  Sure, if someone who had it sneezed or coughed on you, you'd probably get it, but would just being in the same room cause transmission? We didn't have the information on that. 

It was a very eerie drive home to PA with the roads and gas stations nearly empty.

Two days later, PA shut down.


One thing that I hope continues is the sanitation of publicly used things like shopping carts and self-checkouts.  Years ago I caught a virus that is usually just a kids disease that because of the incubation period, the virus's tendency to live on surfaces, and my movements, I know where I likely got it, and it was most likely from a shopping cart at Costco.  So yea, they can keep spraying down those carts, thanks.

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4 hours ago, ccap41 said:

We're pretty much wide open here. The only place still requiring me to wear a mask is the public bus. 


Masks only on the bus, I think airplanes until April 19th, and medical/dental offices but those are at the discretion of the provider. 

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Sounds like the FDA did approve a 2nd booster of Pfizer for people 50+, I'm definitely getting it when available.

Tangently related to vaccination..I was at my office yesterday for the first time in 6 months, for an all-hands meeting (my company has been acquired by a larger company)...first time i've sat in a conference room for a meeting in about 5 years, 1st time meeting in person several of my coworkers of the the last year..we did try to keep some distance, used a lot of hand sanitizer.. but we did go out for beers and lunch at a local restaurant...first time eating indoors at a restaurant in quite a while,  it definitely felt like things are getting close to normal again..

The acquiring company did say they were going to maintain the all-remote approach my company has, and keep the office in Ohio (they are based in Texas, and have been all-remote since March 2020).   

At the office, had my annual review and was pleasantly surprised to get an unexpected promotion and 15% raise.


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1 minute ago, Robert Hall said:

Sounds like the FDA did approve a 2nd booster of Pfizer for people 50+, I'm definitely getting it when available.

Tangently related to vaccination..I was at my office yesterday for the first time in 6 months, for an all-hands meeting (my company has been acquired by a larger company)...first time i've sat in a conference room for a meeting in about 5 years, 1st time meeting in person several of my coworkers of the the last year..we did try to keep some distance, used a lot of hand sanitizer.. but we did go out for beers and lunch at a local restaurant...first time eating indoors at a restaurant in quite a while,  it definitely felt like things are getting close to normal again..

The acquiring company did say they were going to maintain the all-remote approach my company has, and keep the office in Ohio (they are based in Texas, and have been all-remote since March 2020).   

At the office, had my annual review and was pleasantly surprised to get an unexpected promotion and 15% raise.


Awesome to hear, way to go Robert, well deserved!

In regard to Vaccination and Covid, the BA-2 is now the dominate strain here in the U.S. and while for Vaccinated people it will be like a bad 2-3 day flu, unvaccinated, it really attacks the lungs suffocating you.

Sadly, I expect a 4th wave of infections and masking to start the summer off. While we will not see the lock downs of past, we are far from over with this virus. The war in Ukraine is really kicking up this bug and clearly France, Spain, UK, Norway and Sweden are seeing high double digit infections again with hospitalization among the unvaccinated. 

Just like the Influenza of 1918 and not really settling down till 1925, I think current vaccinations will help us get to a more normal state faster being in 2023 with 2025 being truly back to normal.

Still a bit weird being in stores with so many unmasked, but I wear my mask as we are not done yet with this virus.

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  • 1 month later...

Howdy all,

Back from Dell Technology World 2022 in Las Vegas at The Sands Convention center between The Venetian and The Palazzo.

Had 5,500 folks attend, was surprised, but the hands-on labs (HOL) did about half of the number we did in 2019 and talking with customers in the booth brought back lots of folks wanting to talk in person. I saw it as a dry run for bigger numbers in 2023.

Sad part, I and one PM was masked the rest of the group from my division was not and from the Executive leadership team of my group on down everyone except myself and the lone PM that wore masks every day and was probably for others a bit OCD on cleaning everything and our hands and not touching our face everyone else is sick with Covid-19. BA-2 version, they all have pretty much the same sickness symptoms.

Sad that so many that want to think we are back to normal cannot seem to take a little caution to avoid getting sick.

Tradeshow over all was a great success for me, customer meetings and sales deals were awesome, I have no problem with having taken the caution of wearing a mask all the time and staying safe.

Sadly this makes me very confident that what I posted above will be true in many getting sick un-necessarily this summer.

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41 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

COVID is still a thing? I thought we were finally passed all of that. It's not an election year, right? 

We still have years left of covid infections and deaths ahead of us. Welcome to the still pandemic. :P 

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11 hours ago, ccap41 said:

Almost nobody around here is acting like we're still in a pandemic. Everything is open, no masks being mandated anywhere, and they finally stopped us from having to wear them on the bus a few weeks ago. 

It's open season in the Mid West! lol

Open here too, but a smart choice is being pro-active on being protected due to the virus still being aggressive. Nothing wrong with wearing a mask, washing hands, using hand sanitizer, etc. to protect oneself. 

Sadly, too many people I observe have gone back to old habits with poor hygiene and as such, you see people sneezing without covering their mouth and too many other nasty habits to describe. This virus is not done yet with Humanity and as such, I agree with the CDC that we will easily see 100 million Americans infected come the end of summer/Fall when things get colder and wetter and the virus will replicate in that moisture.

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  • 1 month later...

BA.4 and BA.5 is here, BA.5 is the dominate strain on the east coast now and both versions are not affected by the Vaccine so anyone can get covid.
New England Journal of Medicine paper on the latest versions of Covid-19.

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10 hours ago, David said:

BA.4 and BA.5 is here, BA.5 is the dominate strain on the east coast now and both versions are not affected by the Vaccine so anyone can get covid.
New England Journal of Medicine paper on the latest versions of Covid-19.

One of the doctors in that study is supported by the Musk Foundation. 

...If only he would stick to building cars...

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1 hour ago, ccap41 said:

One of the doctors in that study is supported by the Musk Foundation. 

...If only he would stick to building cars...

We'll one can Troll if one wants, but actually I take this as hitting the nail on the head. Musk should stay focused on building cars rather than wadding into the medical field on which he has NO FORMAL EDUCATION. Musk is showing his Narcissistic personality each time he attempts to influence the lemmings that follow him. 

Let jump down the rabbit hole then and push out the conspiracy theory that Musk is a Narcissistic Puppet for Communisim, controlled by China. ?


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4 minutes ago, David said:

We'll one can Troll if one wants, but actually I take this as hitting the nail on the head. Musk should stay focused on building cars rather than wadding into the medical field on which he has NO FORMAL EDUCATION. Musk is showing his Narcissistic personality each time he attempts to influence the lemmings that follow him. 

Let jump down the rabbit hole then and push out the conspiracy theory that Musk is a Narcissistic Puppet for Communisim, controlled by China. ?


Or maybe thank/support him for supporting covid/medical research... 

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Its not about how many entrepreneurial endeavors or how many humanitarian tasks entrepreneurs take on.

Its how well they accomplish them.

Musk not that long ago, a couple of weeks ago, gave a stern lecture of how Rivian and Lucid should take care of expenses....

He trolled GM for having to go though bankruptcy.... 

He twitted a couple of days ago that his 2 new factories are losing money...   LOTS of money.  BILLIONS of money lost...

He also forgets that Tesla would have been dismantled a decade ago, just like how his then rival Fisker was had it NOT been for government subsidies to keep Tesla afloat all these years.

He also forgets that he continues to GET government subsidies for Tesla to keep on STAYING afloat.  If all ties are cut RIGHT NOW, Tesla folds RIGHT NOW....

Also...Space X, that loop thing and most probably this vaccine thing are ALL financed partially BY tax payer money.

Its not so much how many projects he takes on.

Its more about how piss poor his actual leadership is, how piss poor his decisions are, how piss poor his problem solving is and how piss poor his decisions to tweet about nonsense and bullshyte and how he revises history....

He IS great in telling fairy tales though...   He gets politicians to throw public money at him because of it.  Ill give him that!!!

Edited by oldshurst442
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50 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

Or maybe thank/support him for supporting covid/medical research... 

Id rather thank the doctors and lab research workers instead.

THE actual folk that are ACTUALLY doing the problem solving and work to find a cure.

Musk is just the story telling salesman employing the doctors and lab researchers....

Kudos for him....but no praise....   

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With all this blind praising of Musk, one would think knee pads would be a good investment. 

16 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

Id rather thank the doctors and lab research workers instead.

THE actual folk that are ACTUALLY doing the problem solving and work to find a cure.

Musk is just the story telling salesman employing the doctors and lab researchers....

Kudos for him....but no praise....   

Exactly. "Support" does not mean crap in this context. It's right up there with "thoughts and prayers" after a tragedy. Just words with no substance. All Covid research credit goes to the folks who ACTUALLY did the research and made strides towards controlling it via treatment and vaccine creation and implementation. Musk literally did none of that.

1 hour ago, David said:

We'll one can Troll if one wants, but actually I take this as hitting the nail on the head. Musk should stay focused on building cars rather than wadding into the medical field on which he has NO FORMAL EDUCATION. Musk is showing his Narcissistic personality each time he attempts to influence the lemmings that follow him. 

Let jump down the rabbit hole then and push out the conspiracy theory that Musk is a Narcissistic Puppet for Communisim, controlled by China. ?


Someone must be on a "pay by the word" retainer by Musk to constantly keep bringing him up in different discussion that aren't even about him.?

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And while we are at it, maybe we should just skip the part where Musk routinely spoke out against COVID prevention measures and shut down restrictions in 2020. Also skip where, despite the fact that Musk spoke out against COVID stimulus, his company still gladly took in $600 million for certain payroll benefits. 


F him and the hypocritical horse he rode in on.

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42 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

Id rather thank the doctors and lab research workers instead.

THE actual folk that are ACTUALLY doing the problem solving and work to find a cure.

Musk is just the story telling salesman employing the doctors and lab researchers....

Kudos for him....but no praise....   

Without his funding, he's not doing the research. 

But I do agree that the doctors themselves deserve the credit. They don't do it for free though. 

46 minutes ago, David said:


Not good for Tesla it would appear, guess he really does need to focus.

Irrelevant to this thread, but Okay. 

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7 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

Without his funding, he's not doing the research. 

MMMkay. Literally billions upon billions were donated worldwide in 2020 with the Musk Foundation contributing a whole $5 million towards it but okay, that research doesn't happen without musk lol.

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6 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

The whole anti-Musk crew it out today! 

Slow Motion Smoking GIF

Not "anti-Musk". Most folks just aren't hurting their knees over his sensationalism. Sorry the facts above rain down on your bow down to Musk parade so much so that your only response is more trolling. Jack Dorsey and his $1 billion donation deserves FAR more credit for continuing and funding COVID research than Musk. 


Might want to watch blowing all that smoke up Elons posterior before he catches himself a case of recall cancer.

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9 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

Without his funding, he's not doing the research. 

But I do agree that the doctors themselves deserve the credit. They don't do it for free though. 

Somebody else can and will take his place...

But lets not forget the shytty dialogue he had that questioned what 5 billion dollars could do for poverty...

He MIS-DIRECTED what the intentions were by playing on words that 5 billion dollars doesnt end poverty. 

And if he was showed that 5 billion dollars could end poverty, he would sell 5 billion dollars worth of his own Tesla shares to quote on quote, "end poverty".

well, the hypocrisy is laid on thick here:

1. He CANT sell 5 billion dollars worth of Tesla stock because Tesla stock is pretty much useless and quite possibly worthless...

a) half a year later and he wants to buy Twitter for 8 times that, but cant...  Solving poverty right???!!!

b) Tesla is LOSING billions so the investors wont ALLOW him to sell ANY Tesla stock for Twitter OR for poverty...


2.   Whatever amount he has invested in this vaccine endeavor, it will probably EAT 5 billion in NO TIME...

a) according to his thought process, its USELESS to spend 5 billion even TRYING to make a difference, because he KNOWINGY MISDIRECTED the 5 billion dollar intention of TRYING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND 5 BILLION DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE




3D thinking emoji - TurboSquid 1533427


yeah....maybe he SHOULD use ALL that energy in trying to IMPROVE Tesla, and let others find the solutions to Earth's problems.  

He is no phoquing saviour of ANY kind...  Maybe he should try and save...oh...I dunno.....Tesla...

He gives GREAT advice and solutions for OTHERS to follow, but unfortunately HIS own business endeavors are a phoquing mess...

13 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

The whole anti-Musk crew is out today! 

Slow Motion Smoking GIF


That is not a good luck for you or for him...

His personal life is ALSO on twitter and social media BECAUSE he LIVES on social media...



Maybe he could offer Marry Barra parental advice too on Twitter? 

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10 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

Somebody else can and will take his place...

You're going to go the route that some other doctor could just take his place?

You're probably right and it's just that simple. 

12 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

But lets not forget the shytty dialogue he had that questioned what 5 billion dollars could do for poverty...

He MIS-DIRECTED what the intentions were by playing on words that 5 billion dollars doesn't end poverty. 

And if he was showed that 5 billion dollars could end poverty, he would sell 5 billion dollars worth of his own Tesla shares to quote on quote, "end poverty".

This probably belongs in a different thread as it's quite irrelevant to vaccinations. 

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2 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

This probably belongs in a different thread as it's quite irrelevant to vaccinations. 


This belongs here as to discuss Musk's incompetency.  Its about Musk as the discussion around vaccines were directed by YOU to BE about Musk... 

stop trolling...

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3 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

You're going to go the route that some other doctor could just take his place?

I believe the route (as I showed you in the graphic and link above) is that the research for that doctor could have come from ANY number of sources who donated more to the cause. IT IS that simple. 

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6 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

I LOVE how jacked you guys got knowing your arch nemesis has helped fund medical research. 

And we just shake our heads at the fact that A.) He is not an "arch nemesis" and no one is "jacked" so save the exaggeration and B.) that you keep on ignoring that his "funding" was and continues to be a drop in a very large bucket of donors who have done FAR more than him in regards to helping out COVID research.

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8 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

Excuse Me Reaction GIF by Mashable




"likes", "disagrees", and "educated", etc reactions are all literally part of this site. If you have a problem with my (or anyone else's, for that matter) reactions, then I suggest that you take it up with the creator of this site. When you troll non-stop, as you have for the past month, and ignore actual facts then these are the "reactions" that you get. That doesn't make anyone "jacked". It means that perhaps they see through obvious trolling BS.


Having said that, it seems like the only one "jacked" here is you and your need to interject and blindly defend Musk at every turn. See your endless and pointless trolling GIFs as evidence of these "jacked" moments.



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6 hours ago, ccap41 said:

Irrelevant to this thread, but Okay. 

Not Irrelevant, he even says they might have to declare bankruptcy, that is very relevant to you bringing him into the discussion on Covid.

He is distracted from doing the main job of running Tesla.

  • Tesla Shares down 1/3rd this year alone and still dropping.
  • Tesla Truck a no show even in Mule form
  • Semi Trucks in mule form but years late already from delivery
  • Auto line is delaying delivery due to of all things supply chain issues that he says they do not have compared to the Legacy OEMs.

Vaccine is the thread here, but when one person throughs out a Narcissist that has problems focusing on the only job he has, running a company as he would rather be a rock or movie star due to his look at me attitude, yes that is the problem with Musk and why his paltry $5 million means little when he talks about solving world hunger? How about doing like the gates foundation spending billions to vaccinate children around the world to avoid having them go through what Humanity has already beaten.

Let's also not forget that you yourself are not vaccinated as you have posted so why should it matter that he be praised for talking about covid rather than running the company he is employed to run?

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I am just going to say this. For all of my various physical issues over the years, one of them is not my immune system. It has been like a tank and has kept me from getting sicker than most folks over the decades (have never had Strep, for example). Having said that, I still got both of my Moderna shots and then a booster six months later. Why? Because I am not just thinking of myself here. I am thinking of the people around me like my GF and her autoimmune issues.


Just saying.

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I'm looking forward to my second booster in a month or so.  I'm trying to go to Europe in September, so I want its effectiveness at its peak when I go.  That involves getting the booster 2 weeks to a month in advance.

I got Pfizer for the first two vaccine injections.  I got Moderna for booster #1 some 9 months later.  I was a little worried about Moderna because several people I know passed through a few rough days after Moderna injections.  However, I looked at its stats and effectiveness and the pharmacist said that the mixing of the two brands (allowable for boosters) could have some beneficial effects.  I got the same headache that evening as I did with Pfizer, and that's it.  I will again get Moderna.

I have had to test (rapid antigen and PCR) numerous times in the last year and a half - to travel or just because you've gone to urgent care with something that looks like covid.  So far, all the tests have turned out favorably.

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B5 is the official current infection version of Covid-19 and as such, both Pfizer and Modern are hoping to have out by August an updated booster to fight these versions since B5 especially seems to attack the lungs more than any previous version and as such, being suffocated by a virus is not on my bucket list.

For those that are not into the Science heavy medical papers, here is one that CNN makes simple to understand for everyone.

Covid: Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 escape antibodies from vaccination and prior infection, studies suggest - CNN

If you do not like U.S. news, then here is a source from outside this country.

Covid UK: Omicron sub-variants ‘evolving to target the lungs and overcome immunity’ | The Independent

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