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Where Have I Been

William Maley

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Hi there. It has been some time since I last posted in this section of the forum. Sure I have been writing the odd review here and there, but other than that, I have been a bit of a ghost. Popping in and our in case of some incident that needs to be addressed. So what has been going on?

Aside from 2020 being well a 'landfill fire' (and that's me being family friendly), I've been quite busy with work. Since mid-April, I have been on three different projects which have taken up a lot of my time and mental energy. Add this on top of working from home since March with no real outside interaction, COVID-19, and other personal issues, and you get a recipe of feeling very drained and depressed. After work, I tended to try and relax and not want to do anything mentally draining.

This is a bit of bummer because I was hoping to get back to some of regular-ness here on Cheers & Gears with writing some news throughout the week and a couple of reviews per month. Yeah, that didn't happen. But I know from past experience that trying to force myself to write only produces shoddy work and I feel worse than actually doing it.

I have been able to get the odd review out here and there - mostly quick drives. That's due to whenever I have a burst of energy, I try my best to use it and get something out the door. Yes, I have a massive backlog of 2020 reviews. But I rather sit on them and wait till I'm good and ready to write something decent instead of half-assing it. Maybe this is a sign that I'm becoming a bit more responsible...? 

So I may be popping in and out for the next few months with the odd review or a news story that I find so interesting, I really want to share. It really comes down to what happens in the next few months as I finish up this last project for work, along with some other stuff.

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Thanks @William Maley Great to hear from you, what you been doing and that you are doing your best like the rest of us to survive this crazy pandemic. Wishing you and your family all the best.

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