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We know who you hate on C&G (sort of) so who do you hate outside of C&G? I would stab the following people in the face*:

Bryan Adams

John Basedow

John Stamos

Chris Berman

Dick Cheney

Thats all I can think of right now.

*I do not condone violence towards anyone, but these people really annoy me and I make an effort to avoid them.

Edited by Satty
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I think he's referring to the guy on ESPN.

I must ask, Satty, what is your beef with Bryan Adams? I could understand everyone else on your list, but why him? He's no more harmful or abrasive than a cotton ball.

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I would have to say my enemies list would have to have the people I consider the most evil men in America today:

Dick Cheney

Donald Rumsfield

George W. Bush

Rev. Donald Wildmon

James Dobson

All right-wing lunatics bent on destroying the US...

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OKAY here's my list:

- Sean Paul You can't sing! Your voice is like a down syndrome child on helium. :nono:

- GM beancounters Two decades we've been in this rut of FWD and downsizing. :angry:

- Tori Spelling You're a butter face & your 15 minutes was up 10 years ago.

- Paris Hilton More useless & annoying than a Charcoal Canister out of a Pinto.

- Al Gore No he did NOT invent the internet & he would NOT have made pot legal you dumb hippie. :rolleyes:

Edited by Sixty8panther
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OASIS You will never be better or greater than the Beatles!
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Avril Lavigne...

Forget Bryan Adams or Celine Dion, Lavigne is probably the worst offender in Canadian music, (up there with Nickleback). But what really makes me loathe her is when I head to a foreign country, I always get the odd person asking if I love her music, with me replying no, and (I swear to God) the person replying that I'm not really Canadian...


Paris Hilton...

Proof that you don't need talent to be a celebrity...

She can't act for :censored: , she can't sing for :censored: , she can't model for :censored: and she definately can't :censored: for :censored: .

Everything in this planet serves a purpose. Bacteria break down nutrients. The trees provide shade and wood. The animals provide food for predators... the only thing on this planet that seems to serve no purpose whatsoever is Paris.

and Finally...

Tommy Lee...

Just an ungrateful idiot... He had a playmate wife only to abuse her and now he's left the Crue AGAIN to pursue "Supernova"... And yet plenty of girls I meet find him attractive... Weird... I figured Nikki Sixx would've been the better catch...

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Paris Hilton...

Proof that you don't need talent to be a celebrity...

She can't act for  :censored: , she can't sing for  :censored: , she can't model for  :censored:  and she definately can't  :censored: for  :censored: .

Everything in this planet serves a purpose. Bacteria break down nutrients. The trees provide shade and wood. The animals provide food for predators... the only thing on this planet that seems to serve no purpose whatsoever is Paris.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

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Nirvana, Pearl Jam and any other bands included in the early 90s "grunge" movement... as well as the people who bought their CDs...

Green Day, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance etc... 3 chords o not a song make... bithcing about your fake problems does not equal good lyrics... yelling at the mic does not constitute singing... YOUR MUSIC SUCKS!!!!!

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I would have to say my enemies list would have to have the people I consider the most evil men in America today:

Dick Cheney

Donald Rumsfield

George W. Bush

Rev. Donald Wildmon

James Dobson

All right-wing lunatics bent on destroying the US...

How did I know something like this was going to be posted. :rolleyes:

Neither the NYT or LAT are the Bible, you know. :lol:

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Nirvana, Pearl Jam and any other bands included in the early 90s "grunge" movement... as well as the people who bought their CDs...

Green Day, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance etc... 3 chords o not a song make... bithcing about your fake problems does not equal good lyrics... yelling at the mic does not constitute singing... YOUR MUSIC SUCKS!!!!!

Amazing post.

Sean Paul...ugh. Listening to him is torture. He should definately be played at Guantanamo.

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How did I know something like this was going to be posted. :rolleyes:

Neither the NYT or LAT are the Bible, you know. :lol:

haha i was going to add to my post "people who accuse the replubicans for every problem ever *cough*moltar*cough*" but i figured id let someone else have the honors...

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haha i was going to add to my post "people who accuse the replubicans for every problem ever *cough*moltar*cough*" but i figured id let someone else have the honors...

Nah, just the ones they are responsible for. :P
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Nirvana, Pearl Jam and any other bands included in the early 90s "grunge" movement... as well as the people who bought their CDs...

Green Day, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance etc... 3 chords o not a song make... bithcing about your fake problems does not equal good lyrics... yelling at the mic does not constitute singing... YOUR MUSIC SUCKS!!!!!

What else can I say...?

Everyone is gay

What else would I be...?

All apologies. :ph34r:

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Sean Paul...ugh.  Listening to him is torture.  He should definately be played at Guantanamo.


Talk about Chinese torture... listening to one of his songs

over & over and over & over + over would make anyone

normal want kill themselves I would imagine.

Gotta love how all his songs always "feature" some useless

artist who "sings" three lines of lyrics as if it was some

fantastic contribution.

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G. Dub Bush

Dick Cheney

Fred Phelps

James Dobson

Donald Rumsfeld

Pat Robertson

A bunch of local people none of you [care to] know.

The church down the road from here.

Hank Williams, Jr.

Tony Stewart

Anyone who asks "Do you have body in the back?" when I drive my hearse.

Anyone who shouts "GHOSTBUSTERS!" at my Cadillac. IDIOTS! That's a 1959 Miller-Meteor...not a '69!

Anyone who looks at my car and asks with a long drawl, "Are you uh Chris Chen?" Who is Chris Chen, anyway? :D

Anyone who tells me I should have my head examined for driving a hearse, and then gets in their Odyssey with "CHEERFORCE!" stickers on the back and drives off. PSSHT!

EDIT: Perhaps if I can't spell Odyssey correctly, I need to use Honda minivan instead.

Edited by Cadavillac
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Oh yeah, and that Bill O'Reilly guy, too. Didn't he heal all those people in that Chris Chen book? }:>)

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Anyone who shouts "GHOSTBUSTERS!" at my Cadillac. IDIOTS! That's a 1959 Miller-Meteor...not a '69!

Dude... If I had a hearse like that, I'd totally blast the Ghostbusters theme. When I was little, my ultimate job would've been to be a Ghostbuster.

Now that I think about it... I think I still do! Only I'd drive a Magnum.

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Green Day, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance etc... 3 chords o not a song make... bithcing about your fake problems does not equal good lyrics... yelling at the mic does not constitute singing... YOUR MUSIC SUCKS!!!!!

Don't lump Green Day with them. Green Day rocks. I don't what you're talking about... :P

Nah, just the ones they are responsible for. :P

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Don't lump Green Day with them. Green Day rocks. I don't what you're talking about... :P

green days older stuff is okay... like basketcase and that other song "another turning point a fork stuck in the road" all their stuff from that time period... american idiot is a huge disaster... nothing but three chord guitar riffs and a bunch of "im trying to be accepted so ill act like im liberal" bull$h!... i cant stand it

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ever think that maybe green day just doesn't like where this country is going?  they certainly aren't alone in that view.

I'm in the general age group that likes Greenday ( I don't... Van Halen all the way) and they licked that song right up.

If anything, Green Day was pandering to the masses.

Most people my age in my country and in other parts of the world seem to hate America... even though they don't watch the news, read the paper and get most of their information from skewed internet sources. It seems to be the "in" thing to hate the Yanks.

I doubt Greenday has little interest in politics. They made that simple song just to make money, pure and simple... which is sad because it reflects the apathy of people my age... most would rather get baked than vote on election day... :nono:

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How many videos on YouTube of emo boys kissing?  One million?  What is that about? :huh:

Seems to be a new "fad" and probably becuase most of them are homosexual. Nothing against homosexuals, but seems like some people will go to extreme lengths to be different.

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emo kids are the absolute worst!!!!!!!!!!!! "boohoo i live in suburbia and my parents make lots of money and i get whatever i want... i dont have any real problems but i like to pretend i do... look at how depressed i am... i dyed my hair jet black and swept it over one eye... i wear girls pants and kiss guys... do you guys think im cool yet?"

if you have real problems to complain about then fine... go ahead and be upset for a while... but i live in bergen county... one of the richest counties in the country... and all the emo kids... are from relatively wealthy families as far as i know... im not sayin all are cuz im sure there are some kids who are legitimately depressed because they have real problems... but an overwhelming majority of emo kids aorund here have nothing to complain about... i cant stand the trend... its the worst thing ever...

i view it as a really really depressed version of the whole hair metal scene... tight pants... long hair... tyed to a certain kind of music... only ya know... emo sucks and hair metal was pretty sweet for the most part... man i really do not understand that whole trend... ew it makes me sick just thinking about it

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How can you say they have no real problems just because their parents are rich? Money doesn't buy happiness, and everyone feels hurt or pain regardless of parental wealth. One of my close HS friends has been incredibly depressed for some time now despite being very attractive, very smart, athletic and having a very wealthy upbringing. Why is he depressed? Because no matter what he does, he can never live up to his older brother who is even smarter, more attractive, athletic, etc. etc. No one actually tells him or treats him like that, but the subtext is there and has been for him since he hasn't found his place yet. He isn't an emo kid, but he definitely is wealthy with problems. People deal with things differently, and what might be a big deal for one person is trivial and insignificant to another. Everyone has different values/goals/aspirations. Not to preach, but it just rubbed me wrong to equate wealth with "doesn't have any real problems."

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no no you misunderstood... i obviously cant speak for all of them... but every emo kid ive ever met... ive met their family and they have no huge problems that would cause a kid to be that depressed... such as being held to a ridiculous standard... or divorce or something like that... im not talking about the kids who have legitimate problems... thats why i said... people who have real problems thats fine... its understandable when they are depressed... but when every single emo kid ive ever met has no huge problems like that... like the biggest problem being that he didnt get the newest my chemical romance cd on the day it came out... thats when it retarded... i misworded my post and i apologize for any misunderstanding

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Depressed over not getting a MCR CD? ummmmmm yea haven't heard of that happening. See, the thing is that a lot of people have problems hidden beneath the surface. I just don't get how you can say definitively that they don't have problems...it seems pretty obvious to me that if someone is depressed they have some kind of problem. Just because it isn't obvious or apparent doesn't mean it isn't there...

ETA: don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of scene kids either but I won't dismiss them beyond being melodramatic and possibly immature.

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no but most of these kids arent actually depressed... like ive seen them when with their families and they are fine happy kids... but when with friends they start moping around and complaining... thats what i hate... kids who pretend to be depressed just so their friends who actually are depressed will accept them... so they are being melodramatic and immature... i have nothing against people who actually have problems... in fact i often try to go out of my way to help people with severe problems like that... but its the kids who are only "depressed" in front of friends that bother me... like they pretend to be emo just to be cool... hence the "do you guys think im cool yet?" line in my emo kid monologue before...

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emo kids are the absolute worst!!!!!!!!!!!! "boohoo i live in suburbia and my parents make lots of money and i get whatever i want... i dont have any real problems but i like to pretend i do... look at how depressed i am... i dyed my hair jet black and swept it over one eye... i wear girls pants and kiss guys... do you guys think im cool yet?"

I think I pissed my pants. You are one funny guy.

My sister has a couple emo friends, including one who is really hot, and she tries to act like she is in that whole scene...going to shows, wearing band shirts, etc. Nothing too bad, I guess. I just sit back and laugh.

I do not understand the whole wearing girls pants and kissing guys, though, but saying you're straight. How about curious? No guy should be in girls pants, though.

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haha thanks

yeah i think the girls pants is one of the worst things... besides the incessant bitching... because lets be honest... girl pants... are made with the specific idea... that something is not going to be there... these kids claim that they are comfortable... and i ask how? when you have that particular something... that these pants were not designed to accomodate... even if you wear boxers... your still wearin what is basically denim tighty whities on top... i really doubt that yur... er... package... is goin to be very happy when you zip those puppies up... ya know what i mean?

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