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Industry News: Trump Raises Tariffs on All Mexican Goods

Drew Dowdell

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6 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

So why are you comparing the lone billionaire with legitimate cash on hand to Trump and, likely, the rest of the billionaires? 


OK, the whole showing that some do have cash started with you posting this:


I was curious to see who has cash on hand in the Billionaire segment and showed that there are many who have plenty of actual cash on hand rather than just paperwork.

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2 minutes ago, dfelt said:


OK, the whole showing that some do have cash started with you posting this:


I was curious to see who has cash on hand in the Billionaire segment and showed that there are many who have plenty of actual cash on hand rather than just paperwork.

So show me the "many". 

I'll admit to being wrong. One billionaire has cash on hand, although it isn't actual cash. 

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3 hours ago, balthazar said:



Those things certainly aren’t currently failing China .

What China is doing is not equal to the practices that killed the US economy in the 1930s. Their method of “protectionism” is far different than what we used back in the day. 

2 hours ago, ccap41 said:

I don't think "average at best" even has an opportunity to own a single casino let alone multiple casinos and resorts. 

Well it’s easy to get started or recover from bankruptcies when daddy fronts you the money on multiple occasions. Fact. 


I stand by my “average at best” statement. 

2 hours ago, ccap41 said:

Somebody must still be throwing cash at him/his organization. They've built stuff as recent as 2016.




That would be China and Russia with some side help from the Deutsche Bank. No American bank would touch him. That should tell you something right there. 

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25 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

So show me the "many". 

I'll admit to being wrong. One billionaire has cash on hand, although it isn't actual cash. 

Here’s what you’re not getting. The money possessed by all those other billionaires can be pretty easily verified. Trumps cannot. The man has lied about his wealth for decades and that is a fact. He routinely campaign these finance magazines to show he has more than he actually does. If he wants to really let everyone know how much he has then all he has to do is release his taxes like he promised back in 2016. Otherwise, it’s just another con in a long line of David Dennison cons. 


Oh and to to answer your Japan debt question, it’s really easy. It sucks but the debt with China is the one growing at a faster rate and we are not always at the potential for military conflict with Japan (not since the 1940s anyway). The ramifications with China are far greater as a result. 

Edited by surreal1272
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Oh boy.. MuSt ReLeAsE TaxEs, because that's something that legitimately matters to people. 

11 minutes ago, surreal1272 said:

. It sucks but the debt with China is the one growing at a faster rate

I can't find a rate at which we are borrowing/incurring interest debt with them. Do you have this? 

If China's debt is growing at a faster rate, did we owe Japan more just a few years ago? 

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18 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

Oh boy.. MuSt ReLeAsE TaxEs, because that's something that legitimately matters to people. 

Yes it does matter to most people. As it should! 

Its funny to me that severe corrupt practices are being cloaked on you, yet you seem to dance lightly around this...

All because you want to cut your nose to spite your face...

Like I said to @dwightlooi

I dont judge you on your politics.

I DO judge you on how you respond...


Edited by oldshurst442
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30 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

Oh boy.. MuSt ReLeAsE TaxEs, because that's something that legitimately matters to people. 

I can't find a rate at which we are borrowing/incurring interest debt with them. Do you have this? 

If China's debt is growing at a faster rate, did we owe Japan more just a few years ago? 

Actually it does when HE SAID HE WOULD. I don’t know about you but I prefer presidents keep their word. Besides, it would resolve this “how much is he really worth” argument. And I got some news for you. It matters to a lot of people given his international dealings. If you can’t see the importance of that, then there’s no need in further talking about this with you because it has been nicely laid out throughout this entire thread as to why it’s important.


You also cherry picked my statement regarding the debt with a China vs. Japan. The rate at which it has gone up is only one part of the equation. 


Read this to to get a better idea of why our debt to China is a bigger deal than the debt to Japan. 



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38 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

Oh boy.. MuSt ReLeAsE TaxEs, because that's something that legitimately matters to people. 

When any one person decides to serve the public as a Representative of the People for the People and by the People, that person then does have an obligation to be transparent in showing that they are held to the highest standard in representing us to the world.

I would say that YES, the BULK of America Does want to see his Tax returns as it does Legitimately matter.

Are you saying it is OK for a Conman to hold the highest public office and not know the real person they are and what they might attempt to do at the cost of the people?

This Tariff WAR is hurting our Country, Hurting the People and the approach being taken is one of ignorance and not business savvy. 

I truly believe in fair trade / open trade as long as there is a balance. Currently we as a nation, public consumption have chosen to allow certain jobs and sectors to go out of the country to allow us to have lower costs. For some things this is not a bad thing, yet for others such as Solar Panels, it is a very bad thing.

The decisions of not supporting local production has come from the leadership in Washington and as such I and I am sure many others would like to see just how good a candidate is in being able to do the job, not just a conjob of Marketing with some derogatory remarks.

Anyone can be a bully, it takes a real person to lead with compassion, intelligence and teamwork. This country has and always been run by team work. There is no I in team. Tax returns show an insight to how the person has run his own finances and if he can truly run a multi-trillion dollar economy.

So far we have some of the highest Debt spending under Trump not seen since WWII which I posted earlier in this thread on page 5 I believe.


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His taxes not only matter where his dealings, borrowings comes from...enemies of the USA...

It matters because he may be a tax thief and fraud...

Not paying taxes, enough taxes is an act of treason all on its own merit...

Al Capone...the murderous, scandalous, bootlegging, corrupted organized crime figure...went to Alcatraz...because he did not pay taxes...

WTF does that tell you?

To take this lightly is incomprehensible to me...

Here we are, trying to get rid of lying, cheats to be our elected leaders....we bitch and complain because we have no good choices around yet we enable them just the same...

What message does this send to aspiring little future asshat politicians?

That its OK to cheat, steal and lie as long as you deny deny deny?

GTFO with that shyte...you guys defending Trump's very apparent corrupt ways... 

4 minutes ago, dfelt said:

This Tariff WAR is hurting our Country, Hurting the People and the approach being taken is one of ignorance and not business savvy

Because...we dont see his taxes...we dont know who he is dealing with...

Are his friends both in the US and in China gonna benefit with these policies? 

To hell with the rest of America, as long as his swindling friends benefit?

Well, this is why its important for a leader of state be open and transparent with ALL his aspects of life. Public and Private.


A leader of state is no longer in power for his own benefit. At least in theory.

And well...releasing his taxes may prove to America that he truly is...clean...or dirty...

And its a tool...a DEMOCRATIC tool to at least minimize the chances of corruption...

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There is zero importance in how much he earned a year. Anybody continuing to bring it up is just digging for reasons to not like somebody. There are dozens or hundreds of other reasons to get on his ass, knowing how much he makes shouldn't be one of them. 

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1 minute ago, ccap41 said:

There is zero importance in how much he earned a year. Anybody continuing to bring it up is just digging for reasons to not like somebody. There are dozens or hundreds of other reasons to get on his ass, knowing how much he makes shouldn't be one of them. 

These are your answers to that idiotic post. Read them...

10 minutes ago, dfelt said:

When any one person decides to serve the public as a Representative of the People for the People and by the People, that person then does have an obligation to be transparent in showing that they are held to the highest standard in representing us to the world.

I would say that YES, the BULK of America Does want to see his Tax returns as it does Legitimately matter.

Are you saying it is OK for a Conman to hold the highest public office and not know the real person they are and what they might attempt to do at the cost of the people?

This Tariff WAR is hurting our Country, Hurting the People and the approach being taken is one of ignorance and not business savvy

I truly believe in fair trade / open trade as long as there is a balance. Currently we as a nation, public consumption have chosen to allow certain jobs and sectors to go out of the country to allow us to have lower costs. For some things this is not a bad thing, yet for others such as Solar Panels, it is a very bad thing.

The decisions of not supporting local production has come from the leadership in Washington and as such I and I am sure many others would like to see just how good a candidate is in being able to do the job, not just a conjob of Marketing with some derogatory remarks.

Anyone can be a bully, it takes a real person to lead with compassion, intelligence and teamwork. This country has and always been run by team work. There is no I in team. Tax returns show an insight to how the person has run his own finances and if he can truly run a multi-trillion dollar economy.

So far we have some of the highest Debt spending under Trump not seen since WWII which I posted earlier in this thread on page 2 I believe.



6 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

His taxes not only matter where his dealings, borrowings comes from...enemies of the USA...

It matters because he may be a tax thief and fraud...

Not paying taxes, enough taxes is an act of treason all on its own merit...

Al Capone...the murderous, scandalous, bootlegging, corrupted organized crime figure...went to Alcatraz...because he did not pay taxes...

WTF does that tell you?

To take this lightly is incomprehensible to me...

Here we are, trying to get rid of lying, cheats to be our elected leaders....we bitch and complain because we have no good choices around yet we enable them just the same...

What message does this send to aspiring little future asshat politicians?

That its OK to cheat, steal and lie as long as you deny deny deny?

GTFO with that shyte...you guys defending Trump's very apparent corrupt ways... 

Because...we dont see his taxes...we dont know who he is dealing with...

Are his friends both in the US and in China gonna benefit with these policies? 

To hell with the rest of America, as long as his swindling friends benefit?

Well, this is why its important for a leader of state be open and transparent with ALL his aspects of life. Public and Private.


A leader of state is no longer in power for his own benefit. At least in theory.

And well...releasing his taxes may prove to America that he truly is...clean...or dirty...

And its a tool...a DEMOCRATIC tool to at least minimize the chances of corruption...


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2 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

These are your answers to that idiotic post. Read them...

And none of that makes any logical sense to me. It all sounds like petty excuses to be upset with somebody.

Pick on other crap he has done or said. 

No matter what anybody says here, you will never be able to convince me that seeing ones' filed taxes is of importance. 

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Just now, ccap41 said:

And none of that makes any logical sense to me. It all sounds like petty excuses to be upset with somebody.

Pick on other crap he has done or said. 

No matter what anybody says here, you will never be able to convince me that seeing ones' filed taxes is of importance. 

I know...

Its apparent that you are, to put it lightly...NAIVE... 

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14 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

There is zero importance in how much he earned a year. Anybody continuing to bring it up is just digging for reasons to not like somebody. There are dozens or hundreds of other reasons to get on his ass, knowing how much he makes shouldn't be one of them. 

You literally ignored every other reason to check his taxes by focusing only on how much he makes as opposed to how he made it and by what means. That’s the point of the tax reveal. We Americans have an absolute right to know how someone made their fortune once they become a public servant, whether it is Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Nancy Pelosi, or Donald Trump. If you don’t see the reasons why, especially after all the legitimate reasons given on this thread, then you are honestly blind, no offense. 

Edited by surreal1272
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15 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

And that is your opinion. Luckily, we are each allowed our own in these two beautiful countries. ✌️

Too bad that the response at the bottom, Surreal's response that I quoted...makes you look like an idiot...

Your opinion is shyte...its wrong, its uninformed, its cutting your nose to spite your face...because I DO know you are not stupid. 

Its woefully apparent...

11 minutes ago, surreal1272 said:

You literally ignored every other reason to check his taxes by focusing only on how much he makes as opposed to how he made it and by what means. That’s the point of the tax reveal. 


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1 minute ago, ccap41 said:

Again, that doesn't mean sh!t to me and I don't understand why that matters to others. But here we are, and it does matter to others.  ??‍♂️

And that’s the problem. It should matter. Saying it doesn’t is just turning a blind eye or just doing this...



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2 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

Again, that doesn't mean sh!t to me and I don't understand why that matters to others. But here we are, and it does matter to others.  ??‍♂️

Because that is what we are doing...we are exchanging ideas...

THIS is what humans have been doing since the dawn of time.

It dont matter to me...

I repeat.

I dont judge you for your politics.

I judge you on your responses...


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Just now, ccap41 said:

But it doesn't. Sorry, bud. 

You keep saying it doesn't matter, but WHY?   Show documented proof as to why you think it doesn't matter.  Presidents and presidential candidates traditionally release their tax information.   What is 45 hiding? 

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1 minute ago, ccap41 said:

I've been quite satisfied for the last couple years. No worries on my end. 

Ah, only in it for yourself and you don't give a fuck for the future of the country and its citizens, or for humanity at large.  I see.  

Edited by Robert Hall
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Just now, ccap41 said:

I've been quite satisfied for the last couple years. No worries on my end. 

No you havent been satisfied...

The only reason why you are happy is that the "left" is not in power...

Like I said...its woefully apparent...

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1 minute ago, Robert Hall said:

You keep saying it doesn't matter, but WHY?   Show documented proof as to why you think it doesn't matter.  Presidents and presidential candidates traditionally release their tax information.   What is 45 hiding? 

That's an opinionated question you're asking for documentation for... 

My opinion says, it is meaningless. I, personally, see zero value in seeing one's taxes. 

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2 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

I've been quite satisfied for the last couple years. No worries on my end. 


1 minute ago, Robert Hall said:

Ah, only in it for yourself and you don't give a f@#k for the future of the country and its citizens.  I see.


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1 minute ago, Robert Hall said:

Ah, only in it for yourself and you don't give a f@#k for the future of the country and its citizens.  I see.

I do recall saying nothing of the sort about not caring about the future of the country and the citizens of said country. 

I'm sorry our opinions are not the same but I would appreciate it if you did not start putting words into my mouth. 

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1 minute ago, ccap41 said:

I do recall saying nothing of the sort about not caring about the future of the country and the citizens of said country. 

I'm sorry our opinions are not the same but I would appreciate it if you did not start putting words into my mouth. 

Actually, it was totally implied from what you said.   Pretty clear.   

Edited by Robert Hall
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3 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

That's an opinionated question you're asking for documentation for... 

Its NOT an opinionated question...

This has been addressed to you...

Like I said...you cut your nose to spite your face...


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3 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

No you havent been satisfied...

The only reason why you are happy is that the "left" is not in power...

Like I said...its woefully apparent...

Oh no. I am not that extreme at all. I lean right but I am no far right or extremist by any stretch of the imagination. 

Not like anybody here actually cares but prior to my voting(every time) I look up all candidates, take notes on what they believe in and what I believe in, takes my little scratch pad with me and vote with my heart/opinions. I have never blindly voted all down one side of the ballot for whichever candidates are Republican or Democrats. I'll openly admit to voting for Democrats in this past election along with libertarians and republicans. I have never, and never plan to, blindly vote without informing myself in who I am voting for. 

4 minutes ago, Robert Hall said:

Actually, it was totally implied from what you said.   Pretty clear.   

I'm sorry if that is how you want to take what I said but. for the record, I do not feel that way.

I do care about my fellow citizens and I do care about the future of my country. 

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1 minute ago, ccap41 said:

Oh no. I am not that extreme at all. I lean right but I am no far right or extremist by any stretch of the imagination. 

Not like anybody here actually cares but prior to my voting(every time) I look up all candidates, take notes on what they believe in and what I believe in, takes my little scratch pad with me and vote with my heart/opinions. I have never blindly voted all down one side of the ballot for whichever candidates are Republican or Democrats. I'll openly admit to voting for Democrats in this past election along with libertarians and republicans. I have never, and never plan to, blindly vote without informing myself in who I am voting for. 

I dont really care...

Like I said...

I dont judge you on your politics

I only judge on your responses...

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9 minutes ago, surreal1272 said:

@ccap41-Yet you chose not inform yourself about Trump (or at least selectively not inform yourself about him). 




He was a dogsht candidate. I know he was.

I believe he was the best of the two absolutely garbage candidates that made it there. It was terrible that we had to choose between a douche and a turd sandwich(South Park reference that is quite accurate). 

Personally, I believed in him more than I did Hillary. 

Neither of those two should have made it to that point. 

Edited by ccap41
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It's absolutely laughable that you think Trump is the more believable of the two.  Let me guess, you believe that Clinton was running a child sex ring out of the basement of a pizza parlor too.....

2 hours ago, ccap41 said:

The Bill Gates ratio of $100B net worth to $4B in cash makes way more sense.

If Trump had that same ratio his $3.1B estimated net worth would yield him about $124M in cash. 

So if you're adding in the firm's value(which seems odd one's net worth wouldn't be included), what are Trump's properties valued at? 

Warren Buffet is on another level. There is no doubt about that. The man knows what he is doing and he knows how the market is flowing better than probably anybody else.

He doesn't own 100% of the entity. 

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1 minute ago, Drew Dowdell said:

It's absolutely laughable that you think Trump is the more believable of the two.  Let me guess, you believe that Clinton was running a child sex ring out of the basement of a pizza parlor too.....

Yes, incomprehensible.  Trump was a reality TV show host, failed real state developer and 'entrepreneur' with a very shady past,  who pandered to the religious right, white nationalists, racists,  etc.   Hillary was Secretary of State, a Senator, very well educated and accomplished.   No comparison. 

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8 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

He was a dogsht candidate. I know he was.

I believe he was the best of the two absolutely garbage candidates that made it there. It was terrible that we had to choose between a douche and a turd sandwich(South Park reference that is quite accurate). 

Personally, I believed in him more than I did Hillary. 

Neither of those two should have made it to that point. 

I wouldn’t know. I didn’t vote for either one of them but your “dilemma” illustrates the problem with the voting process and the mindset of most voters to begin with. You, like so many others, assumed that there were only two choices. 

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5 minutes ago, Drew Dowdell said:

It's absolutely laughable that you think Trump is the more believable of the two.  Let me guess, you believe that Clinton was running a child sex ring out of the basement of a pizza parlor too.....

He comes across as innocent as the Clinton Foundation. I hope you don't see that as innocent either, right? 

Politicians are corrupt. Period. Finding the least bad is what it has come down to and obviously people will have various opinions and value different things in a candidate. 

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Just now, ccap41 said:

He comes across as innocent as the Clinton Foundation. I hope you don't see that as innocent either, right? 

Politicians are corrupt. Period. Finding the least bad is what it has come down to and obviously people will have various opinions and value different things in a candidate. 

How would you that he was the least corrupt if you don’t even want to know how he made his fortune? (Which, for the record, was the tactic used against the Clintons and how they made their money)

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3 minutes ago, surreal1272 said:

I wouldn’t know. I didn’t vote for either one of them but your “dilemma” illustrates the problem with the voting process and the mindset of most voters to begin with. You, like so many others, assumed that there were only two choices. 

My state had one choice. I knew going into the election my state would be a democratic state because of Chicago. They dominate the state's voting, obviously. 

Did you miss where I said I didn't just vote democratic or republican? I voted for libertarians and no party associated all on the same ballot.

If anything, I'm the opposite of the problem. I read, researched what I believed in and what the candidates believed in and voted for everybody, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and no associated party people.

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3 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

He comes across as innocent as the Clinton Foundation. I hope you don't see that as innocent either, right? 

Politicians are corrupt. Period. Finding the least bad is what it has come down to and obviously people will have various opinions and value different things in a candidate. 

You fell for the FUD.

"We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses."


88.3% going towards charitable programs is higher than many other "more legitimate" charities. 

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4 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

My state had one choice. I knew going into the election my state would be a democratic state because of Chicago. They dominate the state's voting, obviously. 

Did you miss where I said I didn't just vote democratic or republican? I voted for libertarians and no party associated all on the same ballot.

If anything, I'm the opposite of the problem. I read, researched what I believed in and what the candidates believed in and voted for everybody, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and no associated party people.

Did you see anything in any of my posts that mentioned your party of choice?  No. If you don’t want people putting words in your mouth then don’t put words into theirs. 


Oh and your state (I’m assuming you still reside in Illinois) had four choices. 






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32 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

I've been quite satisfied for the last couple years. No worries on my end. 

  • Yet if your neighbors no longer have jobs, that does not matter to you?
  • If you start seeing an increase in homelessness around you that does not matter to you?
  • The fact that more and more countries are shunning working with the US, that does not matter to you?
  • The fact that friendly countries that used to support and work with the US are now asking us to leave such as Philippines, that does not matter to you?
  • How about the fact that we waste billions on protecting oil from the Arab countries that goes to China, North Korea, etc. That is ok with you?

I vastly appreciate that everyone here has kept this conversation civil and verbally clean for the most part. I enjoy sharing of ideas and thoughts, EDUCATION IS THE GREAT EQUALIZER! 

I truly believe what I have posted and that through education and sharing of ideas we make ourselves and society better.

Trump has stated that he considers himself to be one of the best Businessmen in the world as he has posted via a ghost writer that he is the Art of the Deal!

Yet his own performance has proven this to not be true. This is backed by 6 verifiable Bankrupt companies that he supposedly led.

Strong CEO's / Leaders embrace transparency to ensure that they are looking out for the best of the Whole and not the one.

Trump is all about the one!

I point to these outstanding CEO's that not only made huge differences, but have left legacy's that people look too. Yes some have had more recent leaders screw things up, but these CEO's are amazing:

  • Lou Gerstner, Turned IBM around and into a High Tech Service provider and took his half a billion golden parachute over 10 years to prove he built a company to last with a bull pin deep in talent.
  • Lee Iacocca - I am pretty sure everyone knows why here for the K car and turning Chrysler around.
  • Mary Barra -  Controversial to various members here but she has turned GM into a major Profit company with a focus long term on the EV industry based on CUV/SUV Profits of today.
  • Want current CEO's, then look at this list of top 2019 CEO's provided by Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/pictures/mkl45kjhg/top-20-ceos/#1bde21963c94

Yes I can list more but the point is we have leadership that is amazing and when compared to Trump, he fails big time.

I forget the Steel Manufacture CEO who said he was not the smartest person in the room but surrounded himself with smart people and listened and was able to lead to the best solutions. Trump fails to listen to smarter people than himself. That alone makes one question his ability to lead and why his tax returns are important to see so that we can see how he has made his money and where he and what he took advantage of to do it. Plus did he do it legally.

Leading by example is one of the best ways, but if corrupt, all you end up with is shit in the long game.

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25 minutes ago, Drew Dowdell said:

You fell for the FUD.

"We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses."


88.3% going towards charitable programs is higher than many other "more legitimate" charities. 

I don't believe it was outgoing funds. It was the incoming funds that was the issue. 

It was/is a money laundering foundation for persuasive and powerful people. 

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18 minutes ago, dfelt said:
  • Yet if your neighbors no longer have jobs, that does not matter to you?
  • If you start seeing an increase in homelessness around you that does not matter to you?
  • The fact that more and more countries are shunning working with the US, that does not matter to you?
  • The fact that friendly countries that used to support and work with the US are now asking us to leave such as Philippines, that does not matter to you?
  • How about the fact that we waste billions on protecting oil from the Arab countries that goes to China, North Korea, etc. That is ok with you?

I vastly appreciate that everyone here has kept this conversation civil and verbally clean for the most part. I enjoy sharing of ideas and thoughts, EDUCATION IS THE GREAT EQUALIZER! 

I truly believe what I have posted and that through education and sharing of ideas we make ourselves and society better.

Trump has stated that he considers himself to be one of the best Businessmen in the world as he has posted via a ghost writer that he is the Art of the Deal!

Yet his own performance has proven this to not be true. This is backed by 6 verifiable Bankrupt companies that he supposedly led.

Strong CEO's / Leaders embrace transparency to ensure that they are looking out for the best of the Whole and not the one.

Trump is all about the one!

I point to these outstanding CEO's that not only made huge differences, but have left legacy's that people look too. Yes some have had more recent leaders screw things up, but these CEO's are amazing:

  • Lou Gerstner, Turned IBM around and into a High Tech Service provider and took his half a billion golden parachute over 10 years to prove he built a company to last with a bull pin deep in talent.
  • Lee Iacocca - I am pretty sure everyone knows why here for the K car and turning Chrysler around.
  • Mary Barra -  Controversial to various members here but she has turned GM into a major Profit company with a focus long term on the EV industry based on CUV/SUV Profits of today.
  • Want current CEO's, then look at this list of top 2019 CEO's provided by Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/pictures/mkl45kjhg/top-20-ceos/#1bde21963c94

Yes I can list more but the point is we have leadership that is amazing and when compared to Trump, he fails big time.

I forget the Steel Manufacture CEO who said he was not the smartest person in the room but surrounded himself with smart people and listened and was able to lead to the best solutions. Trump fails to listen to smarter people than himself. That alone makes one question his ability to lead and why his tax returns are important to see so that we can see how he has made his money and where he and what he took advantage of to do it. Plus did he do it legally.

Leading by example is one of the best ways, but if corrupt, all you end up with is $h! in the long game.

I would up vote this a thousand times if I could but I apparently ran out of votes to give for the day. 

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24 minutes ago, surreal1272 said:

Did you see anything in any of my posts that mentioned your party of choice?  No. If you don’t want people putting words in your mouth then don’t put words into theirs. 

Then why did you say I only saw two parties(after mentioning voting for three parties during the most recent elections)? 

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1 minute ago, ccap41 said:

I don't believe it was outgoing funds. It was the incoming funds that was the issue. 

It was/is a money laundering foundation for persuasive and powerful people. 

And the Trump Foundation is under investigation for even more questionable practices. 

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25 minutes ago, surreal1272 said:

Oh and your state (I’m assuming you still reside in Illinois) had four choices. 

You know what I meant. It is democratic run and has been for the last seven elections in an overwhelming vote dominated by Chicago. 

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1 minute ago, ccap41 said:

Then why did you say I only saw two parties(after mentioning voting for three parties during the most recent elections)? 

Context is your friend here. I suggest reading it again but you’re the only that said you only had “one choice” when you didn’t. 

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