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Guest Josh

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is harry involved in this somehow?

it's just so dramatic.


God, there is SOOO much estrogen flowing here. Enough to make many lesbians turn straight.

Seriously, gents, whomever of you (and I don't know any of you) has the civility, dedication and wherewithal to keep C&G C&G, go to it. It will be highly appreciated. There are a lot of cool and funny people here. I'm sure it lightens the day for so many of us.

We're all standing by those of you so inclined to take the helm in a responsible manner.

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Reg, YOU NUT! 

God, there is SOOO much estrogen flowing here.  Enough to make many lesbians turn straight.

Seriously, gents, whomever of you (and I don't know any of you) has the civility, dedication and wherewithal to keep C&G C&G, go to it.  It will be highly appreciated.  There are a lot of cool and funny people here. I'm sure it lightens the day for so many of us. 

We're all standing by those of you so inclined to take the helm in a responsible manner.

Not when you hear $h!/poop ( :lol: ) like this... i get so sick about hearing about how "he did this a few years ago".."he said this to me" or "he did this" or "me and him never get along"..it gets old..i think there nneds to be some type of thread that people can apoligize and let things go...ending evry fued...but until then lets ride the estrogen ocean! :ohyeah::lol:

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B*tch slapping

Damn! this has been the most interesting topic I've seen on C&G since I've been a member :thumbsup:

But seriously mods and everyone, good job of grabbing the boot straps. holding on tight and keeping the horse steady threw out all this mess.


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I would like to ask everyone to go back to the first page and read through Venseattle's post. It sums things up in a very proper and accurate fashion.

I do, however, feel the need to respond.

By Josh's own admission, he isn't paying a cent for the site. Rather, the past three months and next one month of site hosting is funded by those who graciously donated to Cheers and Gears. Now, Josh, you can claim that you've had to pay 'bandwidth overages' amounting to a figure you quote to be 'several hundred dollars,' but the fact is Voyage Hosting has never charged us a nickel for exceeding our bandwidth (something we've done only twice recently). I know because I had a conversation with the gentleman in charge of running our server.

Josh's posts regarding his own resignation speak for themselves. Not only was this done to the moderators, but also to the membership in general following the Outlook debacle. It was up to myself with the generous help of the other moderators to pick up when Josh abandoned the site and continue the vital things such as updates, purchasing spy photographs, revising the site, and most importantly stepping up to pay for new host.

In regards to funding, let me make this crystal clear - we consider the original PayPal donation account to be empty because Josh refused to provide any detailed information regarding its balance to the rest of the Admins and Mods, a team that he trusted enough to run the site when he resigned. The 2-year pre-paid cost of the new host amounts to approximately $385.00, a bill a half dozen of us including myself paid.

That last statement isn't meant to draw sympathy or thanks for us. Its meant to show that C&G is a true hobby for us, something for which we gain no tangible reward for the time, energy, and money we put into it. We know this going every day and yet we donate a good amount of the aformentioned towards it knowing that our only reward is the ability to log into the site the next day and the day after that.

Josh, I don't exactly see why you're so surprised about what has happened. I'm sure you really enjoyed being here in the past, but something happened to you. You let the personal vendettas get the best of you and its very clear. You resigned both publically and privately. You left this site with absolutely no leadership and questionable leadership prior to your fifth and final quitting. It took days and weeks and months to get scraps of information necessary for us to continue pressing forth with C&G. As for respect, its clear you have none for us. You went behind our backs to run stories that you know will have to be pulled. You join other message boards to continue your personal feuds, ignoring any consequences it has for C&G. And you told me personally through IM not so long ago that "I'm f@#king sick of most of the Mods and if I'm ever back in charge, 7 of them will be gone in a second." And this, the most recent of multiple instances where you've threatened to take the board offline...

...shows your true colors.

This will be my final word on the subject, not because I can't fight the battle, but because there is no battle to be fought. Josh resigned, we're moving a new Josh-free server, Walt will continue to own C&G, I will continue to be the Administrator, the other staff will continue staffing, discussions will continue, news will be posted, Toyotas will still suck, BV and Ocn will still be gay, and life will go on.

For everyone, I truly do thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support you've given us in every way. We honestly do this all for you guys, and you guys have made it very, very worth it.


ocnblu is gay????????

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Well, I'm absent from the site for a week and come back to find this diddy of a post. :P

Anyway, thanks to all the mods that are keeping this site afloat with funds and countless hours of work that we members never really think about. I've been here for almost three years now, and I'd like to see C&G continue to be the best source for GM news on the web.


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Well, I don't really have much of anything to say now that everything seems to be out in the open. I regret seeing things unfold the way they have, but unfortunately this day was inevitable. Josh has been a pillar of this site since I joined and thanks at least in part to him we still have a C&G to visit today. But now the best thing for both sides (C&G and Josh) would be to move on and not dwell on today's events or whatever transpired behind the scenes these past few months. C&G will rise above this just like it has everything else that's threatened its existence. As for Josh, one chapter has ended in his life but another one is about to begin.

This is very good of you to say, and I agree with it. I've always respected Josh as a person....and I've voiced my opinion on him several times already so no need to do it again.
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That last statement isn't meant to draw sympathy or thanks for us. Its meant to show that C&G is a true hobby for us, something for which we gain no tangible reward for the time, energy, and money we put into it. We know this going every day and yet we donate a good amount of the aformentioned towards it knowing that our only reward is the ability to log into the site the next day and the day after that.


For everyone, I truly do thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support you've given us in every way. We honestly do this all for you guys, and you guys have made it very, very worth it.


You will get no sympathy from me....

just kidding.

This site is the best it's ever been in terms of news content and freshness. The ease of use has always been a great feature, and of course the content from the members has always been the heart of it all. Your effort to keep things smooth and interesting is duly applauded; I have seen the content and character of it all improve greatly. It was good before, it's at a peak now. If only we could get journalist priveleges and press kits for the cars to go and review them with the real magazines. Now that would be big time.

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So this is what I miss by going to see DaVinci Code?

Just done reading it all...what a soap opera!

I thought that Mod Board discusions were to remain private, though in this case it makes sence to clear up this matter.

I agree with what Fly posted so eloquently earlier. C&G will remain C&G, and can only get better with time.

Im not financially able to help with site costs, but I am currently working on some cool stuff to help out (TBA :AH-HA_wink: ).


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So this is what I miss by going to see DaVinci Code?

Just done reading it all...what a soap opera!

I thought that Mod Board discusions were to remain private, though in this case it makes sence to clear up this matter.

I agree with what Fly posted so eloquently earlier. C&G will remain C&G, and can only get better with time.

Im not financially able to help with site costs, but I am currently working on some cool stuff to help out (TBA  :AH-HA_wink: ).

:CG_all:  :thumbsup:

Dude, you're Canadian. Obviously your opinion doesn't matter because, duh, both C&G and GM are US-based organizations. Therefore, get out.

Actually, no, upgrade the site.. then get out. :P

Just kidding, bud. Figured I'd add a little unnecessary hostility to the thread. :)

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C&G will remain C&G, and can only get better with time.

Im not financially able to help with site costs, but I am currently working on some cool stuff to help out (TBA  :AH-HA_wink: ).

The first step is putting this back on the front page.

"GM's Biggest Fans and Toughest Critics"

And I do not think it will cost to much.

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The first step is putting this back on the front page.

"GM's Biggest Fans and Toughest Critics"

And I do not think it will cost to much.

Quoted for Emphasis

Quoted for Post Count

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But, yeah, I'm with Croc and evok...

Quoted for Post Count, Concurrence, and Endorsment..of the post

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Every time I get busy and don't log-on, something explodes around here! :blink:

I'm sorry that all of this is now public, but at least it should help the members understand what the staff has been dealing with for months on end. I had expected an orderly transition from this host to the next and a new (though different) relationship between Josh and C&G to happen with a minimum of hassle.

Obviously, that's not what has happened.

I have always considered Josh to be a friend and bear him no ill will even now, but I simply don't understand what the problem is. I have (like the rest of the staff) been on the inside of all of this for a very long time and it has gained me nothing in the way of making sense of the current acrimony. It was my understanding that we(Josh and the rest of the staff) had a mutual interest in moving forward to a new server and a staff without Josh as an admin. months ago. What happened to this agreement I will never understand. It should have been a simple changeover done in a short period of time with all parties moving on: that is what we agreed to do so long ago. Why Josh is angry now is a mystery to me.

Again, I am sorry that all of this has ended up being a public debacle and not something resolved in the mod forum - but that ship has sailed.

Rest assured that we will work toward a better C&G and continue to do all that we must to keep the site fully financed and operational moving forward. C&G is much more than any individual personality and exists independently from the agenda and foibles of any one member. For some of us, it is simply our home on the net and we will protect it accordingly.

Here's to the future! :CG_all:

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There's two people on this site that I'm "not fond of" and they both

know who they are. Neither one of them is Fly or Josh. I've had my

disagrements with Fly but Josh and him are both okay in my book.

I'm sorry to hear of this negativity and hope we can overcome it. Of

the half dozen forums I frequent on the net this is BY FAR my favorite.

Heck, like I mentioned once before about 70% of my internet time is

spent on C&G. :)

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I'd like to be able to help out and contribute...but I own a BMW.... :P


And I own older Monte Carlos....

*shakes head*

I'm offline for one day ... and look what happens.... Aye. I agree with Sixty8.....go figure.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker

MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/

Models.HO = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/trainroom.html

"So much more aware" ... Linkin Park ... 'Numb'

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such distain

It's spelled disdain.

Buy me a good dinner at Detroit's Greektown if I am ever in those parts and I won't have any disdain for you. J/K.

I personally don't give a $h! about all the drama. I'm too far removed from it all.

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It's spelled disdain.

Buy me a good dinner at Detroit's Greektown if I am ever in those parts and I won't have any disdain for you. J/K.

I personally don't give a $h! about all the drama.  I'm too far removed from it all.

Posted Image

(heh, I was going to try and find a photo for "anal" but you dont really wanna see those)

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Hate to see that so many people have such distain towards me.

Some of us appreciate much of what you did, but think you should have shown more humility. Only a handful of people here are truly knowledgeable about business and the auto industry.
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Hate to see that so many people have such distain towards me.

But, I understand.

Hmmm....I don't. :)

I don't hold anything against you , as I'm sure most of us don't.

The past is the past.

Stick around for awhile. I'm thinking you'll be glad you did.

Just ignore Croc. You know how he is.... :rolleyes::lol:

I'M JOKING CROC....just in case... 8):yes::lol:

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Josh can't ignore me.  He's obsessed with me.  It's kinda creepy, actually.

Which one of your personalities is Josh obsessed with? :ph34r:

Josh: I agree, please stick around.

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The proper term is Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Yeah, we went over that in Psych about 2 weeks ago, just couldn't think of DID. Isn't MPD like the same thing, but less modern a term?
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I'll do us one better, Enzora.

In all honestly, this thread didn't need to originate in the first place. The wheels were set in motion months ago and everyone involved knew it. What's ignored by the original post is that we are - once again - on a new server adequately-funded and tendered by a group of people who truly care about Cheers and Gears beyond themselves.

The curtain has fallen on this chapter.

Thank you.

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