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Leaf 2.0 Spec's Leak Online

G. David Felt

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G. David Felt - Staff Writer Alternative Energy - www.cheersandgears.com

Leaf 2.0 Spec's Leak Online


Spy's seem to be getting the upper hand at Nissan or Nissan is deciding to take an aggressive attack on controlling the release of data about the Nissan Leaf 2.0. While the rumors of multiple size of batteries is unconfirmed and no comment from Nissan since earlier this year word of a 340 mile battery pack option would be available, we do have confirmed base starting points for the price at each of the three trim levels.

Leaf 2.0 will have the following specifications:

147 HP with 236 pound feet of torque

Base Battery is 40 kWh

Base Trim starting price:

S - $29,990

SV - $32,490

SL - $36,200

Curb Weight 3,433

Full reveal to the public - September 5th 2017

You can click review the full details of the Leaf 2.0 here at the Autoblog story. It gives full details about the car and some are rather interesting. Example is that the Chevrolet Bolt has a 10" screen and the Leaf 2.0 is showing a 5" screen. Interior cargo capacity is 30 cubic feet. HP is a bump up from Leaf 1.0 as they go from 107 and 187 to 147 and 236. Yet this is a far cry from the Bolts 200 and 266. Also we now know that the Leaf 2.0 will have a 40kWh base battery compared to 60kWh for the Bolt and the Tesla 3's 50 kWh base battery or 75 kWh battery option. The leaf will have a standard 36 month or 36,000 mile warranty and 60 month or 60,000 mile power train warranty. 

Leaf 2.0 kicks the Bolt's and Tesla 3's butt is in pricing with a base starting price of $29,990 compared to Bolts $37,495 base price and Tesla 3 $35,000 base price even though you have to wait till end of 2018 to get a base Tesla 3 and these prices are before any federal and or state rebates / credits.

carscoop story 1

Autoblog video

Based on the carscoop's story they have taken the cameo and a Photoshop job of what they expect the final Leaf 2.0 to look like.


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2 hours ago, ocnblu said:

Meh, cheaper than the Bolt yes, and it looks marginally better than Leaf v.1, but the Bolt out specs it big time.  And the Model 3 is continuing Tesla's tradition of jokes.

Explain the joke part...

Because everything is on schedule of  what Musk said about the Model 3.

Musk's production numbers for 2018 AND 2019 seem questionable but we are not in 2018 or 2019 yet...

We were skeptical for the Model 3's production time-line for 2017...but Musk delivered on that...so...

The interior for the BASE Model 3 is a joke?

No....that is sour grapes trying to find a problem where there is none.

The Bolt....its a fine car that is ready as of now for EV lovers...unlike the Model 3...that much is true...

Its just that the Bolt has the wrong badge on it...in other words....it aint a TESLA...

Despite 60 000-70 000 orders being canceled...and some of those canceled orders DID end up at Tesla anyway....the Model 3 STILL has an upward waiting list for 450 000 orders for the Model 3.

Did some of those canceled orders end up in the Chevy store for either the Bolt or the Volt?

THAT would be the REAL question!!!









all in the name of love Blu!!!

The CAPS is to create DRAMA....a cheap way to stir the pot...:D


Edited by oldshurst442
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1 hour ago, oldshurst442 said:



Actually; they do : Bolt was #1 in July EV sales in the U.S.

Aaaaaand, the Volt is less than 200 units behind the Model S for 2017 YTD.

Edited by balthazar
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22 minutes ago, balthazar said:

Actually; they do : Bolt was #1 in July EV sales in the U.S.


1971 for the Bolt and 1518 for the Volt.

If we go by Musk's words...60 000 plus orders canceled but 1800 per day ordered...

Despite Musk saying that Model 3 production wont reach 10 000 per month BEFORE December 2017 and orders taken NOW WONT be delivered until late 2018 early 2019, maybe....the Model 3 STILL TECHNICALLY outsells it...even with all the scare of the Model 3 not being CLOSE to that 35K price tag...

Considering that the Model X and Model S costs about DOUBLE what the Volt and Bolt costs...Tesla EV products are neck in neck with Chevy EV products in sales year to date.

But yeah...the Bolt has got 1971 for the month of July and 9563 for year to date.

Ill just repeat my statement but Ill cross out the barely less than accurate statement..


There are some EV lovers that prefer the Chevy...all 1971 for July and 9563 for the year...but MOST EV lovers would prefer to wait a year or two for the Model 3 knowing that the Bolt is available NOW knowing that the Model 3 would probably delivered to them loser to 3 years!!! (Because like you said Balthy...500 000 units by 2018 by Musk's recent words AINT happening)

Therefore...even with that faux pas of OVER SELLING a year ago on production numbers the majority ofpeople would STILL rather wait forever for a Tesla than buy a Chevy NOW...

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Yep- the S & X are double or more than the Bolt, but those buyers just happened to have a larger budget than the Bolt's buyers... maybe. Just because people have more money doesn't mean they will spend it all. One friend of mine could buy RR Ghost for cash (I have no doubt) but is riding around in a Hyundai Sante Fe. That's what he chose to spend his money on. Not to brag but I could buy a pretty snappy brand new diesel truck outright, but I don't feel that's a worthwhile use of my money and I don't necessarily want to spend my money to impress people I don't know.

We fall into the association trap that those with high budgets are always going to use it [we know people with low budgets commonly exceed them]. And while all the Model 3 orders are promising, the only thing that matters is delivered vehicles. Time will tell how the 3 does... and the Bolt, too.

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I truly believe the next drop of Tesla 3 reservations will happen once Leaf 2.0 starts shipping. Later this fall will the the 3rd drop in reservations as we start to see the announcements of other EV's with on sale dates. Once we have firm be on the lot to kick the tire dates I suspect that Tesla could see their reservations drop to around 200-250K. I think people will move onto other manufactures once they see the real world range of the EV's that are available.

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4 hours ago, dfelt said:

I truly believe the next drop of Tesla 3 reservations will happen once Leaf 2.0 starts shipping. Later this fall will the the 3rd drop in reservations as we start to see the announcements of other EV's with on sale dates. Once we have firm be on the lot to kick the tire dates I suspect that Tesla could see their reservations drop to around 200-250K. I think people will move onto other manufactures once they see the real world range of the EV's that are available.

I do NOT expect to see that level of drop-off. There are 3 dozen plug-ins available right now, but most sell in the triple digits annually. It would be interesting to read a major analysis of why it's stacking up the way it is.

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17 minutes ago, balthazar said:

I do NOT expect to see that level of drop-off. There are 3 dozen plug-ins available right now, but most sell in the triple digits annually. It would be interesting to read a major analysis of why it's stacking up the way it is.

I can understand your thought on this and I think I have an answer to that question.

It really is a simple answer - Range and Charging availability.

Currently other than Tesla and Chevrolet, all others are limited to around 100 miles. Rang anxiety does exist big time for auto buyers. Followed by where can I charge it up. 

Does not matter that 100 miles covers most peoples daily commute, we want an auto that like ICE can be driven for days without having to charge it.

Bolt is the first cheap available EV with long range. Tesla is second if we can really say the first 30 auto's went to employees and are true purchases and not some employee lotto that is a beta test. I honestly think Nissan will be #2 having a long rang EV on the lots to buy. I get the low battery to hit a cheap price point, but I think most will opt for longer range.

Once you have 4-6 options that have 200 to 300 miles of range on a charge we will see a shift in buying habits. More noticeable on the west coast with it's larger charging infrastructure than elsewhere but it does have to start someplace.

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Seems Nissan is in full press mode to get Leaf 2.0 out to the world and into the hands of US customers sooner rather than later. Nissan is now going to do a Tokyo press release of Leaf 2.0 for the world September 5th and the Leaf 2.0 will show up according to Nissan at multiple EV events around the US shortly after that with the car going on sale sooner rather than a Q4 2017 time frame as has been stated in the past.

Gonna try to get to Denny Park on Sept 9th to capture some pictures and get an initial take on the car.

Nissan already announced that they plan to bring the vehicles to dealerships in the US soon after, but they also announced today appearances at National Drive Electric Week events:

Sept. 9

  • Seattle, Washington | Denny Park | 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
  • San Diego, California | Qualcomm Stadium | 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
  • Alpharetta, Georgia | Avalon | 11 a.m.-4 p.m.

Sept. 14

  • Bridgewater, New Jersey | Bridgewater Municipal Building Car Park | 6 p.m.-9 p.m.

Sept. 16

  • Portland, Oregon | Washington Square | 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Los Angeles, California | Los Angeles State Historic Park | 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
  • Cupertino, California | DeAnza College | 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
  • Cambridge, Massachusetts | Danehy Park | 11 a.m.-4 p.m.


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Nissan is going to Amaze your Senses with the Leaf 2.0 according to their recent press release.


Plus another teaser, now we know what the tail light will look like come September 5 at the release.



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On 8/11/2017 at 0:22 PM, dfelt said:

I truly believe the next drop of Tesla 3 reservations will happen once Leaf 2.0 starts shipping. Later this fall will the the 3rd drop in reservations as we start to see the announcements of other EV's with on sale dates. Once we have firm be on the lot to kick the tire dates I suspect that Tesla could see their reservations drop to around 200-250K. I think people will move onto other manufactures once they see the real world range of the EV's that are available.

You think this ugly Nissan will steal 200-250k reservations from Tesla? I'd enjoy some of that Kool-Aid because it's gettin you high as F. People don't jsut buy Tesla because it's EV. Tesla is a status symbol now. Ask any human on the ace of the earth if they'd prefer a Tesla or a Nissan. 

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11 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

You think this ugly Nissan will steal 200-250k reservations from Tesla? I'd enjoy some of that Kool-Aid because it's gettin you high as F. People don't jsut buy Tesla because it's EV. Tesla is a status symbol now. Ask any human on the ace of the earth if they'd prefer a Tesla or a Nissan. 

I agree with you.. Model 3 buyers will not move over to a Leaf.  If they would, that would already be happening with the Bolt.   

However, in a few of the Tesla groups I follow online, more than a handful seem to be getting frustrated with the slowness of the Model 3 rollout and Tesla's attempts to push them into a substantially more expensive Model S.  They're not going to Leafs or Bolts, they're just going to other luxury marques or just sticking with what they have. 

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38 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

You think this ugly Nissan will steal 200-250k reservations from Tesla? I'd enjoy some of that Kool-Aid because it's gettin you high as F. People don't jsut buy Tesla because it's EV. Tesla is a status symbol now. Ask any human on the ace of the earth if they'd prefer a Tesla or a Nissan. 

I do not expect 200-250K reservations to go to the Bolt or Leaf 2.0. I do expect some will and the others will go to Jag, MB, BMW, Audi, etc. as more luxury and mid level EV's come on the market and drop waiting for Tesla. 

Some might consider Tesla a Status symbol, but more and more they do not look that way and the slow roll out will make people rethink Tesla.

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14 minutes ago, dfelt said:

I do not expect 200-250K reservations to go to the Bolt or Leaf 2.0. I do expect some will and the others will go to Jag, MB, BMW, Audi, etc. as more luxury and mid level EV's come on the market and drop waiting for Tesla. 

Some might consider Tesla a Status symbol, but more and more they do not look that way and the slow roll out will make people rethink Tesla.

I don't think it will change Tesla's status as a status symbol... I just think that people will get tired of waiting. I could go get a lease on any number of plug-in hybrids today and still have time left before my Model 3 was ready. I know of two people personally who have already canceled their reservations.

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The 'reading between the lines' take-away from Musk's PRs is : '1800 new reservations for the Model 3 daily, 63,000 order cancellations to date'. Not as subtle a sleight of hand as perhaps Musk thinks.

What is the daily rate of cancellations, and have they picked up or slowed once the official unveiling/pricing came out?

Bottom line is there is an impending flood of EVs but the segment pool is growing very slowly. Perhaps for Model 3 buyers it's 'Model 3 or nothing', or perhaps it's not.

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, regfootball said:

Thanks for posting these, Interesting to see that the S & SV trim will have the 40 kWh battery pack for 150 miles and in a year you can get an SL trim with a 60 kWh battery estimated at 225 miles.

I think many Leaf customers will consider the BOLT. Yes many will stay with Nissan but others will say nope, not waiting another year to get 225 when 238 miles of BOLT power and room is already out on the lots.

GM needs to either add AWD to the BOLT since there is space in the back between the wheels and behind the wheels or add a larger battery option. Either of these two will really help the BOLT I believe.

Have to agree with Motortrends final statement:

"Another questionable call: clinging to the CHAdeMO standard for fast charging. Maybe it’s stubbornness, maybe Nissan’s got a giant investment in this thing, but CHAdeMO is a dead plug walking in the U.S., and Nissan would do the EV cause a big, fat favor by finally adopting SAE (or everybody going to Tesla’s standard)."

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Interesting projections that EV powertrains will be cheaper than ICE within 10 years due to battery costs lowering substantially.

No big surprises with the Leaf, it is a interesting alternative to the Bolt, being 10 inches longer with the cargo space to show for it, but lower range and performance.  In Canada the midrange model with the autonomous features is about $3K less than a base Bolt.  If they released an AWD version for the same price as the base Bolt, I would have been very tempted with the 14K incentives here.

First gen sold 250,000+ units worldwide, will this one manage that with the increased competition here and incoming?








Edited by frogger
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45 minutes ago, frogger said:

Interesting projections that EV powertrains will be cheaper than ICE within 10 years due to battery costs lowering substantially.

No big surprises with the Leaf, it is a interesting alternative to the Bolt, being 10 inches longer with the cargo space to show for it, but lower range and performance.  In Canada the midrange model with the autonomous features is about $3K less than a base Bolt.  If they released an AWD version for the same price as the base Bolt, I would have been very tempted with the 14K incentives here.

First gen sold 250,000+ units worldwide, will this one manage that with the increased competition here and incoming?

Agree with so many options coming in 2018 and all stating 300+ miles, that this 150 mile range is DOA. I also have to say that I am not impressed with a 225 mile 60 kWh battery for the Long Range.

I think Nissan Blinked and got scared so they have rushed the Leaf 2.0

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