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Chevrolet News:GM Is Ready To Lose Close To $9,000 On Every Bolt Sold

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12 hours ago, dfelt said:

I get your point Hyper, but then the west coast has the most built out charging infrastructure and it really is no big deal to pull into a place to stop to shop and just plug in your ev auto, works all over free charging, rest stops all have them and while the bulk is Level 2 240V charging, the highways have level 3 DC fast charging. If I was to drive a bolt 238 miles, stop for a break, grab a bite, piss and use the level 3 charger, 30 min later on the road again. Yes this is a change compared to ICE, but I think many people will see it as a no big deal especially if they use it for commuting to work and their ICE as you stated for road trips. Yet even then again, west coast will still use their EV, after all free juice. :P

Yes i know that but it will take years and billions to bring the rest of the country to this. Even then you have many more places like TX, OK, WV and other places where a 1.5 hour drive to the closest McDonalds or Walmart is not uncommon for 10's of thousands. 

Case in point GM made trailers for Pontiac to hold training equipment for Rual dealers in in the fly over states. They could go to the dealer open the trailer and had everything from work benches to video. They though people would not drive two hours to the nearest large city to get training. Well the program did not work as well as they though as people were willing to drive 2 hours for training and even one trailer went totally unused.

You get away from the West coast metro hubs and in places were things are spread out people will drive hours just to go to a favorite restaurant. 

There going to be places the electric car will thrive and there will be places it will never be seen at least till some issues are worked out. 

Even Tesla with their Supercharger system here in Ohio. We have three in the entire northern part of the state and I and none are on the way to any where most people go unless you drive the Turnpike daily.

For a daily beater to work and home I could live with one here but there is no way as a only car could I manage. The reality is I am the Majority in this country. . 

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13 hours ago, Drew Dowdell said:

And there are people who never ever do that.... and just use their cars to get around town.

Face it... those of us who visit automotive enthusiast sites have different driving patterns.  Most people aren't like us. 

Do you really think the typical Corolla buyer wants to spend any more time in or with their car than they have to?  An oil change is an annoyance to them

In this society of instant gratification people can not wait for nearly anything. 

We have smart phones, chat and E mail to give new ASAP because we can not wait. We have fast pass at the amusement parks because we can't wait in line.

We have so many things to speed up the pace of our lives and unless you just happen to be some place that has charger and you plan to be there for a period of time few people will want to be bother to wait for the charge even on the faster charges. Travel it is out the window as who wants to spend a couple hours just off a free way in their Leaf?

The reality is we are not to the point these cars are for everyone or even the majority yet. In time we will get there but we are still not there.

As they imporve the advantages will increase and the disadvantages will disappear but again we are not there yet.  

Once the EV gets to the point you can charge it as fast as a tank of gas that will be the one major tipping point. The next will be the ability to Charge it any where you can gas up even in Booger Hole WV. [I did not make that up]. Yes they have a gas station but now chargers there. Go figure. It was not all that long ago they may not have had electricity. 

This is like Cell Phone coverage. At first we would travel and the cities had coverage but out in the country large areas of dead space as we traveled south. It took about 10 years and now there are few dead spots. This is the same on an even larger scale. Investment is difficult as there are so few cars and there are so few cars as there has been so little investment. 

Can you hear me now? 

It is not just this but even Hydrogen powered vehicles are great and I have even driven one. But fueling up takes time to fill, It can be very cold and it is not on every corner as there are so few vehicles using it. 

Time is money or time is a killer as it stops the pace of some peoples lives. 

When I first got into shipping to customers it was just good enough to get the products to them with in a week. Then it was in a few days now they want things 2 days or less at no extra charge. They place the order and if it is not shipped in an hour and they have not gotten a tracking number they are emailing or calling as they want an answer now. 

Even if the part is not in stock and needs drop shipped which would speed things up they get upset if the MFG does not ship till the next day. 

I even get people who order on Monday and call on Tuesday wanting to know where their 2 day package is and want to argue that it was two days when UPS does not count Monday as a shipping day and you point out next day would be Tuesday. 

This is the mind set in the public domain. Can't wait for much anything. from fast food to fast shipping. 

In the early days the same thing was seen with the automobile as so often they broke down and got stuck. The first two decades it was more a play toy for most buyers as a horse was still more reliable. Over time advancements came and it adapted to more life styles and areas of the country. We will see the same but much is relying on the advancements of charging times and batteries. 

Two observations here. I never though about it but WV is VW backwards and if only flux capacitor was real. God I need to get to bed earlier tonight. LOL! 

Edited by hyperv6
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Two people now have 5 shiny new moderator points and have to have their posts approved by staff before they become public till the day after Christmas.   I'll reopen the thread for now... friends don't let friends troll forums. 

I'm feeling extra grinchy this holiday season.  keep it up and find yourself banned.

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