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Seriously, Mike Piazza is probably only half Italian....the other parent is typically something else, as is the case with so many movie stars and other personalities who have an Italian last name.  He doesn't look 100% Italian, either.

Not in the Philadelphia area in the 1960s...both his parents are probably of Italian decent. I know his father (personally) but I can't say I've ever met his mother.
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This thread needed this picture. Ive never thought Shania Twain was that hot until I found this picture.

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BOING! that picture is TREMENDOUS

did i ever tell you about the feeling i had the first time i ever saw a shania twain video?

um, your head needs to be checked if you didn't think she was hot until now.


It would be far easier to list the NOTS !

There is a handful that on occasion I tell my "wife", "I would leave you for her" she just does one of these :rolleyes: and says "I know you would babe" then goes about her business.

As Ive aged with some of the older girls I still find them quite attractive


Yeah, razoredge, that's my the girl. :)


I thought she was the hottest or most fun in the movie, but then that tall leggy exchange student had a very special look to her face. Hell if they have great bodies and dont drive me nuts, as in "shut up already", Im always game. The horny Mom was also, my kind of Woman, its always best when they know what they want and get on with it, thats sexy, reserved and reluctant is not sexy and from my experience has never turned out to be fun or worth it either.

Who played the "squaw" in......cant come up with the name, the spoof about the two "not so great" explorers. Drawing blanks .....ah with Chris Farley and the guy from Friends. Was that the same girl as in American Pie ? Very hot !


Jessica f@#king Alba:

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dude, there's like all sorts of Jessica Alba on the beach pics on the net, like the one of her bending over in a lounge chair. if you haven't seen it......go find it.

you may not go to sleep ever again.


It would be far easier to list the NOTS !

There is a handful that on occasion I tell my "wife", "I would leave you for her" she just does one of these  :rolleyes:  and says "I know you would babe" then goes about her business.

As Ive aged with some of the older girls I still find them quite attractive


you ever see the friends episode where they get 5 exceptions?

just make sure to get your card laminated.

Posted (edited)

dude, there's like all sorts of Jessica Alba on the beach pics on the net, like the one of her bending over in a lounge chair. if you haven't seen it......go find it.

you may not go to sleep ever again.


rest of em here

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Edited by regfootball

BOING!  that picture is TREMENDOUS

did i ever tell you about the feeling i had the first time i ever saw a shania twain video?

um, your head needs to be checked if you didn't think she was hot until now.


hmm... maybe I should have said, "I didn't think she was THIS hot until now."

She's always sort of been one of those pretty women who flew under the radar for me.


i wouldnt want any in front of me naked . . . it would mean i couldnt have fun undressing them . . . ive hung with the olsen twins before but meh . . . kinda gross now and too young before . . . ashleys kinda mean too


don't ever say i didn't treat ya right  64 pics no waiting

Thank you very much-added a fistful to my private gallery!

Getting incresingly more appealing with age, IMHO:

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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

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Sandra Bullock is now 40 and still looks good. I saw this awful movie on the plane with her in it ... called "The Lake House."

She doesn't look like anybody else...maybe, just maybe, somewhat like Jessica Walter (when she was younger, of course).

All the blonde bimbos look alike to me (Pamela Anderson, Cameron Diaz, Heather Locklear...all of them...I couldn't even tell them apart). Chicks like that who have made it as well as those who are waiting in the wings were a dime-a-dozen in So. Cal.

Edited by trinacriabob

For some reason Im still partial to the Ladies I knew of earlier, much of this new tenderoni is over rated in search of something different. There is no substitute for real beauty.

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i used to be big on sandy. YUM.


Just one night with Adriana Lima and my life will be complete.

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"Heavens no!" :gay: :AH-HA_wink:


Ocn, I spit out my drink onto the computer here at work. Thank God I had some time before students walked in ;)

The "no dog poop" sign really adds to the hotness of the young lady in the photos.

No offense, but I cannot tell if she is Asian, African, or Latino in ethnicity. Can someone help a brotha out? :huh:

Posted (edited)

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Beyond your collegiate exterior lies some serious warpage. I like it. Condi is a weird one. She is one uptight lady.

Edited by trinacriabob
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