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PokeCrap can jump off a cliff, no interest and so tired of hearing all the pokecrap along with idiots walking around and into people trying to do who knows what with their phone and stupid digital creations.


What a waste of time and effort, if Humanity could just come together we could solve far bigger issues on this planet than people chasing a poke whatever.



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PokeCrap can jump off a cliff, no interest and so tired of hearing all the pokecrap along with idiots walking around and into people trying to do who knows what with their phone and stupid digital creations.


What a waste of time and effort, if Humanity could just come together we could solve far bigger issues on this planet than people chasing a poke whatever.




Sorry to get on my soapbox here, I don't have any issues with you personally or your usual posting...


But your post was brutally short sighted and frankly full of sh!t.


I don't know if you're aware of modern youth culture or the general obesity epidemic in America, but the post millennial generation of kids barely goes outside. I once read an article about Rickets and vitamin D deficiency-related illnesses making a comeback in children because they don't get enough sunlight. Additionally, living through the internet has caused some rather poor social development. Childhood obesity is also rampant in a way totally unseen even 15 years ago.


Now we have people from 10 to 40 years old playing Pokemon Go outside, happily getting tons of exercise, meeting people through a game that has zero cultural or racial biases. There are reports that this game is single handedly improving mental health on a national scale by getting people and kids off the internet and out in the fresh air, seeing their community. If you don't see the benefits in that, you're being foolish.


Like it or not, this form of game, "AR" or augmented reality on smart phones, is the next big thing. If it's not Pokemon, it's going to be something else. While distracted driving is clearly a problem with young drivers, the benefits of this sort of game to society greatly outweigh the negatives.



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PokeCrap can jump off a cliff, no interest and so tired of hearing all the pokecrap along with idiots walking around and into people trying to do who knows what with their phone and stupid digital creations.


What a waste of time and effort, if Humanity could just come together we could solve far bigger issues on this planet than people chasing a poke whatever.




Sorry to get on my soapbox here, I don't have any issues with you personally or your usual posting...


But your post was brutally short sighted and frankly full of sh!t.


I don't know if you're aware of modern youth culture or the general obesity epidemic in America, but the post millennial generation of kids barely goes outside. I once read an article about Rickets and vitamin D deficiency-related illnesses making a comeback in children because they don't get enough sunlight. Additionally, living through the internet has caused some rather poor social development. Childhood obesity is also rampant in a way totally unseen even 15 years ago.


Now we have people from 10 to 40 years old playing Pokemon Go outside, happily getting tons of exercise, meeting people through a game that has zero cultural or racial biases. There are reports that this game is single handedly improving mental health on a national scale by getting people and kids off the internet and out in the fresh air, seeing their community. If you don't see the benefits in that, you're being foolish.


Like it or not, this form of game, "AR" or augmented reality on smart phones, is the next big thing. If it's not Pokemon, it's going to be something else. While distracted driving is clearly a problem with young drivers, the benefits of this sort of game to society greatly outweigh the negatives.




I can understand your rant, most parents today are FAILURES. My parents did not have the money to spend on excessive toys, or what ever people did just sitting inside. We camped every weekend hiking and exploring washington state. Growing up in a lumber town, there were competitions on throwing axes, fishing, finding things and overall being outside. I made sure my two kid did the same thing. As such, they love life outside and are healthy active contributing members of society.


Obesity is the lazy results of parents that are to self absorbed in their own life to take the time to take their kids outside and do healthy activities with them.


One can make all the excuses they want, but it boils down to the parents responsibility to make sure the kids are doing more than laying or sitting on their ass all day just exercising their thumbs. If you want to be a parent then you also take on the responsibility to raise them with understanding right from wrong, exercise and being active in the world.


Just my two cents, but I know if I can do this others can too.


So to me Pokeman is a waste of time. For those that are playing it and getting more exercise, good for them. We each find our own way to live an active healthy life and lead by example.


Best of luck to those that have kids.

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Sorry but this "hey it's gets kids outside" argument is a crock. Kids were already going outside with their damn phones, only now they're burying their faces in their phones hunting for imaginary creatures as opposed to Facebook, snapchat, or Twitter. Now, they are just targets on the road because they are too damn hyper focused on their phones.

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Sorry but this "hey it's gets kids outside" argument is a crock. Kids were already going outside with their damn phones, only now they're burying their faces in their phones hunting for imaginary creatures as opposed to Facebook, snapchat, or Twitter. Now, they are just targets on the road because they are too damn hyper focused on their phones.


If you have ANYTHING substantive to back that up, I'd love to see it. Obesity statistics alone, particularly in children, completely dismantle your whole "kids were already going outside" theory. The rise in vitamin-D deficiency that I mentioned also flies in the face of "kids were already going outside."


In fact, this is also true for adults: I met one guy at a "pokestop" who said "If you told me a month ago I'd walk 65 kilometers in two weeks for a game, I'd have assumed you're on all the drugs. All of them." (The game uses metric distances.) Now he's walking all over the community finding new places and talking to people he's never met. Everything I've read indicates this is the rule, not the exception.


I'd love to see any real evidence showing a negative overall affect of this game. I've been observing the progressing smart phone culture for a while now, because the effects have been pretty universally bad from a social standpoint, but this game is a huge leap in the direction of healthy progress.


Go to a bar, go to the grocery store, go anywhere and look at people staring at their phones, essentially segregating themselves in a public place. The pokemon game does the opposite of that.


Stop being negative for the sake of being negative, empirical evidence shows the game is anything but.

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No interest in the game, but I gotta side with CP on this one. If it's making people get off their couches and out to explore their neighborhoods and interact with other people in a positive manner, good for them.


People DO need to exercise caution when playing, though. Videos are already starting to pop up in the internet of people getting themselves into trouble/injured while playing. My wife had an ER patient who fell off a wall playing.

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Yes, stupid people will do stupid things, and viral videos involving pokemon go gain traction fast, just like the memes. People have been getting themselves into trouble with smart phone tunnel vision on a consistent basis, it's just not newsworthy anymore.


In Baltimore for a couple years now, they have a smash and grab "game" where thugs knock people out and steal their phone. Some of them have used pokemon go "pokestops" as a means for mugging.

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Anything substantive? Are you serious? Man, I see it everyday when these people come into my store, completely oblivious to their surroundings. I literally passed a girl in her VW playing the game WHILE SHE WAS DRIVING! There was a story just the other day of some moron running into a cop car because why? Because he was playing that game.

How about instead of advocating social interaction through a damn game, we advocate those same people actually put down the damn phone for more than minute and actually engage with those same people?

Empirical evidence literally contradicts your claim.

Edited by surreal1272
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Don't get me wrong CP. it's great that it's gets some lazy folks off their asses but also contributes to a further obliviousness to the real world, such as actually talking to people. The fact that someone needs a game to make this happen is a perfect reflection of the sadness that is society these days. Sorry but no one will change my mind on this so I'll just leave it at this. Be careful out there.

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Anything substantive? Are you serious? Man, I see it everyday when these people come into my store, completely oblivious to their surroundings. I literally passed a girl in her VW playing the game WHILE SHE WAS DRIVING! There was a story just the other day of some moron running into a cop car because why? Because he was playing that game.

How about instead of advocating social interaction through a damn game, we advocate those same people actually put down the damn phone for more than minute and actually engage with those same people?

Empirical evidence literally contradicts your claim.


Your conclusion is logically incorrect. You're confusing ANECDOTAL with empirical. Offer genuine evidence or move along, because you're technically derailing a thread that isn't supposed to be a debate about the merits of pokemon go, certainly not a place for people to bash it unjustifiably.


You haven't even debated my primary points of contention.

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Anything substantive? Are you serious? Man, I see it everyday when these people come into my store, completely oblivious to their surroundings. I literally passed a girl in her VW playing the game WHILE SHE WAS DRIVING! There was a story just the other day of some moron running into a cop car because why? Because he was playing that game.

How about instead of advocating social interaction through a damn game, we advocate those same people actually put down the damn phone for more than minute and actually engage with those same people?

Empirical evidence literally contradicts your claim.

Your conclusion is logically incorrect. You're confusing ANECDOTAL with empirical. Offer genuine evidence or move along, because you're technically derailing a thread that isn't supposed to be a debate about the merits of pokemon go, certainly not a place for people to bash it unjustifiably.

You haven't even debated my primary points of contention.

Yes I have. Maybe you should just watch the news sometime proving the obliviousness of some these "players". That is all the empirical evidence I need. You are just ignoring them because it does suit your stance on it and if you think that "socializing" around a game is actually somehow better than real human interaction, it is you that needs to get a clue here. Like I said, if folks want to play the game, more power to them but let's not act delusional over it like you are doing here.

Oh and you don't get to tell me to move along just I disagree with you. No one forced you to respond to my post and if you don't like that, then maybe it's you that should move along.

That is all.

Edited by surreal1272
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Anything substantive? Are you serious? Man, I see it everyday when these people come into my store, completely oblivious to their surroundings. I literally passed a girl in her VW playing the game WHILE SHE WAS DRIVING! There was a story just the other day of some moron running into a cop car because why? Because he was playing that game.

How about instead of advocating social interaction through a damn game, we advocate those same people actually put down the damn phone for more than minute and actually engage with those same people?

Empirical evidence literally contradicts your claim.

Your conclusion is logically incorrect. You're confusing ANECDOTAL with empirical. Offer genuine evidence or move along, because you're technically derailing a thread that isn't supposed to be a debate about the merits of pokemon go, certainly not a place for people to bash it unjustifiably.

You haven't even debated my primary points of contention.

Yes I have. Maybe you should just watch the news sometime proving the obliviousness of some these "players". That is all the empirical evidence I need. You are just ignoring them because it does suit your stance on it and if you think that "socializing" around a game is actually somehow better than real human interaction, it is you that needs to get a clue here. Like I said, if folks want to play the game, more power to them but let's not act delusional over it like you are doing here.

Oh and you don't get to tell me to move along just I disagree with you. No one forced you to respond to my post and if you don't like that, then maybe it's you that should move along.

That is all.



Actually, you specifically responded to my comment, despite not actually quoting my post. You brought on the debate. My stance, like my political beliefs, is based on statistics and evidence, not anecdotes and feelings which is literally what you've brought to the table.


I openly invited proof and evidence against me, you admitted closed mindedness on the subject "no one will change my mind on this" and simultaneously accuse me of ignoring opposition? That's just weak, man.

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In response to the OP, I'm only a level 14 trainer because I just play after work, and my town isn't ideal. My best pokemon are Flareon, Golbat, Venonat, and Pinsir. The Flareon is at 930cp and the rest are 600-700cp.


My fiance and I took our first gym last night, then came home and banged. How's that for an anecdote?

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In response to the OP, I'm only a level 14 trainer because I just play after work, and my town isn't ideal. My best pokemon are Flareon, Golbat, Venonat, and Pinsir. The Flareon is at 930cp and the rest are 600-700cp.


My fiance and I took our first gym last night, then came home and banged. How's that for an anecdote?

All of which could been done long before the game ever existed.


Sorry, maybe it's a generational thing (I'm 43) but I will simply not be convinced of the "pros" of this game when the "pros" could have been applied without the game, i.e. actually going out with these people and interacting the old fashioned way, sans the damn phone.

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Don't get me wrong CP. it's great that it's gets some lazy folks off their asses but also contributes to a further obliviousness to the real world, such as actually talking to people. The fact that someone needs a game to make this happen is a perfect reflection of the sadness that is society these days. Sorry but no one will change my mind on this so I'll just leave it at this. Be careful out there.



The fact that someone needs a 'game' to make this happen?



You mean like baseball? Or football? Or Soccer? Or basketball? Like those games? What makes those superior to a Pokemon game?

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Can all you old men in here just hurry up and retire and get in a nursing home already?

Weeping Christ. How much bickering, bitching and belly-aching did there have to be before someone could make one single on-topic post? Too damn much. We had to hit PAGE FRIGGING TWO first.

So you don't like Pokemon Go. OK. Great. Good for you guys. So you don't like this "new generation" of stupid "Millenials." OK. Again, good for you guys. What in the hell has changed there?

I installed the app on my phone, played it for a day and caught whatever, thought it was fun but decided my free time would be better used by trying to find work. But you don't see me marching in here, criticizing people for wanting to play the game in their free time.

By the way, speaking of free time, if all you do in yours is complain about how someone spends theirs you need to: a.) find something productive to do yourself, and b.) mind your own damn business.

I'm in my mid-twenties, if you were wondering. Part of this self-centered and stupid "Millenial" generation you guys love to hate. By the way, thanks for reminding me that I'm part of a screwed generation of people -- no thanks in part to you guys -- every time y'all voice your opinion.

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Don't get me wrong CP. it's great that it's gets some lazy folks off their asses but also contributes to a further obliviousness to the real world, such as actually talking to people. The fact that someone needs a game to make this happen is a perfect reflection of the sadness that is society these days. Sorry but no one will change my mind on this so I'll just leave it at this. Be careful out there.

The fact that someone needs a 'game' to make this happen?

You mean like baseball? Or football? Or Soccer? Or basketball? Like those games? What makes those superior to a Pokemon game?

You're joking right? Let me put it this way, using CPs example. My wife and I went out for a nice walk last night, the same type of exercise that one would get when you play that game. After we were done with our nice walk, we banged. All of that happened without a phone much less a game.

As for your sports comparison, it's not even close. I am talking about actual interaction without the gadgets. What exactly is so hard to understand about that simple concept? If a game is your only reason for venturing out into the world with other people, then that is a problem from where I sit.

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Can all you old men in here just hurry up and retire and get in a nursing home already?

Weeping Christ. How much bickering, bitching and belly-aching did there have to be before someone could make one single on-topic post? Too damn much. We had to hit PAGE FRIGGING TWO first.

So you don't like Pokemon Go. OK. Great. Good for you guys. So you don't like this "new generation" of stupid "Millenials." OK. Again, good for you guys. What in the hell has changed there?

I installed the app on my phone, played it for a day and caught whatever, thought it was fun but decided my free time would be better used by trying to find work. But you don't see me marching in here, criticizing people for wanting to play the game in their free time.

By the way, speaking of free time, if all you do in yours is complain about how someone spends theirs you need to: a.) find something productive to do yourself, and b.) mind your own damn business.

I'm in my mid-twenties, if you were wondering. Part of this self-centered and stupid "Millenial" generation you guys love to hate. By the way, thanks for reminding me that I'm part of a screwed generation of people -- no thanks in part to you guys -- every time y'all voice your opinion.

My voicing my opinion should have zero bearing on how you live but you seem real quick to place the blame there. I would love to know how we are to blame for millenials acting like yourself, like the world owes you a damn thing.

Btw, you should follow your own advice and mind your own damn business since you want to bring ageism into this. Sorry I don't get sucked into the lastest craze or fad that you will soon forget about in six months. I get out regularly, socialize, exercise, and all the other things that doesn't require me to be slave to a damn gadget. I have them, use them, and then go live my life but if you're going to sit here and criticize me and anyone else that doesn't buy into this fad, then (like I said) follow your own advice and mind your own damn business.

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it has become a serious subject along the lines of automotive media relations.



OK....Im one of those geezers that hate this shyte! Im 43 years old!




Let us be aware of what this implies...

Anybody that is between the ages of 40-50 years old are one of the FIRST AGE GROUPS to PLAY VIDEO GAMES!!!!


Ping Pong, the Ballye Home Video Game System (google it, it was even before Atari), Atari, ColecoVision, Genesis, Pac Mac, Donkey Kong, Asteroids, Break-out, Q-Burt, Turbo, and so forth and so forth....(and all this BEFORE 1984...that is before the original Ghostbusters movie...and The Terminator and Beverley Hills Cop...)




I get that kids are obese and they don't go outside....

I also get that this Pokémon GO shyte kinda encourages to go outside...


But...when did video games replace sports activities?

No need to play baseball, soccer and the like if one is not interested in team sports...






are a few outdoor activities that involve the whole family that does not require us to be ZOMBIES in front of yet another TV screen of some sort...


Remember dudes...

Ive had a Ballye video game system that a friend gave me with 3-4 games and a Colecovision with 80 some odd games and the original NES with another 30-40 or so games and let us not forget the Arcades...

Asteroids on Commodore Vic 20 was crap....but not Arcades...Break-out and Donkey Kong and Pac Man and Turbo...on the Coloeco...I had the wheel, but I played that at the Arcades and many many other games...and that is BEFORE Mortal Kombat at the arcardes...


I have 2 kids...

Oh yeah...they play video games.

But. They also skate in the winter time outside.

The play baseball on teams in the summer.

I help the caches sometimes with their practices.

Our neighbourhood kids all ride their bikes, like all the time. They ride their bikes with my kids.

I ride with my kids from time to time.

And yeah...those kids also play video games...


Yo...let us not use this as an excuse NOT to ride a freakin bike because we wanna catch Pokémon instead...

And yes Balthy...

Id rather catch a pretty girl than a Pokémon...

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Can all you old men in here just hurry up and retire and get in a nursing home already?

Weeping Christ. How much bickering, bitching and belly-aching did there have to be before someone could make one single on-topic post? Too damn much. We had to hit PAGE FRIGGING TWO first.

So you don't like Pokemon Go. OK. Great. Good for you guys. So you don't like this "new generation" of stupid "Millenials." OK. Again, good for you guys. What in the hell has changed there?

I installed the app on my phone, played it for a day and caught whatever, thought it was fun but decided my free time would be better used by trying to find work. But you don't see me marching in here, criticizing people for wanting to play the game in their free time.

By the way, speaking of free time, if all you do in yours is complain about how someone spends theirs you need to: a.) find something productive to do yourself, and b.) mind your own damn business.

I'm in my mid-twenties, if you were wondering. Part of this self-centered and stupid "Millenial" generation you guys love to hate. By the way, thanks for reminding me that I'm part of a screwed generation of people -- no thanks in part to you guys -- every time y'all voice your opinion.



Also, your post was written like every other person aged over 45; written as if the entire world and everyone's existence revolves around why-oh-ew.

Good day.

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I don't comprehend your post...\




But its all over the place...


Like I said...


Us geezers started the video game craze...


Line-ups to play Pac Man. No joke...

Line ups to play Mortal Kombat...


But...us geezers also played sports...


You millennials cry poverty?



The 1980s was nothing but poverty...

Watch the movie Blade Runner, or the original Robocop to see the sarcasm play out with poverty versus Wallstreet.


The Gordn Gecko movie also showed a glimpse of how the corporate world destroys regular lives...


But that is the thing I don't understand...

You think that you live a terrible life in 2016?



rent the movie Colours or New Jack City and (sorry, download it on your tablet or whatever device you are using) and see how life was in the streets through a STRAIGHT FROM THE 1980s perspective....)


Straight Outta Compton, the movie...

I haven't seen this....and I want to...but I really don't have to as I LIVED through the 1980s...I KNOW how it was...

NO NO NO....I wasn't a gang banger...living in da hood in NYC or LA....



what is your rage about?


You know....in my youth...

kids, even in the city...I grew up in the city....we went outside to play games....sports of all kinds...

And we had video games just like you...


You know...my kids are 11 (in Sept) and 9...

They play outside AND play video games and are on MANY SMART devices you could imagine...

Smart devices (tablets) are required for school....and I am 100% on board with that technology...to learn and use...not to catch Pokémon...

Remember...I used to jump over barrels to get to a big Monkey that captured Pauline...and Mario was the dudes name...of Super Mario Bros fame...which that original game is from the 1980s anyway...and before that franchise saving princesses for Bowzer...he was going inside tubes and pipes for some reason in another video game...in the 1980s...

Yeah...Mario is an old fart...but still going on strong...

Edited by oldshurst442
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Can all you old men in here just hurry up and retire and get in a nursing home already?

Weeping Christ. How much bickering, bitching and belly-aching did there have to be before someone could make one single on-topic post? Too damn much. We had to hit PAGE FRIGGING TWO first.

So you don't like Pokemon Go. OK. Great. Good for you guys. So you don't like this "new generation" of stupid "Millenials." OK. Again, good for you guys. What in the hell has changed there?

I installed the app on my phone, played it for a day and caught whatever, thought it was fun but decided my free time would be better used by trying to find work. But you don't see me marching in here, criticizing people for wanting to play the game in their free time.

By the way, speaking of free time, if all you do in yours is complain about how someone spends theirs you need to: a.) find something productive to do yourself, and b.) mind your own damn business.

I'm in my mid-twenties, if you were wondering. Part of this self-centered and stupid "Millenial" generation you guys love to hate. By the way, thanks for reminding me that I'm part of a screwed generation of people -- no thanks in part to you guys -- every time y'all voice your opinion.


Also, your post was written like every other person aged over 45; written as if the entire world and everyone's existence revolves around why-oh-ew.

Good day.

First junior, I'm 43. Second, I love seeing foolish posts like yours, like somehow you forget that you too will be my age (if you're lucky). I tell you what. Make a print out of your posts and put them away for safe keeping. Then, when you reach my age, I want you to pull those copies out and read them to yourself. Then and only then will you see how absolutely foolish you are sounding right now.

Oh and those are some big words, calling me out because you think I'm being self centered when you proved yourself to be that way in spades.

Seriously. You will someday understand the phrase "time makes fools of us all" when you get another decade or two under your belt.



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Don't get me wrong CP. it's great that it's gets some lazy folks off their asses but also contributes to a further obliviousness to the real world, such as actually talking to people. The fact that someone needs a game to make this happen is a perfect reflection of the sadness that is society these days. Sorry but no one will change my mind on this so I'll just leave it at this. Be careful out there.

The fact that someone needs a 'game' to make this happen?

You mean like baseball? Or football? Or Soccer? Or basketball? Like those games? What makes those superior to a Pokemon game?

You're joking right? Let me put it this way, using CPs example. My wife and I went out for a nice walk last night, the same type of exercise that one would get when you play that game. After we were done with our nice walk, we banged. All of that happened without a phone much less a game.

As for your sports comparison, it's not even close. I am talking about actual interaction without the gadgets. What exactly is so hard to understand about that simple concept? If a game is your only reason for venturing out into the world with other people, then that is a problem from where I sit.

Look, i get what you're saying, and I'm drunk, so here comes me getting all deep and $h!.....

I am someone who can easily find the splendor and wonder in life and appreciate it, without having to partake in some construct of society. I enjoy just being outide and taking my surroundings in. Some people aren't blessed with such a virtue, so if a game makes then get out and do, and be happy, I'm not going to piss on them for it.

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Don't get me wrong CP. it's great that it's gets some lazy folks off their asses but also contributes to a further obliviousness to the real world, such as actually talking to people. The fact that someone needs a game to make this happen is a perfect reflection of the sadness that is society these days. Sorry but no one will change my mind on this so I'll just leave it at this. Be careful out there.

The fact that someone needs a 'game' to make this happen?

You mean like baseball? Or football? Or Soccer? Or basketball? Like those games? What makes those superior to a Pokemon game?

You're joking right? Let me put it this way, using CPs example. My wife and I went out for a nice walk last night, the same type of exercise that one would get when you play that game. After we were done with our nice walk, we banged. All of that happened without a phone much less a game.

As for your sports comparison, it's not even close. I am talking about actual interaction without the gadgets. What exactly is so hard to understand about that simple concept? If a game is your only reason for venturing out into the world with other people, then that is a problem from where I sit.

Look, i get what you're saying, and I'm drunk, so here comes me getting all deep and $h!.....

I am someone who can easily find the splendor and wonder in life and appreciate it, without having to partake in some construct of society. I enjoy just being outide and taking my surroundings in. Some people aren't blessed with such a virtue, so if a game makes then get out and do, and be happy, I'm not going to piss on them for it.

I get what you're saying and I'm not trying to piss on anyone's good time. However, all this hype should come with a certain perspective about fads and this over reliance of gadgets to make us happy. Going outside and enjoying it should not require a smartphone game to make it happen, nevermind all the other pitfalls of not paying attention to your surroundings while searching for imaginary dragons.

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Exactly Balthy....


What exactly are people  getting outta their Pokemon experience?


Are they really experiencing the outside world?

NAH...they are just ZOMBIES like anything else that is internet friendly games and social media...


In my dad's days...(my dad was from a different era all together...he was born in 1926....most of you have Grandfathers that old....)

In my dad's days...this was nothing new....it was the boob tube that got the negative vibes...

Google and find out why it was called the boob tube....very similar thoughts about it....


But then again...

LIke I have said....


No Zombie-ism to talk about....just that the boob tube will render you dumb....like a boob.



A movie from the 1980s that depicts a place that is a war zone in the 1960s...

yet that is how it used to be world wide until the 1980s too...in other parts of the world kicking Coke cans to play soccer..


From 1993....depicting kids in the 1950s/1960s...


Like I said earlier...no need to play team sports...




1984 Video game

Riding a damned bike delivering newspapers...




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Unfortunately obliviousness is the norm for some, and this perfectly illustrates my point about being face deep in your damn phone. If I were to post a picture of two separate people walking down the street with their noses in their phone, would you be able to tell the difference between the one playing Pokemon or the one tweeting their latest self absorbed post?

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Sorry but this "hey it's gets kids outside" argument is a crock. Kids were already going outside with their damn phones, only now they're burying their faces in their phones hunting for imaginary creatures as opposed to Facebook, snapchat, or Twitter. Now, they are just targets on the road because they are too damn hyper focused on their phones.

They absolutely were not going outside before. I've had family members, friends, relatives that have gone waaaaay out of heir way to walk or bike a heck of a lot for this game. Like the concept of "Pokemon" or not, it's gotten people to move a lot more in the past month than anything else.

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Sorry but this "hey it's gets kids outside" argument is a crock. Kids were already going outside with their damn phones, only now they're burying their faces in their phones hunting for imaginary creatures as opposed to Facebook, snapchat, or Twitter. Now, they are just targets on the road because they are too damn hyper focused on their phones.

They absolutely were not going outside before. I've had family members, friends, relatives that have gone waaaaay out of heir way to walk or bike a heck of a lot for this game. Like the concept of "Pokemon" or not, it's gotten people to move a lot more in the past month than anything else.

Then maybe it's different in your area but I'm not blind and I see these phone zombies out and about everyday. What happens when the fad burns out in a month (it's already happening according to posters on those gaming sites)?

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Sorry but this "hey it's gets kids outside" argument is a crock. Kids were already going outside with their damn phones, only now they're burying their faces in their phones hunting for imaginary creatures as opposed to Facebook, snapchat, or Twitter. Now, they are just targets on the road because they are too damn hyper focused on their phones.

They absolutely were not going outside before. I've had family members, friends, relatives that have gone waaaaay out of heir way to walk or bike a heck of a lot for this game. Like the concept of "Pokemon" or not, it's gotten people to move a lot more in the past month than anything else.

Then maybe it's different in your area but I'm not blind and I see these phone zombies out and about everyday. What happens when the fad burns out in a month (it's already happening according to posters on those gaming sites)?

Those three groups of people I mentioned are from three different states.

Who cares what happens in a month? 75% of gym members only last a month too. But if somebody told you they got a gym membership that's a good thing even though they're spending a lot more money and they too will have their craze ended in a month.

This Pokemon craze has reached a broad spectrum of people and most of these people are people that are super lazy to begin with being they're addicted to a phone game. These are the people that need this walking around the most.

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Sorry but this "hey it's gets kids outside" argument is a crock. Kids were already going outside with their damn phones, only now they're burying their faces in their phones hunting for imaginary creatures as opposed to Facebook, snapchat, or Twitter. Now, they are just targets on the road because they are too damn hyper focused on their phones.

They absolutely were not going outside before. I've had family members, friends, relatives that have gone waaaaay out of heir way to walk or bike a heck of a lot for this game. Like the concept of "Pokemon" or not, it's gotten people to move a lot more in the past month than anything else.
Then maybe it's different in your area but I'm not blind and I see these phone zombies out and about everyday. What happens when the fad burns out in a month (it's already happening according to posters on those gaming sites)?
Those three groups of people I mentioned are from three different states.

Who cares what happens in a month? 75% of gym members only last a month too. But if somebody told you they got a gym membership that's a good thing even though they're spending a lot more money and they too will have their craze ended in a month.

This Pokemon craze has reached a broad spectrum of people and most of these people are people that are super lazy to begin with being they're addicted to a phone game. These are the people that need this walking around the most.

You do realize that you're proving my point right? Most is those same users will go right back to their couches in a week after the novelty of hunting for virtual crap wears off. Point being that a smartphone game will not keep people active long term and it should not take a game like that to get them off of there asses in the first place.

And again, most of the folks I have seen doing this were doing the same damn thing a month ago, only they had their faces buried in Facebook or Twitter while they were not paying attention to the world around them.

Edited by surreal1272
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I'm not going to say anything else about this because clearly some people get a little sensitive about this and it just makes more sense to let it play out like we know it will. In a month, it's on to the next craze (if that long). In the meantime, don't wait for the next fad to get up and go outside and actually enjoy the world. Do it today.

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I saw a couple kids walk down my street yesterday, glued to their phones..one on a skateboard...I bet they were Pokemon Going---no sane person would be out walking around on a 112+ degree afternoon... ;)

Edited by Cubical-aka-Moltar
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Sorry but this "hey it's gets kids outside" argument is a crock. Kids were already going outside with their damn phones, only now they're burying their faces in their phones hunting for imaginary creatures as opposed to Facebook, snapchat, or Twitter. Now, they are just targets on the road because they are too damn hyper focused on their phones.

They absolutely were not going outside before. I've had family members, friends, relatives that have gone waaaaay out of heir way to walk or bike a heck of a lot for this game. Like the concept of "Pokemon" or not, it's gotten people to move a lot more in the past month than anything else.
Then maybe it's different in your area but I'm not blind and I see these phone zombies out and about everyday. What happens when the fad burns out in a month (it's already happening according to posters on those gaming sites)?
Those three groups of people I mentioned are from three different states.

Who cares what happens in a month? 75% of gym members only last a month too. But if somebody told you they got a gym membership that's a good thing even though they're spending a lot more money and they too will have their craze ended in a month.

This Pokemon craze has reached a broad spectrum of people and most of these people are people that are super lazy to begin with being they're addicted to a phone game. These are the people that need this walking around the most.

You do realize that you're proving my point right? Most is those same users will go right back to their couches in a week after the novelty of hunting for virtual crap wears off. Point being that a smartphone game will not keep people active long term and it should not take a game like that to get them off of there asses in the first place.

And again, most of the folks I have seen doing this were doing the same damn thing a month ago, only they had their faces buried in Facebook or Twitter while they were not paying attention to the world around them.


Proving your point? So you do critisize people for getting gym memberships when they first tell you about it because you assume they will just give up in a month or two? 


I agree that I don't think it will be long term but with the current craze you know some other company is working on something similarly "active" because it's such a hit. It most certainly SHOULDN'T take a phone game to get people active but sadly too many people are just that lazy these days. There are deinitely more overweight people than in shape people out there.


See from the people I've talked to:

My mom(yeah..seems odd but it's spread a large age range of people) had gone on more walks in thepast two weeks looking for Pokemon. I've gotten Snaps from my friend and his girlfriend who literally got his gf's lazy, chubby, younger brothers to go on a hike for this game. My sister(who's already very active - She's run 3 Marathons) has even gone out of her way riding her bike waaaaay more than she used to and she's already active but this makes her even more so. 


While I agree that a game SHOULDN'T be what makes people start moving around but if it does, that's great! I haven't even started playing it and I don't want to as I'm more afraid it'll be consuming time that I should be studying or weightlifting instead of walking at a leisure pace. But it's great that people are moving around and I've seen stupid 1 minute little "articles" on the news about people meeting and actually talking at the "gyms" and other major locations. 

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Then maybe it's different in your area but I'm not blind and I see these phone zombies out and about everyday. What happens when the fad burns out in a month (it's already happening according to posters on those gaming sites)?
Those three groups of people I mentioned are from three different states.

Who cares what happens in a month? 75% of gym members only last a month too. But if somebody told you they got a gym membership that's a good thing even though they're spending a lot more money and they too will have their craze ended in a month.

This Pokemon craze has reached a broad spectrum of people and most of these people are people that are super lazy to begin with being they're addicted to a phone game. These are the people that need this walking around the most.

You do realize that you're proving my point right? Most is those same users will go right back to their couches in a week after the novelty of hunting for virtual crap wears off. Point being that a smartphone game will not keep people active long term and it should not take a game like that to get them off of there asses in the first place.

And again, most of the folks I have seen doing this were doing the same damn thing a month ago, only they had their faces buried in Facebook or Twitter while they were not paying attention to the world around them.


Proving your point? So you do critisize people for getting gym memberships when they first tell you about it because you assume they will just give up in a month or two? 


I agree that I don't think it will be long term but with the current craze you know some other company is working on something similarly "active" because it's such a hit. It most certainly SHOULDN'T take a phone game to get people active but sadly too many people are just that lazy these days. There are deinitely more overweight people than in shape people out there.


See from the people I've talked to:

My mom(yeah..seems odd but it's spread a large age range of people) had gone on more walks in thepast two weeks looking for Pokemon. I've gotten Snaps from my friend and his girlfriend who literally got his gf's lazy, chubby, younger brothers to go on a hike for this game. My sister(who's already very active - She's run 3 Marathons) has even gone out of her way riding her bike waaaaay more than she used to and she's already active but this makes her even more so. 


While I agree that a game SHOULDN'T be what makes people start moving around but if it does, that's great! I haven't even started playing it and I don't want to as I'm more afraid it'll be consuming time that I should be studying or weightlifting instead of walking at a leisure pace. But it's great that people are moving around and I've seen stupid 1 minute little "articles" on the news about people meeting and actually talking at the "gyms" and other major locations. 


Your bringing up gym memberships and comparing to this game shows you have actually missed my point 100%.


As I said, everything you just said about "lazy folks' backs up what I have said here, on top of the fact that this game is merely a continuation of the phone zombie culture that needs a reality check, sans the phone. 


Good grief, I have never seen so many folks get so damn sensitive over a legitimate criticism, and whether you agree with it or not, it is legitimate. 


Have fun with your fads folks (and no I am not talking about anyone here unless the shoe fits of course. Just speaking in general terms). We will see you back on your couches taking your daily narcissistic selfies and blaming everyone else for your problems in no time.

Edited by surreal1272
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The gym membership was to correlate a fad for a specific person, just like Pokemon. Both last a month or two and both get more exercise than without. That was my point in comparing the two. I don't see how they are THAT different to compare when talking fads. One is just a personal fad and one is a worldwide fad. Genuinely asking, how are the two fads that different? 


I'm more sensitive to..at least people are getting off their butts and moving w/ the game. Love or hate the game itself..some tacky anime game that looks super childish at least people who are obsessed with their phones and games are moving around some. That's literally the only reason I'm in full support for it. 


Fads come and go all of the time.. some suck..some are awesome and stick around.. Another genuine question, how long does it take for a fad to become something that isn't a fad anymore? And yet again, the handful of people that I know that are into it aren't the couch potato, blaming others, and selfie-aholic type of people you're generalizing all video gamer type of people(my mom is a couch potato but the others aren't at all). This game had reached such a broad spectrum of people. 

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I saw a couple kids walk down my street yesterday, glued to their phones..one on a skateboard...I bet they were Pokemon Going---no sane person would be out walking around on a 112+ degree afternoon... ;)

These will be the same fools they have to rescue off of Camelback mountain and wonder why it happened.


And I'm done so unless you want to prove me liar, just carry on with your thread and enjoy the fad.

Edited by surreal1272
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