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So do the sources really matter?


Like when I eat strawberries from California, but then eat the next day strawberries from Ontario, I can tell the difference and the taste is different...but the nutritional value is probably going to be the same.


But is there some "unaccounted" factor (like dark matter, we cannot describe it but we know it's effects) from fish sources or krill that somehow makes the Omega 3 more better and more effective?


Because when eating the Ontario Strawberries (Canada Day **** YEA), no offense, most of the California strawberries were left out too long, absorbed more moisture and were sour more often than sweet.


I went to costco a few days ago. I saw a brand called "MegaRed".

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depending on the weather, all fruit can be sweeter or sour, sweeter means higher sugar content. Fish does matter as some fish is from the deep ocean and have better omega 3 than other fish say krill which is usually in warmer water. It does make a difference.

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Okay...weird things happened yesterday...


1. 3 people said I looked taller. Doesn't make sense, my hair was cut just 4 days prior. And I'm not wearing any different shoes.


2. I did some stretches...and then a few legs movements...and the joints felt like they were lubed....they have not felt like that in so long....I was confused.


3. I did 15 situps and 10 push ups. That's like a 100% increase from just 3 days ago....WTF.... I didn't do anything for two days before yesterday other than long walking, stair climbing and clearing of stuff.



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Your body is progressing!! Good work!!

Taller look could be attributed to a thinner look from weight loss and hair cut.

Legs sound like they're getting in shape

Chest and stomach also sound like they're gaining muscle and progressing!

GREAT WORK SUAV! Keep it up and you'll continue to see progress.

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I used to think that if you were producing a lot of  :butthead:  your metabolism was good. You know. Food IN....fertilizer OUT.


But now it's almost weird how little  :butthead:  is created, yet I appear to be getting thinner, and losing some poundage.


Though it is refreshing how light weight production produces no splashes. Lean manufacturing. Using the material up to the limit...YUP.... 

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Like with radio personalities, sometimes it's hard to match the feces to the voice.  It's good to have threads like these that allow us to get to know each other a bit.

But which bits do you want to get to know? ;)

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Hey dfelt,

What do you think about this workout? 



I've done the first 9 weeks, I believe. And I've done be best not skipping anything listed or days in general.


Edit: Yesterday was Day 71.

Not a bad workout. I do not see specific details of the types of exercises to perform, but I will say that this is a good 90 day jump start your body to make a difference. I did not have the time to view the videos, but I like the type of work outs stated and down time to let the body recover.


Good Job. :metal:


Did you take a before photo for day 1 and then at any other time to help track progress? Visual is always good to have to make sure you are making a difference that you wanted.

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Hey dfelt,

What do you think about this workout? 



I've done the first 9 weeks, I believe. And I've done be best not skipping anything listed or days in general.


Edit: Yesterday was Day 71.

Not a bad workout. I do not see specific details of the types of exercises to perform, but I will say that this is a good 90 day jump start your body to make a difference. I did not have the time to view the videos, but I like the type of work outs stated and down time to let the body recover.


Good Job. :metal:


Did you take a before photo for day 1 and then at any other time to help track progress? Visual is always good to have to make sure you are making a difference that you wanted.


you can click on any of the days of there is a drop down menu that shoes the days and click one. 


After like the 4th week it gets brutal as F. Pyramids... 30-25-20-15-10-5-5-10-15-20-25-30 for a lot of the stuff.  The first handful of weeks were 5 days a week and once it got to the pyramids it dropped down to 4 days a week but all of the off days are "active rest" which I'm hit or miss on the active part. i guess that would be the one part I mess up the most. 


No... I should have but I feel way better about how I look. I've always worked out so I didn't expect anything crazy drastic but I did cut 18lbs and I feel a little bigger and definitely more cut. I really messed up by not taking a before picture.. 

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Yeah I have a gym membership, but lately my workouts are coming from swinging a sledge hammer.  I have two apartments that I am gentrifying renovating from low-middle income housing into something nicer.  There is a Google campus less than 5 minutes away from these places and rental prices for nicer apartments have skyrocketed. 

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Yeah I have a gym membership, but lately my workouts are coming from swinging a sledge hammer.  I have two apartments that I am gentrifying renovating from low-middle income housing into something nicer.  There is a Google campus less than 5 minutes away from these places and rental prices for nicer apartments have skyrocketed. 

Very cool, Yes swinging hardware can be just as solid a workout as the gym. Way to go Drew.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I am checking in again.


MOFO'S I'm at 175.


Ain't nothing to it, gangsta rap made me do it.


Today I had an epic bike ride, and before/after I did 75 jumping jacks. I have a ton of overhead on those now. I could prolly do 100 jj's at one time, but the ones after like 85 would be kinda slow.


Also listen to this:



I forcibly force ya'll to help me lose my mind....
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Ata boy, Suav!! Keep it up! 


I actualyl prepped my lunches for this whole week yesterday with just baked chicken and green beans.. The package of chicken I bought had 6 pieces, cut into halves for easier cooking, so I had 12 pieces. I did 3, just simple salt and pepper, 3 bbq sauce, 3 some red pepper seasoning, and 3 with some asian-like sauce. I know the sauces aren't very good as they're usually quite sugary but one can only eat so much baked chicken without some kind of sauce on top. Hopefully I can keep it up and on Sunday's I can spend an hour-ish doing this again. I also want to start hard boiling eggs for breakfast as opposed to just the protein bars that I eat. Hopefully this can make my workouts better and I can get some more GAAAIIINNNZZZZ! My diet is definitely my weak link so hopefully I'm turning the corner on that. 

Edited by ccap41
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  • 2 weeks later...

Checking in once more before I leave for the day.



I am finding little time after the daily grind and all the different fitness things I do every week.



Finally I can plant my heels down when I do a full squat. My belly has gone in 3 inches or so. I haven't been checking my weight since 2 weeks ago, but I've been sweating a lot for the last two weeks.


After workout's I don't get as completely tired either, and for the most part intensty is up across the board.


I can finally see my ribs again when I am standing upright. Am trying to get good abs and oblique excercises. It will be a quite a while though,


And my arm's aren't squishy all the way anymore. I poke thought like half to a centimeter of mush, but behind it there is a wall of denser material. I guess that should be then muscles right?


Anyhoos, I will prolly not post again for another while. I'll see you all on the far side.

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Checking in once more before I leave for the day.



I am finding little time after the daily grind and all the different fitness things I do every week.



Finally I can plant my heels down when I do a full squat. My belly has gone in 3 inches or so. I haven't been checking my weight since 2 weeks ago, but I've been sweating a lot for the last two weeks.


After workout's I don't get as completely tired either, and for the most part intensty is up across the board.


I can finally see my ribs again when I am standing upright. Am trying to get good abs and oblique excercises. It will be a quite a while though,


And my arm's aren't squishy all the way anymore. I poke thought like half to a centimeter of mush, but behind it there is a wall of denser material. I guess that should be then muscles right?


Anyhoos, I will prolly not post again for another while. I'll see you all on the far side.

Very cool Suav,


Remember, a tired work out is better than no work out. We all get tired, just need to push through the work out and get some sleep.


See ya on the other side! :)

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  • 2 months later...

Finally doing another update. I had a brief, 3 week hiatus, where my only real excercise was walking/stairclimbing or cycling.


So, I'm now at 164 lbs. I'm a very good stair climber now. So that's from 188 lbs about 4 months ago.


So, my flab elastic radius has decreased everywhere, but my muscle diameter has increased quite a bit (compared to NO muscle at all).

Definitely my triceps now need some work done now, and I think my lats need more work too. And same with abs. Like if I'm not standing upright, I still have the remnants of a well-fed flabby pot belly. But I have real biceps, and even without tightening up the arm, I am starting to see some cut lines. SHWEET. 

Sprinting really does not put nearly as much strain on my leg joints anymore. I really appreciate all the yoga, and the hip flexor stretches, shoulder stretches, lunges, planks, down dogs/up dogs, all kinds of stuffs.

I have started to now eat more, because I start getting hunger pains real bad at only 1200 calories with doing excercise every day. So now it's 1800 ish. 

I eat meat protein about twice a week, for only one or two meals. Rest is veg and lentil protein. 


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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)

I average 20 flights of stairs every day.  I have tried everything.  The only thing that keeps your knees from hurting eventually, is taking the elevator down.

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13 minutes ago, Drew Dowdell said:

I still have my gym membership....though I haven't seen the inside of it for months.... still counts, right?


But somehow, through diet alone, I have lost 25 lbs this year. 

My son goes to the gym for about 2 or 3 hours a day....my older son, the one you met.

The university i work at has a program that allows students who want to work in fields like athletic training or sports management work one on one with people as part of the curriculum in the weight room. Spring semester I am going to see if I can try to build some leg muscle.

I can bike 35-40 miles with ease at the moment, i want to push that to 50-60 miles a ride....

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On 11/14/2016 at 1:34 PM, A Horse With No Name said:

My son goes to the gym for about 2 or 3 hours a day....my older son, the one you met.

The university i work at has a program that allows students who want to work in fields like athletic training or sports management work one on one with people as part of the curriculum in the weight room. Spring semester I am going to see if I can try to build some leg muscle.

I can bike 35-40 miles with ease at the moment, i want to push that to 50-60 miles a ride....

Mountain biking right?


I wish I had the stamina or the courage to mountain bike again. Maybe a few years from now, I could again.


The people who helped me get here, namely the fitness trainers have all said I have visible muscle now. And I lift weights only like once or twice a week.  The skin around my arms continues to get tighter, I have like sliced inches off of my thighs. And I used to think that would be impossible, but it's getting there incrementally.


I've been doing variety. Sports like basketball or volleyball one day, then core another day, gravity machine another, then dance and strength and endurance. Then the pain train strength training, with slow squats and foam rolling. The transformation is starting to really look stark. 

I mean I remember what I was like 5-6 years ago as a stick figure. But I'll never be that again.

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1 hour ago, Suaviloquent said:

Mountain biking right?


I wish I had the stamina or the courage to mountain bike again. Maybe a few years from now, I could again.


The people who helped me get here, namely the fitness trainers have all said I have visible muscle now. And I lift weights only like once or twice a week.  The skin around my arms continues to get tighter, I have like sliced inches off of my thighs. And I used to think that would be impossible, but it's getting there incrementally.


I've been doing variety. Sports like basketball or volleyball one day, then core another day, gravity machine another, then dance and strength and endurance. Then the pain train strength training, with slow squats and foam rolling. The transformation is starting to really look stark. 

I mean I remember what I was like 5-6 years ago as a stick figure. But I'll never be that again.

I ride mostly rail trails and rural quiet roads.  Try to avoid auto traffic like the plague.

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On 11/14/2016 at 0:51 PM, Wings4Life said:

I average 20 flights of stairs every day.  I have tried everything.  The only thing that keeps your knees from hurting eventually, is taking the elevator down.

Can't fall asleep yet, so I'll just post the results of my set workout.


First time I actually finished. Now the targets were always ambitious, but now I can actually say I only took the break intervals pre-planned for the set, so otherwise I was sweating it out.

So many planks :)

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8 hours ago, Suaviloquent said:

Can't fall asleep yet, so I'll just post the results of my set workout.


First time I actually finished. Now the targets were always ambitious, but now I can actually say I only took the break intervals pre-planned for the set, so otherwise I was sweating it out.

So many planks :)

Good luck...I think my next step in staying healthy will be better dust collection for my woodworking equipment in my garage.  I wear a good dust mask when running my table saw, but sawdust ends up everywhere with power tools. Can't help but think some of that is still winding up in my lungs given how much winds up on the floor and in the air...

Which is why a lot of the time I prefer hand tools. Brian is 23 and one of my sons friends.  He lives in an apartment with his girlfriend and has no room for a work shop, so I have been sharing my bench and my space. He has been building guitars from scratch using mostly hand tools, and I have been helping him.

So far only electric guitars, but I want to try to build an acoustical guitar myself. Which involves getting off of my arse and finishing some projects around the house...

One can burn a surprising amount of energy planeing, sawing, sanding, shaping, and finishing wood by hand.

We have student trainers that will work with a faculty/Staff member over a semester and work with you on a regular basis in the weight room. Going to do that for spring semester to see if I can build some leg muscle for biking next summer.

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9 hours ago, Suaviloquent said:

Can't fall asleep yet, so I'll just post the results of my set workout.


First time I actually finished. Now the targets were always ambitious, but now I can actually say I only took the break intervals pre-planned for the set, so otherwise I was sweating it out.

So many planks :)

AWESOME :metal:

I PLANK YOU! :deathwatch:

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Uhh, so the way it's set, the slower, more grueling workout actually happens after the long, faster paced multiple different exercise workout. And that's today :)


Remember that thread about what car you would be if you were a vehicle? How I had to go from a being a beaten up, slow, fat, Ford Ranger/Comanche/Colorado to a Denali/Platinum Big Boss?


I'm working in the grunt department when I workout, so that is happening. I am going from a terrible four cylinder to big fat V8. Currently I am at entry level V6 now. So there's the REAL DEAL progress report.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, now I am reaching the point where every week or other week I am having to dial up the intensity just a small amount. 


The weight loss has slowed down to a crawl, like only half a pound in 2 weeks. I could be eating a bit more green stuffs, and slightly less breadstuffs tho. I remember when I first started out, I mentioned how my joints felt lubed, well, not anymore, yes they are smooth, but I don't have that immediate change happening now. It's like I'm used to the better shape, such that I still hunt for more fitness.


And finally I can manipulate my abs - I can raise them, rather make them slide up, closer to the ribcage without drawing the stomach in. It's really weird, I don't have a proper handle on this yet, I have to really get a feel for it to do it. But no, I don't have abs. In fact, I'm still quite flabby. But like 50% to 80 less flab depending on the area than before.


But I do remember one thing. Years past, when I was 140 - 160 lbs, I had no muscle anywhere to speak of. I was just a squishy. Now I'm not. It's different knowing your weight as it is, because muscle weighs more than fat, so me being on the cusp of being below 164, I may have just doubled to tripled the muscle mass I had before (it wasn't much AT ALL to begin with.


And because I did jump squats, quite a few yesterday, when I did yoga with lunges, then to warrior 3, my legs were shaking as if it were the first time I did yoga, but I recognize it was my body telling me that the workout for the core I did yesterday was very effective. In 15 mins of yoga I sweated more than even a 20 min jog. Incredible. 

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On 11/22/2016 at 0:54 PM, Suaviloquent said:

Uhh, so the way it's set, the slower, more grueling workout actually happens after the long, faster paced multiple different exercise workout. And that's today :)


Remember that thread about what car you would be if you were a vehicle? How I had to go from a being a beaten up, slow, fat, Ford Ranger/Comanche/Colorado to a Denali/Platinum Big Boss?


I'm working in the grunt department when I workout, so that is happening. I am going from a terrible four cylinder to big fat V8. Currently I am at entry level V6 now. So there's the REAL DEAL progress report.

Thought you wanted to be a twin turbo V8 ;)

Nice Job, keep up the effort. :D 

1 hour ago, Suaviloquent said:

So, now I am reaching the point where every week or other week I am having to dial up the intensity just a small amount. 


The weight loss has slowed down to a crawl, like only half a pound in 2 weeks. I could be eating a bit more green stuffs, and slightly less breadstuffs tho. I remember when I first started out, I mentioned how my joints felt lubed, well, not anymore, yes they are smooth, but I don't have that immediate change happening now. It's like I'm used to the better shape, such that I still hunt for more fitness.


And finally I can manipulate my abs - I can raise them, rather make them slide up, closer to the ribcage without drawing the stomach in. It's really weird, I don't have a proper handle on this yet, I have to really get a feel for it to do it. But no, I don't have abs. In fact, I'm still quite flabby. But like 50% to 80 less flab depending on the area than before.


But I do remember one thing. Years past, when I was 140 - 160 lbs, I had no muscle anywhere to speak of. I was just a squishy. Now I'm not. It's different knowing your weight as it is, because muscle weighs more than fat, so me being on the cusp of being below 164, I may have just doubled to tripled the muscle mass I had before (it wasn't much AT ALL to begin with.


And because I did jump squats, quite a few yesterday, when I did yoga with lunges, then to warrior 3, my legs were shaking as if it were the first time I did yoga, but I recognize it was my body telling me that the workout for the core I did yesterday was very effective. In 15 mins of yoga I sweated more than even a 20 min jog. Incredible. 

All very true realizations. Keep up a diverse ab routine and you will see the cuts you are desiring.

Nice Job! :D 

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I am just under 160 lbs now by half a pound.


Awwww yeah, 28.5 pounds lost in 5 months. I haven't been absolutely strict with diet, but I haven't eaten red meat in any frequency that would make me remember eating that stuff for a while.

I learned about recruiting more of my muscles, and, also, lacrosse ball massage. It fucking is the shit. 

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1 hour ago, ocnblu said:

Well you're gettin' to be a little ol thing aren't you now? 

He is inspiration to me to hit the gym so I can be in shape to ride my bike in the spring...I am still 250 lbs...and 5-10.....

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Well the secret is that I get my sugar craving done and over with in the morning. I take like 10 grams of added sugar in breakfast.

And the rest of the day, each meal has fewer and fewer carbs, but protein. And then dinner is now usually an egg or egg white with raw veggies. Plenty of water. 

5 months ago, my sweat tasted like extremely bitter and salty bacon fat fresh from the pan. Now the sweat is tasteless, and has barely an odour. 

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I find avoiding carbs to be extremely helpful. sneaking a piece of pizza at lunch is usually about all of the carbs I have in a day...

Also, I find getting off of my arse and going to my work shop to get things done when i get home from work helps me feel better.

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I am now starting to muscle up. I have a starter pack. Just 1 big beer can, not 6. I can fully manipulate my abs, moving them up, side to side, even down...but the last is still like what the up movement was like a week ago.


I was lifting weights yesterday. Most controlled I have ever been, completed almost all of the sets. Starting to recruit more muscles. I can now contract muscles in my back, again like the last week and the discovery of abs that I can manipulate, and I have the starters for obliques going. 


More endurance building too. 

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