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A fitness thread...


Anyways I know that many of our members who are active on the forum are also some fitness freaks...and I should also consult a doctor on what I should do/go to reddit, but I realized that this place is much better in terms of the variety of folk we have here.


So guys right now I am a size 34 waist on my pants & shorts. I'd like to be able to fit in my size 28-30 pants like I could just 15 months ago...



I went out for a light jogging/walk the other day.


Now I haven't done any kind of jogging/running for a long time...maybe like 6 months. The day before yesterday was when I did my jog.


I would do intervals. I realized like I felt so heavy, and I could barely job more than a 100 metres before having to stop.


So now I definitely have Delayed onset muscle pain...I did a bike ride instead yesterday.


I want to do 3 things - cardio, flexibility and core strength.


I don't need to become a meat head. Quiet the opposite - I just want to be able fit in my shorts and be cool again to take off my shirt at the beach or at bbq's like I used to.


All tips and techniques appreciated!!!!  :)  :)  :)

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Oh and sugar is gonzo....


I'd also rather take pure, natural fats - like real butter than even some processed oils, like heat pressed canola/sunflower.


Cold pressed olive and canola oils are also there.


I don't take any salad dressings, and ketchup is avoided a lot.

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You're going to die anyway so why care?

Personally this line has always annoyed me.

Are you going to die at 30 or 80? If you eat $h!ty and don't exercise and still live to 80 are you able to move around on your own? Can you go watch your grandkids graduate high school or are you stuck relying on other people because you never took care of the one body you got?

Everybody does die but it's how you get to that point that varies wildly.

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My grandkids will carry my folded, doughy rolls and if they don't, Grampy Fappy will eat them.

Good luck wit dat!


Those nasty-good-for-nothing-selfish brats are gonna be waiting for you to die...maybe even facilitate the event by pushing you off a ledge or something just so they can inherit your 1972 Gran Torino...


You might as well just kick the bucket now!

Why prolong the agony?

PS....you could leave your 1972 Gran Torino to me...Ill take good care of her as I respect you....unlike your nasty-good-for-nothing-selfish grand-kids.

Just like the movie....EXACTLY like the movie. :yes:

Edited by oldshurst442
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Actual suggestion: Eat less and drink more water, fatty. I used to be a size 32 waist but became a 34, at 220 and 230 lbs respectively. My waist ballooned because my job changed, and I continued eating the same amount of food, even when I stopped working out rigorously. It's one of those things that's hard to correct but discipline, water and sometimes sugarless gum help. 


I carry Mio in my briefcase in case water gets boring, and when I go to Jared's, I'll often order a roast beef off the kids menu because the meal is satisfying enough and the accompanying jokes are fresher than Subway's veggies. These have helped considerably. 


Another suggestion: Yoga. I live in Vancouver, yogappropriation central, where libertarian pseudo-progressive white people took spiritual Indian stretching and turned it into a billion dollar industry on the backs of basic white girls. But the standard fare is useful for flexibility and relaxation. Depending on location, you can hit up a a couple classes for cheap, enjoy the sights via the see-through Lululemon pants and then do the exercises at home where nobody will have to know you're doing yoga. 


Bonus suggestion: Eat oatmeal. It's filling as hell and you can stir in egg white or protein powder. Get stuff that can be microwaved, and if you can get something that has dried blueberries and goji berries, even better.


MEATHEAD GET SWOLE DO U EVEN LIFT BRA?! LET'S GO SON suggestion: Do not purchase pre-workout supplements or be tempted to. They're often too low dosed, have fillers and over-priced.


If you want some perk, make your own for cheap: source 'Creapure'-type creatine from a bulk supplier, as well as Beta-Alanine and caffeine pills. Mix a scoop of creatine, 2 grams BA into 12 oz of water and pop the pill. Zen out for a half hour and prep for workout. You'll start feeling antsy or bouncy from the BA and then you're ready to either mass-murder people or have a fulfilling workout. Whichever helps you accomplish your goals!

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So here is my 36 years of working out input:


You have hit on the 3 points of the healthy crown, and cardio is good but not King. Yes you will burn fat but without core weight lifting Cardio only gets you so far. Food is the 3rd point I will cover at the end.


Stretching is a requirement each time you go to work out first. Then start out with 10-15 min of cardio at MOST. Proceed to your weightlifting routine and alternate upper body with lower body every other day. Also remember, start out with lite weights for the first month to allow your tendons and over all body to tone up first before you push to heavier weights.


Remember when you have not worked out in a long time, your body will drop some weight at first and then go into conservation mode to see if the diet changes, regular feeding and working out will stick. This is what is called the 30 - 60 - 90 day process. First 30 days body will drop some fat, body will tone up some, mostly just tightening in the muscles and strengthening the tendons around joints and muscle attachment. The next 30 days most people will not see much change due to the body is in a phase of change and not sure if you will stick with it or not. The Day 31 to 90 is the hardest and where most people drop out of working out, only those sticking it out see the long term benefits.


Remember, even when your tired, a sucky tired workout is better than no workout and the body will thank you for it.


Day 61 to 90, the body will start to continue to drop weight and tone up as you push yourself. Sticking out this far is a hard thing to do for many people but those that do are rewarded with some amazing changes. This is also when the body will make some weight gain due to increased muscle mass as you tone up. You will drop size in clothing due to body fat loss but also get tighter in other places due to muscle mass growth. All normal and of course how big one gets depends on the weight they use.


You stated you wanted to be toned and lean so you will need to as you train increase the number of reps you do in comparison to increasing weight. You will still need to increase the weight as you get stronger but not for bulk.  3 sets of 15 reps is your goal and when comfortable you increase the weight by 5lbs and plan for 3 reps of 12 building up to 15 before increasing weight again.


Final part is Food, remember that there's good fats and bad fats. Sugars in natural form in moderation is fine also, but moderation is what it is all about and having trained for so many years, I will go against the grain of all the fad diets with just cutting out sugar, cutting out carbs, etc. This is a recipe for FAILURE! Your body will drop weight fast in the early days but bounce it will come and hit you hard. You have to reduce over time or at least reduce to moderation and give the body time to adjust as well as your taste buds time to adjust and you will notice the change.


3 Health Benefits of using Virgin Coconut Oil or Virgin Olive Oil.


1) They contain antioxidants that can decrease oxidative stress. This help to reduce blood pressure, reduce buildup of plaques in the arteries and overall lower inflammation in the body.


2) They reduce total and bad cholesterol. Both oils help in the removal of bad fats from the body leading to a lowering of bad cholesterol, triglycerides and total cholesterol count.


3) The oils help with weight loss through increased calorie burning. They contain medium-chain fatty acids that your body uses as efficient energy sources increasing calorie burning and promoting weight loss.


Right now more data is on Olive Oil, so I would use that for cooking.


Here is some good comparison data from the health clinics trying to help people live better lives.




Here is a great short read with a suggested mixture for a solid pre-workout drink of Creatine, Beta-Alanine with Caffeine mixture.




Here is another good medical info supporting the mixture also.




Remember that a High Veggie / Protein diet with a large breakfast is the best way to go in reducing fat, increasing muscles and leaning out. Just keep a balance as you still need some carbs.

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Thanks DFELT!!! A true Diamond Felt!!!


Yeah, I had a half a egg/chicken/okra wrap with a peach in the morning. Lunch in about 25 mins will be lettuce/kale/tomato/indian veggie raita (it's like a yogurt salad - the yogurt is whipped and diluted with water to make a ...yougurt soup) with a lentil veggie soup.


And then dinner will most likely be more salad, perhaps a slice or two of low salt turkey bacon.


And then in between snacks are usually some melon or gourd slices.


I am weaning down the intake of bread like foodstuffs. I'm going to get quinoa, oats and sweet potato/yams. 

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What about fish?


It's fricking expensive to go fresh route with salmon or trout in Canada.


Tilapia is cheaper....


Is frozen a decent substitute? 


And canned herrings or sardines. What about those?

Frozen is fine, but stay away from canned herrings or sardines, way overload on the salt which causes bloating. There are plenty of good frozen fish options. Even breaded fish that you instead put in your oven are not too bad compared to frying them.


Plenty of good ways to poach various frozen fish and still have a yummy protein based meal.

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Did 5...I repeat 5 situps yesterday. (I have not done a sit up in like, forever)



Tried one today....


F****** felt like I was slicing my flabby flab. Gave up on the first one.



SO....is the above a good sign, as in I should feel pain right in the gut...because a tiny sliver of flesh was torn and now the body will be better able to do like...7 situps in the a couple of days for resting that part of the body?

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Another question: Warning...contains a question about human bodily functions.






Should changing the diet...to only include healthy foodstuffs + cutting intake of breads by half changes the ability of the body to...err..turnover...err....number 2?


It's been approx a week since diet change.

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Actual suggestion: Eat less and drink more water, fatty. I used to be a size 32 waist but became a 34, at 220 and 230 lbs respectively. My waist ballooned because my job changed, and I continued eating the same amount of food, even when I stopped working out rigorously. It's one of those things that's hard to correct but discipline, water and sometimes sugarless gum help. 


I carry Mio in my briefcase in case water gets boring, and when I go to Jared's, I'll often order a roast beef off the kids menu because the meal is satisfying enough and the accompanying jokes are fresher than Subway's veggies. These have helped considerably. 


Another suggestion: Yoga. I live in Vancouver, yogappropriation central, where libertarian pseudo-progressive white people took spiritual Indian stretching and turned it into a billion dollar industry on the backs of basic white girls. But the standard fare is useful for flexibility and relaxation. Depending on location, you can hit up a a couple classes for cheap, enjoy the sights via the see-through Lululemon pants and then do the exercises at home where nobody will have to know you're doing yoga. 


Bonus suggestion: Eat oatmeal. It's filling as hell and you can stir in egg white or protein powder. Get stuff that can be microwaved, and if you can get something that has dried blueberries and goji berries, even better.


MEATHEAD GET SWOLE DO U EVEN LIFT BRA?! LET'S GO SON suggestion: Do not purchase pre-workout supplements or be tempted to. They're often too low dosed, have fillers and over-priced.


If you want some perk, make your own for cheap: source 'Creapure'-type creatine from a bulk supplier, as well as Beta-Alanine and caffeine pills. Mix a scoop of creatine, 2 grams BA into 12 oz of water and pop the pill. Zen out for a half hour and prep for workout. You'll start feeling antsy or bouncy from the BA and then you're ready to either mass-murder people or have a fulfilling workout. Whichever helps you accomplish your goals!


Water is such a great suggestion. I know it is difficult at times for myself to drink water and not something else but it is a GREAT way to shave a lot of wasted calories out of a diet. I need to grab one of those Mios myself. 


I've only heard great thing about yoga to be honest. It just isn't a "manly" thing to do so I think many males tend to stay away from it. Great suggestion to hit up a few classes for cheap then once you've learned a bit to do it on our own at home. 


Pre-workouts CAN be great but like you said, most are filled with cheap product and caffeine. There are good ones that can improve your workouts but a lot of the cheaper ones are more of a quick hit of energy. Buuuuut I wouldn't get into the pre-workout thing until you start to get a little burnt out and need a little kick or a change to spike the workout again. 


Ohhhh that tingly beta-alanine feeling.. I'm not a fan of it but I know it's working! 


Great advise FAP!  :thumbsup:

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So here is my 36 years of working out input:




Final part is Food, remember that there's good fats and bad fats. Sugars in natural form in moderation is fine also, but moderation is what it is all about and having trained for so many years, I will go against the grain of all the fad diets with just cutting out sugar, cutting out carbs, etc. This is a recipe for FAILURE! Your body will drop weight fast in the early days but bounce it will come and hit you hard. You have to reduce over time or at least reduce to moderation and give the body time to adjust as well as your taste buds time to adjust and you will notice the change.





First off, I agree with about everything else you posted, good information! But mostly, the carbs thing. Carbs are energy. The body and BRAIN need energy for minimum daily activities. I'm not saying carb-load but the body needs waaaay more than those fad diets allow(I forget the name of it but one is like 5g a day..that's nuts.)...which is ironic because everybody that I've ever known to do those fad diets, and have success, later gains the weight back because it is not a realistic lifestyle and extreme. You have to be comfortable and enjoy what you're doing a long with the gains. 

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Did 5...I repeat 5 situps yesterday. (I have not done a sit up in like, forever)



Tried one today....


F****** felt like I was slicing my flabby flab. Gave up on the first one.



SO....is the above a good sign, as in I should feel pain right in the gut...because a tiny sliver of flesh was torn and now the body will be better able to do like...7 situps in the a couple of days for resting that part of the body?

If you have not done stomach exercises in forever, then start out slow and start out with crunches and variations.


Here is a great link to a large selection of ab exercises so you can tone without killing yourself.



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Should changing the diet...to only include healthy foodstuffs + cutting intake of breads by half changes the ability of the body to...err..turnover...err....number 2?


It's been approx a week since diet change.

Yes, Diet will change the way your body removes waste. Cutting breads and increasing vegi's can cause runs as the body clears itself. Also if you have reduced your food intake and increased your activity, then the body will use it up more and reduce the #2 out put. If you are not going #2 at least every other day, then you need to increase your vegi's and fruit intake.


You need to be regular! 


Also drink, drink and drink. You should be peeing far more often as you clean out your body and it will thank you.

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Another question: Warning...contains a question about human bodily functions.






Should changing the diet...to only include healthy foodstuffs + cutting intake of breads by half changes the ability of the body to...err..turnover...err....number 2?


It's been approx a week since diet change.

Welllllll... I'll give my opinion on the matter but this is not fact.. hopefully dfelt can answer.


If you're cutting way back on your overall calories and working out, aka burning more calories, are you taking in too few of calories now? And because your body is getting what sounds like higher quality foods maybe your body is also absorbing the foods and utilizing them much better a long with fewer calories and burning way more you might have swung a little too extreme for your body.. 


Do you count your calories? if so, about how man have you taken in and burnt a day for this week? 

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Another question: Warning...contains a question about human bodily functions.






Should changing the diet...to only include healthy foodstuffs + cutting intake of breads by half changes the ability of the body to...err..turnover...err....number 2?


It's been approx a week since diet change.

Welllllll... I'll give my opinion on the matter but this is not fact.. hopefully dfelt can answer.


If you're cutting way back on your overall calories and working out, aka burning more calories, are you taking in too few of calories now? And because your body is getting what sounds like higher quality foods maybe your body is also absorbing the foods and utilizing them much better a long with fewer calories and burning way more you might have swung a little too extreme for your body.. 


Do you count your calories? if so, about how man have you taken in and burnt a day for this week? 


CCAP has hit on a very important point, calories. Average male needs only 1200 to 1500 calories a day. If you are below that, then you body will use everything up and you will not have much waste, above this and you will have a hard time loosing the fat, but fat will burn off and muscle grow depending on how hard your workout are. If you have fat, want to slim down, then you do need to stay around 1200 to 1500 calories a day for your core 3 meals.  People are surprised by the amount of calories in fruit and veggies and with that said, everyone in the work out industry has their own idea of what is a free munchie / snack and what is not. I tend to go with the not everyone likes the same thing and a small amount of fruit or veggies is better than a candy bar any day.




Good place to check calories if you need a source, many others out there also.

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That also reminds me.. I've used/still use sometimes an app called "MyFitnessPal" and it is a GREAT way to track what you're eating. It has a barcode scanner so you can just scan whatever barcode and it will bring up the stats of the food/drink and it will give you a daily goal based on your job/lifestyle(for instance, I sit at a desk all day so I chose the "sedentary" one). 


deflt, Dang...1200 calories a day for an adult male??? That seems so low to me. I'm in the 1800-2000 range. Depending on the workout I allow myself to eat a little more. Like.. a good leg day where I can barely walk afterwards.. I allow myself to eat a little more knowing my body is using everything I'm taking in. 

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That also reminds me.. I've used/still use sometimes an app called "MyFitnessPal" and it is a GREAT way to track what you're eating. It has a barcode scanner so you can just scan whatever barcode and it will bring up the stats of the food/drink and it will give you a daily goal based on your job/lifestyle(for instance, I sit at a desk all day so I chose the "sedentary" one). 


deflt, Dang...1200 calories a day for an adult male??? That seems so low to me. I'm in the 1800-2000 range. Depending on the workout I allow myself to eat a little more. Like.. a good leg day where I can barely walk afterwards.. I allow myself to eat a little more knowing my body is using everything I'm taking in. 

Keep in mind that the 1300 to 1500 range is for a person out of shape, needing to drop stored body fat. As you get lean and mean and you are growing yourself in working out, 1800 to 2200 is pretty common for a man looking to maintain being lean and fit. If you want to bulk up then you have more intake. Course then you have peeps like Michael Phelps and his 12,000 calories a day to feed his swimming practice of 2 - 3 times a day. Crazy! :P

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That also reminds me.. I've used/still use sometimes an app called "MyFitnessPal" and it is a GREAT way to track what you're eating. It has a barcode scanner so you can just scan whatever barcode and it will bring up the stats of the food/drink and it will give you a daily goal based on your job/lifestyle(for instance, I sit at a desk all day so I chose the "sedentary" one). 


deflt, Dang...1200 calories a day for an adult male??? That seems so low to me. I'm in the 1800-2000 range. Depending on the workout I allow myself to eat a little more. Like.. a good leg day where I can barely walk afterwards.. I allow myself to eat a little more knowing my body is using everything I'm taking in. 

Keep in mind that the 1300 to 1500 range is for a person out of shape, needing to drop stored body fat. As you get lean and mean and you are growing yourself in working out, 1800 to 2200 is pretty common for a man looking to maintain being lean and fit. If you want to bulk up then you have more intake. Course then you have peeps like Michael Phelps and his 12,000 calories a day to feed his swimming practice of 2 - 3 times a day. Crazy! :P


Oh that makes sense. I was thinking when you said 12-1500 it wasn't for weight loss. It was just regular maintaining your weight. 


Good lord. 12,000 calories in a day?!?! I have heard of people like "The Rock" taking in an insane calorie count for weight lifting but I don't think it was 12,000 lol.


Had to look it up, Dwayne Johnson takes in 5000 calories a day.




"I do cardio 4–5 a.m., then take 4–6 scoops of Optimum’s Amino Energy." 

"After cardio I eat breakfast [Meal no. 1]."
"After breakfast I hit the iron for 90 minutes."

"Post-workout I have 60 grams Optimum Nutrition’s Platinum Hydrowhey with 15 grams of glutamine."

"Thiry minutes later I consume 32 oz of Gatorade.""

Edited by ccap41
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Today I sweated so much I thought it was raining....err something oddly tasting like really salty bacon juice...


That makes sense, I am a porker.


But yeah, I think I burned about 400 to 500 calories more than intake, like the last few days...and did a lot of upper body stuff.


Tomorrow will be cycling, core workout, and perhaps 2-3 hours of basketball if I get the chance.


Also, minor victory. Did a WHOLE 7 situps....compared to 5 the day before yesterday.



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Yes splatters suck, but happen with algae.


Africa has the worst sanitation in the known world. We might have started on that continent according to evolution but I am sure glad to not be there.

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Yes splatters suck, but happen with algae.


Africa has the worst sanitation in the known world. We might have started on that continent according to evolution but I am sure glad to not be there.

I'm not sure if you're talking in general or if you were referring to the image but that image is India.

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Yes splatters suck, but happen with algae.


Africa has the worst sanitation in the known world. We might have started on that continent according to evolution but I am sure glad to not be there.

I'm not sure if you're talking in general or if you were referring to the image but that image is India.



:roflmao: You are so right, I quickly looked at it and thought Africa, but it is india. I would imagine it holds true for Africa also. 


Having traveled to India, it is amazing the garbage and dirt everywhere. I minimize my trips to 2-3 a year for work as the place is just crazy, but I do love the food. :P


India & Africa =  :toiler:  :toiletpaper:


:roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:

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Back on Topic of Fitness:


Suav, you need to NOT do stomachs everyday. Remember, the stomach muscles are also used in many CORE exercises and as such need time to recover like any other muscle. It is best to do your situps and crunches every other day. If you want to shape down your sides to lose the donut ring then do Oblique muscle exercises in the off days from stomachs.


Here is a great video showing a decent set of abs exercises that covers both various crunches to the stomach area as well as oblique exercises:



Good Oblique Exercises




Scott's videos are some of the better ones out there. Check him out on YouTube for help with other exercises.

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LOL how is this even a statistic?!?! Who actually went in the field to gather this data?!?!?



Thought you would like this:




Plus this Report




Reuters covered this also.



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LOL how is this even a statistic?!?! Who actually went in the field to gather this data?!?!?




Thought you would like this:




Plus this Report




Reuters covered this also.




Hmmmm interesting.. I'll have to read it more later in detail as I'm working now..

Yesterday's leg grind...




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On Sunday, I yelled at one of my employees for fooling around. And I really mean yelled at him.

I tolerate some horseplayin' but when too much is toooooo much, I gotta draw the line somewheres...

Well, the next day he bought me a 12 pack of these suckers...to....let me think and say it how he put it...

"to help me calm down and let my inner Bob Marley take control of shyte" 

Chill and relax he told me...

All in good fun. I love this kid and I know he loves me.



So I laughed...and I gave the staff to drink...what else was I supposed to do?

He said to let my inner Bob Marley take control....so I did!!!

What does this have to do with fitness you say?

Well, Im glad you asked...because I did not have any to drink that day...so I had a couple left over....drinking on the job aint allowed you see....(yeah yeah....Im the boss and I let my staff drink....that is the joke right there....SHEESH)

As I was saying, I had more than a couple left over so I decided to drink one just now....

Man....my stomach as we speak is bloated up like I am 40 weeks pregnant and the baby wants to come out now!


Never again will I drink beer or any other alcohol that causes my stomach to do that.

For a year now, Ive managed to keep the waist line as slim as I could get it without counting calories and minimizing fatty junk food that just gets stored in the waist line...Im doing quite well and no thanks to this dastardly yet delicious drink, I  dont feel good about it now...


PS: I dont drink any alcohol as is...even less now!


PSS: the box in the pic I posted says 8% while the one I drank was 6%...strange....

Edited by oldshurst442
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On Sunday, I yelled at one of my employees for fooling around. And I really mean yelled at him.

I tolerate some horseplayin' but when too much is toooooo much, I gotta draw the line somewheres...

Well, the next day he bought me a 12 pack of these suckers...to....let me think and say it how he put it...

"to help me calm down and let my inner Bob Marley take control of shyte" 

Chill and relax he told me...

All in good fun. I love this kid and I know he loves me.



So I laughed...and I gave the staff to drink...what else was I supposed to do?

He said to let my inner Bob Marley take control....so I did!!!

What does this have to do with fitness you say?

Well, Im glad you asked...because I did not have any to drink that day...so I had a couple left over....drinking on the job aint allowed you see....(yeah yeah....Im the boss and I let my staff drink....that is the joke right there....SHEESH)

As I was saying, I had more than a couple left over so I decided to drink one just now....

Man....my stomach as we speak is bloated up like I am 40 weeks pregnant and the baby wants to come out now!


Never again will I drink beer or any other alcohol that causes my stomach to do that.

For a year now, Ive managed to keep the waist line as slim as I could get it without counting calories and minimizing fatty junk food that just gets stored in the waist line...Im doing quite well and no thanks to this dastardly yet delicious drink, I  dont feel good about it now...


PS: I dont drink any alcohol as is...even less now!


PSS: the box in the pic I posted says 8% while the one I drank was 6%...strange....

Maybe the Fermentation is still on going and in your stomach it finishes up at 8%!



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So yesterday I could not really work out, but I did walk around for altleast 7 hours and did a storeroom clearout which involved lots of lifting, shuffling and stuff.


Two weeks into the program, now I think I am conditioned to drinking more water often.


I didn't get to drink any water during the 11:00 am till 4 pm....so my throat and skin felt dry the whole day after 1 pm. And drinking water would not solve it. But this morning I am fine.


More question time. Are Omega 3 supplements good? If so, which brands can be trusted.



And OLDS, another right time, right place moment...GIMME SOME GREEK CHICKEN RECIPE BRO.

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Greek porc or  chicken souvlaki/brochette marinade:


In a bowl, add olive oil and mix in garlic, oregano, lemon juice, salt(or chicken base, but stay off of the chicken base as it has MSG and this is about healthy stuff) and pepper.

Dip the meat in the mixture, cover, and  refrigerate overnight. BBQ the next day. Marinade good for 10-14 days. Disregard marinade after use. You could baste the marinade on the meat while BBQing once or twice, just keep in mind that its oil you are splattering around so you must be aware of fire flare-ups.  All ingredients are measured to taste...


Greek chicken in the oven? Same ingredients as the marinade. A tad of olive oil on top of chicken to help brown, salt, pepper, oregano, garlic cloves and lemon slices on the side...squeeze some juice on top of chicken before setting the slices in the pot...


Simple as that. No secret to greek cuisine. Same ingredients....lemon, garlic and oregano.

Of course we use other spices too, but those are the 3 main ones...


 Tzatziki as a side dish dip is always a good idea. For the meat and for veggies..

Tomatoes, cucumbers, celery etc...eat it with pita bread.  

Lightly coat both sides of the pita bread with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice and oregano and place it on the BBQ slightly browning both sides.


Ingredients for tzatziki: Greek yogurt, grated cucumber....lemon juice and garlic...lots of garlic...



Indian food is more rich and colourful in taste in my opinion. But I do prefer Greek cuisine over Indian cuisine...only because my taste buds have been pre-programmed to be in a Greek state of mind. Im just sorry that I did not get into Indian cuisine earlier in my life.


But this is about health and not taste preference.

Greek cuisine uses a lot of olive oil, lemon and garlic to which all three contribute in fighting bad cholesterol and help burn bad fat...but being active helps activate these features...

Edited by oldshurst442
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More question time. Are Omega 3 supplements good? If so, which brands can be trusted.


So personally I use Kirkland Signature Omega 3 gel pill twice a day from Costco. Just awesome packed liquid at a reasonable price.


Here is one of the better reviews and top 3 Omega 3 supplements.





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More question time. Are Omega 3 supplements good? If so, which brands can be trusted.


So personally I use Kirkland Signature Omega 3 gel pill twice a day from Costco. Just awesome packed liquid at a reasonable price.


Here is one of the better reviews and top 3 Omega 3 supplements.






This is what I take for my fish oil. I know it's probably not the best.. but this is the one supplement that I feel is an "all or nothing" type of thing. You're either getting our Omegas in or not. 



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I've heard that there a 3 fatty acids.


One is called Omega-3


Then Omega - 6


And then Omega - 9


By the way...when I'm done I want to be the anthropomorphic version of this. A fine specimen, with plenty of vengeance.


The Master Suaviloquent.


The script will be adapted for humans:








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