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Alternative Fuels & Propulsion in the News

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G. David Felt
Staff Writer Alternative Energy - www.CheersandGears.com


Alternative Fuels & Propulsion in the News


So the news has had some interesting stories this past few weeks in regards to GM and Honda getting closer as they co-develop Hydrogen auto's and self driving:




According to the story, 2020 is the year that both GM and Honda will release for public purchase Hydrogen auto's and 2017 both plan to start selling driverless auto's. The future is near for those that cannot put down facebook or twitter to interact with the world and the planet they live on.


The next story is from the green car report that shows that people who have EV's love em but would not buy them. Leasing is the way to go as the response is that auto companies will be making drastic updates on the EV's each year. The only exception to this is Tesla with their software updated system so people who bought one years ago can have the same software updates and features of the new ones. Currently the story states there are 7 EV's that lease for less than $200 a month for 36 months. The cheapest lease being the Fiat 500e which leases for $82.75 per month for 36 months.




The final story is a very interesting one developing in Europe headed by Norway, where the governments push to have 50,000 EV's on the road by 2017 was reached in April of 2015 and as of September 2015 had reached 66,000. With the VW Diesel scandal it would seem Norwegians are taking advantage of the large government subsidy to buy EV's, especially Tesla's. They are also loving the government's free use of toll roads, free parking, free bridges and tunnels and free ferry tickets if you are an EV. With the average cost of charging an EV being only $1 and Petro at over $6 per liter, clearly with the high price of an auto in Norway, this kind of savings is having a big impact on getting people to go EV.


Here is the current subsidies in Europe.




Full story can be found here:



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