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Poll: Up votes/Down Votes

Drew Dowdell

Opinion on Up votes / Down Votes  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you want voting to remain anonymous as it currently is, who see who voted as you can with Facebook's "Like" system?

    • Remain Anonymous
    • See who voted
  2. 2. If we change it so everyone can see who voted, would you care that it would show all voting results ever cast?

    • Yes
    • No

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I personally rarely down or up vote but when I do I then also follow it up with a post of my own explaining or stating my feeling about something. 


I personally think if you are going to down or up vote a post, you should post a proper response on why you did it so others can understand why and so that it continues the discussion to better inform and educate the over all people who are following the thread.

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I personally rarely down or up vote but when I do I then also follow it up with a post of my own explaining or stating my feeling about something. 


I personally think if you are going to down or up vote a post, you should post a proper response on why you did it so others can understand why and so that it continues the discussion to better inform and educate the over all people who are following the thread.

But there are many times when it isn't worth commenting when dealing with ridiculously irrational fanboy-style posts. (on the negative side of voting)  and sometimes there just isn't time to type something up or you just want to give a passive "thumbs up".

Edited by ccap41
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What are you calling fanboy posts?

Here's an example: my Camaro thread. I could have done what GMI did and used the original press release from GM as my starting point.

And it would have been fluff.

But, I saw that C/D's write up also had some other details and original content that were of interest. So I cited that link instead.

Nothing fanboyish about any of that. I even refrained from mentioning potential competitors because some anonymous folks in here have had their undies in a bunch lately. The numbers will inevitably point to those kind of conclusions on their own in any event.

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What are you calling fanboy posts?

Here's an example: my Camaro thread. I could have done what GMI did and used the original press release from GM as my starting point.

And it would have been fluff.

But, I saw that C/D's write up also had some other details and original content that were of interest. So I cited that link instead.

Nothing fanboyish about any of that. I even refrained from mentioning potential competitors because some anonymous folks in here have had their undies in a bunch lately. The numbers will inevitably point to those kind of conclusions on their own in any event.

Personally, I don't see an initial post/thread topic that is even PR fluff being fanboyish. It is the following conversation that makes or breaks it to me. Okay I guess it would be a little fanboy-like but that doesn't bother me. A little fanboy/biased is COMPLETELY understandable and expected. EVERYBODY has it no matter what they say, it's just how much.


Fluff is how these companies make their money..but it doesn't mean it is lies. That stuff CAN be worth talking about so I don't mind it being posted. If I don't find it interesting I just won't post in there. I may try and find an example of the irrational fanboy-like posts.


Something that is being stated as a fact, is an opinion, and it also trying to make somebody else look like a dick - that is what I consider an irrational fanboy-style post. Not thinking, just trying to be right, and by being aggressive it makes them seem like the "winner".

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I personally rarely down or up vote but when I do I then also follow it up with a post of my own explaining or stating my feeling about something. 


I personally think if you are going to down or up vote a post, you should post a proper response on why you did it so others can understand why and so that it continues the discussion to better inform and educate the over all people who are following the thread.

But there are many times when it isn't worth commenting when dealing with ridiculously irrational fanboy-style posts. (on the negative side of voting)  and sometimes there just isn't time to type something up or you just want to give a passive "thumbs up".


I have often wished the voting system had some canned comments so you could review, click on an up or down vote and choose a canned comment that reflects your thought of the post. That would be cool.

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Not really a big fan of the vote thing...it tends to bring out the preschoolers in people.....



As for the debate going on in here, I'm glad it's going on....Whether you like it or not, a good healthy debate is a good thing....regardless whether it's the popular opinion or not. Members here over the years and have some great debates on different things...and the goal here is to not make it personal/take it personal...and for the love of god-grow some thicker skin! Besides, you never know-you might agree on something once in a while...



Besides, a site full of ass kissers and blind loyalists would just be boring......



Heck, I've had my shares of toe to toes over the years, and am proud to call many of them my friends! :cheers:

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)

I think someone mentioned this, but how about an option when you vote to let it be seen, That way, those who want you to know, don't have to take the time to mention it.

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Nope not offended, already hate facebook. :P

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Nope not offended, already hate facebook. :P




A large chunk of facebookers have extremely seneitive feelings though.. We're in an era where somebody offended has o have things changed so they never will be again.. stupid world. Just a bunch of pansies.

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Over all transparency works for the best in most cases. Not all but in most it is best to be transparent in what goes on.

Normally I would agree. But in some cases it doesn't matter what approach you take, some folks simply will not get the message. Ultimately you may just be better off leaving things as they are, since I'm pretty sure most of us realize that the voting system is just a symptom, not the actual problem.
And this link provides definitive proof. Using downvotes to try and stifle dissenting opinion (supported by third-party links, no less) is pretty lame... but we have a poster who openly admitted to it.

It needs to be dealt with. I suspect there have been previous attempts. But clearly they did not work.


Edited by El Kabong
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I'm the one whose gotten downvoted nearly forty times in the last week simply by posting opinions that the trolls don't like.

Sorry. Ain't going to be shouted down. Last time I was downvoted like this the downvotes were suspended and my rating took off, just because obsessive trolls couldn't reflexively shoot me down.

In the meantime, wings' count languished deeeeeeep in the red, because everyone knows what's what with him. His downvotes were, therefore, legit. He posts a lot as a guest now, probably because you can't downvote guest troll posts.

In other words, even he knows he's the issue.

Anyhow: onward! :D :D :D

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And it's pathetic that this rating means this much to you and the others that take some simple downvote to heart as if your mother just told you she never loved you. I guarantee you Wing's rating would take off if you guys didn't downvote things of his as well. No reason to downvote a thread TOPIC. As it has been said before, "attack the article, not the poster".  It's just a clusterfck of stupid and it's irritating to read how somebody downvoted you or downvoted somebody or this post or that post got a downvote.. It's like we're back in high school and the girlies are talking drama to eachother.


You cannot honestly say you voting him down is legit and his to you aren't. Anybody can downvote anything for their own reasons. There is no classification as to what requires an "up" or a "down".


If you guys just took the "ups" and "downs" like a grain of sale like EVERYBODY else does I guarantee it wouldn't get out of hand. I get downvoted, I don't throw a fit because somebody is tarnishing some make believe rating on some website. I see it, and go on with my day.

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The troll tries to use it to shut down dissent. He's done it to me twice now. It's pathetic.

I tire of accommodating his childishness. Why should I? I post stuff that you may or may not agree with, but it's always backed up with good sources.

Nope. His actions are petty, stupid, possibly unhinged (his rant about posting what he does because I am apparently a one-man PR weapon against Ford was amusing/troubling in equal measure), and wholly inappropriate in a place as nice as this.

Finally, I'm not here to hold his hand. Nor should anyone else be. I still cringe at the way he was trying to talk in circles around Dowdell in the GM DOHC V8 thread.

Edited by El Kabong
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Talkin' about 'Bong?


"I tire of accommodating his childishness."

"It's the childishness of it that is the problem."



I'm also curious how you have insight as to who is and who isn't voting for anything? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the admins/mods the only ones with that kind of information?

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Talkin' about 'Bong?


"I tire of accommodating his childishness."

"It's the childishness of it that is the problem."



I'm also curious how you have insight as to who is and who isn't voting for anything? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the admins/mods the only ones with that kind of information?

You are correct. Nobody from Admin has directly told me who's doing what.

But, I do know that when I complained about the downvote situation a couple days ago my count stabilized. Went up a little, even.

Then I posted that link about Aventador/Ford GT pricing, and he tried to deny it existed.

Well. You'd think I'd peed on Henry's bones.

And of course, I have his history of personal potshots, stalking, and ban history.

Bottom Line: he ain't worth the trouble. And I suspect that message is sinking in amongst those whose opinions count around here.

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Then just ignore him if he isn't worth the trouble.


And it is uncalled for, for anybody to assume somebody is voting yay or nay on anything without proof. We all ask for proof when discussing cars/trucks/SUVs to get facts straight. The same standard should be held for this.


But, this is all just my opinions so..there's that.

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Talkin' about 'Bong?


"I tire of accommodating his childishness."

"It's the childishness of it that is the problem."



I'm also curious how you have insight as to who is and who isn't voting for anything? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the admins/mods the only ones with that kind of information?

You are correct. Nobody from Admin has directly told me who's doing what.

But, I do know that when I complained about the downvote situation a couple days ago my count stabilized. Went up a little, even.

Then I posted that link about Aventador/Ford GT pricing, and he tried to deny it existed.

Well. You'd think I'd peed on Henry's bones.

And of course, I have his history of personal potshots, stalking, and ban history.

Bottom Line: he ain't worth the trouble. And I suspect that message is sinking in amongst those whose opinions count around here.


What's even more amazing is how someone automatically attacks a legit opinion about this, even though I have made it abundantly clear that I have no interest in what they have to say. Seems like they just want to argue for arguments sake. God forbid I just state a simple opinion.

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Then just ignore him if he isn't worth the trouble.


And it is uncalled for, for anybody to assume somebody is voting yay or nay on anything without proof. We all ask for proof when discussing cars/trucks/SUVs to get facts straight. The same standard should be held for this.


But, this is all just my opinions so..there's that.

Better solution: ban the troublemaker. Lord knows it's been done before.

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Then just ignore him if he isn't worth the trouble.


And it is uncalled for, for anybody to assume somebody is voting yay or nay on anything without proof. We all ask for proof when discussing cars/trucks/SUVs to get facts straight. The same standard should be held for this.


But, this is all just my opinions so..there's that.

Better solution: ban the troublemaker. Lord knows it's been done before.


Funny how some call for "ignoring" yet when asked to do the same, they are oddly silent and just continue to act like nothing is wrong at all.

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Why is that better?


Drew has said it multiple times, there is a feature BUILT IN to this forum that will make it so you won't see any of his stuff. It is an ignore feature. There is no reason somebody should be banned because 2-3 people, out of everybody registered, here have a problem with them. That is not fair at all.


You get under my skin at times, Surreal does, Casa has, Wings does as well, even Olds says things sometimes that I don't agree with.. does that mean you all should be banned because we don't see eye to eye?  Aboslutely not. There has to be give and take on BOTH ends. Wings end and your end. Heck, my end as well. I'm not perfect.

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Then just ignore him if he isn't worth the trouble.


And it is uncalled for, for anybody to assume somebody is voting yay or nay on anything without proof. We all ask for proof when discussing cars/trucks/SUVs to get facts straight. The same standard should be held for this.


But, this is all just my opinions so..there's that.

Better solution: ban the troublemaker. Lord knows it's been done before.


Funny how some call for "ignoring" yet when asked to do the same, they are oddly silent and just continue to act like nothing is wrong at all.


Oddly silent IS EXACTLY IGNORING.  How does that not make sense...?  If I wasn't "oddly silent"  then we would be talking, hence, not ignoring. But by not talking, ie. ignoring, I'm "oddly silent".  Which do you want? "ignoring" or "oddly silent"

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I don't want to ignore anybody. I shouldn't have to ignore anybody. I don't attack anybody.

Funny that you should mention that though. Last night I finally tried to PM wings to get this settled behind the scenes.

He had me on his ignore list. Yet he sees fit to attack me and downvote my posts. What, he only ignores selectively?

So, once again: the features the forum has to keep the trolls under control are instead being abused by them.

He. Is. More. Trouble. Than. He. Is. Worth.

Edited by El Kabong
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I don't want to ignore anybody. I shouldn't have to ignore anybody. I don't attack anybody.

Funny that you should mention that though. Last night I finally tried to PM wings to get this settled behind the scenes.

He had me on his ignore list. Yet he sees fit to attack me and downvote my posts. What, he only ignores selectively?

So, once again: the features the forum has to keep the trolls under control are instead being abused by them.

He. Is. More. Trouble. Than. He. Is. Worth.

I also applaud you for trying to settle "off the field".



I agree with you, man..sketchy sounding. Sounds like some are going through the efforts it isn't worth to get under some peoples' skin and thats ridiculous, in my opinion.

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I don't want to ignore anybody. I shouldn't have to ignore anybody. I don't attack anybody.

Funny that you should mention that though. Last night I finally tried to PM wings to get this settled behind the scenes.

He had me on his ignore list. Yet he sees fit to attack me and downvote my posts. What, he only ignores selectively?

So, once again: the features the forum has to keep the trolls under control are instead being abused by them.

He. Is. More. Trouble. Than. He. Is. Worth.

It truly is not worth your time Bong if you feel that strongly about it. It took me a while to understand that too but I have taken the internet equivalent of a shovel and a bag of Lyme and buried that mess in the backyard over the past few weeks. 

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In todays overly PC world, I expect you to do something stupid like jump off a bridge and blame it on the voter who down voted your comment.


In reality we have lost for a few generations on how to communicate and talk at each other via all means including face to face and agree to disagree. Part of being human is having your own feeling about something and saying it strongly without fear of the other person killing themselves cause they felt you crushed them with words.

Hahaha He seems slightly stalker-like but nothing serious..yet!


I may need that number in case of emergencies. ;)


btw, that is supposed to be a winkey-face but it looks like I'm trying to drop a duece.

Are you sure it is not your eyes or monitor? Looks like a wink to me and not constipation! :P

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)
“stifle dissenting opinion”


“rejecting of our reality”

languished deeeeeeep in the red

“His actions are petty, stupid, possibly unhinged”

“I'm not here to hold his hand. Nor should anyone else be”

“talking circles around drew in another thread”

“personal potshots, stalking, and ban history”

“he ain’t worth the trouble”

“sinking in amongst those whose opinions count around here”

“ban the troublemaker”

....and my favorite,

"I don't attack anybody"





All that just in this thread alone from one person….and all because I used the downvote tool on his troll arse, and explained exactly why I did.


Talk about manufactured drama.

Sorry, all the whining in the world will not keep me from downvoting trolls yet again, if they feel the need to continually troll.


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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)


Its so adorable how you guys put so much stock in how many likes or dislikes you have.

Nah. The REAL fun comes when we discuss how many times someone's snuck back into a place they've been permabanned from 'cause they were too addicted to stay away :P




Wow, resorting to the ban card when you are called out, yet again.


You and surreal need to get some new material, like pronto!!!

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