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Poll: Up votes/Down Votes

Drew Dowdell

Opinion on Up votes / Down Votes  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you want voting to remain anonymous as it currently is, who see who voted as you can with Facebook's "Like" system?

    • Remain Anonymous
    • See who voted
  2. 2. If we change it so everyone can see who voted, would you care that it would show all voting results ever cast?

    • Yes
    • No

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I have no problem as I usually do not vote on most items but I admit that there are those occasional posts that deserve a positive or negative vote.


Over all I have no problem with people seeing who I voted up or down.

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The idea that a downvote would cease to be anonymous might cut down on downvoting altogether.  Or it could start a stupid war.  It's been a few years since I went off on a paranoid rant about calling out downvoters, but really, each commenter can pretty much guess who is downvoting them.  The one thing I will say is that mod power has been abused in the past because of the ability to see who is casting up and down.  For a mod to troll a commenter with downvotes using insider knowledge is grounds for a permanent loss of mod power.

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That's the thing Ocn. People are guessing who is down voting them and a majority of the time they are wrong. With regards to your other point, send me a pm if you have concerns and I'll look into it.

This is what drives me nuts. People assuming.


I don't see an issue with keeping anonymous voting because you shouldn't have to "show your face" just to passively disagree with something.


Most importantly, why the F do people care that much about it??? So I get a downvote for saying something ignorant, extreme fanboism or just being a dick? Then they/I deserve it. Insead of starting a pissing match..just a simple click of disagreement works. If somebody says something awesome, you agree with, or just funny but don't actually have something to respond to..just a simple click of a "thumbs up" works.


To the ones who legitimately care(same people who probably count their FB "likes") and get upset or ruffled by a "downvote": grow a set, learn to post better, or make a legitimate argument as opposed to just an opinion you're trying to pass as a fact.

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Speaking for myself, if I get consistently downvoted on a particular topic, then I know I'm rustling SOMEONE'S jimmies. I'll still comment on that topic, but I may include a joke about being consistently downvoted whenever I do.

By the same token, I will consistently downvote stuff that I don't feel adds any meaningful insight to a topic. I usually wind up calling it PR fluff (and have noted that the term has found usage in other places since it started being used by folks here. Follow the leaders, etc,etc).

If mods are doing stuff just to stir the pot... well, you can't do that. Troll mods are a surefire way to destroy a place's reputation. Trust me, that's a lead you DON'T want to follow.

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Speaking for myself, if I get consistently downvoted on a particular topic, then I know I'm rustling SOMEONE'S jimmies. I'll still comment on that topic, but I may include a joke about being consistently downvoted whenever I do.

By the same token, I will consistently downvote stuff that I don't feel adds any meaningful insight to a topic. I usually wind up calling it PR fluff (and have noted that the term has found usage in other places since it started being used by folks here. Follow the leaders, etc,etc).

If mods are doing stuff just to stir the pot... well, you can't do that. Troll mods are a surefire way to destroy a place's reputation. Trust me, that's a lead you DON'T want to follow.

Exactly, 100% how I feel.

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Over all transparency works for the best in most cases. Not all but in most it is best to be transparent in what goes on.

Normally I would agree. But in some cases it doesn't matter what approach you take, some folks simply will not get the message. Ultimately you may just be better off leaving things as they are, since I'm pretty sure most of us realize that the voting system is just a symptom, not the actual problem.

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Over all transparency works for the best in most cases. Not all but in most it is best to be transparent in what goes on.

Normally I would agree. But in some cases it doesn't matter what approach you take, some folks simply will not get the message. Ultimately you may just be better off leaving things as they are, since I'm pretty sure most of us realize that the voting system is just a symptom, not the actual problem.



True some people have that mental issue of attacking people to make themselves look big, better, what ever they think gives them pride and happiness. Kinda like instant gratification shopping, but it only lasts so long before you have to get another hit. Much like drug addicts. If their world is not a chaotic mess, then it is not good.

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I dont mind either way.


On a side note for me...I would like to know why I may get a downvote.

it intrigues me the reason why that person downvoted me. I like to debate. So when I see a downvote, its not for my ego, but for the lack of feedback to why that poster did not like what I posted...and Id like to counter argue/discuss.


Ive been guilty of downvoting a certain poster because of who he is....but it has never been of WHO he is, but of what HE POSTED...


I rarely down vote...other than him...when I feel like I dont like what a  poster wrote...I am more inclined to tell him why I did not like his post by responding to him with a quoted post with an actual argument/discussion at hand.

Edited by oldshurst442
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And yet some people are down voting purely informational posts simply because of who the poster is.

Once again, speaking for myself: if wings posts stuff on a topic directly from FoMoCo's website, I will usually regard it the same way I regard pop-up ads on websites, and for roughly the same reason.

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And yet some people are down voting purely informational posts simply because of who the poster is. 

Agreed, and that is the ONE ANNOYANCE of it. People take things personally real quick.

I down vote almost everything Wings says because I think what he says is normally BS and Ford Adware. I also do the same for Smk concerning Mercedes.

Reasons Casa rocks: Straight up honesty.

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)

I down vote almost everything Wings says because I think what he says is normally BS and Ford Adware. I also do the same for Smk concerning Mercedes.

soooooo, no Christmas card this year either?




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It's weird as hell that Wings gets $h! thrown his way for posting Ford news and dispatches. It's one thing to point out issues with the PR releases themselves, it's another to shoot the messenger a -1 for his effort. Whatever animosity was carried over from MT forums should stay there. 


I work in PR and while Ford's releases are often a little goofy for my tastes, at least someone's spent a minute to post them on this website to foster discussion. That's what a forum is kinda sorta about.


This place has been dead as hell at various points over the years and it's nice seeing some regular posting. 


If you're not a fan of Ford's PR, then just Google up a reputable source that has covered the press release, but has the proper journalistic research and inquiry, and post that in response. 

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Nah. Just cut off the PR nonsense at the source.

No because almost all PR from all companies is nonsense. If we did that, we'd cut off 2/3s of what we talk about around here.

Poke holes in the message all you like. Don't shoot the messenger even if you find the messenger annoying.

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)

It's weird as hell that Wings gets $h! thrown his way for posting Ford news and dispatches. It's one thing to point out issues with the PR releases themselves, it's another to shoot the messenger a -1 for his effort. Whatever animosity was carried over from MT forums should stay there. 


I work in PR and while Ford's releases are often a little goofy for my tastes, at least someone's spent a minute to post them on this website to foster discussion. That's what a forum is kinda sorta about.


This place has been dead as hell at various points over the years and it's nice seeing some regular posting. 


If you're not a fan of Ford's PR, then just Google up a reputable source that has covered the press release, but has the proper journalistic research and inquiry, and post that in response. 



Thanks FAP.

I typically post news that I believe, key word here, will be of interest to at least a select few. But after being slapped on the wrist from admin here, who appear to have made the decision themselves that the topic(s) I recently posted was primarily PR and not of interest in an automotive site.....I am now a little reluctant to post what I feel is news, unless I can scrutinize if a bit more, so as to be of more interest to a larger crowd.  I kind of view that as a shame, because I like to think of sites like these as accumulations of automotive news, that nobody should determine is worthy or unworthy. Am I wrong in this thinking?  Does not matter. It is not my sandbox, I only stop in to play on occasion.  But, as I said, I am now reluctant to post news, for good, bad or indifferent.

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It's weird as hell that Wings gets $h! thrown his way for posting Ford news and dispatches. It's one thing to point out issues with the PR releases themselves, it's another to shoot the messenger a -1 for his effort. Whatever animosity was carried over from MT forums should stay there. 


I work in PR and while Ford's releases are often a little goofy for my tastes, at least someone's spent a minute to post them on this website to foster discussion. That's what a forum is kinda sorta about.


This place has been dead as hell at various points over the years and it's nice seeing some regular posting. 


If you're not a fan of Ford's PR, then just Google up a reputable source that has covered the press release, but has the proper journalistic research and inquiry, and post that in response. 



Thanks FAP.

I typically post news that I believe, key word here, will be of interest to at least a select few. But after being slapped on the wrist from admin here, who appear to have made the decision themselves that the topic(s) I recently posted was primarily PR and not of interest in an automotive site.....I am now a little reluctant to post what I feel is news, unless I can scrutinize if a bit more, so as to be of more interest to a larger crowd.  I kind of view that as a shame, because I like to think of sites like these as accumulations of automotive news, that nobody should determine is worthy or unworthy. Am I wrong in this thinking?  Does not matter. It is not my sandbox, I only stop in to play on occasion.  But, as I said, I am now reluctant to post news, for good, bad or indifferent.


Please continue to post and take the high road of ignoring the others. Posting PR from your favorite brand is the right thing to do, NO ONE can cover it all and it takes a village to cover everything.


Thank you for your posts in the past.

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It's weird as hell that Wings gets $h! thrown his way for posting Ford news and dispatches. It's one thing to point out issues with the PR releases themselves, it's another to shoot the messenger a -1 for his effort. Whatever animosity was carried over from MT forums should stay there. 


I work in PR and while Ford's releases are often a little goofy for my tastes, at least someone's spent a minute to post them on this website to foster discussion. That's what a forum is kinda sorta about.


This place has been dead as hell at various points over the years and it's nice seeing some regular posting. 


If you're not a fan of Ford's PR, then just Google up a reputable source that has covered the press release, but has the proper journalistic research and inquiry, and post that in response. 



Thanks FAP.

I typically post news that I believe, key word here, will be of interest to at least a select few. But after being slapped on the wrist from admin here, who appear to have made the decision themselves that the topic(s) I recently posted was primarily PR and not of interest in an automotive site.....I am now a little reluctant to post what I feel is news, unless I can scrutinize if a bit more, so as to be of more interest to a larger crowd.  I kind of view that as a shame, because I like to think of sites like these as accumulations of automotive news, that nobody should determine is worthy or unworthy. Am I wrong in this thinking?  Does not matter. It is not my sandbox, I only stop in to play on occasion.  But, as I said, I am now reluctant to post news, for good, bad or indifferent.



I said nothing of the sort.... and in fact I defended your posting of it even if some of the text of the Press Release was silly, and I did so because the overall subject matter was worthy of discussion.    You didn't even take me out of context... you completely changed what I said.


What you got slapped on the wrist for was completely unrelated to any PR posting.

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The message is fluffy.

The messenger is his own worst enemy.

Zero sympathy.

+100% to Drews statement on poking the message, not the messenger.

When the messenger associates himself so closely with the message, it inevitably leads to hurt feelings being reported.

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And yet some people are down voting purely informational posts simply because of who the poster is. 

That's been my point for a while but honestly, after some time to think on it, I would say just leave it as it is. Revealing names will just start a s*** storm which would ruin an otherwise great site.

Edited by surreal1272
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I just downvoted you twice in the make your own truck thread for being a PR-spouting advertisement for product that doesn't exist yet.

You're welcome.

ROFL for getting the stinkeye for explaining how I used the voting system properly. Double points for being a man and explaining my actions in excruciating detail, like the poll says should happen.

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I am also one of the two that voted to show all past votes.

It is the only way to stop the nonsense and childishness.

Actually, you read that wrong. Instead, you were one of the two who voted to NOT show past history with voting habits.


See kids! Reading comprehension can be fun AND educational!

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In his defense, that is worded kind of funny.. or maybe I have poor reading skills as well. I got it..I just had to read it a couple of times.


I feel like "If we change it so everyone can see who voted, would you want it to show all voting results ever cast?" sounds a little better.


as opposed to:


"If we change it so everyone can see who voted, would you care that it would show all voting results ever cast?"


I may very well just have poor reading/writing abilities though, so there's that. lol

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In his defense, that is worded kind of funny.. or maybe I have poor reading skills as well. I got it..I just had to read it a couple of times.


I feel like "If we change it so everyone can see who voted, would you want it to show all voting results ever cast?" sounds a little better.


as opposed to:


"If we change it so everyone can see who voted, would you care that it would show all voting results ever cast?"


I may very well just have poor reading/writing abilities though, so there's that. lol


You're worded kinda funny.  :word:  :P

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In his defense, that is worded kind of funny.. or maybe I have poor reading skills as well. I got it..I just had to read it a couple of times.


I feel like "If we change it so everyone can see who voted, would you want it to show all voting results ever cast?" sounds a little better.


as opposed to:


"If we change it so everyone can see who voted, would you care that it would show all voting results ever cast?"


I may very well just have poor reading/writing abilities though, so there's that. lol


You're worded kinda funny.  :word:  :P


Hahaha i won't deny that.. :pbjtime:

Edited by ccap41
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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)

In his defense, that is worded kind of funny.. or maybe I have poor reading skills as well. I got it..I just had to read it a couple of times.


I feel like "If we change it so everyone can see who voted, would you want it to show all voting results ever cast?" sounds a little better.


as opposed to:


"If we change it so everyone can see who voted, would you care that it would show all voting results ever cast?"


I may very well just have poor reading/writing abilities though, so there's that. lol



Indeed it is.

And no doubt, I too am at risk of having very poor reading/writing abilities.

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Downvotes are not a method of disagreement. Some people need to stop being f@#king children.

I dont like downvotes if one is gonna downvote without actually explaining to the poster why he/she downvoted...


I know it aint "mandatory", but to me its childish when someone downvotes...by demonstrating he/she doest like this post...but offers no reasons as to why...


I equate that as  modern society self importance...as a spoiled brat society whining all the time to get their way...stomping their feet...and throwing hissy fits...and I do mean the adults...not the toddlers...


This is what I mean





Downvoting poster: (in a whiny voice)  "I dont like what you said" , (in an even more whinier voice but in a condescending kinda way as well)  "so Im gonna down vote you"  TSK TSK TSK!!!



Oldshurst:  OK...so I got a downvote because he/she, whomever it is,  dont like what I said...Why? WTF is it that he/she dont like about my post?  Who the hell disagrees with something without explaining him/herself?  He/she dont like the fact that I dont like green cars? (subjective) or is it because I made a mistake regarding facts? Or could it be that HE/SHE is mistaken by the facts?  We will NEVER know because downvoting seems like the easy thing to do...

Edited by oldshurst442
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I dont mind either way.


On a side note for me...I would like to know why I may get a downvote.

it intrigues me the reason why that person downvoted me. I like to debate. So when I see a downvote, its not for my ego, but for the lack of feedback to why that poster did not like what I posted...and Id like to counter argue/discuss.


Ive been guilty of downvoting a certain poster because of who he is....but it has never been of WHO he is, but of what HE POSTED...


I rarely down vote...other than him...when I feel like I dont like what a  poster wrote...I am more inclined to tell him why I did not like his post by responding to him with a quoted post with an actual argument/discussion at hand.

Like in this post here...


I got downvoted...without any explanation...

Oh I get it...the person did not like that message I made...




HONESTY does NOT garner ANY respect?


Just that this person does not like the fact that I downvoted a certain poster in the recent past...


Doesnt THAT put the person that downvoted me for THIS post in the same category as his downvoted logic?

Or is it because this person does not like to discuss things because THAT was the other aprt of the message I made...


Id like to know and discuss with this person on how ihs thought process works???!!!


I get it though...this person is too chicken shyte hiding behind a downvote to express his/her thoughts...


Not me...I let it flow...

Edited by oldshurst442
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It's supposed to be for trolling. If someone can't have a goddamned discussion without downvoting the other party, why are you here? I got 4 downvotes in the Malibu thread for having an unpopular opinion. I f@#king OWN A MALIBU, I'm clearly not brand bashing or trolling.


I rarely downvote, and haven't done it in a while (if I recall correctly). Typically, the posts I downvote are so blatant the user should know why unless they're a complete narcissist.

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It's supposed to be for trolling. If someone can't have a goddamned discussion without downvoting the other party, why are you here? I got 4 downvotes in the Malibu thread for having an unpopular opinion. I f@#king OWN A MALIBU, I'm clearly not brand bashing or trolling.


I rarely downvote, and haven't done it in a while (if I recall correctly). Typically, the posts I downvote are so blatant the user should know why unless they're a complete narcissist.

And THAT is another reason why I hate downvotes...

A discussion and/or arguments are had because of OPPOSING opinions...its NATURAL to PHILOSOPHIZE these differences...and to come to some sort of conclusion or middle ground...


Like you said...if you cant do that...why are you even here???!!!


PS: I dont mind the downvotes...I WANT the downvotes to remain...but I want explanations as to why the downvotes...


PSS: Ive trolled in the past regarding downvoting...as I explained....but as you see...I AINT afraid to REVEAL the REASONS why I DOWNVOTED!!!


And with a certain poster...it was all about the childish trolling...


I dont downvote as much anymore...there is no need...because Id rather just explain to you why I dont agree with you...I havent come across a post that REALLY desreves a downvote though...but trust me...if I downvote you...it WILL come with an explanation...

Edited by oldshurst442
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I got a downvote for a post about tire technology.

Some folks just can't/won't play nice. It is a shame, but children will play, puppy dogs will nibble at heels, and trolls will troll however they can.

By and large I downvote PR fluff. I will sometimes repost things I wrote that got downvoted with no rhyme or reason just because I enjoy laughing at trolls.

Edited by El Kabong
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