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Is It Just Me...

Cory Wolfe

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Or do I not have the worst luck ever?

Seriously... just last week, I simply rode my 300EX into town for something to do. I ran out of gas and got picked up by the cops. All the while throughout the past 6 months, I've been without a car. I haven't been able to get another car or sell my GA. I haven't been about to sell my 'in excellent condition' 300EX. Now, I can't even get a loan, but it doesn't matter since the car I wanted has been sold. Needless to say, I absolutely cannot get a job without a car. That's reality. So... when trying to fix my GA, me and my dad can't. Don't know what's wrong with it nor what to do to it. Because of all this, I've been wanting to put my 300EX back up for sale. So what happens? I get a flat tire... after I just got new tires. Just great, you know? Not to mention that for whatever reason... my left front tire is wearing much faster than the others. At the peak of the tire, it has nearly a third less tread than the other tires. The pressures are identical and when riding, it goes perfectly straight. The shocks are fine too. As is the steering. Nothing is wrong... yet it's doing that. I don't understand it. It always did this, but with these new tires, it seems to only have made it worse for some unknown reason. All of this... and this is me: :blink::P

Anyways, the topping on the cake was last night... My mom let me take the Sunfire. Basically, I was going to go to Dubois, get a few things at WalMart, and check out a few car dealerships. Meanwhile, I wanted to... see what the ol' Sunfire could do, I guess. What can I tell you? My GA is a Geo Metro compared to it, performance wise. It's much, much, much faster and handles/drives better. Hell, it even brakes alot better, too. All of which is quite understandable. I can tell you the governer is set at about 105... And I'm which Ocnblu, I think that thing almost gave me whiplash. Damn. Anyways... right after I hit it, I came up to a place where cops usually sit. But, being almost dark, I never expect there to be any there... and there isn't, usually. Well... oops. Cop. I actually had some luck... as he didn't chase me and I was going about 90 in a 65 zone. After that, I thought I was actually pretty lucky for once. And I was. However, on my way back, it was the complete opposite. For one, I was running late. I didn't get back to Brookville until about 10:50. According to my License, I can't drive after 11. I don't really pay attention to it since its a stupid rule... but for my parents, I do. So... I was going to stop at Sheetz, fill it up with gas, and get something to eat since I hadn't ate much all day. 10 minutes later, I was on my way home, driving down Main street. I decided to have some more fun (blame that on me feeling lucky and being somewhat careless about what time it was). I now also know that the Sunfire will easily peel out by dropping the clutch at about 3.5k or 4k rpms. Well... after doing that I quickly went through the gears, up to third going about 50. I slowly coasted back down to the speed limit and went on my way. Well... appearantly a cop had seen me. Oops. I see flashing lights and I pull over. Boy... I hate that sensation I get when something like that happens. Anyways, he was nice and just gave me a warning for the speeding and peeling out. However, he pulled me over at 11:10. For being just 10 minutes past 11, he gave me a $106 fine and had to have my parents come get me. Now, I'd rather have a fine for that than the other things, but is that not ridiculous? Not only that, but I had to sit there for more than 30 minutes. I didn't get home until 11:50. Meh... I hate cops. No one should have to deal with them twice in one week. :D

Some luck, huh?

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That is pretty rotten luck. It's a stupid rule, but I like it cuz most drivers my age or younger are idiots in my area...I'm happy with them off the streets. Less bad driving, less bad, loud music, and less damn honda civics. That's weird about your 300EX's tire...

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It will seem like your luck is getting better when you grow up and quit doing retarded sophmoric things.

Heh... I'm afraid I will never be able to stop having fun while driving. That's just me. I understand that since you've bought a Solara... and was always into Saturns, you aren't much a of car enthusiast, more like a Tool, like Reg. So... just because that's just you... doesn't mean you have to call things I will always enjoy "retarded" and "sophmoric". I mean... I don't want to be like you, that's for sure. :lol::D:P
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Geez Vipes, please forgive my "voodoo doll ATV" comment in the "American Car" thread. I hadn't read this when I posted that.

And please don't wreck your mother's car. And get your ass home on time. You could have gotten gas this morning. Stop f@#king up, or I will kick yo ass! :angry:

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Heh... I'm afraid I will never be able to stop having fun while driving. That's just me. I understand that since you've bought a Solara... and was always into Saturns, you aren't much a of car enthusiast, more like a Tool, like Reg. So... just because that's just you... doesn't mean you have to call things I will always enjoy "retarded" and "sophmoric". I mean... I don't want to be like you, that's for sure. :lol::D:P

No, BV...he's right. And as you grow up you'll understand it. And yes, those are retarded and sophomoric things.
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hey at least you didnt have to push your bike home...my engine seized up it wouldnt let me kick it or nothing....it was a workout to say the least

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I gotta agree with doing stupid things with a car that's not yours. If you wreck it, your parents will kill you. Good luck getting help with getting a new car then.

Well yes... the fact that the car isn't mine is definitely that. But I treat my parent's car like my car... when I don't have car. I can only go so long without that fixation and exhilerating thrill of letting the car enthusiast inside me drive. :D

No, BV...he's right.  And as you grow up you'll understand it.  And yes, those are retarded and sophomoric things.

And you shouldn't be speaking either. You're not exactly much of car enthusiast... you're more obsessed with interiors and cars as "transportation". :P

So... nah, I'll always be a car enthusiast and I'll always love driving fast. It's in my blood. It's like trying to tell someone that's races for a living that he'll grow out of a retarded and sophomoric thing. As I said, the only thing that could be considered that is the fact the car isn't mine. But I get sick of not having a car. Otherwise, I only do stuff like this when there's no traffic and when there's no other passengers in the car. I only put myself at risk, and I like it that way. Other than inexperience, I consider myself a good driver. Add to that, I always get compliments on my regular driving. So... I feel that I'm not going to wreck unless something unexpected happens. If something does, I have all my years of riding ATVs to help myself to regain control or atleast avoid the worst outcome.

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And you shouldn't be speaking either. You're not exactly much of car enthusiast... you're more obsessed with interiors and cars as "transportation". :P

You couldn't be more wrong. I drive the hell out of all my cars. 8)

I'm an enthusiast because I want nothing less than the best.

Chocolate connoiseurs do not settle for Hershey, Vodka connoiseurs do not settle for Takka, Beer connoiseurs do not settle for Keystone Light...likewise I do not settle for anything less than best in segment...of which interior design and quality and refined performance weigh heavily.

Edited by Croc
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So... nah, I'll always be a car enthusiast and I'll always love driving fast. It's in my blood. It's like trying to tell someone that's races for a living that he'll grow out of a retarded and sophomoric thing.

Yeah, except they do what they do in a somewhat responsible manner.

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Exactly.  You can have plenty of fun responsibly...I wonder what Nick has to say about this...

*cue $h!-eating-grin*

Depends on your definition of "responsible"... :AH-HA_wink:

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Sigh, Sorry to hear about the problems BV. I hope you can get everything worked out so you have a car again.

But, I have to agree that you did do some sophmoric things. If you know that you aren't supposed to be driving after a certain time you really shouldn't call attention to yourself. And getting caught like that with your parents car could really cause problems.

And I don't think you can say that I am not a car enthusiast. Check out my sig for 6 of my 7 cars. I also drag race at two of our local tracks.

Again, good luck getting things worked out.

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There's such a thing as automotive karma IMO.

If you had not been doing 90mph earier you

might have not gottenpulled over l;ater. :)

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I think BV just needs to get a job as a race car driver...

He'd feel alot better. :)  :lol:

Of course I would. :D

But, I have to agree that you did do some sophmoric things. If you know that you aren't supposed to be driving after a certain time you really shouldn't call attention to yourself. And getting caught like that with your parents car could really cause problems.

And I don't think you can say that I am not a car enthusiast. Check out my sig for 6 of my 7 cars. I also drag race at two of our local tracks.

Well, when I was doing those things, it was just about 11 and I was on my way home. And being in Brookville, well... cops are rarity. I hardly ever have to worry about cops. The later it is, the less chance I have of seeing one, too.

Anyways, other than it being my mom's car, exactly what is it that I done that called for comments like "retarded", "sophomoric", and irresponsibility? I've never heard anything like that when Sixty8 tells us some of the things he does, and same for others too, some with parent's cars. Just... inform me. I've been thinking about this and I just don't see it, unless you're calling something that I do being a car enthusiast that as I originally suggested. Atleast that Solara lovin, mullet wearing, Saturn fan Satty was... :P But what about the rest of you, damnit? Huh? Give it to me. Now. :D

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Anyways, other than it being my mom's car, exactly what is it that I done that called for comments like "retarded", "sophomoric", and irresponsibility? I've never heard anything like that when Sixty8 tells us some of the things he does

Just because it isn't said doesn't mean we don't think it...oh, and you're at a crucial time in your life where you don't wanna f@#k up cuz it can cost you. You don't want to throw your future away by doing something stupid and getting caught...some things just aren't worth the risk. You're finishing up your junior year...just be careful and don't do anything to jeopardize your future, whether or not it includes college (it should IMO).
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Just because it isn't said doesn't mean we don't think it...oh, and you're at a crucial time in your life where you don't wanna f@#k up cuz it can cost you.  You don't want to throw your future away by doing something stupid and getting caught...some things just aren't worth the risk.  You're finishing up your junior year...just be careful and don't do anything to jeopardize your future, whether or not it includes college (it should IMO).

The only thing I did that could possibly reign with "stupid" is hit the governer. There's nothing wrong with the spinning the tires a little or going up through the gears to see what kind of power it had quickly. I only caught for those two and if weren't for it being a losy 5 or 10 minutes after 11, I would have been away with a warning. Besides, this isn't the first time I've did these things and then posted about them. So that, with how other people post about this stuff makes me wonder why all of a sudden I'm getting these sort of comments. I understand, but this isn't any different from those times.

Anyways, about that future... um... FYI, I've dropped out and am going to get a GED. It didn't work out. I blame it on my depression, but I probably could have handled it better and not let it get the best of me. I wish, anyways. That and I don't want to go through the embarrassment of repeating a grade. I couldn't possibly handle that, even on medication. So... my future is questionable right now. It'll clear up as life moves on.....

Besides, I'm just a natural born risk taker. I'm not going to stop anytime soon. :P

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Guest YellowJacket894

So, I take it that P-A has a the whole Permit-Intermediate License-Real Liscense thing going on, huh? That blows.

The state I'm in has passed that same law -- goes into effect April 1st, 2007, I think -- but, thank God, I didn't have to suffer under it. BV, you're right. The curfew is pretty stupid and the fine is chicken $h!.

And plus, extending the time from when you get your permit to your real license is pointless. I honestly do not see the point. I mean, the time from license to permit in the '70s was what? 30 days? 60 days? It obviously wasn't enough time, so we somehow got 6 months along the line. The reason was to make drivers safer. And now we've upped it to a whole year for the same reason because of a few $h! drivers. And you know what I think? It won't help a damn thing. There will be pitiful, accident prone drivers no matter what.

Oops. I guess we can't blame it on the people and up the limit to two years. :rolleyes:

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Besides, I'm just a natural born risk taker. I'm not going to stop anytime soon. :P

Then be prepared to take full responsibility for your actions regardless of how 'retarded' or 'silly you think the law or the rules or the consequences of breaking those laws and rules are.

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Heh... I'm afraid I will never be able to stop having fun while driving. That's just me. I understand that since you've bought a Solara... and was always into Saturns, you aren't much a of car enthusiast, more like a Tool, like Reg. So... just because that's just you... doesn't mean you have to call things I will always enjoy "retarded" and "sophmoric". I mean... I don't want to be like you, that's for sure. :lol::D:P

Can someone who cannot keep a car running, or drive one responsibly really say that somebody who needed a transportation device, bout one and keeps it serviced isn't an enthusiast? Trust me, if availability and interior room hadn't been an issue, I would have worked my way behind the wheel of a Mini, which I guess isn't an enthusiast ride. And if I do decide to upgrade anytime soon, it would be to something like an MB CLK, which I'm assuming is also not an enthusiasts ride. I know, maybe I can trade my Solara, with its midsize sedan interior room, excellent interior design and exocution, understated (not exciting, kinda bland) styling and smooth powerful V6 in for a 4th gen Camaro, with a V8, half the interior volume, mullet-me styling and higher insurance premiums. The car I drive is a function of my daily life, I got the car that does everything I need. Would I like something more "enthusiasty?" Sure, but only if it does all of the things I require from a car without breaking the bank. It sucks being grown up enough to realize that you cant always get what you want.

And sophmoric is an awesome word.

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If only I could go back and not mess up my driving record

as a dumb young kid... this $h! follows you around for years.

Thank God I never did anything really serious like DUI or

hot & run. Then your life is really over.

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So, I take it that P-A has a the whole Permit-Intermediate License-Real Liscense thing going on, huh? That blows.

Um... I have no idea. :lol:

Then be prepared to take full responsibility for your actions regardless of how 'retarded' or 'silly you think the law or the rules or the consequences of breaking those laws and rules are.

The only law I think is retarded is the curfew. I'm also a night owl, if you haven't noticed. Besides, I'm mainly complaining that I got fine for being a few minutes past it, on my way home... Regardless of what I think about that law, I think that was a bit extreme, don't you?

Can someone who cannot keep a car running, or drive one responsibly really say that somebody who needed a transportation device, bout one and keeps it serviced isn't an enthusiast?  Trust me, if availability and interior room hadn't been an issue, I would have worked my way behind the wheel of a Mini, which I guess isn't an enthusiast ride.  And if I do decide to upgrade anytime soon, it would be to something like an MB CLK, which I'm assuming is also not an enthusiasts ride.  I know, maybe I can trade my Solara, with its midsize sedan interior room, excellent interior design and exocution, understated (not exciting, kinda bland) styling and smooth powerful V6 in for a 4th gen Camaro, with a V8, half the interior volume, mullet-me styling and higher insurance premiums.  The car I drive is a function of my daily life, I got the car that does everything I need.  Would I like something more "enthusiasty?"  Sure, but only if it does all of the things I require from a car without breaking the bank.  It sucks being grown up enough to realize that you cant always get what you want.

Sarcasm. It just so happens that it made sense, too... :P

Besides, I will never a have a wife or any kids. I need a practical car because...? Exactly. A two seater without a trunk would suit me fine... for the rest of my life, too, probably. You can't forget to incorporate that little bit about me being gay... So yeah... I am more of an enthusiast since I don't have to give up anything and am into better and more performance oriented cars.... and that doesn't mean they cost any more either. Other than the Solara's nice interior and silky smooth engine... you could have gotten a more performance oriented car that's fits your needs without costing any more than it. Silly Satty. :P

And who says I can't keep a car running? I can afford to, but I don't want to keep that POS running. It'd be nice if me or my dad could even figure out what's wrong with it to fix it.

And *ahem* I am a responsible driver... when I choose to be. That counts for something. :D

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Viper, don't limit yourself as to what your future might hold. You don't need a wife to have kids. By the time you're in your 30's, you might be in a stable, longstanding relationship where you want to adopt or go through surrogacy to have kids.

Never sell yourself short. Don't give up on education.

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