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9 hours ago, hyperv6 said:

To fix the bathrooms it is simple put penis on one door an a vagina on the other. You go to the one the fits the equipment and stop making a fuss over it. 

To be honest most people never had an issue. The ones who did often attracted attention to them selves. 

A gay friend gets so pissed off at some of the others as they create more issues for them selves. I told him straight people do it too. People are self distructive do to poor life choices and not accepting responsibility for it.


1 minute ago, ccap41 said:

The "problem" is those who have a penis but "feel" like a woman and vise versa. That is what created this whole ordeal.

I'm with you. Seems simple enough. But every 0.01% needs to get their way now.

Simple Solution, just stop the nonsense of men or woman bathrooms and go Unisex. One bathroom for everyone like in the asian rim. Simple and easy, everyone goes in the same place.

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Just now, dfelt said:


Simple Solution, just stop the nonsense of men or woman bathrooms and go Unisex. One bathroom for everyone like in the asian rim. Simple and easy, everyone goes in the same place.

They literally just have one massive bathroom out at stores/restaurants/etc. ?

That would be completely fine with me.

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7 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

They literally just have one massive bathroom out at stores/restaurants/etc. ?

That would be completely fine with me.

Yup, having lived there for 3yrs while attending Kobe University, you only find western bathrooms in hotels, airports or select places that are heavy with tourism. If you go into the real towns and places around cities, you find unisex bathrooms. Culture is no one cares if your a man or woman, you just do your business and go.

I love Unisex bathrooms, so easy and simple.




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6 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

The "problem" is those who have a penis but "feel" like a woman and vise versa. That is what created this whole ordeal.

I'm with you. Seems simple enough. But every 0.01% needs to get their way now.

Life has its limitations and at times you just have to use the best option available. I have pissed along side the road before when I felt the great need.

There has been a major part of society that has tried to tell us and make us all believe we have to be all inclusive. While we should do some things that would help there is no need to be inclusive to every single whim there is out there. As a society when there is a small number of people who want something that makes it more difficult for the majority or even more expensive some adaption is needed.

You can't always get what you want but if you try you get what you need. 

Hell how many concerts have I been to the women sneak into the men's room. They have learned to adapt to a situation and I never see a complaint. If needed I would return do the same.

This fight was more about other political things than where you piss.


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15 minutes ago, hyperv6 said:

Life has its limitations and at times you just have to use the best option available. I have pissed along side the road before when I felt the great need.

There has been a major part of society that has tried to tell us and make us all believe we have to be all inclusive. While we should do some things that would help there is no need to be inclusive to every single whim there is out there. As a society when there is a small number of people who want something that makes it more difficult for the majority or even more expensive some adaption is needed.

You can't always get what you want but if you try you get what you need. 

Hell how many concerts have I been to the women sneak into the men's room. They have learned to adapt to a situation and I never see a complaint. If needed I would return do the same.

This fight was more about other political things than where you piss.

Very true, religion and ultra conservative people have pushed a large separate everyone agenda just like the extreme liberals that say we have to identify everyone and then give the right for everyone to use each other's bathroom.

I say I could care less if you are hetro or LGBTA or whatever additional letters they want to push on us. Just go Unisex bathrooms and let it be. So many more humans get along in a single large bathroom than here in the US.

Plus I have to say there are some really cool urinals in the asian rim.

Usually across from all the stalls for those that want more privacy you have one large urinal area. The asian rim which I travel to often for work has crazy advertisements and have fun peeing ones. Thermal Urinals seem to be the craze there right now.



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1 hour ago, hyperv6 said:

Hell how many concerts have I been to the women sneak into the men's room. They have learned to adapt to a situation and I never see a complaint. If needed I would return do the same.

Ha. I've done it before at bars. Small bars that are like a single toilet per 'sex'. If nobody is in there or waiting.. just freakin' use it. And I've definitely seen what you're saying as well.

I'd be down for unisex bathrooms. I think it would be a little awkward at first takin' a dump next to a lady and she would probably feel the same(Hahaha) but we'd all get used to it.

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24 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

Ha. I've done it before at bars. Small bars that are like a single toilet per 'sex'. If nobody is in there or waiting.. just freakin' use it. And I've definitely seen what you're saying as well.

I'd be down for unisex bathrooms. I think it would be a little awkward at first takin' a dump next to a lady and she would probably feel the same(Hahaha) but we'd all get used to it.

100% agree, been to way to many concerts where people could care less about your sex and just want to take care of business. Funny is the people working the concert that freak out when women come into a men's room to use the toilets since men are not using them only the urinals. Stupid narrow minded thinking.

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 It his really  just a bunch of crap. With bathrooms people really just need to go learn to with the flow. Any movement should be flushed away with common sense and any mess should just be wiped clean. Take a deep whiff and rest assured this too will just pass.



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1 hour ago, hyperv6 said:

 It his really  just a bunch of crap. With bathrooms people really just need to go learn to with the flow. Any movement should be flushed away with common sense and any mess should just be wiped clean. Take a deep whiff and rest assured this too will just pass.

Pass on the Deep Whiff part! :P

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Well, Kellyanne Conway,  \White House Counselor, did say it was a small price to pay...

But the focus with some of us at C&G has gotten to be on Chicago people killing themselves and where to piss!


 I was ignored when I posted a speech from Quebec Premier


right after a French 27 year old idiot murdered 6 in a Quebec City mosque 24/48 hours right after Trump signed that certain border ban and Kellyanne Conway  say it was a small price to pay defending that shyte!

Because why would words of wisdom be followed and admired when we like to point out blinders on others when the same blinders are worn by us!

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1 hour ago, FAPTurbo said:


i'd tell you to eat your heart out, but if you find this ordeal funny, you didn't have one in the first place




Don't be absurd. Of course I don't find that funny. I don't know any reasonable person even amongst Trump supporters who would find that funny. 


What IS funny is the liberal pansies who are in an uproar over everything and cry like little petulant children. If they took a fraction of the effort they put into making signs, burning flags, standing in roadways, breaking windows, inciting non-peaceful protests, and being insufferable little pu$$ies towards anyone who doesn't agree with them 100%, and redirected that towards actually doing shit to better things, they might actually get the progress they want. But it's a whole lot easier to just bitch and moan about things instead of taking meaningful action. It's comical, and the irony is just rich.


As for the immigration thing, people who have been in the country for extended periods of time and are productive members of society should be allowed to stay here. Beyond that, there needs to be extremely extensive vetting for anyone wanting to come here. And if you're a lone military-aged male, I have trouble making a case for you. Instead of running from their country's problems, they need to be fighting for them.


It's not America's place to just take anyone in who wants to live here when we have our problems that need solving. Our schools, veterans, crumbling infrastructure, defense programs, etc are all much higher priority than bringing in thousands of people from overseas and giving them welcome packages and benefits. Sorry, but them's the breaks.


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19 minutes ago, Frisky Dingo said:

It's not America's place to just take anyone in who wants to live here when we have our problems that need solving.

But it is! (and for Canada too)

Land of opportunity...

The Constitution that GARANTIES the RIGHTS and FREEDOMS for EVERYONE!!!



What do you think it is that makes America great?


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Related image



A long time ago...Americans were proud of that...

What the hell happened?

America is broken...its up to you folk to pick up the broken pieces and fix her...

Start with stop hating your fellow Americans, start by helping your neighbor, get to know him,  stop with the dumb name calling and the divisive bullshyte ...lefty, righty, liberal, conservative...faggot, whitey, snowflake, n@#ger, do away with corporate  America, over consumption and do away with selfishness, get law and order and moral ethics straight and start believing again...

And you know what....immigrants could help with all that...

But they need to feel like they belong...

As Canadians, we too, are going down this path of hatred...

It aint our way...

And by 'our' I do mean both of us...Americans and Canadians...








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And you know what....immigrants could help with all that...

But they need to feel like they belong...

As Canadians, we too, are going down this path of hatred...

It aint our way...

And by 'our' I do mean both of us...Americans and Canadians...


immigrants are the ones that built the middle class...whether those immigrants were first generation colonists forming the 13 colonies fighting the French, or the ones that came on the Mayflower, the pilgrims, or immigrants that came in the 1800s and early 1900s because of war ravaged Europe and Africa and Asia...


The America I learned about...Americans helped one another...Americans didnt whine...Americans DID!!!

Just my 2 cents...

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1 minute ago, Frisky Dingo said:

So we're supposed to just everyone come here until we face the same problems that they fled their home country because of???


Pretty sound logic there.

Well ,Frisky...

America always had problems...

Savage Indians, French traders, Red Coat soldiers..

The people then, survived, and more came to America...

Then, Americans traveled south and west to find hurricanes, crappy soil and disease and even worse savage Indians...and that did not break the American spirit.

Through hunger and famine and internal war and gold rushes...America pressed on...through rich railway a-holes and corrupt politicians and outlaw cowboys, America pressed on...Chinese immigrants and Irish immigrants and Jews...and black slaves...America grew...

Through WW1 and WW2 and Italians and Greeks and Germans and more English and French and Dutch and the whole phoking planet fleeing their crappy countries coming to a racial broken America to see mafia and corporate America and all kinds of scum in America control...to see JFK's brains blown out, to see Martin Luther King get assassinated, to see all kinds of shyte...yet...no matter what...that American Dream still shined bright...

Frisky...how the phoque you think America became a nation?


Its people were strong, and fought for her...to make her strong...

You think that America NEVER had its shyte...

Dude...America was just as shyte as the other countries of the time were?


The American spirit to start new and fresh and to survive and win.

It was true then as its true now.

Problem today...

Back then...the spirit to survive and win was engraved in the people...

The Constitution when America became a nation only fortified that...

Today...ya'll a bunch of wussies...Every bloody last one of you!

I repeat...

Start with stop hating your fellow Americans, start by helping your neighbor, get to know him,  stop with the dumb name calling and the divisive bullshyte ...lefty, righty, liberal, conservative...faggot, whitey, snowflake, n@#ger, do away with corporate  America, over consumption and do away with selfishness, get law and order and moral ethics straight and start believing again...





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1 minute ago, oldshurst442 said:

Well ,Frisky...

America always had problems...

Savage Indians, French traders, Red Coat soldiers..

The people then, survived, and more came to America...

Then, Americans traveled south and west to find hurricanes, crappy soil and disease and even worse savage Indians...and that did not break the American spirit.

Through hunger and famine and internal war and gold rushes...America pressed on...through rich railway a-holes and corrupt politicians and outlaw cowboys, America pressed on...Chinese immigrants and Irish immigrants and Jews...and black slaves...America grew...

Through WW1 and WW2 and Italians and Greeks and Germans and more English and French and Dutch and the whole phoking planet fleeing their crappy countries coming to a racial broken America to see mafia and corporate America and all kinds of scum in America control...to see JFK's brains blown out, to see Martin Luther King get assassinated, to see all kinds of shyte...yet...no matter what...that American Dream still shined bright...

Frisky...how the phoque you think America became a nation?


Its people were strong, and fought for her...to make her strong...

You think that America NEVER had its shyte...

Dude...America was just as shyte as the other countries of the time were?


The American spirit to start new and fresh and to survive and win.

It was true then as its true now.

Problem today...

Back then...the spirit to survive and win was engraved in the people...

The Constitution when America became a nation only fortified that...

Today...ya'll a bunch of wussies...Every bloody last one of you!

I repeat...

Start with stop hating your fellow Americans, start by helping your neighbor, get to know him,  stop with the dumb name calling and the divisive bullshyte ...lefty, righty, liberal, conservative...faggot, whitey, snowflake, n@#ger, do away with corporate  America, over consumption and do away with selfishness, get law and order and moral ethics straight and start believing again...






Says to stop the name calling. Calls Americans wussies. 


More sound logic.

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2 minutes ago, Frisky Dingo said:


Says to stop the name calling. Calls Americans wussies. 


More sound logic.

Typical American argument...

Find a semantic loop hole...ignore the message...

BTW....it aint name calling if it is the truth...

Frisky, you were a soldier...you no wussy...

The thing is...you fought for your country, outside her borders, are you fighting for her inside her borders?

Are you fighting for her lost wayward ways? Are you doing something about it inside her borders or are you whining on the internet?

If you are only whining on the internet....yeah...WUSSY!

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MONTREAL vigil after the Mosque murders yesrterday!

Image result for Montreal vigil 31 January


Do Americans even care about how their country is torn apart?

We Quebecois were shaken to our core with that horrible event. We looked ourselves in the eye and we dont like what we see...

Quebecois are just as islamophobic as any other culture...yet this horrible event, we know it was wrong to let our hatred and fear get the best of us...

Today, we stand together...muslims, French, English, and the rest of us...

Yet...another school mass shooting happens in the US and alls I hear from politicians and other civililans, blaming blacks, whites, lefties, righties, constitutional rights are thrown around, semantic blaming, stupid statistics banning guns, NRA pro and anti arguments....

A big mess...

Look yourselves in the mirror...its up to you folk to fix the shyte you have made and created.

Immigrants could help build you up again..'

But...shyte on them and on yourselves...that will certainly make things better.


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I put on my dress clothes, I go to work, and I contribute to society. I give clothes and donations to foundations and organizations to help the needy. I give money to homeless people when I can. I donate to school programs to help children in families that have trouble buying supplies. I help people when I can. I used to volunteer for Big Brother/Big Sisters. I buy from local businesses as much as I can. I pull my weight. 

But I don't subscribe to the idea that we're just supposed to welcome anyone who wants to here with open arms and give them assistance while we let fellow Americans struggle and prevent them from being able to obtain the 'American Dream' these people from other nations come for in the first place. If you just let yourself be overrun by immigrants, it devolves into a bad situation for everyone involved. It's stupid. We need to cease all operations in the Middle East and let them sort it out.

And if I see someone burning a flag, I'm punching them in the fuck ing face. And if someone is standing in the road preventing me from getting where I need to go, I'm running their ass over. You're right to an extent, a lot of people are wussies. They're too worried about being politically correct and hurting somebody's feelings. I have no tolerance for such individuals. They are a cancer. 

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3 minutes ago, Frisky Dingo said:

We need to cease all operations in the Middle East and let them sort it out.  

Unfortunately Frisky...those Middle Eastern problems, the modern ones, not the ancient ones, the ones that arose at the dawn of the industrial revolution, were actually caused by the West. The United States of America was a factor in that....before WW2 and especially after WW2...

'Let them sort it out' is such a hypocritical thing to say...

I dont want to say it, but I will...the US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Russia and several other Western countries actually owe it to them to help them out and NOT  to let them sort it out...

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4 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

Unfortunately Frisky...those Middle Eastern problems, the modern ones, not the ancient ones, the ones that arose at the dawn of the industrial revolution, were actually caused by the West. The United States of America was a factor in that....before WW2 and especially after WW2...

'Let them sort it out' is such a hypocritical thing to say...

I dont want to say it, but I will...the US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Russia and several other Western countries actually owe it to them to help them out and NOT  to let them sort it out...


So where do you draw the line??

How do you help them, exactly? You try to set up a democratic government, and you're accused of forcing your system on other nations. You arm rebel groups, and they fall into the wrong hands, or they're later used against you by those same people. The Middle East is the birthplace of civilization and a hots pot for religious fanaticism. They have been at war for millenia, and they will have fighting until the end of the human race. At some point, you have to consider it a lost cause and wash your hands of it.

Pull out, stop funding, stop arming, stop sleeping with the Saudis and Isrealis. Get out and stay out. The problem will solve itself, or it won't. 

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2 minutes ago, Frisky Dingo said:


So where do you draw the line??

How do you help them, exactly? You try to set up a democratic government, and you're accused of forcing your system on other nations. You arm rebel groups, and they fall into the wrong hands, or they're later used against you by those same people. The Middle East is the birthplace of civilization and a hots pot for religious fanaticism. They have been at war for millenia, and they will have fighting until the end of the human race. At some point, you have to consider it a lost cause and wash your hands of it.

Pull out, stop funding, stop arming, stop sleeping with the Saudis and Isrealis. Get out and stay out. The problem will solve itself, or it won't. 

Yeah...Ill agree to that...pull out, stop funding, stop arming, stop sleeping with the Saudis and the Israelis...

But the damage is done. The Middle East was always a war torn cesspool...but the West made sure it stays that way for millennia more...

Like that Iranian dude in the video that Fap posted...

He done nothin' wrong...nor his brother. Yet Mr. Trump thinks he solved a problem...he made a bad situation worse regarding American values in the Middle East...

However Id like to talk about how he said he is a hard working guy...he even called himself American making houses for Americans...

Tell me...would you rather a new immigrant that works hard like he does, or a good for nothing, low life scum criminal 5th generation American?

Most immigrants immigrating to the US and Canada no matter where they are from, they are hard working folk..

Listen to the Quebec Premier video I posted again...

These people HELP a country out...they contribute to taxes and society and culture as much as you and I...



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10 hours ago, balthazar said:

Tech question inserted here ~

On all or most AWD cars, are these systems on all the time or can some of them be switched off?
Saw a mashed benz being towed down the highway and the front wheels (up on the tow truck sling) were spinning at highway speeds.

MB's system is full-time afaik.

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56 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

I helped a junkie and his lady push their car off the road into a gas station last night when it ran out of gas. Helped.

sarcasm much?

Listen, I don't mean to rustle feathers like I do, but I DEEPLY CARE ABOUT THE USA AS MUCH AS YOU GUYS DO...

Believe me or not. My dad fought in Korea from 1950-1952 under the USAAF. He was a Staff Sargent.  He had dual citizenship. I may not be American, but Id gladly call the US my second or third home.

1. Canada

2a. Greece

2b. USA

I don't appreciate when I give my two cents and someome calls me a lefty...

I don't appreciate when I own a restaurant, and someome says Im a liberal...

1a. Im a Canadian.

1b. We don't divide ourselves that way. French versus English..sure...we kinda stopped doing that though. And if the English and French could get along in Canada, so could Americans amongst themselves...if you guys choose to do so...

2. if you feel junkies, low lives, criminals, corporate shills etc... are wrecking your country...FIGHT FOR YOUR COUNTRY BACK!!!



Kellyanne Conway...small price to pay...


You think that is the American way of doing things?

Is that what YOUR Constitutional rights tells you how to act?



Boy...that is NOT the United Stated of America that I love dearly.

Remember...I am of Greek decent.

My momma was an immigrant to Canada in 1967.

This ban touches me in more ways than you think!


The United States of America ACCEPTED a Greek that was soon to become my uncle. He was born in the US but his dad came to America from Greece.

The United Stated of America accepted my aunt, born in Canada, Greek parents...

They married. Had children.

Yes I have American cousins, that are Greek.

Italians, Jews, Chinese, Spanish, Dutch, Germans...all have similar stories!


Just because some of you are afraid of immigrants of different backrounds, and support Trump like behavior, it don't mean I, as a Canadian, wont fight for what I KNOW to be right...

If you feel criminals and junkies are ruining it for everybody...DEMAND YOUR POLITICIANS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT...











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12 hours ago, balthazar said:

Tech question inserted here ~

On all or most AWD cars, are these systems on all the time or can some of them be switched off?
Saw a mashed benz being towed down the highway and the front wheels (up on the tow truck sling) were spinning at highway speeds.

Cadillac Escalade up till 2008 was AWD all the time and a note in the owners guide that the back wheels had to be up also. You could not tow it like a normal RWD or FWD car. That has changed as the new 4WD systems have a disconnect now.

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I love the newest look and quality of the Escalade. With that said, I do have one nitpic issue. The Seats. They have gotton thinner and less comfortable than in the past.

My 2006 is firm and yet very comfy for long road trips. I have had all this week a 2017 Escalade and have to say that there is much to love, but the seats really make your Bum go Numb fast within 30 min. I have done everything I can to adjust the seats but both my wife and I have come to the same conclusion, the seats are not comfortable compared to my 2006.

Big change is how flat and thin the side supports have become for the back and legs. So much to love about the newest Escalade but also the seats since I love road trips just might be a deal breaker for me getting a new ESV Platinum. :( 

For comparison, I looked up the seats to see the changes over the models and this is what I found:



2001-2006 My seats are really comfy.








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Just think if the Native Americans had the foresight to build a wall in 1490. That is all I'm going to say about this immigration nonsense because I don't want to get banned for verbal disembowelment. 


About the ban list, I'll just say this. You can't call it securing our country when you don't include the country responsible for the most deaths on US soil. It is a joke in clown shoes. 

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5 hours ago, oldshurst442 said:

2. if you feel junkies, low lives, criminals, corporate shills etc... are wrecking your country...

First, it was sarcasm/joking but I really did help them out. I just saw a guy trying(unsuccessfully) to push a car out of the road so I stopped and helped. It wasn't until we had the car parked at a gas pump did I realize they were junkies because of the look/face on the female driver. Second, hard drugs are a growing serious problem but I wasn't going that route with that post AT ALL. It was just an observation of the situation.

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Just now, ccap41 said:

First, it was sarcasm/joking but I really did help them out. I just saw a guy trying(unsuccessfully) to push a car out of the road so I stopped and helped. It wasn't until we had the car parked at a gas pump did I realize they were junkies because of the look/face on the female driver. Second, hard drugs are a growing serious problem but I wasn't going that route with that post AT ALL. It was just an observation of the situation.

Sorry dude if I blew a gasket...

Im a tad edgy with all this and Im also out for blood with hypocritical thoughts...

With that being said, I RESPECT @Frisky Dingo a lot for him being genuine with me.

Ill rustle some feathers later....for now....let us have some fun with it all!



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3 hours ago, surreal1272 said:

Just think if the Native Americans had the foresight to build a wall in 1490. That is all I'm going to say about this immigration nonsense because I don't want to get banned for verbal disembowelment. 


About the ban list, I'll just say this. You can't call it securing our country when you don't include the country responsible for the most deaths on US soil. It is a joke in clown shoes. 

 See below Dupe

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Just now, hyperv6 said:

Well you first have to take into context how Saudi Arabia works. Few people understand the country is really run by a family split into to factions. One that is more moderate that rules and the one that is more conservative that side more with the radical from Iran. The family for the most part has the moderates that support us and the radical side that supports the terror. 

To remain in power the ruling side makes sure they make enough money to pay the people in the country to remain loyal to them. Keep them funded to enjoy the western things but just enough conservative Islam not to be taken out. 

Also keep in mind the moderate leaders also have even worked with Israel as they really fear infiltration of the radicals from Iran.

Now where we are concerned is that the flow of oil from them can control the value of the money around the world especially the dollar that is an oil bases currency. So they try to keep the value of the dollar up for our support and protection from Iran and their own pockets. But they also have increased production to drop prices enough to hurt Iran and Russia in the last few  years.  

So the Saudi's while they are looking out for themselves we also have a stake in this because they can kill the value of the dollar. Also most of the family is on our side but there is a side to them that hate us. It is not unlike comparing the tribes in Iraq that some are pro American and some are Anti. 

The key to Saudi is they do work with us they do share lintel if they have it and they do let us keep military bases in their country unlike most of the rest of the region. 

There is even more to this since they pretty much have to leave the door open as they do hold Mecca in their country.  It really is not as simple as many believe in Saudi Arabia.

Same in other countries too. Iran the problem there is most of the people in the country are pro American and western. They are pretty much held in check by their religious leaders with the threat of death. About 5-6 years ago the students rose up and were ready to topple the government but we screwed them and did not do a thing to help them. Many were murdered. 

Then now you have the Russians coming in to fill the lack of America in the area and looking to gain a foot hold they lost long ago. They will keep and control Syria and may move to Jordan in the future. Then they will attack Israel if Iran does not first. 

Egypt also got screw by us for letting the Muslim Brotherhood in. They are still struggling to gain stability today. 

The whole pause is only for those country's with no central control and command and have little to no Intel they share or even have. No country there is free and clear of radicals. We can only do the best we can and work with the ones that can help. 6 of the 7 countries here are pretty much have little to no Intel or control from a central government. The 7th Iraq has little control on the western part of their country.  That is why these are singled out. 

Now one thing the Saudi government has said is they will work to help make safe zones and they will take in people from Syria that need help and they will help pay for it. 

The key is to get things stable again in the region and work to keep people in the land they call home. Like it or not moving people and cultures around can create even more issues in large numbers. History points this out. We are not one world. Many cultures are in direct conflict with others and often the results are never good. Natural moment of peoples own free will generally works but when you move people in large numbers and not all of their free will it can have major conflicts like we have seen in Europe if they do not assimilate to the laws of the land. Generally people from the west working in the middle east adapt to the culture and refrain from drink and open dress. I have customers in Yemen and it is daily fear and abiding by their religious laws that guide their day. 

Here we have seen Honor killings that over there are seen as required here it is a crime and they do not understand.

Well I  have gone on too long now but this is not a simple fix and all parties have had a long history of mistakes. There is just so much too this and so many Americans have no clue as public schools teach so little about the real happenings.

To get along in not only our country but the world you need to adapt to the culture you are in. These cultures are their home and you need to respect that. Unfortunately there are some on all sides that fail to do this and it only leads to trouble and too often death. 

I had a Great Great x many Grand father who came to America in the 1600's. He was in a village killed by the Locals back them. They spared him because he had a tanned leather coat they prized. He taught them how to make it and then slipped away in the night. The natives back them some fought and some trusted and died from disease. They moved away as they soon became outnumbers. Times were different in some ways than today but in other ways many of the same things are still in effect. The long lasting societies have fought to keep what they have and remain vigilant against any threat. Those who did not moved away for were slaughtered. 

What we all need to do is know that there are people out there that want us dead. We are no longer that isolated country we once were and we will have to learn to live in different ways under different conditions. Just look to N Korea. That is a real problem as not only is he evil but crazy. Word is the people are about to turn on him and I think that is why we have waited him out but even then what might he do if he knows his time is coming to an end. Most people with nukes make them but never plan to use them This includes Russia. But Kim is capable of about anything. 

Sorry for the ramble here but too often on the web the details get left out of discussions. I am not taking any sides here just laying out the realities we face. No offense meant to anyone if you disagree. 





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3 hours ago, ccap41 said:

First, it was sarcasm/joking but I really did help them out. I just saw a guy trying(unsuccessfully) to push a car out of the road so I stopped and helped. It wasn't until we had the car parked at a gas pump did I realize they were junkies because of the look/face on the female driver. Second, hard drugs are a growing serious problem but I wasn't going that route with that post AT ALL. It was just an observation of the situation.

Here in Ohio I am shocked at the number who are dying of overdoses. More die on Heroin than I ever though would be using it. I used to work in the bad part of town and we saw drugs all the time but seldom did anyone die. Today we have young mothers to grandfathers dying. 

The culture has made it ok to get Messed up and people just keep looking for more of a way to kill the pain. 

They want to call it an illness but it is a choice and if you get it wrong it will kill you. An illness is a cold and you have no choice. 

Alcoholics have run in my family. My dad broke the run as he stopped drinking when I was born. He was not a drunk but he said if I learned it and made that choice it was not going to be because of him. His father was a beat the kids, cheat on the wife and drink up the pay check guy. He got clean and really changed by the time I was born but my dad decided to stop it there and that is where it is today. I learned not to make those choices and out of respect of what he did for me I also do for my son. 

Life is a lot bigger than getting Fd up. 

I see the episodes of Cops and the parents of some of these poor kids. It is really sad. We had some parents here not long ago die in the car with a kid in the back seat. You have to wonder how their life will either get better or worse. 

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22 minutes ago, hyperv6 said:


I will keep this simple. There are people in this country already who want plenty of folks dead, and not just the Muslim scapegoats that are conveniently mentioned here. 


And if you believe that Saudi Arabia is our ally and shares intel then I have a bridge to sell you. 9/11 intel proved that. 

Edited by surreal1272
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50 minutes ago, surreal1272 said:

I will keep this simple. There are people in this country already who want plenty of folks dead, and not just the Muslim scapegoats that are conveniently mentioned here. 


And if you believe that Saudi Arabia is our ally and shares intel then I have a bridge to sell you. 9/11 intel proved that. 


Never said they are an ally but they are more of someone we can or have to work with. They need us and we need them like them, like it  or not. They hold heavy power over global economics and those who want to topple them for it know they can damage us without hurting themselves economically.  We need to keep the region stable to keep them stable and they need us to protect them. Taking them out  is the end around the Mutually-Assured Economic Destruction that has prevented the cold war from starting. We go down they all go down. Unless they take over the global currency that is oil and control it.  

While we are not so much Allies we do have mutual interest. 

They are also no ally of Israel but they have Israel  as have the Israeli have used the Saudi. No many Arab countries would let a Jewish state fly over to bomb Iran. You are not dealing with stable countries with democratic beliefs. This is old world stuff in an age of powerful money and weapons. 

You can say keep it simple but it is not that simple.

We are just going to have to agree to disagree. 


24 minutes ago, balthazar said:


I believe this used to be a local car here in Akron till the Canadian bought it. It was a very nice car and he only made it better. We still have many rare Pontiac's here due to Knafel Pontiac being the main dealer and their race connections to Pontiac. 

I have several friends who worked there years ago and even introduced me to Bill before he passed. 

They just tore what remained of the dealer down to put an interchange over it I used to work nearby and would do work for Pace Pontiac when they were there. 


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11 hours ago, hyperv6 said:


Never said they are an ally but they are more of someone we can or have to work with. They need us and we need them like them, like it  or not. They hold heavy power over global economics and those who want to topple them for it know they can damage us without hurting themselves economically.  We need to keep the region stable to keep them stable and they need us to protect them. Taking them out  is the end around the Mutually-Assured Economic Destruction that has prevented the cold war from starting. We go down they all go down. Unless they take over the global currency that is oil and control it.  

While we are not so much Allies we do have mutual interest. 

They are also no ally of Israel but they have Israel  as have the Israeli have used the Saudi. No many Arab countries would let a Jewish state fly over to bomb Iran. You are not dealing with stable countries with democratic beliefs. This is old world stuff in an age of powerful money and weapons. 

You can say keep it simple but it is not that simple.

We are just going to have to agree to disagree. 


I believe this used to be a local car here in Akron till the Canadian bought it. It was a very nice car and he only made it better. We still have many rare Pontiac's here due to Knafel Pontiac being the main dealer and their race connections to Pontiac. 

I have several friends who worked there years ago and even introduced me to Bill before he passed. 

They just tore what remained of the dealer down to put an interchange over it I used to work nearby and would do work for Pace Pontiac when they were there. 


Your description is the very definition of the word "ally" and Saudi Arabia most certainly is not.


I do agree with you about the old world mentality which I have said for years that we should cut off all ties with all of them, not just the ones that are convenient excuses for the news of the day. We damn sure don't need that oil when we have plenty here and in Canada.

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43 minutes ago, surreal1272 said:

Your description is the very definition of the word "ally" and Saudi Arabia most certainly is not.


I do agree with you about the old world mentality which I have said for years that we should cut off all ties with all of them, not just the ones that are convenient excuses for the news of the day. We damn sure don't need that oil when we have plenty here and in Canada.

You just do not understand the dynamic here.

As for cutting them all off will not work. No matter if we need the oil or not we are still connected to market values that are controlled by supply and demand.

When we gave up the gold standard on our currency we changed it to one based on the oil market. The countries in the region there turn up or down production it changes the value of the dollar and other currency's.

Because of this is why we, Russia and many others have spent so much money just trying to keep the place stable over there. We are not doing it because we love the weather.

Saudi's choked off money to Russia by increasing production. They can kill our economy if they shut the oil off as even the oil we have here is subjected to global market prices. Just because we make it does not make it cheaper.

Oil is a globally traded commodity.

The days of Isolationism are long over. It did not work even at the start of the last century and those who tried it paid a heavy price for it.  With todays technology has really changed the game.

The economies were locked together to prevent a Nuclear war. One country goes down everyone goes economically. The new Dynamic is the terror groups that have no skin in the game are willing to take out anyone and they have nothing to lose.

Because the average person has no clue of the dynamics of the middle east they have no idea really how bad things are and that they are not safe from it no matter where they are.

The only way to change it is to oil free but that will not happen anytime soon. Most governments are not out to save the environment getting away from oil they are just wanting to change the dynamic we are in fiscally with oil and our money.


As for the Saudi government The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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Just now, hyperv6 said:


You just do not understand the dynamic here.

As for cutting them all off will not work. No matter if we need the oil or not we are still connected to market values that are controlled by supply and demand.

When we gave up the gold standard on our currency we changed it to one based on the oil market. The countries in the region there turn up or down production it changes the value of the dollar and other currency's.

Because of this is why we, Russia and many others have spent so much money just trying to keep the place stable over there. We are not doing it because we love the weather.

Saudi's choked off money to Russia by increasing production. They can kill our economy if they shut the oil off as even the oil we have here is subjected to global market prices. Just because we make it does not make it cheaper.

Oil is a globally traded commodity.

The days of Isolationism are long over. It did not work even at the start of the last century and those who tried it paid a heavy price for it.  With todays technology has really changed the game.

The economies were locked together to prevent a Nuclear war. One country goes down everyone goes economically. The new Dynamic is the terror groups that have no skin in the game are willing to take out anyone and they have nothing to lose.

Because the average person has no clue of the dynamics of the middle east they have no idea really how bad things are and that they are not safe from it no matter where they are.

The only way to change it is to oil free but that will not happen anytime soon. Most governments are not out to save the environment getting away from oil they are just wanting to change the dynamic we are in fiscally with oil and our money.


As for the Saudi government The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Actually I understand the dynamic just fine. Let me give you another example of the half ass approach of this ban. Why is Chechnya not on the list? We talk about banning rogue refugees but that is the home of the Boston marathon bombers. We have no real relationship with that cesspool country yet they are exempt from the list. That literally makes no sense and gives credence to the fact that this ban was just put in place to palace the feared masses (and to make it seem like he kept a campaign promise no matter whether it was actually the right thing to do). 


And again, we can get along just fine without Saudi Arabia's help, which has been like a lion helping a wounded gazelle to the nearest watering hole, right before he eats it. The oil excuse is just that, an excuse perpetrated by an industry scared of change in the name of profit. Oil is the reason for our insecurity, not terrorism. One led to the other. 

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The thing with terrorists is:

They all have different backrounds.

They all come from different countries.

To boot, some are born in WESTERN countries in the MODERN era of the "Ancient" code.  France has home grown terrorists coming out of their wazoo. Their problems are from their dealings with Algieria and Morocco and Lybia and several other African countries where Islam is dominant and France did not want to let go of their Empire...something that they needed to compete with in this little saying...The sun never sets on the Union Jack or something or other...

They all fight together, supposedly,  but they all fight with truly different agendas as each and every Jihad and Fatwa terrorist act in the name of Allah since the 1960s is for a different reason and not one reason is the same...

Every  crooked Imam and every Terrorist Leader has his own  monetary reason to brainwash young Muslims...

Saudi Arabia....


The biggest act of terrorism on US soil was masterminded by a Saudi..

And If Im not mistaken, many other Saudis have tried to hurt America...

Legend be told, the CIA trained him to fight the Commies...

I did not see Saudi Arabia as one of the banned countries either.

Surreal says it like it is:


And again, we can get along just fine without Saudi Arabia's help, which has been like a lion helping a wounded gazelle to the nearest watering hole, right before he eats it. The oil excuse is just that, an excuse perpetrated by an industry scared of change in the name of profit. Oil is the reason for our insecurity, not terrorism. One led to the other. 

And he is still holding back reality!

Anybody else that does not see it that way, is....NAIVE!

The American dollar was backed by GOLD.

It was decided that BLACK GOLD was the NEW GOLD so America signed a deal with certain Arab countries to use their BLACK GOLD while those countries used the American Green Back as the measuring stick currency.

Puppet governments and sabotage and lies and spies ensured the Middle East would NEVER be stable, other WESTERN countries were jealous of that American deal and more puppet governments and sabotage and lies and spies happened...

This ban...just hurts the INNOCENT people!

This ban...is window dressing...

This ban, makes America look bad, and it gives another deranged lunatic from a country that is NOT BANNED to have a go on innocent American lives since this ban all it says is that ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS because this BAN affects INNOCENT PEOPLE from  THESE BANNED COUNTRIES..

KELLYANNE CONWAY did say it was a small price to pay...


Edited by oldshurst442
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I find it interesting that muslim countries have such a low literacy rate and yet Sony still makes billions selling cassette decks / walkman there since the religious nuts record their fire and brimstone and then have the illiterate population listen to it and act stupidly. 

The ban is just stupid IMHO. So many more places should be on the list then if you really want to become closed and a horse with blinders on.

Having a better vetting process is GOOD, shutting the borders to a select group of places, BAD!

Can we better deal with our immigration? Sure!!! Will it happen? Probably not, to many IDIOTS in DC have alternative agendas rather than fixing the problems.

Lets leave the Political Debates in the Political Forum PLEASE!


What does others think about Escalades Seats based on the photo's I posted above?

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12 minutes ago, dfelt said:

I find it interesting that muslim countries have such a low literacy rate and yet Sony still makes billions selling cassette decks / walkman there since the religious nuts record their fire and brimstone and then have the illiterate population listen to it and act stupidly. 

The ban is just stupid IMHO. So many more places should be on the list then if you really want to become closed and a horse with blinders on.

Having a better vetting process is GOOD, shutting the borders to a select group of places, BAD!

Can we better deal with our immigration? Sure!!! Will it happen? Probably not, to many IDIOTS in DC have alternative agendas rather than fixing the problems.

Lets leave the Political Debates in the Political Forum PLEASE!


What does others think about Escalades Seats based on the photo's I posted above?

I have not sat in the new Slade but I have driven an '09. I felt like they leaned a little on the firm side but not in an uncomfortable way (if that makes any sense). That 6.2L was sure nice though. 

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