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2017 is my year for family life as I am truly the parent to my parents.

Doctor called my mom in for consultation on Sunday. Seems she has two masses that showed up in her cat scan on Saturday as they released her from the hospital after her strokes to go home. Taking her to a specialist now later this week.

Doctor was talking to my parents and my dad was asking questions that the doctor had just answered and so he did a quick check on him and told me and my sister he has concerns so a cat scan will be done on him today. Suspect Dementia or Alzheimer's.

Gonna try to be positive about this and I do appreciate all the kind words from everyone, but this is not how I expected 2017 to go as my parents are only in their mid 70's.

WTF is with 2017?

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8 hours ago, dfelt said:


2017 is my year for family life as I am truly the parent to my parents.

Doctor called my mom in for consultation on Sunday. Seems she has two masses that showed up in her cat scan on Saturday as they released her from the hospital after her strokes to go home. Taking her to a specialist now later this week.

Doctor was talking to my parents and my dad was asking questions that the doctor had just answered and so he did a quick check on him and told me and my sister he has concerns so a cat scan will be done on him today. Suspect Dementia or Alzheimer's.

Gonna try to be positive about this and I do appreciate all the kind words from everyone, but this is not how I expected 2017 to go as my parents are only in their mid 70's.

WTF is with 2017?

Welcome to life as we know it on earth. The changed from childhood to teens we though were traumatic but it is nothing like this time in your life. This is where you really have to deal with not only health but you also need to be aware of all the financial challenges you will face.

Please let me recommend you get this done now. #1 get the power of attorney for you or your sister to deal with any and all aspects for them.  If you have it now good. 

Also contact a lawyer that deals with estate planning and healthcare. They can minimize the government coming in and taking everything. They will clean you out and leave little for the surviving spouse and the family. Your parents can save all their lives for this time in their life and the government will pick it clean.  

We spent money on a good lawyer and took advantage of all the laws we could to protect my mother and we did pretty good. She was in danger of losing her home and all her savings accept a small amount and her car. We were able to the end to protect everything but $18K. 

Also she was paying out $7K for the nursing home for my dad for a little over a year before we learned how we could legally protect her. 

There are many options you can take advantage of but unless you specialize in this law most people have no clue about it. At least have someone to review their assets and see if there is anything they can do to lessen the blow. 

If something happens to one of them the other could have major financial issues if you are not careful. 

After all we went though I told my wife we should just spend it all and go out broke as you get the same care no matter what. 

The good news is once you deal with all this then your kids have to deal with you. It is called the circle of life Disney never told you about. 

While they make a big deal about Obama care the truth is when you get old and end care most people are on Medicaid. They have done this for years. The care is the same and most times all the bills are negotiated and they settle for what the government pays them. This is why government health care is so expensive. 

Not being political. I was used to work for a Health Care Supplier our of Collage. Well we worked like most others with prices for insurance companies, prices for private pay and prices for government. You can guess who paid the most. This is why nothing will work till they control cost. 

Sorry for the rant but if they do not have things like a power of attorney and financial planning for health care start as soon as you can. It is never too late but the sooner you start the more options you have. 

Health care in this country is negotiable just like buying things in TJ Mexico. My buddy with no health car had a heart attack. They charged him like $150K for care. They were willing to settle for $25K he had in savings. These are things many don't know and many will not tell you. It is a rigged system and no matter what if you seek care you get it. No one is sent out of Emergency. 

I will say a prayer. 

Note I am helping with a neighbor with Alzheimer. Not an expert but I have been watching the progress for the last 5 years. The crazy thing is he only knows two people. Me and his grandson. He thinks his wife is just the lady who takes care of the house. 

One last thing. Anything you want to know, anything you want or need to say, anything you want to do with your parents do it now do not wait. I got a second chance with my dad and I am so grateful. With my mom I was a little in denial and time ran out with still so many questions and things I wish I had asked or said. Even with the second chance with my dad I still made the mistake with my mom. Both of your parents may still have a lot of time left but do not put it off. 

Edited by hyperv6
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30 minutes ago, ocnblu said:

Hellcat is still much more car, much more fun, much more essence of automobile.  Much more coveted, much more history, much much MOAR.

The Hellcat is a cry for help from the Chrysler engineers who want the money for new car and have to make do with what they have. 

It is an old car based on a even older German platform that was too heavy then and still to heavy today. 

As for history it share nearly nothing with the original call accept for similar handling. Neither turned well unless rebuilt by Dan Gurney. 

The Hellcat has more power than it can use. The engine management dials it back as it can not put it to the ground. That is why they are now trying to fit larger tires and flairs. 

I do not say this in hate but disappointment. Imagine if Sergio had given them the money needed for an all new car with this engine and the ability to use all the power. Imagine if they had cut 500-600 pounds. Imagine if they had put a chassis under it that could compete with the Mustang and Camaro. 

Lets face it Chrysler engineers are hamstrung like Pizza Hut. Just look how many ways they have tried to reinvent the Pizza to remain relevant. The Hell Cat is like stuffing cheese in the crust. Yes it is more but not necessarily better. 

I do not blame Chrysler I blame FCA and Sergio. He is now trying to recover from his failures and try to fix Chrysler now that Alfa has failed to reach the volumes needed to help FCA. He will not speak of it but look back a few years ago at the volume he said they would do and where they are at now. It was a total F up. The man should be lynched. 

Now the talk for the LX is 2021. By then who knows if they may push it back again, Will they have a new V8 for it?  My Mopar friends are pissed and even I as we risk losing a company that held the key to FCA's future and Sergio has failed the company. 

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3 hours ago, hyperv6 said:

Welcome to life as we know it on earth. The changed from childhood to teens we though were traumatic but it is nothing like this time in your life. This is where you really have to deal with not only health but you also need to be aware of all the financial challenges you will face.

Please let me recommend you get this done now. #1 get the power of attorney for you or your sister to deal with any and all aspects for them.  If you have it now good. 

Also contact a lawyer that deals with estate planning and healthcare. They can minimize the government coming in and taking everything. They will clean you out and leave little for the surviving spouse and the family. Your parents can save all their lives for this time in their life and the government will pick it clean.  

We spent money on a good lawyer and took advantage of all the laws we could to protect my mother and we did pretty good. She was in danger of losing her home and all her savings accept a small amount and her car. We were able to the end to protect everything but $18K. 

Also she was paying out $7K for the nursing home for my dad for a little over a year before we learned how we could legally protect her. 

There are many options you can take advantage of but unless you specialize in this law most people have no clue about it. At least have someone to review their assets and see if there is anything they can do to lessen the blow. 

If something happens to one of them the other could have major financial issues if you are not careful. 

After all we went though I told my wife we should just spend it all and go out broke as you get the same care no matter what. 

The good news is once you deal with all this then your kids have to deal with you. It is called the circle of life Disney never told you about. 

While they make a big deal about Obama care the truth is when you get old and end care most people are on Medicaid. They have done this for years. The care is the same and most times all the bills are negotiated and they settle for what the government pays them. This is why government health care is so expensive. 

Not being political. I was used to work for a Health Care Supplier our of Collage. Well we worked like most others with prices for insurance companies, prices for private pay and prices for government. You can guess who paid the most. This is why nothing will work till they control cost. 

Sorry for the rant but if they do not have things like a power of attorney and financial planning for health care start as soon as you can. It is never too late but the sooner you start the more options you have. 

Health care in this country is negotiable just like buying things in TJ Mexico. My buddy with no health car had a heart attack. They charged him like $150K for care. They were willing to settle for $25K he had in savings. These are things many don't know and many will not tell you. It is a rigged system and no matter what if you seek care you get it. No one is sent out of Emergency. 

I will say a prayer. 

Note I am helping with a neighbor with Alzheimer. Not an expert but I have been watching the progress for the last 5 years. The crazy thing is he only knows two people. Me and his grandson. He thinks his wife is just the lady who takes care of the house. 

One last thing. Anything you want to know, anything you want or need to say, anything you want to do with your parents do it now do not wait. I got a second chance with my dad and I am so grateful. With my mom I was a little in denial and time ran out with still so many questions and things I wish I had asked or said. Even with the second chance with my dad I still made the mistake with my mom. Both of your parents may still have a lot of time left but do not put it off. 

Thanks Hyper, appreciate the input, duly noted.

Appreciate you sharing with me your own experience.

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21 minutes ago, dfelt said:

Thanks Hyper, appreciate the input, duly noted.

Appreciate you sharing with me your own experience.

No problem. I just wish I knew then what I know now.

We came out ok but may are ruined with the financial end.

it amazes me how so many do not have a trust or will in place. That is real disaster.

we went through this for many years and my mother with her mother.

It is never easy but as time goes on it makes it easier to accept.

At my fathers funneral I was not upset nor any of his friends that knew what he was going though. We know he was free.

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I never met my father-n-law. He passed away before I met my wife. She was 26 years old when she lost her dad from a heart attack.

Like Hyper mentioned. My father-n-law had no life insurances or wills or trusts in place. My wife to be bore the brunt of burying her dad as her other siblings were too consumed with their selfish needs. So she indebted herself financially and took care of her dad's burial and took care of her mom financially too as my mother-n-law was also a stay at home mom..

She got life insurance for herself right away immediately after the funeral was over. Made her mom get one too.

When she met me...and it was official that we were to spend our lives together, she made me get life insurance.

When my dad passed away, he had life and funeral insurances through Canadair, the company he worked for.

He also revised his will 2 years before passing away when he knew his time was coming up. That was a smooth financial transition.

When he passed away, my wife and I both made wills, to make sure, knock on wood, something happens to both of us NOW, our kids get taken care of....financially and guidance wise too.

When my mom passed away last year, her will was in order, her burial was paid for mostly from the insurances of Canadair that was passed on to her through my dad's employment. Minor things were not covered and was paid for by my mom's estate that I inherited from her.

I still had to wait 30 days for her bank account to unfreeze so I could get access to it, even though I always had access to it...I had a joint account with her when my dad passed away. It dont matter, that is how the law works. Its a good thing I had cash in my own bank account...and...this is when credit cards do come in handy...

Keep in mind, Im an only child, therefore I had no other siblings fighting me for power of attorney or fighting me for the right to access any bank accounts etc...this is an area that is sensitive. A will and a power of attorney and executor of an estate to be appointed need to be done so there will be no sibling and family bickering. And its legit through the eyes of the law.

After my mom passed away, my wife and I have revised our wills again. Allocated proper power of attorneys and monies for our children to better reflect this current situation. 10 years have passed since our wills were done. Although its good to have a will. As time goes by, so do situations in life. Staying current is good too.

Next big expense that will be made by my wife and I...probaby next year...

We are going to buy and pay for asap, our burial plots, tombstone and funeral parlour, so we dont burden our children with it.

Like Hyper said...its part of life...death is...

Like I say often. We must embrace it, not run away from it...because it is inescapable...


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When one loses a parent. Its never easy.

Mentally. Its hard. To think straight. The emotions are just too strong.

You go through the motions of mourning. You go through the motions of burying your parent. Mostly its the people around you pushing you through the steps but everything about the death just becomes a blur.

The steps...what I mean by the steps...

The crying, the reflecting, the memories...are pushed along when the people around you are going through the same cycles. They are in mourning too. You got to find comfort in that. Just remember that different people mourn in different ways. You have to let them mourn.

You will find that your loved one touched many people, some people that maybe you dont really care for...hate even...

You got to let those people grieve...its their loss too. You cant deny them that chance. Or for them to make amends either...


At my dad's wake, I was a mess. At my moms wake, I was...OK...

I was crying, but I was laughing too. I was reminiscing to people the good times I had with my mommy. I celebrated her.

Then there are the logical steps one has to go through. The legal mumbo jumbo...

The declaration of death. The taxes that one has to prepare for the deceased. The cancelation of driver's lincenses and credit cards and bank accounts and the final and last bill payments to be made...etc.

Well, those steps too are pushed along from the people around you...the nurses and doctors, the funeral directors, the better half....With those people too, you got to find comfort with them, they are their to help. Take it.

My dad's death in 2006. Its a complete blur to me. Although I saw him disintegrate right in front of my eyes, his ordeal lasted 5 years...colon cancer and then general cancer... he passed away too quickly for me even though I was with him...like a lot...yet his funeral...was a blur to me. My emotions got the best of me. He was the first to pass away on me. I took that real hard.

My mom.

She really died on me too bloody quickly. She had a mishap, she was fine, got operated...and was fine...then poof, she was gone.

Despite that...I was more in control of my emotions.

1 year later though, and I find myself crying over my mom more often than I did for my dad in that same time frame after their respective funerals...

But...I do smile a lot when remembering both of them...the good times...they never go away.

I miss both of them dearly. But that also means I make sure I spend a shyte load of time with my own kids...and wife. I truly had good times with my mom and dad, I got to make sure I do the same for my kids...and wife...


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@hyperv6 @oldshurst442 Appreciate the support and wisdom you have gained  and shared.

I have in place the power of attorney, wills and right now my sisters agreements with it all. I do wonder how both my sisters will act once all the appointments this week are done and we know the facts. Hopefully everyone can still be an adult and deal with it properly.

Thanks again guys, appreciate it.

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1 hour ago, dfelt said:

@hyperv6 @oldshurst442 Appreciate the support and wisdom you have gained  and shared.

I have in place the power of attorney, wills and right now my sisters agreements with it all. I do wonder how both my sisters will act once all the appointments this week are done and we know the facts. Hopefully everyone can still be an adult and deal with it properly.

Thanks again guys, appreciate it.

You never know till they are tested.

I know when my Mother In-laws mother passed I thought she would crumble into a break down. Well she has been a pillar of strength.

Her sister who I expected to be the Pillar has been the crumbling mess. She has had fits of depression and has been difficult on business decisions my mother in law has had to make. They turned out to be totally opposite.  

In my case being an only child has put a lot of burden on my wife and I but it also was a benefit as any decisions were just between us and my parents.

My wife was the real hero. She had taken on the task of taking care of my parents and going over and above. When we sold out home and moved back to my childhood home it was tougher on her as she was living in a house my mother lived in for years and had limited space for her own taste. We added on and had our space but she was not wanting to change much to make my mom feel pushed out. We wanted to try to keep her at home as long as we could and we extended her time there by 2.5 years she would not have had.  We only could have done it due to my wife and her sacrifice. Few would have done similar.

I told her once we were there on our own the house is hers and we will do what ever she likes. We have been redoing things like the Kitchen and the like to give her the house she would like. Though when we dumped a ton on the Kitchen I told her I will be buying a Corvette in the future and keeping the Pontiac. I got a OK.  I should have recorded it. LOL!

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On 1/24/2017 at 9:45 AM, dfelt said:

@hyperv6 @oldshurst442 Appreciate the support and wisdom you have gained  and shared.

I have in place the power of attorney, wills and right now my sisters agreements with it all. I do wonder how both my sisters will act once all the appointments this week are done and we know the facts. Hopefully everyone can still be an adult and deal with it properly.

Thanks again guys, appreciate it.

I'm sorry to hear about your family challenges.  I've been through a lot of it the last two years.   My Mother's health had been in decline since 2014ish, I saw her once a year, she pretty much cut off all communication w/ my sister and I....she passed last March 12th, age 85....it was so odd, I felt just numb, not really grief or any other emotion..very strange.   The aftermath of her passing was frustrating and difficult; time spent flying back and forth from AZ to Ohio and time spent in probate court (she died w/o a valid will--the will my brother presented was determined to be a fake that he made up, leaving everything to himself).   All of that is behind me now (the estate was divided equally amongst the 3 siblings).    It was easier in some respects when my Dad passed in 1999, he had a clear will.    

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36 minutes ago, Cubical-aka-Moltar said:

I'm sorry to hear about your family challenges.  I've been through a lot of it the last two years.   My Mother's health had been in decline since 2014ish, I saw her once a year, she pretty much cut off all communication w/ my sister and I....she passed last March 12th, age 85....it was so odd, I felt just numb, not really grief or any other emotion..very strange.   The aftermath of her passing was frustrating and difficult; time spent flying back and forth from AZ to Ohio and time spent in probate court (she died w/o a valid will--the will my brother presented was determined to be a fake that he made up, leaving everything to himself).   All of that is behind me now (the estate was divided equally amongst the 3 siblings).    It was easier in some respects when my Dad passed in 1999, he had a clear will.    

I'm sorry...know a friend who went though that...between 4 kids-it was a living hell for 2 years..

His family is all torn up from it....:(

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8 hours ago, Cubical-aka-Moltar said:

I'm sorry to hear about your family challenges.  I've been through a lot of it the last two years.   My Mother's health had been in decline since 2014ish, I saw her once a year, she pretty much cut off all communication w/ my sister and I....she passed last March 12th, age 85....it was so odd, I felt just numb, not really grief or any other emotion..very strange.   The aftermath of her passing was frustrating and difficult; time spent flying back and forth from AZ to Ohio and time spent in probate court (she died w/o a valid will--the will my brother presented was determined to be a fake that he made up, leaving everything to himself).   All of that is behind me now (the estate was divided equally amongst the 3 siblings).    It was easier in some respects when my Dad passed in 1999, he had a clear will.    

Bummer, sorry to hear you had to go through hell. I think I have everything ready. My mom and dad are back at the house and things for now have settled down, but I expect 2017 to be a rollercoaster year as both have poor health.

Thanks for sharing and the support.

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4 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

As did I. I probably watched waaay more than I should have but I definitely caught the start and finish as well. 

That finish.. Loved it.


I was hoping Taylor wouldn't catch a penalty. Not because I was particularly rooting for him- though that team did deserve it, and I like Jeff Gordon- but because I fell like it was a fair move. The #5 left an opening that #10 went for. Then he closed the door to defend with 1/3 of the other car inside already. Just as much his fault. That's racing.

Was really hoping Pillet in the works 911 would get by the GT for the GTLM win, but at least he held off the Ferrari.

Prototype Challenge was a shit show. That class is a joke.

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3 minutes ago, Frisky Dingo said:


I was hoping Taylor wouldn't catch a penalty. Not because I was particularly rooting for him- though that team did deserve it, and I like Jeff Gordon- but because I fell like it was a fair move. The #5 left an opening that #10 went for. Then he closed the door to defend with 1/3 of the other car inside already. Just as much his fault. That's racing.

Was really hoping Pillet in the works 911 would get by the GT for the GTLM win, but at least he held off the Ferrari.

Prototype Challenge was a $h! show. That class is a joke.

I thought it was a fair move. They're teammates so there's no way it would have been deliberate.. Not with that much time left. If it was the last lap... I could see it being a "reaching" or last effort move. I too am a Gordon fan and I was glad to see him earn an overall 24hr victory. I doubt it, but I wonder if he will be with them on the other 24hr races this year.

I was worried the 911 was going to pass the GT. It seemed quicker when out on the oval but he just burned through his tires, it looked. That is one thing Ford said about their GT and the street version as well, that it is much easier than a lot of other cars it competes with on its tires.

lol Yeah the prototype challenge class is a joke.. The other three all have GREAT competition and then there's them..

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2 hours ago, ccap41 said:

I thought it was a fair move. They're teammates so there's no way it would have been deliberate.. Not with that much time left. If it was the last lap... I could see it being a "reaching" or last effort move. I too am a Gordon fan and I was glad to see him earn an overall 24hr victory. I doubt it, but I wonder if he will be with them on the other 24hr races this year.

I was worried the 911 was going to pass the GT. It seemed quicker when out on the oval but he just burned through his tires, it looked. That is one thing Ford said about their GT and the street version as well, that it is much easier than a lot of other cars it competes with on its tires.

lol Yeah the prototype challenge class is a joke.. The other three all have GREAT competition and then there's them..


They aren't teammates. Two different teams. But I still don't think it was deliberate. It was ultimately the #5 that turned into him.

Also, I don't believe there are any other 24hr races in the Weathertech Series. I would like to see Gordon do more sports car racing, though.

As for GTLM, I think you're right. Pilet pushed to get around the GT so hard his tires fell off. He probably should have waited for an opportunity with traffic. But, he went for broke, so I give it to him for that. 

Can't wait for the rest of this year's endurance races.

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1 hour ago, Frisky Dingo said:

I don't think dfelt did.


44 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

lol I don't either. 

LOL, I do understand the tears comment, just cracked me up. As an Independant and with multiple generations of Marines in my family, I take a very different approach to our political system.

Still the comment was spot on and the responses were tasty funny! :P 

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2 hours ago, Frisky Dingo said:

I think some confusion just happened.


I was/am talking about the lefties' tears.

Schumer Cries for 109 people who come from 6 of 7 countries that have no central government and little Intel to share even if they are willing on people we don't know. Yet he sheds not one tear for the 762 Murdered in Chicago last year? 

Talk about really a messed up set of priorities. 

If the left worked as hard for the people in our country as they do for those outside we would be in pretty good shape. 

But they are too busy trying to argue who uses what bathroom. 

Lets face it we have issues on both sides and while many are pissing them selves over Trump the rest are still stealing your lunch and eating it. Both Sides. 

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15 minutes ago, hyperv6 said:

Schumer Cries for 109 people who come from 6 of 7 countries that have no central government and little Intel to share even if they are willing on people we don't know. Yet he sheds not one tear for the 762 Murdered in Chicago last year? 

Talk about really a messed up set of priorities. 

If the left worked as hard for the people in our country as they do for those outside we would be in pretty good shape. 

But they are too busy trying to argue who uses what bathroom. 

Lets face it we have issues on both sides and while many are pissing them selves over Trump the rest are still stealing your lunch and eating it. Both Sides. 







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Nah, Anna, it aint me.

Perhaps Mr. Trump is interested. He does prefer ladies from former Communist Block countries. He is married currently, happily I might add, but you never know. He lives currently at the White House. Yes, yes. He is the 45th American President, which is good news for you, the White House does make the President cheat on his wife. JFK and slick Willy could attest to that. Good Luck to you, Anna.


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1 hour ago, oldshurst442 said:



Nah, Anna, it aint me.

Perhaps Mr. Trump is interested. He does prefer ladies from former Communist Block countries. He is married currently, happily I might add, but you never know. He lives currently at the White House. Yes, yes. He is the 45th American President, which is good news for you, the White House does make the President cheat on his wife. JFK and slick Willy could attest to that. Good Luck to you, Anna.


With the look on his wife maybe he will be single again soon.

Video Clip of his unhappy wife.

Course funny that the #FreeMelania hashtag is one of the hottest things now according to this story.

2 hours ago, hyperv6 said:

Schumer Cries for 109 people who come from 6 of 7 countries that have no central government and little Intel to share even if they are willing on people we don't know. Yet he sheds not one tear for the 762 Murdered in Chicago last year? 

Talk about really a messed up set of priorities. 

If the left worked as hard for the people in our country as they do for those outside we would be in pretty good shape. 

But they are too busy trying to argue who uses what bathroom. 

Lets face it we have issues on both sides and while many are pissing them selves over Trump the rest are still stealing your lunch and eating it. Both Sides. 

So very true, we could take a page out of the Asian rim. Single bathroom for all. They have never had men and woman bathrooms till the 90's when they added them in select location for tourists. You will find the Unisex bathrooms to be very nice and cleaner than the western ones.

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One of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's senior officials took Fox News to task for describing the alleged gunman in the Quebec City shooting as Moroccan.

Kate Purchase, director of communications in the Prime Minister's Office, pointed out the "false and misleading language" in a letter to Fox News Channel co-president Bill Shine that was released to the media Tuesday.

"Canada is an open, welcoming country that stands by its citizens," Purchase wrote in the letter, which goes well beyond simply asking for a correction.

"We are a nation of millions of immigrants and refugees, of hundreds of cultures, languages and religions bound by one, unwavering, unshakable belief: we are stronger not in spite of our differences, but because of them.

"These tweets by Fox News dishonour the memory of the six victims and their families by spreading misinformation, playing identity politics, and perpetuating fear and division within our communities."

Refet Kaplan, the managing director for FoxNews.com, issued an apology.

"FoxNews.com initially corrected the misreported information with a tweet and an update to the story on Monday," Kaplan wrote a statement sent by email Tuesday evening.

"The earlier tweets have now been deleted. We regret the error."

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8 minutes ago, Suaviloquent said:

Hmmm, I find Trudeau to be a.....


Ah, dammit don't want CSIS to know what I feel about him, can't let google find out, but I assure you I do not like Trudeau.


And I think I know why...

Image result for justin trudeau  Montreal Canadiens

Image result for justin trudeau  Montreal Canadiens

Image result for justin trudeau  Montreal Canadiens


You being from Toronto and all...

You got to respect this guy though, speaking for all Canadians?


Related image

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2 hours ago, dfelt said:

With the look on his wife maybe he will be single again soon.

Video Clip of his unhappy wife.

Course funny that the #FreeMelania hashtag is one of the hottest things now according to this story.

So very true, we could take a page out of the Asian rim. Single bathroom for all. They have never had men and woman bathrooms till the 90's when they added them in select location for tourists. You will find the Unisex bathrooms to be very nice and cleaner than the western ones.

To fix the bathrooms it is simple put penis on one door an a vagina on the other. You go to the one the fits the equipment and stop making a fuss over it. 

To be honest most people never had an issue. The ones who did often attracted attention to them selves. 

A gay friend gets so pissed off at some of the others as they create more issues for them selves. I told him straight people do it too. People are self distructive do to poor life choices and not accepting responsibility for it.

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8 hours ago, hyperv6 said:

To fix the bathrooms it is simple put penis on one door an a vagina on the other. You go to the one the fits the equipment and stop making a fuss over it. 

To be honest most people never had an issue. The ones who did often attracted attention to them selves. 

A gay friend gets so pissed off at some of the others as they create more issues for them selves. I told him straight people do it too. People are self distructive do to poor life choices and not accepting responsibility for it.

We'll Said!

She made her bed, now sleep in it. Course I do wonder if her and her son will ever truly move into the white house.

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9 hours ago, hyperv6 said:

To fix the bathrooms it is simple put penis on one door an a vagina on the other. You go to the one the fits the equipment and stop making a fuss over it. 

To be honest most people never had an issue. The ones who did often attracted attention to them selves. 

The "problem" is those who have a penis but "feel" like a woman and vise versa. That is what created this whole ordeal.

I'm with you. Seems simple enough. But every 0.01% needs to get their way now.

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