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17 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

Yeah my prior FWD vehicles have been fine as long as I don't let the vehicle have bald tires or summer tires(which wouldn't happen). As long as you aren't in a rush or anything FWD can be just fine in 95% of the situations where I live.

Same.  the bug has all seasons with decent tread so should be ok.  Thought about bringing the Camry but changed my mind haha.

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1 minute ago, Stew said:

I usually just get the bad half.  If something good happens it scares the hell out of me. 

It's gotten to the point where when something good happens, I just automatically assume something else terrible is going to happen.

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16 minutes ago, Drew Dowdell said:

It has the unfortunate benefit of being correct the vast majority of the time. 

I guess this is an example of something terrible happening?

( drop the mic )

11 minutes ago, surreal1272 said:

It's also called being a realist and there is nothing wrong with that whatsoever. 

Something good happens, therefore one now expects/assumes something bad to happen is not a realist...

Thats a social/mental issue.


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49 minutes ago, FordCosworth said:

I guess this is an example of something terrible happening?

( drop the mic )

Something good happens, therefore one now expects/assumes something bad to happen is not a realist...

Thats a social/mental issue.


No it is not and it is very much a realist perspective if you've actually been paying attention to the world around you. It actually gives one a better understanding and appreciation for how the world really works. It is also a simple understanding of karma. What is a mental issue is biased ideologies without rationale (i.e. organized religion). What is also mental (to a much lesser extent mind you) is blind loyalty to material objects, i.e. one brand fandom, be it cars, computers, gaming systems, you name it. That is a serious social/mental issue that exposes ones own shortcomings in life. 


Btw, pick the mic back up. You had no reason to drop it unless you're clumsy. 

Edited by surreal1272
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No need to fight over me boys.... there's more than enough of me to go around.

I've had a really rough few years that have involved a lot of personal and professional struggle. The few times I've had some really positive news... something that could potentially dramatically change my life for the easier, I nearly immediately get equally bad news.

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1 minute ago, ccap41 said:

Karma in and of itself is a mindset so yes, expecting something in return(negative - in this instance) for a mindset that one set forth is negative mindset.

If you prefer... it's just an observation of a pattern.

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6 minutes ago, Drew Dowdell said:

No need to fight over me boys.... there's more than enough of me to go around.

I've had a really rough few years that have involved a lot of personal and professional struggle. The few times I've had some really positive news... something that could potentially dramatically change my life for the easier, I nearly immediately get equally bad news.

Yet it seems to be easier for certain folks to judge you for looking at life a certain way. Very sad for them. 

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17 minutes ago, Drew Dowdell said:

If you prefer... it's just an observation of a pattern.

A observation not based on fact.. Where when most have something bad happen to us we are more upset and vocal about the bad stuff but when something good happens we tend to forget it quicker therefore your observation could very well be backwards. For instance, finding a dime on the ground. I bet a lot of people walk right past it. That's FREE MONEY! That is absolutely great karma to get free money but if we spill a few drops of water on our dress shirts we're upset and try and cover it up and scurry to try and dry it up. You'll remember the drops of water but not about the free dime you just walked past(or picked up).

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6 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

A observation not based on fact.. Where when most have something bad happen to us we are more upset and vocal about the bad stuff but when something good happens we tend to forget it quicker therefore your observation could very well be backwards. For instance, finding a dime on the ground. I bet a lot of people walk right past it. That's FREE MONEY! That is absolutely great karma to get free money but if we spill a few drops of water on our dress shirts we're upset and try and cover it up and scurry to try and dry it up. You'll remember the drops of water but not about the free dime you just walked past(or picked up).

I would rather not get into the personal nature of some of this stuff in here.... but the pattern is there and it is that drastic... as I said, often the horrible happens on the same day as the great.  Just yesterday is an excellent example for me.

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4 hours ago, surreal1272 said:

It's also called being a realist and there is nothing wrong with that whatsoever. 

I like being a realist, life is shitty all the time and as such what ever happens I end up being happy since it is better than the worst case situation. :P 

Signed the ETERNAL REALIST OPPORTUNIST, my glass is always half full! :D

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10 minutes ago, dfelt said:

I like being a realist, life is $h!ty all the time and as such what ever happens I end up being happy since it is better than the worst case situation. :P 

Signed the ETERNAL REALIST OPPORTUNIST, my glass is always half full! :D

I think I dropped my lass and broke it lol,

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53 minutes ago, dfelt said:

I like being a realist, life is $h!ty all the time and as such what ever happens I end up being happy since it is better than the worst case situation. :P 

Signed the ETERNAL REALIST OPPORTUNIST, my glass is always half full! :D

I use plastic cups in case I get butter fingers. :P

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6 minutes ago, ocnblu said:

You didn't strike me as someone who would have a lass.

I wanted to do a similar post...

I chickened out because I wanted to post a pic of a nice young Irish lass, but I deemed the message with the pic to be a little too creepy.  I am at an age where 19 year old girls seem like they could be my daughters...


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I think karma is just a construct of our minds. I find it seems like people who are less religious/nonreligious subscribe more readily to the idea of karma. Maybe rather than feeling the inclination to use a fictional deity as a moral guide, they substitute a system of rewards the universe pays if one is 'good'. Which is fair enough, I suppose. 

I tend to think it's a combination of chance, and setting yourself up for certain situations. Most plights and hardships aren't the result of 'bad luck'. They are usually the result of bad decisions, often times many bad decisions over a long time, and often times easily seen coming. It's simply much easier to dismiss the trials and tribulations of our lives as events that were just dumped on us. 

That said, I've known people who always seem to have good things happen to them. Always in the right place at the right time. In my line of work, for instance. There's always one guy at every dealer who stumbles into deals and just always seems to get lucky. A good friend of mine I once worked with was like that. He was a decent salesman. Nice, genuine, listened to the customer. Couldn't negotiate very well at all. Got too worked up too easily and too quickly. But he would get 'lay down' after 'lay down'. Just deals you wouldn't believe. People who really did actually just get that settlement, and buys that diesel truck they always wanted. And he'd land a 5 pounder on it. Sell all the new cars that had big minis on them- aged units, demos, etc. I worked with him for a year, and I don't think there was a single month where he didn't have a 2 car deal. I can count on two hands how many I've had in my 7 years of selling. He once sold a car to a guy with marginal credit who sent in 5(!!) family members and friends over the course of just 2 weeks. He whacked them all, of course.

The flip side is I know/have known people who can never seem to catch a break. People whom I would say are 'good', and didn't deserve it. But people don't always get what they deserve. Some of the shittiest human beings on the planet are the richest, most famous, most successful. They were nothing more than 'lucky' sperm. But those are the chances of life. There's a finite amount of probability that 'x' is going to happen to someone, and 'z' is going to happen to someone, and it just happens. That's it. It just happens.

I believe that the people who do good deeds and try to be positive just appreciate the good things more. Their outlook is what gives them their 'good luck' or 'karma'. In contrast, people with bad outlooks focus on the negative things and dwell on them. They let the bad things dominate their existence. And of course, there's lots of people in between. It can be hard to stay positive and appreciate the good things in your life. We're surrounded by negativity, after all. The media feeds off it. You just have to remind yourself to keep a good perspective on life. When I have a bad month and money is tight, or we get blind-sided by a big expense, I try to remember there's some family in Africa or India that doesn't have electricity, clean water, and anything to eat but scraps (by our standards). And that are likely happier than many people around us who have immensely more.

Sorry, this was way, way longer than I intended.

Edited by Frisky Dingo
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Also, a few days ago I got to drive a new S3 w/ FMIC, exhaust, intake, Stage 2 APR tune, and meth injection. What a fuck ing animal!! Easily one of the most berserk, manic cars I've ever driven. I honestly think it had too much power for it's own good. Not something I say very often.

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4 minutes ago, Frisky Dingo said:

Also, a few days ago I got to drive a new S3 w/ FMIC, exhaust, intake, Stage 2 APR tune, and meth injection. What a f@#k ing animal!! Easily one of the most berserk, manic cars I've ever driven. I honestly think it had too much power for it's own good. Not something I say very often.


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1 minute ago, ccap41 said:

For the low-low price of...?

Also, you've driven a lot of vehicles. Have you driven a refreshed Focus('15+)? I've read that their transmission tuning has improved but I'm yet to pilot one


A) It's actually stupid cheap- $33,700. My managers have no idea what the car is. :palm: It still has all the mods, and has 19" bronze finish Verde wheels, and Audi Access Roof Rack. Car is in fantastic condition.


B) I have. And honestly, aside from the problems people had needing service/repairs, I never really had much against how the old ones drove. My bigger problem with the car is the back seat is cramped, even by this segment's standards, and I don't like the interior. It feels cheap, it's an odd design, and it's just messy/busy. They drive well, though.

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5 minutes ago, FordCosworth said:

How is it that 4 anti Trump thugs and can live stream the beating and torturing of a mentally disabled whitie on Facebook...

Yet when one speaks the truth about islam on Facebook, your comment(s) deleted, user account suspended and/or terminated?

To be fair, that kind of video is not allowed on Facebook, period. That's not to say you don't have a point.

It's more how the media downplayed the kidnapping and torture, despite the entirety of the video going viral and eliciting bipartisan disgust and outrage. Major liberal pundits and black apologists tried to call the criminals "troubled" or "kids being stupid." In CNN's original coverage and Chicago's first press conference, the words "racism" and "hate crime" were not even used. NOT. EVEN. USED.

The media had been able to largely sidestep the reality of Islamic terrorism with emotional appeal and gun control, but where they usually break the news and establish the desired "narrative" from scratch, the media outlets were two steps behind the public reaction and put forth a narrative that was blatantly at odds with the bandwagon emotional response.

It's hilarious to me how the media started 2017 by sticking their hand in a bear trap. Even die hard liberals saw the headlines and said to themselves "Not racist? What would happen if four white guys tortured a disabled black man while making racial slurs?"

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1 minute ago, Drew Dowdell said:

I have my doubts about anyone who claims to be speaking "the truth" about/against any religion... and those same people would protest if their own religion was judged by the actions of a tiny minority. 


Right, but the difference is Jews and Christians aren't blowing themselves and others up because of the religious teachings they're indoctrinated into from birth.

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3 minutes ago, Drew Dowdell said:

I have my doubts about anyone who claims to be speaking "the truth" about/against any religion... and those same people would protest if their own religion was judged by the actions of a tiny minority. 

After reading this crap in college...I have no doubts.

Read the qu'ran, the hadith, the sunnah.

islam  needs to reform, like the other 2 Abrahamic religions did.



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7 minutes ago, Frisky Dingo said:


Right, but the difference is Jews and Christians aren't blowing themselves and others up because of the religious teachings they're indoctrinated into from birth.

In Austria, an Afghan migrant, upon seeing a lady reading the Bible, went so berzerk  he stabbed her.

Thats a great example of indoctrination from birth.

Edited by FordCosworth
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8 minutes ago, Frisky Dingo said:


Right, but the difference is Jews and Christians aren't blowing themselves and others up because of the religious teachings they're indoctrinated into from birth.

that's because the fanatics are in your government and already run the show

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29 minutes ago, Frisky Dingo said:


Right, but the difference is Jews and Christians aren't blowing themselves and others up because of the religious teachings they're indoctrinated into from birth.

Oh, aren't they?




On December 12, 2001, JDL leader Irv Rubin and JDL member Earl Krugel were charged with planning a series of bomb attacks against the Muslim Public Affairs Council in Los Angeles
In 2002, in France, attackers from Betar and Ligue de Défense Juive (LDJ) violently assaulted Jewish demonstrators from Peace Now, journalists, police officers (one of whom was stabbed), and Arab bystanders.[78] At least two of the suspects in the 2010 murder of a French Muslim Saïd Bourarach appeared to have ties to the French chapter of the JDL.[79] In 2011, Israeli daily Haaretz reported members of the "French branch of Jewish terror group coming to Israel 'to defend settlements'."
 In 2013, a French Arab man was critically injured in a "revenge attack" by LDJ, sparking calls for further attacks against the Jews and a condemnation of the militant group by the French Jewry umbrella group CRIF;[81] as of 2013, there have been least 115 violent incidents were attributed to LDJ "soldiers" since the group's registration in France in 2001, including many vigilante reprisals to antisemitic attacks
In June 2014, two LDJ supporters were sentenced to prison in France for targeting the car of Jonathan Moadab, the Jewish co-founder of the blog "Cercle des Volontaires (Circle of Volunteers)", with a home-made bomb in September 2012.[83]
In October 2015, around 100 people brandishing JDL flags, and Israeli flags and letting off flares attacked the Agence France Presse building in Paris. Around 12 of them, armed with batons, assaulted David Perrotin, a leading French journalist. All were linked to the Jewish Defense League (JDL).



On August 5, 2012, a massacre took place at the gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others.[3][4] Page committed suicide by shooting himself in the head after he was shot in the stomach by a responding police officer.

Army of God (AOG) is a Christian terrorist organization that has engaged in the use of anti-abortion violence in the United States to fight against abortion.  In addition to numerous property crimes, the group has committed acts of kidnapping, attempted murder, and murder.


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The trend has alarmed hate crime scholars and law-enforcement officials, who have documented hundreds of attacks — including arsons at mosques, assaults, shootings and threats of violence — since the beginning of 2015.

The latest major episode of anti-Muslim violence came last weekend, when an arsonist on a motorcycle started a fire that engulfed the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, Fla.

“I hate ISLAM!” a former Marine named Ted Hakey Jr. wrote to a friend on Facebook after last November’s terrorist attacks in Paris. Hours later, in a drunken rampage, he fired a high-powered rifle four times into the mosque next door to his Connecticut home.

In Minneapolis, a man shouting obscenities about Islam shot two Muslim men in traditional religious garb in June, the authorities said.

Last month, an imam in Queens and his assistant were shot and killed execution-style on the sidewalk.

The police here in Washington released a videotape in May of a woman who reportedly poured liquid on a Muslim woman after berating Islam and declaring that she was going to vote for Mr. Trump so that he could “send you all back where you came from.”

So yeah... I would assume you wouldn't want to be lumped in with these people.... don't go around "telling the truth" about 1.6 billion people, who if they wanted you dead, you'd be dead already.

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3 minutes ago, FordCosworth said:


That many happened before noon yesterday under the guise of islam.

And how many drone strikes did we launch today?  How many Muslim homes were bulldozed by Israeli tank-dozers today? 

I'm not defending muslim terrorists, but make sure you're not throwing stones in your glass house.  Just because the terrorism we cause is built by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc instead of Some Dude in a Basement doesn't make us any less guilty.

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