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3 minutes ago, surreal1272 said:

It's called a joke. Maybe you've heard of it?

He is too conservative to laugh.

Hell, he is sooooooo conservative and tight assed about holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion that he is reluctant to even grin...


Yes Wings....I know what it means....

As per YOUR definition:

holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.

See where it says RELIGION...

I apologized for displaying such vulgar display of sexuality...you know....sex only for conservative procreation and not for fun....


And you know what is funny?

GREEKS IN THEIR DNA WERE, ARE AND WILL NEVER BE CONSERVATIVE..unless of  course these Greeks want to suppress and forget what we really are...and pretend to be something that we are not...

The Greek Orthodox Church....may be the ONLY place that we are conservative in....

Yet....we know what the sins are, but we also know what our history was all about and we wink wink, nudge nudge our way to Paradise when we die because we also know deep down inside that we have a zest for life....KEFI...


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8 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

He is too conservative to laugh.

Hell, he is sooooooo conservative and tight assed about holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion that he is reluctant to even grin...


Yes Wings....I know what it means....

As per YOUR definition:

holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.

See where it says RELIGION...

I apologized for displaying such vulgar display of sexuality...you know....sex only for conservative procreation and not for fun....


And you know what is funny?

GREEKS IN THEIR DNA WERE, ARE AND WILL NEVER BE CONSERVATIVE..unless of  course these Greeks want to suppress and forget what we really are...and pretend to be something that we are not...

The Greek Orthodox Church....may be the ONLY place that we are conservative in....

Yet....we know what the sins are, but we also know what our history was all about and we wink wink, nudge nudge our way to Paradise when we die because we also know deep down inside that we have a zest for life....KEFI...


I was going to say the same thing in regards to the "religious" part of the definition but it seemed just a little too easy to expose.

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We kept our family values, from the Ancient times.

We've ALWAYS respected and trusted our divinities. Whether the 12 Gods of Olympus or The Holy Trinity.

So that much is conservative...

Its EVERYTHING else...





We have VERY LIBERAL ideas of how to govern....We identified and philosophized many aspects of life including love and sex...

Hell, we have written many many books on that several thousand years ago...



And so much more philosophical stuff!!!

Nah! We aint a conservative people!





Edited by oldshurst442
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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)

And olds, as the definition states, it is “mostly the change in relation to our politics or religion” that conservatives tend to oppose, because these are the very fabric of our society.

IOW, a trendy religion that comes along might sway Tom Cruise, but not us.
Or a smooth talking political salesman that might want to completely revise much of the Constitution, because it is not keeping up with society, but not us.

Human beings and nature is simple. Some things NEVER change and some yet again SHOULD NEVER change, and flashy Hollywood or tech trends should not try to influence any fundamental change.  

But yes, let’s review any proposal for change, I am all for that in society. But, it will be a hard sell to implement and you better have a dam good reason to even attempt it.  THAT is what defines conservatism, to me.  

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Now this is funny. Dave Chappelle on SNL   


9 minutes ago, Wings4Life said:

And olds, as the definition states, it is “mostly the change in relation to our politics or religion” that conservatives tend to oppose, because these are the very fabric of our society.

IOW, a trendy religion that comes along might sway Tom Cruise, but not us.
Or a smooth talking political salesman that might want to completely revise much of the Constitution, because it is not keeping up with society, but not us.

Human beings and nature is simple. Some things NEVER change and some yet again SHOULD NEVER change, and flashy Hollywood or tech trends should not try to influence any fundamental change.  

But yes, let’s review any proposal for change, I am all for that in society. But, it will be a hard sell to implement and you better have a dam good reason to even attempt it.  THAT is what defines conservatism, to me.  

Flashy Hollywood trends. You mean shows like The Apprentice? 

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Yeah but....


40 minutes ago, Wings4Life said:

mostly the change in relation to our politics or religion” that conservatives tend to oppose

mostly the change...

mostly the change...

As soon as we seen fit that maybe we should change and adapt....we cease to be....um...conservative...

We have delved into the world of...liberal...

And...quite honestly...we HUMANS ALWAYS SEEM TO CHANGE AND ADAPT SOMEHOW...whether religiously or politically...

Im keeping this discussion only between us...we are both Greek. We tend to jab each other's Greekness and I like for us to keep that going...Im having fun with you when we do it. Im not insulted by it and I hope you are not insulted by it either.

I actually do like you Wings...you are Greek after all. We have to stay together....

From a Greek point of view...

From this:



We went to this:


 Like a total 180 degree turn.

Gone were Gods of Lust and Orgies and Gods of War to peace and love and not covet thy neighbors wife....

And we changed overnight as it seems...

The Romans had a harder time letting go of our 12 Gods than we did to become Christians. They even fed us to the lions several centuries after Jesus was Crucified...

The Greek Orthodox Church has accepted divorce.

King Henri VIII had to invent his own religion for that. Yet the Greek Orthodox Church is marching along  quite nicely adapting...even after the Ottoman Empire nearly destroyed us....

In fact, 'twas the Greek Orthodox Church that saved us....minus a few Greek Orthodox religious traitors, they were educated enough to keep our language and culture alive...you could argue conservative for the last part....


When we have philosophized all the negatives and all the positives of EVERY single type of ruler-ship be it democracy or totalitarianism or royalty and we have concluded that each has its benefits and downfalls and depending on what situation we are in...that my friend is LIBERAL thinking.....to adapt to our environment....

Socrates, Plato and Aristotle...and others all have concluded this thousands of years ago....

So...I repeat...Greeks were never, are not, nor will they ever be conservative...it aint in our DNA.





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4 hours ago, Wings4Life said:

No olds, it is me who is sorry, as you don't seem to understand what a conservative is....


  1. 1.
    holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
    synonyms: traditionalist, traditional, conventional, orthodox, old-fashioned, dyed-in-the-wool

So this just proves @Wings4Life is like any other hetro man, Nothing wrong with a good, great, awesome body.

After all we are all human so no matter what ones preference is, appreciating the beauty of the human body is a natural thing!

Love Rocks On! :metal: 

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Speaking of rocking on....

time for everyone to stop being so serious.....its Friday dammit!


Smoke one for me boys.....light it up at the tree and let's make some noise and raise some hell....I gotta get some things done.

2 minutes ago, dfelt said:

So this just proves @Wings4Life is like any other hetro man, Nothing wrong with a good, great, awesome body.

After all we are all human so no matter what ones preference is, appreciating the beauty of the human body is a natural thing!

Love Rocks On! :metal: 

Your talking about Hetero men and awesome bodies has me worried....

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Why oh why does so many people think Turkey rocks, when Ham is so far yummier! :P Looking forward to eating my Ham, Candied Yams and stuffing on Thursday. Family, friends and a day of socializing. :D 

10 hours ago, bigpoolog said:


Poor Pencil, you might need some mental health counseling.


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21 minutes ago, dfelt said:

Why oh why does so many people think Turkey rocks, when Ham is so far yummier! :P Looking forward to eating my Ham, Candied Yams and stuffing on Thursday. Family, friends and a day of socializing. :D 



Had some fantastic Ham with friends Saturday night, looking forward to whatever my daughter Joanna cooks up for thanksgiving, she is very creative...

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8 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

Aaaaaaand we're no longer friends.

Actually i prefer good Asian cooking to almost anything else....anyone down for some Thai?

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27 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

Aaaaaaand we're no longer friends.

That is OK ccap, I hold no grudges and you are welcome to all my turkey. I eat all your ham! :P

18 minutes ago, A Horse With No Name said:

Actually i prefer good Asian cooking to almost anything else....anyone down for some Thai?

Hell Yes! Thai, Japanese, Korean I am down for anything Asian.

Dec 10 My wife and I will host our annual Mandu making party. For those not familiar with the term, that is Korean dumplings or pot stickers. We usually make a good 500 to 1000. Everyone gets to take some home and we have plenty for our New Years Day soup plus some crunchy Mandu during the holidays!


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4 minutes ago, dfelt said:

That is OK ccap, I hold no grudges and you are welcome to all my turkey. I eat all your ham! :P

Hell Yes! Thai, Japanese, Korean I am down for anything Asian.

Dec 10 My wife and I will host our annual Mandu making party. For those not familiar with the term, that is Korean dumplings or pot stickers. We usually make a good 500 to 1000. Everyone gets to take some home and we have plenty for our New Years Day soup plus some crunchy Mandu during the holidays!



Methinks I need to road trip the west coast!

25 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

Well yeah I like me some Thai as well but not for Thanksgiving hahaha

We have been burned out on Turkey for some time now...

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1 minute ago, A Horse With No Name said:


Methinks I need to road trip the west coast!

We have been burned out on Turkey for some time now...

Come on out, Little Korea is awesome up in my neck of the woods. China town in Seattle, Little Japan in Bellevue and little Saigon in Renton. So many great places to visit and eat.

Yea, I also got burnt out on normal Turkey and we now do just our favorites on T-Day. So for us, we actually cook a big Chicken, Ham, Candid Yams, Mash Potatoes, Stuffing and a Variety of Asian dishes. Have a tone of people over and a relaxing day of eating, socializing and being thankful for living in such a DIVERSE Country! :D


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7 minutes ago, dfelt said:

Come on out, Little Korea is awesome up in my neck of the woods. China town in Seattle, Little Japan in Bellevue and little Saigon in Renton. So many great places to visit and eat.

Yea, I also got burnt out on normal Turkey and we now do just our favorites on T-Day. So for us, we actually cook a big Chicken, Ham, Candid Yams, Mash Potatoes, Stuffing and a Variety of Asian dishes. Have a tone of people over and a relaxing day of eating, socializing and being thankful for living in such a DIVERSE Country! :D


Hell yes!

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Had a really great discussion yesterday with an old high school buddy of mine. He does a podcast related to all things zombies, with a lot of focus on the Walking Dead. We talked about the the most powerful lines in that show and what if they had been warped different. Some changes were very interesting and some were just "meh" but it was really neat to see how one line change can change the entire scope of a show. Kind of like Breaking Bad and the line "I am the danger". The whole scene would not be the same or as powerful without that one critical line. 

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I wonder why GM has not thought of testing the waters and using in wheel hub motors, replace the whole underside with a battery pack on the Suburban?


I really like some of the AWD auto's they have done to try and get OEMs to consider using their motors. The F150 is awesome.

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29 minutes ago, surreal1272 said:

Had a really great discussion yesterday with an old high school buddy of mine. He does a podcast related to all things zombies, with a lot of focus on the Walking Dead. We talked about the the most powerful lines in that show and what if they had been warped different. Some changes were very interesting and some were just "meh" but it was really neat to see how one line change can change the entire scope of a show. Kind of like Breaking Bad and the line "I am the danger". The whole scene would not be the same or as powerful without that one critical line. 

Damn autocorrect. That should read "worded different", not "warped different". What in the actual F?

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12 minutes ago, Stew said:

Bah, we are having black Wed and Black Friday sales so i have to work 7 o 7 Wed and fri.  At least i get Thanksgiving off haha. 

What kind of industry are you in?

At least you don't work at all Thursday. When I worked at Walmart there was no getting wed-Friday off this week. It was at least a short shift of something but nobody got all of them off.

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2 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

What kind of industry are you in?

At least you don't work at all Thursday. When I worked at Walmart there was no getting wed-Friday off this week. It was at least a short shift of something but nobody got all of them off.

Dating myself, but when I used to work in the retail industry, this was in 1991, I was a Manger and helped open up the Computer City chain across the US. grew it from 8 original stores to the hundreds before it was sold to CompUSA.

No one got off the Holidays. Pretty much you could forget any vacation request for Mid Nov to the end of the year.

We do need to ensure families have time and ban having places open on Holidays as well as open up before say 6am on the day after the Holiday. That was what I always felt.

Course as a computer engineer now, I pretty much am M-F with weekends and holidays off.

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12 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

What kind of industry are you in?

At least you don't work at all Thursday. When I worked at Walmart there was no getting wed-Friday off this week. It was at least a short shift of something but nobody got all of them off.

I work for a local cellular company.  I did the Wal-Mart thing back in 04, had to be there on thanksgiving and everyone had to be there at 6 on black Friday.  It was a dead year that ear though and spent most of the time pretended to straighten up shelves.

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4 minutes ago, Stew said:

I work for a local cellular company.  I did the Wal-Mart thing back in 04, had to be there on thanksgiving and everyone had to be there at 6 on black Friday.  It was a dead year that ear though and spent most of the time pretended to straighten up shelves.

I think at some point buying on line wills tart to hurt big box retailers. Thankfully, we need very little this year, and we will not be going out shopping black Friday.

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15 minutes ago, Stew said:

I work for a local cellular company.  I did the Wal-Mart thing back in 04, had to be there on thanksgiving and everyone had to be there at 6 on black Friday.  It was a dead year that ear though and spent most of the time pretended to straighten up shelves.

It's not like it used to be back in '04.. Now it's basically a 24hr sale starting freakin' Thanksgiving evening(which I find absolutely ridiculous). I actually didn't mind working that shift because there was sooooo much going on and people everywhere you could get away with just walking around and not doing jack $h! for one day...the busiest day.. lol

But when I transferred to the tire/lube shop it was just hella busy with tire sales and I think I had to be there by 5am.

14 minutes ago, A Horse With No Name said:

I think at some point buying on line wills tart to hurt big box retailers. Thankfully, we need very little this year, and we will not be going out shopping black Friday.

Oh it is definitely moving that way. People are sick and tired of the crowds, lines, traffic, assholes, etc. and it is so much easier to just go to Amazon or Walmart.com and order anything you need. Walmart's website is nearly Amazon as they have different 'sellers' the same way Amazon does it.

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Retail has it's place especially for those that like to touch and see something before they buy. My wife is very much like this.

I use Best Buy to show her what I want to do to our home theater system. Then I usually order it online at a huge savings.

I will admit, Best Buy has gotten more competitive with Amazon and Ebay.

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13 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

It's not like it used to be back in '04.. Now it's basically a 24hr sale starting freakin' Thanksgiving evening(which I find absolutely ridiculous). I actually didn't mind working that shift because there was sooooo much going on and people everywhere you could get away with just walking around and not doing jack $h! for one day...the busiest day.. lol

But when I transferred to the tire/lube shop it was just hella busy with tire sales and I think I had to be there by 5am.

Oh it is definitely moving that way. People are sick and tired of the crowds, lines, traffic, assholes, etc. and it is so much easier to just go to Amazon or Walmart.com and order anything you need. Walmart's website is nearly Amazon as they have different 'sellers' the same way Amazon does it.

Very true, that was the only day of the sale then.  It was weird because everyone was freaking.  out because it was supposed o be uber bus, then nothing.  I will be going to Wal Mart Thursday, but not for me haha.  I have terrible anxiety and those crowds kill me.  What i want will be coming from the internet. 

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16 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

It's not like it used to be back in '04.. Now it's basically a 24hr sale starting freakin' Thanksgiving evening(which I find absolutely ridiculous). I actually didn't mind working that shift because there was sooooo much going on and people everywhere you could get away with just walking around and not doing jack $h! for one day...the busiest day.. lol

But when I transferred to the tire/lube shop it was just hella busy with tire sales and I think I had to be there by 5am.

Oh it is definitely moving that way. People are sick and tired of the crowds, lines, traffic, assholes, etc. and it is so much easier to just go to Amazon or Walmart.com and order anything you need. Walmart's website is nearly Amazon as they have different 'sellers' the same way Amazon does it.

Any more anything I spend money on is a boutique product anyways.  We have a local free store that is run by the United Methodist church...most of my clothes come from there other than the occasional pair of work boots or blue jeans....since so many people in Ohio get fat and overweight they have more stuff with a 38 and 40 inch waist than they can give away...free store actually encourages people of all income levels to shop there...I live in a moderately affluent area so they always have plenty of nice things, as do the local thrift shops.

Things like tools I actually really try to buy American made for quality reasons, so I buy online from Boutique tool makers. Power tools I prefer Festool which is German, not cheap, but not available from big box stores.  I eat at local family owned restaurants and only rarely eat at chain restaurants.

Groceries I prefer local farmers markets and family owned stores to traditional grocery stores much of the time...

Plus I am an introvert to end all introverts and hate crowds.  Were I to be given my way, I would be a pilot flying a cargo plane on a route to Australia or new Zealand.  Being separated by 40,000 feet and a thousand miles of Pacific ocean from other humans would be about right....just make sure my co pilot is as much of an introvert as I am...

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14 minutes ago, A Horse With No Name said:

Any more anything I spend money on is a boutique product anyways.  We have a local free store that is run by the United Methodist church...most of my clothes come from there other than the occasional pair of work boots or blue jeans....since so many people in Ohio get fat and overweight they have more stuff with a 38 and 40 inch waist than they can give away...free store actually encourages people of all income levels to shop there...I live in a moderately affluent area so they always have plenty of nice things, as do the local thrift shops.

Things like tools I actually really try to buy American made for quality reasons, so I buy online from Boutique tool makers. Power tools I prefer Festool which is German, not cheap, but not available from big box stores.  I eat at local family owned restaurants and only rarely eat at chain restaurants.

Groceries I prefer local farmers markets and family owned stores to traditional grocery stores much of the time...

Plus I am an introvert to end all introverts and hate crowds.  Were I to be given my way, I would be a pilot flying a cargo plane on a route to Australia or new Zealand.  Being separated by 40,000 feet and a thousand miles of Pacific ocean from other humans would be about right....just make sure my co pilot is as much of an introvert as I am...

So you are your own best friend then! ;)

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1 minute ago, dfelt said:

So you are your own best friend then! ;)

Or at least I rationalize spending way to much on food, tools, et al...besides...I could still post at C and G from the cockpit...

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