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41 minutes ago, ocnblu said:

You honestly believe there were that many undecided voters?  I mean Comey's July press conference on the findings should have been enough to sink her.  Collective deafness on the part of the fervent.

Outcome and intent don't even matter for the Hatch act. Even if she had won, what Comey did appears to have been a violation of the law.

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22 hours ago, Wings4Life said:

I am a conservative who votes mostly Republican.  I don't side 100% on most big issues, but the majority.  

IMO, the only advantage to sitting on the fence as an Independent, is that you can't take blame for anything, because they accomplish nothing.  You basically get to complain without guilt.

My wish is that eventually the Independents will have people in office and as an alternative 3rd party make a difference against the idiotic gridlock of two parties that have moved into stupidity of sticking to a my way or nothing compared to the 90's when both parties worked together to make things happen positively.

Yes I am an independant and this year voted 50/50 as I choose the best candidate based on many things, but refuse to believe that either of the existing 2 parties actually can do any major thing right at this time in our country.

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1 hour ago, Drew Dowdell said:

Outcome and intent don't even matter for the Hatch act. Even if she had won, what Comey did appears to have been a violation of the law.

Well I'm not pro-Comey.

You guys have been in the running for longest engagement.  I'm happy for yous boys.  I do not believe marriage rights will be rescinded.

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1 hour ago, ocnblu said:

Well I'm not pro-Comey.

You guys have been in the running for longest engagement.  I'm happy for yous boys.  I do not believe marriage rights will be rescinded.

Apparently he was against it before he was for it...adding to the list of things he's already flip flopped on. He's called it settled law now. Five days in and I'm thinking Trump supporters have been had.

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41 minutes ago, Drew Dowdell said:

Apparently he was against it before he was for it...adding to the list of things he's already flip flopped on. He's called it settled law now. Five days in and I'm thinking Trump supporters have been had.

Been had? Let's add in the fact that while he claims he is "draining the swamp", he is filling it back up with the same alligators that were in there before. Makes perfect sense (obvious sarcasm). 

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While so many are in fear of the two parties many not just here are missing the fact our system is under attack by many outside the political parties. We may not have a perfect system but it is one of the best in the world and if we want to retain what rights we have we need to stop the instigators. 

Moveon.org and Soro's mean to do our way of life great harm and he is not the only one. We have already seen controlled media and protest instigators that show up at spontaneous rallies with pre-printed signs. 

You may have hated Hilary or Trump but we have much more to fear. They are looking for weakness in our system and are working to convince people to join them that do not always know the truth or who they are joining. We have seen them in other counties too. 

Is what they are doing legal. Yes but we must remember everything Hitler did in Germany was also legal too. He used similar tactics to draw in many innocent people tired of the old ways of their government only to find what they grabbed onto was much more evil.

We are on a bubble that could easily go to recession soon. Our economic grows is too slow and job creation has not been out pacing the number of people leaving the job market. This is a crack these cock roaches work their way in on and do a lot of damage.

Today we must really do our thinking for ourselves as the web and media are so agenda driven and too often do not report things as they are. Recently even the NY Times even admited such.  You don't want to believe it? Well just go back to Walter Cronkite. He was as liberal as can be but he reported the news as it was not as he wanted it. No one knew what side he supported. Today both right and left are guilty of pedaling influence and nor reporting hard news. 

To the credit of some they do say they are not hard reporters and do say they are analytical opinion driven Some are not honest and try to pass it off as news. 

The bottom line is I suspect Trump is not going to be any where as bad as many want to make it. Also we have much more dangerous people out there that are going un-noticed to the average public. 

The simple fact is we all need to accept the fact Trump is in office. I expect that he will do much to help the economy. On the other hand I also expect he will also do things that will make people mad on both sides as he owes no one anything. If he goes to do something that you do not like then use your voice to protest of your own. But to condemn a guy who has not even taken office well. 

Many did not like Obama and they opposed him when he went the other way and that is how you do it. There was no massive protest and he was not like just as much by many when he was elected.  The fear of gun laws and liberal causes has some saying our country was doomed but 8 years later it is still here and will change again to still be here in 8 years as long as we let the system work. 

If Trump screws up then in 4 years vote for the next candidate. But beware we all need to really do our home work and know who is behind whom as there are some people out there that are not what they appear to be. 


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1 hour ago, hyperv6 said:

While so many are in fear of the two parties many not just here are missing the fact our system is under attack by many outside the political parties. We may not have a perfect system but it is one of the best in the world and if we want to retain what rights we have we need to stop the instigators. 

Moveon.org and Soro's mean to do our way of life great harm and he is not the only one. We have already seen controlled media and protest instigators that show up at spontaneous rallies with pre-printed signs. 

You may have hated Hilary or Trump but we have much more to fear. They are looking for weakness in our system and are working to convince people to join them that do not always know the truth or who they are joining. We have seen them in other counties too. 

Is what they are doing legal. Yes but we must remember everything Hitler did in Germany was also legal too. He used similar tactics to draw in many innocent people tired of the old ways of their government only to find what they grabbed onto was much more evil.

We are on a bubble that could easily go to recession soon. Our economic grows is too slow and job creation has not been out pacing the number of people leaving the job market. This is a crack these cock roaches work their way in on and do a lot of damage.

Today we must really do our thinking for ourselves as the web and media are so agenda driven and too often do not report things as they are. Recently even the NY Times even admited such.  You don't want to believe it? Well just go back to Walter Cronkite. He was as liberal as can be but he reported the news as it was not as he wanted it. No one knew what side he supported. Today both right and left are guilty of pedaling influence and nor reporting hard news. 

To the credit of some they do say they are not hard reporters and do say they are analytical opinion driven Some are not honest and try to pass it off as news. 

The bottom line is I suspect Trump is not going to be any where as bad as many want to make it. Also we have much more dangerous people out there that are going un-noticed to the average public. 

The simple fact is we all need to accept the fact Trump is in office. I expect that he will do much to help the economy. On the other hand I also expect he will also do things that will make people mad on both sides as he owes no one anything. If he goes to do something that you do not like then use your voice to protest of your own. But to condemn a guy who has not even taken office well. 

Many did not like Obama and they opposed him when he went the other way and that is how you do it. There was no massive protest and he was not like just as much by many when he was elected.  The fear of gun laws and liberal causes has some saying our country was doomed but 8 years later it is still here and will change again to still be here in 8 years as long as we let the system work. 

If Trump screws up then in 4 years vote for the next candidate. But beware we all need to really do our home work and know who is behind whom as there are some people out there that are not what they appear to be. 


No massive protest over Obama? Really? I'm no fan of the man but we had entire states threatening secession and five years of ignorant folks saying that he wasn't even born in this country, including our president elect. You are right on most of that post but let's not kid ourselves here. Republicans thumbed their noses at the man for eight years, obstructed every thing he tried to send through their halls and DC and then these same assclowns want to act like they did something for this country? Please. 

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12 hours ago, Drew Dowdell said:

Apparently he was against it before he was for it...adding to the list of things he's already flip flopped on. He's called it settled law now. Five days in and I'm thinking Trump supporters have been had.

Agreed.  So far he has backed off or eased up on immigration, Obamacare, gay marriage, abortion, coal jobs, etc, etc or basically everything he made his campaign on.  i am not surprised.  i saw 2 possibilities, either he would be the not job we all saw, or was saying what he needed to say to get the vote and then all bets were off. 

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12 hours ago, Drew Dowdell said:

Apparently he was against it before he was for it...adding to the list of things he's already flip flopped on. He's called it settled law now. Five days in and I'm thinking Trump supporters have been had.

I don't know a single Trump supporter(not that they aren't out there) that actually wanted to get rid of and change the marriage laws to not allow gay marriage. Most Trump supporters I knew wanted other things he stood for. I knew he wouldn't ban gay marriage after it's been legalized in however many states. That would have been absurd and made no sense.

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No side is pure and I never said they were. Most of their point were only talk and nothing more. Most was fodder for talk radio at best and was all independently done.

What is going on now is calculated moves by Soro's and others to declare war on anything and I mean anything Trump does and he will use people not knowing his true agenda to get it done. He knows the way to destroy a country it to divide the house.

Here is the state of this country. We have some far right people. We have center left and right that make up most of the people in this country and then you have the far left. The far right makes a lot of noise but are unorganized and do little other than make a head line once and a while. The far left is not what the Democratic party was created of. They have taken the party and placated to every little disenfranchised person and worked to build that base. They lost this election because they forgot there is a majority in the country.

They will do what ever they can to remove our way of government for their own means.  It is not about the people it is about their agenda and that is dangerous no matter what point of view you take.

Our country is mean to work within its own system. Not everyone is going to be happy and that is why we have elections on a regular basis to balance the power. Some do not want to play by the rules so they are hell bent to change them.

I do not like to argue politics as I am not a hard line Democrat or Republican. I look at what we need and what is best for the country as a whole and base my choices off of that.

The fact is we are in trouble economically. The fact is we have to keep the electoral collage as other wise you will only have 88 counties in this country choosing leadership. Once people are elected you must live with it for 4 years as long as they do not break any laws.  I was not happy with the last administration as they destroyed our standing in the world in my opinion. They took bungled policies from the previous admin and made it even worse. But he was elected and I just had to wait and watch and choose with my vote. That is how our system works and that is how it needs to remain.

The protest are not going to change anything as they are a small minority in this country. Of them 1/3 are paid instigators. 1/3 are people that just like to loot and burn while the final 1/3 are good people that have no idea they are being used or should use better judgment on who they hang with to express their views.  I would say the same if they were far right if they were that organized.

 Our country has faced some real challenges over the years many more far worse than what we have now. The point is there will be an election in 4 years and we just need to let them do what they are going to do and then express our opinion on their work in the voting booth. Many countries have no choice and with the way some are going after power they would remove that ability to vote if you let them in.

You have freedom today and once you give it up the odds of getting it back are slim. Government is not going to save your ass. 

The people who have the greatest fear in DC of Trump are those making money off government. Many have turned their office in to fund raising deal for their own personal needs. We have seen it from the top to the bottom. Many good people go to DC but they have to change to survive as it is hard ball. They now have a guy that does not need their money and they are scared.

The bottom line is we need to let them have their 4 years pass judgment and then decide. We did that with Obama for 8 and we survived regardless of what some said and we will survive with this too. We may could even end up much better off than you think too.

People need to wise up and educate themselves on how this really are and how they work. the media will lie to you pretty much anymore. They fail to teach in school how our way of government works and why we do the things we do. It is up to us anymore to learn these things and know what is going on.

While many point to China and Russia as our downfall the truth is we will fall from within because of people like Soros taking advantage of people and their lack of awareness and the greed of others with promise of power.

I am done here I really don't like to get into this. I would much rather argue cars where no one gets hurt.

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Land doesn't vote, people do. If 88 counties are where the most people are, then why are the voting wishes of the people in those 88 counties being overridden by large swathes of largely empty land?  This country is far more liberal than is reflected in our government.

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1 hour ago, Stew said:

I think the country works best when the 3 branches are diverse in their controlling parties, with the caveat that they are willing to compromise and work together which is where both sides, especially the Congress, has failed over the past 8 years. 

I would say past 16 years myself.

On a brighter note, due to work I could not spend as much time as I wanted but I did get a half day at the Seattle International Autoshow yesterday. Will be writing up my take on the show including the extensive time and picture of the Chevy BOLT. WOW, was I impressed and blown away. I truly believe you will too!

Chevrolet BOLT, Heart Beat of a New America!


22 minutes ago, Drew Dowdell said:

Land doesn't vote, people do. If 88 counties are where the most people are, then why are the voting wishes of the people in those 88 counties being overridden by large swathes of largely empty land?  This country is far more liberal than is reflected in our government.

Further facts that our out of date electoral college system and the super-delegates needs to change.

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)

Trump says he will work for $1 per year.  

I really think the candidate we say is much different than president elect Trump. 

He really wants to succeed, especially at undoing all the previous damage from Obama. and it is obvious.

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2 minutes ago, Wings4Life said:

Trump says he will work for $1 per year.  

That is an awesome move and I think that all wealthy rich politicians should follow this lead and forgo their paycheck. Donate it to the education system to pay our teachers. Yes continue to cover the costs of the job but for the political members who are very wealthy and there are many in both parties, I think for the good of the country, examples of showing goodwill and desire to reduce GOV costs, they should forgo their paychecks.

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14 minutes ago, Wings4Life said:

Trump says he will work for $1 per year.  

I really think the candidate we say is much different than president elect Trump. 

He really wants to succeed, especially at undoing all the previous damage from Obama. and it is obvious.

So basically he lied his way through the election to get elected?  And undoing the damage of Obama... by what... putting the gash back in the hull of the economy? Increasing deficit spending? Losing the respect of our allies? (which is already happening), Taking the Sanctions off Russia so they can just run over any country they want?  Will his salary be paid in rubles? 

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So... I'm going to be altering the rules for the Politics and Social Issues forum.  Going forward, you will automatically be granted access if you have more than 1,000 posts, have been a member for more than 6 months, and have a positive reputation over 100 points.  Going forward, all political posts can be made there and we'll keep it out of the lounge.


Edit: I can't do all three requirements.... so it's just the 1,000 post minimum for now. 


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5 minutes ago, Drew Dowdell said:

So... I'm going to be altering the rules for the Politics and Social Issues forum.  Going forward, you will automatically be granted access if you have more than 1,000 posts, have been a member for more than 6 months, and have a positive reputation over 100 points.  Going forward, all political posts can be made there and we'll keep it out of the lounge.


Is it either or for your 3 criterias?

As in does one need to have 1000 posts, AND have been a member for more than 6 months AND have a positive rep of more than 100 to qualify?





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Here is where this view is short sighted.

We are a large country and what someone in LA things, believes and feels does not represent the entire country. Same for New York or someone in Pittsburg.

We as a country try to represent all regions so everyone in every area has some say in what the country does.

To isolate power to 3-4 large cities would leave you with pretty much as the Movie Hunger Games played out. the elite and those in the cities would try to direct and force their will on people in areas with different needs and wants. They would not have any voice in government.

Note what I just said a voice in government. Our system works where everyone has a voice. Many of us our forefathers came here because the power was held only by a few and forced upon many be it religion or just the way they lived. It is a dangerous way to live as those who have no say would be not much more than slaves to those who hold all the say.

It is not about land but people of all regions and areas being heard not the chosen few who just happen to live in a few cities.

Like in the movie and in this election the people in the fly over states would only take it for so long and they will rebel and many in the cities would parish with out the farms and product they produced as many in these cities could not grow a tomato if their life depended on it.

We all need each other and just because you did not win an election is not the end of the world if that was the case it would have ended for many over the last how many elections.

In life there are times of wins and when there is there will be losers. Losing is not an end but a new beginning and it is up to you in doing your duty and vote in the next election to make the change so you may be a winner.

If there is successful there is someone unsuccessful. If there is a winner there has to be a loser. If there is rich there has to be poor. If there is smart there has to be lessor. We are not all the same and opportunity is what makes us different as a country.
So many here complain they are disadvantaged waiting for government to do something for them but yet we have people who come here legally that make for a very successful life.

Right here were I live there is a large Cambodian community. They came here in the 70's with nothing and I mean nothing. They did not take welfare as they all got jobs. They took care of their old and young and made them work hard in school. Today many are doctors, business owners and drive much more expensive cars than I have and own much larger houses than I live. That is something we should look at and hold up as an example of how to be successful in life. Yet other assault them and ignore the lesson they could teach.

As for the electoral collage you have much more to consider than just land as it is to offer equal voice to the entire country not just the chosen few in cities. Keep in mind the half the country lives in Cities and half are spread out. this election was about 200K apart so everyone should be heard and the next election the collage may work to the Democrat as it did for Obama as Philly really pushed him over with 20 in Penn as most of the state went for Romney.

It is not a perfect system but it is the best there is. Might want to do like Russia, Iran  or North Korea and see what choices they get.

Might note all the 88 counties are areas with a lot of decline, poverty and cities in default or nearing default. The rest of the people are going to end up bailing most of them out when it is said and done when their social experiment fails.


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Just now, FordCosworth said:

Is it either or for your 3 criterias?

As in does one need to have 1000 posts, AND have been a member for more than 6 months AND have a positive rep of more than 100 to qualify?





I'm already having difficulty with the positive rep part, so I may have to drop that for now.  At the moment it's only 1,000 posts minimum.

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)
48 minutes ago, Drew Dowdell said:

So basically he lied his way through the election to get elected?  And undoing the damage of Obama... by what... putting the gash back in the hull of the economy? Increasing deficit spending? Losing the respect of our allies? (which is already happening), Taking the Sanctions off Russia so they can just run over any country they want?  Will his salary be paid in rubles? 


You could view it that way, but the better view is that he will carefully assess each area he seeks to implement change.

Lies would be what Obama did to get into office, like cheaper insurance, no changes to current plans, and boy I could go on.  Those are borderline criminal.

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19 minutes ago, FordCosworth said:

Is it either or for your 3 criterias?

As in does one need to have 1000 posts, AND have been a member for more than 6 months AND have a positive rep of more than 100 to qualify?





lol I will downvote you just to get you under 100! hahaha

Just now, Wings4Life said:


You could view it that way, but the better view is that he will carefully assess each area he seeks to implement change.

Lies would be what Obama did to get into office, like cheaper insurance, no changes to current plans, and boy I could go on.  Those are borderline criminal.



That's one reason people voted for Trump. People didn't want a politician. Nobody trusts politicians. I'm not saying Trump isn't an asshole or a liar but he wasn't a politician until now.

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)

I am just old enough to recall all the backlash of Ronald running for president.  Mostly from my dad, who was then a dem and later changed to Republican, and I think Reagan was the man that changed him.  Oh he was brutal, bad actor turned politician, etc.  And I could care less what Millennials say about him now, they don't know crap.  I lived through the Reagan years.  I know the truth.

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2 minutes ago, Wings4Life said:


You could view it that way, but the better view is that he will carefully assess each area he seeks to implement change.

Lies would be what Obama did to get into office, like cheaper insurance, no changes to current plans, and boy I could go on.  Those are borderline criminal.

Obama never claimed cheaper insurance for all... he claimed he would slow the increase in costs, which has in fact happened. 
There is NOTHING in the ACA that forces insurers to keep your plan active and most insurers, rather than add certain coverages to an existing plan decided to cancel the plans instead. That was not something the government did, that was something the insurance companies did.  SO you're trying to blame Obama and the ACA for actions the insurance companies took. 

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On 11/13/2016 at 8:21 AM, ocnblu said:


I grabbed Oliver my cat on the way out the door this morning...he did not even see it coming....

18 hours ago, Drew Dowdell said:

Outcome and intent don't even matter for the Hatch act. Even if she had won, what Comey did appears to have been a violation of the law.

We have not cared about holding people accountable to the law for a long time in this country.  I actually miss Watergate and Nixon, when people still actually felt outrage at being lied to.

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)
2 minutes ago, Drew Dowdell said:

Obama never claimed cheaper insurance for all... he claimed he would slow the increase in costs, which has in fact happened. 
There is NOTHING in the ACA that forces insurers to keep your plan active and most insurers, rather than add certain coverages to an existing plan decided to cancel the plans instead. That was not something the government did, that was something the insurance companies did.  SO you're trying to blame Obama and the ACA for actions the insurance companies took. 

Nice spin. Not true though.  Tons of proof out there to the contrary.  He sold us a bit of goods on a terrible plan, and now blames everyone for his failure.


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...and speaking of Watergate, I think this election strikes me as Nixon Vs. Warren Harding, with Clinton playing the part of I am not a Crook Nixon and Trump playing the part of the popular but wildly corrupt Harding.

As one who openly advocates the trial and imprisonment of both candidates, all I can say is Americans get the government they deserve for this one.

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In politics there are two kinds of politicians. Those who lied and those who are going to lie.


I just heard Trump Is going to be inclusive with his staff. He has offered a place in his administration 

to Hilary.

I heard he is going to offer her the Ambassadorship to Libya. LOL!

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1 hour ago, Drew Dowdell said:

So basically he lied his way through the election to get elected?  And undoing the damage of Obama... by what... putting the gash back in the hull of the economy? Increasing deficit spending? Losing the respect of our allies? (which is already happening), Taking the Sanctions off Russia so they can just run over any country they want?  Will his salary be paid in rubles? 

...perhaps Wings daughter and son should learn Chinese.  Given how the deficit will bloom, and given how the auto industry will go into the tank when the economy tanks, it is not unreasonable to think that GM and Ford will wind up in Chinese ownership when we can't afford to bail them out again.

Enjoy cars like the CTS-V, Continental, and 300 while you can...when the Chinese own the US auto industry, we will be enjoying Luxury cars that are first and foremost designed for Chinese tastes in a Chinese market.

2 minutes ago, Drew Dowdell said:

No further political posts in this thread.  Take it to the thread linked above. Any that are posted after this message will be moved there.

Posted before I saw this, excellent. 

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1 minute ago, Suaviloquent said:

I guess we should disseminate the politics thread section pswrd. I didn't realize there was such a penchant desire for political discussion, definitely sparked by such a interesting political cycle/ leech season.





Let's change the discussion to sedans....i want to buy a Sedan to replace the Jetta when Vw buys it back.  Made a list of every sedan built from the Sentra to the C class Mercedes, and I am finding major things I dislike about every single option.

Every single frippin one.....

Maybe I can buy real estate on Mackinaw Island where cars are not allowed....

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3 minutes ago, Suaviloquent said:

I guess we should disseminate the politics thread section pswrd. I didn't realize there was such a penchant desire for political discussion, definitely sparked by such a interesting political cycle/ leech season.





There should be no password for access, that's the R-Rated forum (which is basically empty).

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6 minutes ago, Wings4Life said:

I wonder what cars Republicans and Democrats typically drive?:P

Interesting enough question.  I sold off every domestic car I had after we invaded iraq.  I owned five at the time...

Ford Ranger for a work truck, GMC Safari fora  family car, a Chrysler Concorde for a personal car, and a 55 Chevrolet 2 door/71 Chevelle for weekend Toys.

All of those went down the road (literally) and the four cars I have purchased since then have been a Cooper S, Miata, a First Gen scion xB, and a TDI Jetta.

In my experience old line Union households tend to buy American but the are now a small minority of people who vote Democratic.

Most of my conservative friends drive Imports, as do most of my liberal friends.

Move this post to politics if need be as a response...

Edited by A Horse With No Name
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1 hour ago, ccap41 said:

lol I will downvote you just to get you under 100! hahaha



That's one reason people voted for Trump. People didn't want a politician. Nobody trusts politicians. I'm not saying Trump isn't an asshole or a liar but he wasn't a politician until now.

I'm under 1000 posts anyways


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1 minute ago, FordCosworth said:

I'm under 1000 posts anyways


Hopefully that can be fixed.  We may not agree on politics but I enjoy reading what you write.

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1 minute ago, ccap41 said:

I would actually like to know what cars everybody does drive. I'd like to see who has the nuts to not drive American made steel and who's driving hybrids n such.

I recall that as a senator, President Obama drove a Chrysler 300c and then an Escape Hybrid.  McCain likes his DTSes (kinda no surprise there). Romney was all about the Cadillacs and Suburbans.  Bill Clinton had a vintage Mustang (or borrowed one because he loved it so much, can't remember). I doubt Hillary has driven herself anywhere in years.

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9 minutes ago, Stew said:

haha, need what, 1000?

Yes.  To be honest, I just took the same level of posts from another website that does the same thing. I have no problem with you being in there, but it's pretty much impossible to do a single person override. 

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1 hour ago, Wings4Life said:

I wonder what cars Republicans and Democrats typically drive?:P

I would say for sure mostly NON-American for the First and O'h NON-American for the second. I have rarely seen american products in the rich and corrupt. :P

The Oracle Of Omaha being the exception as he loves his Cadillac!

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Just now, dfelt said:

I would say for sure mostly NON-American for the First and O'h NON-American for the second. I have rarely seen american products in the rich and corrupt. :P

I think it has less to do with party and more to do with position and ambition.  If you're from Kentucky, for example, there is no shame being a Congressman who drives a Camry because they are built there. Same thing for Passats and Tennessee, M-Classes and Alabama, and X5s and North Carolina.

However, once you set your sights on the White House or congressional leadership, then you probably would be best off switching to an American brand even if it isn't built in the US (Chrysler 300c and Cadillac XTS and Chevy Tahoe being not US built).

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