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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)
2 hours ago, Stew said:

I know people who were basically saved by the affordable healthcare act and finall being able to get insurance.  The issue is that insurance companies and drug companies are not held responsible for anything so they skyrocket the prices which sucks. 


Congrats on running for office Drew!

Say what?

Obamacare was created on the premise that a large percentage of young people sign up and pay toward it.

Trouble is, no young adults want to pay for insurance, because they are healthy and will live forever.  And thus, everyone else's premium goes up.  And in a big way.


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7 hours ago, ccap41 said:

I completely agree with this. I think this is the first time a lot of these youths even voted and they didn't get their way so they're pouting. I heard an interview last night with a protester in LA and I kid you not this is word for word, "A lot of people are upset that who they voted for didn't win and that isn't fair."

It is understandable considering the popular vote. The latest numbers have Clinton at 60,143,544, Trump at 59,830,187 nationwide. It is easy to see why that is being thought of as not fair. It's not—at all—and something Trump has acknowledged himself during the 2012 election. Imagine how it feels, knowing your vote (and 313,357 others) doesn't matter. With that said, despite the broken system, it is how we decide elections unless someone fixes it. Until then, we have to accept it no matter how much it hurts.

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6 minutes ago, Cory Wolfe said:

It is understandable considering the popular vote. The latest numbers have Clinton at 60,143,544, Trump at 59,830,187 nationwide. It is easy to see why that is being thought of as not fair. It's not—at all—and something Trump has acknowledged himself during the 2012 election. Imagine how it feels, knowing your vote (and 313,357 others) doesn't matter. With that said, despite the broken system, it is how we decide elections unless someone fixes it. Until then, we have to accept it no matter how much it hurts.

Correct me if I'm wrong(and I very well could be..wouldn't be the first time nor the last) but wasn't one of Obama's victories also won that same way? The second, I think.

Also look at the map of who won which COUNTIES. The breakdown is staggering. Hillary would have represented the people but not the country. Does that make sense? I mean.. she would have represented cities and city folk, but not the country as a whole..


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@dfelt @ccap41

I have a DVR.

Ive had one for the longest time now and MOST of the games I watch whether its NHL hockey or NFL football, I record them and watch them at my leisure. So what that means is that I have for the longest time just FF over the commercials. I havent realized that in today's NFL there are too many commercials.

Yeah, too many commercials would sour me also that I would bypass watching a full game live.

Come to think of it, one reason why I record the games and watch them at my leisure is to condense the viewing time of 21/2 - 3 hours to about half that time....

As I dont hang around sports bros anymore, I dont get surprise unwanted sports scores so when I do watch the games, its like Im watching them live...

When I fear an employee or two of mine would know the scores or my partner, I warn them not to tell me.


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4 hours ago, Drew Dowdell said:

Not everyone's situation is the same. 

The UnAffordable Health Care Act is laughable. Too bad it was neither competitive nor did it go far enough, such as single payer.

But the politicians south of the border should not look to Canada for a model. Waiting lines are causing people to literally die here. Rationing.

Many Canadians go to Cuba, India, Japan and other places to get life-saving treatments which otherwise would have never been delivered in reasonable time.



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2 hours ago, ccap41 said:

@Stew@dfelt ,  Do know who else probably slept through sexual harassment videos...? Donald Trump. HA! I just grouped you two in a category with that guy.

Nope wrong there bucko, :P

I fell asleep in the Diversity video they did that had a monotone husky voiced woman talking. It was the worst video I ever had to watch, but even with falling asleep and hitting my keyboard, I still scored a perfect 100% on the test afterwards. All these videos are pretty much common sense except to those that lack it.

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1 hour ago, oldshurst442 said:

@dfelt @ccap41

I have a DVR.

Ive had one for the longest time now and MOST of the games I watch whether its NHL hockey or NFL football, I record them and watch them at my leisure. So what that means is that I have for the longest time just FF over the commercials. I havent realized that in today's NFL there are too many commercials.

Yeah, too many commercials would sour me also that I would bypass watching a full game live.

Come to think of it, one reason why I record the games and watch them at my leisure is to condense the viewing time of 21/2 - 3 hours to about half that time....

As I dont hang around sports bros anymore, I dont get surprise unwanted sports scores so when I do watch the games, its like Im watching them live...

When I fear an employee or two of mine would know the scores or my partner, I warn them not to tell me.


I stream everything and only have internet. If I watch local sports on TV, I use my HD antenna and watch it with commercials that I despise, so I usually do not watch much TV anymore. I love me commercial free Hulu and Netflix. I can wait a day before watching a show I love. :P

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2 hours ago, ccap41 said:

Correct me if I'm wrong(and I very well could be..wouldn't be the first time nor the last) but wasn't one of Obama's victories also won that same way? The second, I think.

Bush 43's 1st term: got less than 50% of the vote by 543K votes. That was the 4th time in history that occurred.
Obama's 2nd term he got 51.06% of the popular vote by just under 5 million votes. 

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On the flip side Mr. @dfelt , I dont watch ANY television programming other than sports.

Correction, I watch kid TV shows that my children watch. Pre-teen stuff on YTV or Nickoledeon...or the odd Discovery channel or History channel documentary and Kount's Customs and stuff like that. 

THAT is the ONLY reason why I keep sat TV.
Canada has high internet rates so I might as just as well keep my sat TV with my DVR.

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)

I was watching the news coverage of Trump protests, and my son said the following: "The problem with society today, is that we all want someone to come into office and make our nation great again.  Meanwhile, we continue to be nasty to each other and blame our leaders, not ourselves. Nobody wants to be accountable any more.  We just want someone to blame when things don't work out the way we want them."

I am proud of him for saying that. 

And btw, he wanted Bernie and settled for Hillary.

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12 minutes ago, Wings4Life said:

I was watching the news coverage of Trump protests, and my son said the following: "The problem with society today, is that we all want someone to come into office and make our nation great again.  Meanwhile, we continue to be nasty to each other and blame our leaders, not ourselves. Nobody wants to be accountable any more.  We just want someone to blame when things don't work out the way we want them."

I am proud of him for saying that. 

And btw, he wanted Bernie and settled for Hillary.

Your son is wise beyond years. 

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1 hour ago, dfelt said:

Nope wrong there bucko, :P

I fell asleep in the Diversity video they did that had a monotone husky voiced woman talking. It was the worst video I ever had to watch, but even with falling asleep and hitting my keyboard, I still scored a perfect 100% on the test afterwards. All these videos are pretty much common sense except to those that lack it.

I know I know I was just givin you guys a hard time!


47 minutes ago, balthazar said:

Bush 43's 1st term: got less than 50% of the vote by 543K votes. That was the 4th time in history that occurred.
Obama's 2nd term he got 51.06% of the popular vote by just under 5 million votes. 

Thank you for the correction! Not sure where I had heard that then.. *shrugs shoulders*

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1 hour ago, balthazar said:

Bush 43's 1st term: got less than 50% of the vote by 543K votes. That was the 4th time in history that occurred.
Obama's 2nd term he got 51.06% of the popular vote by just under 5 million votes. 

In the 2000 Presidential Election of Bush vs Gore

Bush - 50,456,002 47.87%

Gore - 50,999,897 48.38%

*opps. This was meant for Ccap 


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9 hours ago, ccap41 said:

The available insurance right now is absolute BULL$h! if you've ever met anybody who's had to use it. The girlfriend is a hair stylist and she is booth rental. Meaning, she is her own boss and doesn't work for anybody. She has to insure herself and with her claimed taxable income below 10k her first year she had to pay something like 250 a month. She didn't pay it. She went without because the fine was less than the payments. The rates are absolutely ridiculous for people who are low income.

Interesting how a country so wrapped up in spending on military and instruments of death is so loathe to spend on healthcare for everyone. 

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2016 military (proposed) budget was 16% of total : $634B.
2016 healthcare budget was 27% or $1,106B. Plus, some portion of SS disability and medicare come under the SS, unemployment & labor portion of the budget, which is the largest portion at 33%, or $1,369B.

Edited by balthazar
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It bears repeating. 

Lounge Rules

While the Lounge is for members only, there are two key points we wish to have our members abide by:
1) Please use office talk. Talk that you would not use around the office, or infront of your boss for that matter, please do not use here on C&G
2) No political talk. There are plenty of forums on the 'net for that. Lets keep C&G free of political talk.

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I find it interesting in looking back at the exit polling and seeing the large amount of old baby boomer white woman who are willing to over look the clear sexual assault issues along with clear self incriminating evidence of Trump saying it is ok to grab pussy. 

What do the white woman fear? Why do they feel they need to place themselves as 2nd class workers to the white man.

Why do the white men fear a strong woman?

Why do white men fear anything of alternative color other than white?

Trump has never apologized for when he took out full page add 20+ years ago over the Central Park Jogger issue where he demanded the death of the five teens wrongly convicted of rap and beating of the young stock broker, even when DNA evidence pointed to the actual person. 

Trump and the majority of his supporters seem to be the college uneducated white man and woman who think the civil war is not over.

The support of Trump seems to be like the parents that refused to believe their child when the child told them their catholic priest has been touching them inappropriately. Trump supporters seem to want to turn a blind eye to the facts of the narcissistic abusive individual.

Only until this blows up in the supporters face will they finally come to understand the toxic destructive nature of such an individual.

To quote an outstanding assessment from a clinical psychologist, Trump is a multiple divorced adulterer who spews hate speech and clearly wants a cast system posting himself as a superior individual especially to woman.

I also had to laugh at the truth of CBS CEO Les Moonves, "I know Trump is bad for America, but he's great for CBS and the ratings, So bring it on!"

I admit that our country is racist. xenophobic, fearful and ignorant. This country seems to hate powerful woman.

With that said, much has been achieved over the last 100 years and I believe much more will. There are far superior woman who will break that final glass ceiling, not just for woman but for people of all colors, religions and desires.

Remember everyone, 4 years will go by fast, Trump will not be able to fulfill most of his promises. We can still move forward and better.

Just hope that the last time everything was so solid GOP, 1928, what did they achieve?

The Great Depression, not once but twice. 

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)
3 minutes ago, dfelt said:

I find it interesting in looking back at the exit polling and seeing the large amount of old baby boomer white woman who are willing to over look the clear sexual assault issues along with clear self incriminating evidence of Trump saying it is ok to grab pussy. 

What do the white woman fear? Why do they feel they need to place themselves as 2nd class workers to the white man.

Why do the white men fear a strong woman?

Why do white men fear anything of alternative color other than white?

Trump has never apologized for when he took out full page add 20+ years ago over the Central Park Jogger issue where he demanded the death of the five teens wrongly convicted of rap and beating of the young stock broker, even when DNA evidence pointed to the actual person. 

Trump and the majority of his supporters seem to be the college uneducated white man and woman who think the civil war is not over.

The support of Trump seems to be like the parents that refused to believe their child when the child told them their catholic priest has been touching them inappropriately. Trump supporters seem to want to turn a blind eye to the facts of the narcissistic abusive individual.

Only until this blows up in the supporters face will they finally come to understand the toxic destructive nature of such an individual.

To quote an outstanding assessment from a clinical psychologist, Trump is a multiple divorced adulterer who spews hate speech and clearly wants a cast system posting himself as a superior individual especially to woman.

I also had to laugh at the truth of CBS CEO Les Moonves, "I know Trump is bad for America, but he's great for CBS and the ratings, So bring it on!"

I admit that our country is racist. xenophobic, fearful and ignorant. This country seems to hate powerful woman.

With that said, much has been achieved over the last 100 years and I believe much more will. There are far superior woman who will break that final glass ceiling, not just for woman but for people of all colors, religions and desires.

Remember everyone, 4 years will go by fast, Trump will not be able to fulfill most of his promises. We can still move forward and better.

Just hope that the last time everything was so solid GOP, 1928, what did they achieve?

The Great Depression, not once but twice. 

I don't have any problems with women in power.  I had a HUGE problem with corrupt liars who completely lacked ethics and along with their cheating womanizing spouses, have no idea how to lead a nation of private citizens, and completely lack any experience in the private sector.  That's even before they bring up their position on the big issues, which don't even come close to mine.

The worst thing Trump did, was talk mean.  There is no proof of anything else.  He was not a racist, as proven above. 

The choice was easy.

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30 minutes ago, surreal1272 said:

It bears repeating. 

Lounge Rules

While the Lounge is for members only, there are two key points we wish to have our members abide by:
1) Please use office talk. Talk that you would not use around the office, or infront of your boss for that matter, please do not use here on C&G
2) No political talk. There are plenty of forums on the 'net for that. Lets keep C&G free of political talk.

This was already commented on by THE admin.

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19 minutes ago, Wings4Life said:

I don't have any problems with women in power.  I had a HUGE problem with corrupt liars who completely lacked ethics and along with their cheating womanizing spouses, have no idea how to lead a nation of private citizens, and completely lack any experience in the private sector.  That's even before they bring up their position on the big issues, which don't even come close to mine.

The worst thing Trump did, was talk mean.  There is no proof of anything else.  He was not a racist, as proven above. 

The choice was easy.

Racist is clearly implied based on his own Mouth.

You seem to also have the same blindness about his clearly stated sexually assaulting attitude.

So you think assaulting woman is lesser of an evil than lying?

50 minutes ago, surreal1272 said:

It bears repeating. 

Lounge Rules

While the Lounge is for members only, there are two key points we wish to have our members abide by:
1) Please use office talk. Talk that you would not use around the office, or infront of your boss for that matter, please do not use here on C&G
2) No political talk. There are plenty of forums on the 'net for that. Lets keep C&G free of political talk.

Surreal, I understand you wanting us to get back to auto conversation and random auto stuff. Yet at this point, this is a big issue for this country and since the owner has already commented on this. In this single thread, we are discussing and debating the election even though I do agree this should be in the political thread forum section.

I figure by next week we all will finally have off our chests our feelings and move on with the full debating of the auto industry.

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23 minutes ago, Wings4Life said:

I don't have any problems with women in power.  I had a HUGE problem with corrupt liars who completely lacked ethics and along with their cheating womanizing spouses, have no idea how to lead a nation of private citizens, and completely lack any experience in the private sector.  That's even before they bring up their position on the big issues, which don't even come close to mine.

The worst thing Trump did, was talk mean.  There is no proof of anything else.  He was not a racist, as proven above. 

The choice was easy.

Dude, again, trump has done far more than say mean things and he is a PROVEN liar so ou just said your own candidate is everything you are against......

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Sigh, had a Trump supporter say to me this morning that the LGBT community just wants to be special snowflakes and have special rights.  Nope, we want EQUAL rights.  The right NOT to live in fear, to not fear losing a job or not getting a job because of who we love and to to have justice when one of us are beaten or killed and to have it be what it actually is, a hate crime. 

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14 minutes ago, dfelt said:

Racist is clearly implied based on his own Mouth.

You seem to also have the same blindness about his clearly stated sexually assaulting attitude.

So you think assaulting woman is lesser of an evil than lying?

Surreal, I understand you wanting us to get back to auto conversation and random auto stuff. Yet at this point, this is a big issue for this country and since the owner has already commented on this. In this single thread, we are discussing and debating the election even though I do agree this should be in the political thread forum section.

I figure by next week we all will finally have off our chests our feelings and move on with the full debating of the auto industry.

Fair enough and I certainly understand it's a big deal right now to a lot of folks. Just tired of the same old disproven rhetoric by certain "factions" on both sides. That is all.

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10 minutes ago, Stew said:

to not fear losing a job or not getting a job because of who we love and to to have justice when one of us are beaten or killed and to have it be what it actually is, a hate crime. 

Call me oblivious but I feel like this is already a thing. We just talked about yearly harassment classes at work that cover things like this. Wrongful termination and criticizing people is against any company policy that is worth working for..and laws. I cannot see Trump and all elected government officials changing laws to the point of allowing workplace harassment due strictly so somebody's sexual orientation/preference(I apologize for my ignorance on the correct wording of things, FYI).

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4 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

You know what assuming does...right..? ;) 

Yup, the word starts with ASS! :D

With that said, I could very well be one and I do have one! :P

Yet when Trumps own mouth says the things he has said, to me it implies racism. Ye he married multiple white woman who he cheated with. Yes some are from Europe. Yet his comments speak volumes about his intent.

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haha I love how since Hillary stuck with Bill, people believe her to be complicit in his infidelities, but if she divorced him, they'd chastise her for not standing by him.

and she's the bad person because she chose to forgive him, and rebuild their marriage because of their deep, mutual affection.

but it's okay for a guy to marry three women, sire kids with them and still have the balls to be unfaithful to each woman and by extension, his own children, without any contrition or repercussions whatsoever.

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10 minutes ago, dfelt said:

Yup, the word starts with ASS! :D

With that said, I could very well be one and I do have one! :P

Yet when Trumps own mouth says the things he has said, to me it implies racism. Ye he married multiple white woman who he cheated with. Yes some are from Europe. Yet his comments speak volumes about his intent.

Ahhhh I'm just trying to keep it a little light around here still, Just messin' wit ya!

7 minutes ago, bigpoolog said:

but it's okay for a guy to marry three women, sire kids with them and still have the balls to be unfaithful to each woman and by extension, his own children, without any contrition or repercussions whatsoever.

I do now know this factually but I can almost guarantee he's either still paying them child support(if he doesn't have "possession" of them) or paid heavy sums at the time of divorce with money that HE earned.

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26 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

Call me oblivious but I feel like this is already a thing. We just talked about yearly harassment classes at work that cover things like this. Wrongful termination and criticizing people is against any company policy that is worth working for..and laws. I cannot see Trump and all elected government officials changing laws to the point of allowing workplace harassment due strictly so somebody's sexual orientation/preference(I apologize for my ignorance on the correct wording of things, FYI).

It is not something that is as common as it once was and that is for sure, but it still does happen.  I am thankful i work for a progressive company now that does take this stuff seriously, but previous jobs I have had i have faced discrimination based on sexual orientation.  If it could become a protected class like race, gender, religion, disability, there would be no questions and no room for it to happen ever. 

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)
51 minutes ago, dfelt said:

Racist is clearly implied based on his own Mouth.

You seem to also have the same blindness about his clearly stated sexually assaulting attitude.

So you think assaulting woman is lesser of an evil than lying?

Surreal, I understand you wanting us to get back to auto conversation and random auto stuff. Yet at this point, this is a big issue for this country and since the owner has already commented on this. In this single thread, we are discussing and debating the election even though I do agree this should be in the political thread forum section.

I figure by next week we all will finally have off our chests our feelings and move on with the full debating of the auto industry.

You clearly don't understand what defines racism.

And there is not evidence of Trump assaulting anyone.  Perhaps you don't understand what assault is either.  Words are cheap and easy.  Anyone can come forward and claim anything, especially when there is a huge purse that could pay out.

Again, all you have is mean words.


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4 minutes ago, Wings4Life said:

You clearly don't understand what defines racism.

And there is not evidence of Trump assaulting anyone.  Perhaps you don't understand what assault is either.  Words are cheap and easy.  Anyone can come forward and claim anything, especially when there is a huge purse that could pay out.

Again, all you have is mean words.


So you believe the Video that has recorded Trump stating in his own words how he gropes woman and what he does to them to not be sexual assault?

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2 minutes ago, dfelt said:

So you believe the Video that has recorded Trump stating in his own words how he gropes woman and what he does to them to not be sexual assault?


I have come to the conclusion that some people convince themselves that this doesn't exist simply so they can sleep well at night.  He also went to an anti-lgbt rally in Fla. just days after the Pulse shootings.... 

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)
Just now, dfelt said:

So you believe the Video that has recorded Trump stating in his own words how he gropes woman and what he does to them to not be sexual assault?


Is there really this much ignorance in society, or did the media just have that much influence?

Tell me dfelt, which video did he claim he actually gropes women, as you just stated. I recall a remark decades ago that sounded like lame locker room talk to a man, but nothing close to what you are accusing.


Cue your remarks now how I suddenly think it's OK to degrade women or similar, which is a lame rebuttal and a complete avoidance of the facts.

Trump has already stated that he may support gay rights.  

It's just continued negativity by some.  People need to calm down.

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11 minutes ago, Stew said:

It is not something that is as common as it once was and that is for sure, but it still does happen.  I am thankful i work for a progressive company now that does take this stuff seriously, but previous jobs I have had i have faced discrimination based on sexual orientation.  If it could become a protected class like race, gender, religion, disability, there would be no questions and no room for it to happen ever. 

But wouldn't any form of discrimination be against law and company policy? I don't know how any elected official could make changes to something like that when the laws are already put into place to protect the workers due to racial, gender, religion, disability, etc discrimination.

Were there plans set forth to change the laws in this regard via Hillary's campaign?

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)
3 minutes ago, Stew said:


I have come to the conclusion that some people convince themselves that this doesn't exist simply so they can sleep well at night.  He also went to an anti-lgbt rally in Fla. just days after the Pulse shootings.... 


Trump has already stated that he may support gay rights.  

It's just continued negativity by some.  People need to calm down.

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3 minutes ago, Wings4Life said:


Is there really this much ignorance in society, or did the media just have that much influence?

Tell me dfelt, which video did he claim he actually gropes women, as you just stated. I recall a remark decades ago that sounded like lame locker room talk to a man, but nothing close to what you are accusing.


Cue your remarks now how I suddenly think it's OK to degrade women or similar, which is a lame rebuttal and a complete avoidance of the facts.


So you think this video is a fake and a lie and that it is not Donald Trump who clearly makes the remarks that he forces himself on woman and grabs their pussy?

If you are truly blind to his clear assaults, I cannot help you raise the vial that blinds you then.

I have tried to show what the rest of the globe sees in this individual, but clearly not everyone is wanting to look at the true individual.

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3 minutes ago, Wings4Life said:


Is there really this much ignorance in society, or did the media just have that much influence?

Tell me dfelt, which video did he claim he actually gropes women, as you just stated. I recall a remark decades ago that sounded like lame locker room talk to a man, but nothing close to what you are accusing. 

It's just continued negativity by some.  People need to calm down.

It was the video that whatever show he was one.. It was recording when they weren't recording video and it was behind closed door but the mic was still hot. 

We can find this for you if you'd like.

The bolded part, I completely agree.

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10 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

But wouldn't any form of discrimination be against law and company policy? I don't know how any elected official could make changes to something like that when the laws are already put into place to protect the workers due to racial, gender, religion, disability, etc discrimination.

Were there plans set forth to change the laws in this regard via Hillary's campaign?

No, some companies simply follow things to the rule the law requires.  There are states where it is still ok per the law to hire/fire/discriminate based on sexual orientation.  the only federally protected states are age, sex, race, religion, disability. 

Also, the president has tried for years to get sexual orientation added as a protected class, but of course the GOP controlled congress refuses to allow it to pass. 

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)
2 minutes ago, dfelt said:


So you think this video is a fake and a lie and that it is not Donald Trump who clearly makes the remarks that he forces himself on woman and grabs their pussy?

If you are truly blind to his clear assaults, I cannot help you raise the vial that blinds you then.

I have tried to show what the rest of the globe sees in this individual, but clearly not everyone is wanting to look at the true individual.

Lame!!! Pathtically LAME!!!

"linguistic accuracy matters"

You can't just make crap up. You friggin accused someone of doing something they did not do.  We have all heard the tape, a couple guys talking like guys and high fiving each other, bragging how he was trying to get in her pants. HE DID NOT GRAB ANYONE, LIKE YOU ACCUSED HIM OF.



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7 minutes ago, Wings4Life said:


Trump has already stated that he may support gay rights.  

It's just continued negativity by some.  People need to calm down.

"May" support does not cut it.  As Americans citizens it should be he WILL protect LGBT rights, he WILL protect our equal rights, he WILL stand up for our rights to work, get married, and not be harassed, beaten, or murdered.  MAY does not cut it in any way, shape, or form. 

4 minutes ago, surreal1272 said:

No proof of lies? Really? Three things. 

Trump "University"


Obama Birth certificate


Central Park Five

And that isn't even scratching the surface......

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)
Just now, Stew said:

"May" support does not cut it.  As Americans citizens it should be he WILL protect LGBT rights, he WILL protect our equal rights, he WILL stand up for our rights to work, get married, and not be harassed, beaten, or murdered.  MAY does not cut it in any way, shape, or form. 

Sorry, Republicans in general, half the country, does not feel like you do about marriage.

But yes, nobody should beaten or murdered or harassed and everyone agrees there.  That's theatrics on your part to make your point.  One has nothing to do with the other.  Passing marriage laws will not suddenly change the hate some have in their hearts.

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wings, he clearly stated he plants unsolicited kisses on women, and has bragged about groping women's genitals without their consent

i'm unsure what company you keep but that's not the language I hear from responsible men... at least ones who I'd trust with the presidency 

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23 minutes ago, Wings4Life said:

Sorry, Republicans in general, half the country, does not feel like you do about marriage.

But yes, nobody should beaten or murdered or harassed and everyone agrees there.  That's theatrics on your part to make your point.  One has nothing to do with the other.  Passing marriage laws will not suddenly change the hate some have in their hearts.

Actually support for marriage equality was over 60%.  it doesn't matter anyway because we are not a country controlled by any religion, and the majority does not get to decide who gets civil rights, including marriage, the constitution does.   It states all men are created equal, not All men are created equal, except those who aren't in the majority.....

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