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13 hours ago, oldshurst442 said:

And I thought parking in Montreal was a bitch....

All you get in Montreal is just a 30-40 dollar ticket.

Seattle if you park without paying it is $89 dollar fine. Park without paying and leave it overnight, $259 fine and you have to call the PoPo to come unlock your ride.

Seattle has decided everyone needs to ride mass transit or a bike and as such has reduced greatly the number of parking spots on the streets forcing people to use the expensive $45 a day parking lots or just not come into the city.

Lucky for me, the company I work for pays for my monthly bus pass and I can get in and out on express buses to the north end. Minimizing my time in a idiot run city.

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Just saw my 3rd GT350. This one was red with black stripes, others being black on black, and grey with black stripes. 

This guy must have been in 1dt gear pulling 7000RPM...half hour later I still have goosebumps  

I think I've seen more Shelby GT350's than the new Camaro.

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6 hours ago, dfelt said:

Seattle if you park without paying it is $89 dollar fine. Park without paying and leave it overnight, $259 fine and you have to call the PoPo to come unlock your ride.

Seattle has decided everyone needs to ride mass transit or a bike and as such has reduced greatly the number of parking spots on the streets forcing people to use the expensive $45 a day parking lots or just not come into the city.

Lucky for me, the company I work for pays for my monthly bus pass and I can get in and out on express buses to the north end. Minimizing my time in a idiot run city.

I feel you. Trust me.

Montreal was/is run the same idiotic way. With our new mayor....3 years already as our mayor, Denis Coderre, things are a tad better. He has put some pride in our city again. And that also means good governing. Maybe with some fanfare, but hey, Montreal was always a town with some spunk.

One thing with Montreal parking, especially Down Town and Old Montreal parking and other very popularbusy districts, there is no parking....there are only parking meters that are only good for 2hours in the Old Montreal/Down Town core that will cost you $6 or so and the parking lots are expensive....like $10 for 2 hours and then $30/$35 for the day. Either way, you are paying that $30-$40, at least they wont tow you anymore, like they used to. Maybe the parking ticket is a tad higher. The last Montreal parking ticket I got was in 2007 or so and it was $30.

They will only tow you in the winter when your car messes with snow removal.

2 hours ago, FordCosworth said:

Just saw my 3rd GT350. This one was red with black stripes, others being black on black, and grey with black stripes. 

This guy must have been in 1dt gear pulling 7000RPM...half hour later I still have goosebumps  

I think I've seen more Shelby GT350's than the new Camaro.

I havent seen any GT350s on the road yet in Montreal. :(

But then again, all summer long, I havent seen any Camaros either....

Maybe 2 Zetas a 1 Alpha 4 cylinder....

I literally have seen more Gen 2 Firebirds than I have seen modern Camaros.

I literally have seen more 1980s Fox Body Mustangs than I have seen modern Camaros.

No joke, those 1980s Fox Body Mustangs are everywhere in the Montreal region for some reason.

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When the same person keeps down voting you everyday because it was you that posted, as opposed to what you actually posted, then you know you've won. Thanks for taking the time to seek out my posts without so much as a counter point much less posting in said threads you seem to spend so much time in. 

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18 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

The Malibu belongs in the Beautiful Automobile Appreciation thread.

Ill put it there  myself. You want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.

Well I guess  :o  :AH-HA:

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I was tooling around the '63 Chrysler Turbine website. 
Chrysler actually lent out 50 Turbine cars to (IIRC) 203 volunteers, allowing them to drive the car for 90 days… as long as they agreed to keep a log of their usage/impressions. Unprecedented.

The site has a list of all the drivers, dates, miles driven, city/state, job, etc. I found this an interesting snapshot of the time period (1964-1966) :

38 yr old pharmaceutical engineer - regular car : 7 yr old Plymouth
38 yr old surgeon - regular car : 5 yr old Chevrolet
45 yr old industrial designer - regular car : 5 yr old Plymouth
55 yr old retired rear admiral - regular car : 13 yr old Dodge
52 yr old surgeon - regular car : 5 yr old VW 
38 yr old custom home builder - regular car : 7 yr old Merc
49 yr old VP of plumbing/heating Co - regular car : 3 yr old Plymouth
54 yr old bank president - regular car : 3 yr old Triumph
42 yr old orthaepedic surgeon - regular car : 6 yr old Rambler
44 yr old college professor - regular car : 10 yr old Plymouth
60 yr old foreign trade consultant - regular car : 15 yr old Dodge
34 yr old bank manager - regular car : 6 yr old Dodge
46 yr old high school principal - regular car : 11 yr old Chevrolet
44 yr old missile project manager - regular car : 12 yr old Ford
52 yr old A/C firm president - regular car : 7 yr old T-bird
49 yr old college professor - regular car : 9 yr old DeSoto           

Surgeons, professors, executives… driving Ramblers & Dodges & Chevys.

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9 hours ago, balthazar said:

I was tooling around the '63 Chrysler Turbine website. 
Chrysler actually lent out 50 Turbine cars to (IIRC) 203 volunteers, allowing them to drive the car for 90 days… as long as they agreed to keep a log of their usage/impressions. Unprecedented.

The site has a list of all the drivers, dates, miles driven, city/state, job, etc. I found this an interesting snapshot of the time period (1964-1966) :

38 yr old pharmaceutical engineer - regular car : 7 yr old Plymouth
38 yr old surgeon - regular car : 5 yr old Chevrolet
45 yr old industrial designer - regular car : 5 yr old Plymouth
55 yr old retired rear admiral - regular car : 13 yr old Dodge
52 yr old surgeon - regular car : 5 yr old VW 
38 yr old custom home builder - regular car : 7 yr old Merc
49 yr old VP of plumbing/heating Co - regular car : 3 yr old Plymouth
54 yr old bank president - regular car : 3 yr old Triumph
42 yr old orthaepedic surgeon - regular car : 6 yr old Rambler
44 yr old college professor - regular car : 10 yr old Plymouth
60 yr old foreign trade consultant - regular car : 15 yr old Dodge
34 yr old bank manager - regular car : 6 yr old Dodge
46 yr old high school principal - regular car : 11 yr old Chevrolet
44 yr old missile project manager - regular car : 12 yr old Ford
52 yr old A/C firm president - regular car : 7 yr old T-bird
49 yr old college professor - regular car : 9 yr old DeSoto           

Surgeons, professors, executives… driving Ramblers & Dodges & Chevys.

Today, we all want to drive the expensive cars. Not just 1 luxury nameplate, the whole family needs to have a luxury nameplated car.

We want MULTIPLE big screen TVs, huge Costco square foot home, many many tech gadgets,7 dollar latte coffees and all bought by Visa or Master Card @ 19-20-21% interest, then when that debt load gets to big we consolidate, and we go to a line of credit @ 7-8-9%  and when that debt load becomes too big we ask for a 2nd or 3rd mortgage on our house extending our right to pay off that Costco style home in about 80-100 years. And we bitch because we are poor and that our politicians don't do enough to secure our jobs at home because it seems that if we had a better paying job, we could just amass more credit too buy more useless junk...and we complain that an extra slice of tomato in a burger that the owner of the restaurant has to charge 50 cents is too much and we yell at him, for actually trying to make a living himself.

Edited by oldshurst442
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4 minutes ago, ccap41 said:

Legit question,

Why can some get away going completely off topic and talking about posters in threads? Yet, other posts get deleted and/or edited?

Sincerely yours,


Dear ConfusedPoster:

  1. It ultimately comes down to the discretion of the moderators. Just because we hide/delete/edit one post doesn't mean we aren't looking at other items in the thread that are red flags or something that goes off topic. 
  2. We do have lives outside of C&G and can't always police stuff the way we would like to. That doesn't mean we won't go back and look into various threads if something is heating up.
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On August 28, 2016 at 8:35 AM, surreal1272 said:

When the same person keeps down voting you everyday because it was you that posted, as opposed to what you actually posted, then you know you've won. Thanks for taking the time to seek out my posts without so much as a counter point much less posting in said threads you seem to spend so much time in. 

And of course the two in question prove me right.


So long folks and best of luck. 

Edited by surreal1272
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12 hours ago, oldshurst442 said:

Today, we all want to drive the expensive cars. Not just 1 luxury nameplate, the whole family needs to have a luxury nameplated car.

We want MULTIPLE big screen TVs, huge Costco square foot home, many many tech gadgets,7 dollar latte coffees and all bought by Visa or Master Card @ 19-20-21% interest, then when that debt load gets to big we consolidate, and we go to a line of credit @ 7-8-9%  and when that debt load becomes too big we ask for a 2nd or 3rd mortgage on our house extending our right to pay off that Costco style home in about 80-100 years. And we bitch because we are poor and that our politicians don't do enough to secure our jobs at home because it seems that if we had a better paying job, we could just amass more credit too buy more useless junk...and we complain that an extra slice of tomato in a burger that the owner of the restaurant has to charge 50 cents is too much and we yell at him, for actually trying to make a living himself.

What is a 'Costco home'?
That synapsis above is a diametrically opposed description of me.
If I could snap my fingers and change my daily driver, I'd get something about 60 yrs old with inescapable patina. And a big block.

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2 minutes ago, balthazar said:

What is a 'Costco home'?
That synapsis above is a diametrically opposed description of me.
If I could snap my fingers and change my daily driver, I'd get something about 60 yrs old with inescapable patina. And a big block.

What I mean by 'Costco home'....

A home as big as a Costco. 4 car garage and a huge entryway in this case.


so middle class North Americans could keep up with the Jones-es and forever be indebted.

I sometimes get pissy this way as I sometimes serve jerks...



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15 minutes ago, William Maley said:

There are days where I find myself banging my head against the desk.

Today is one of those days.

I hope it wasn't because of me in the Cadillac Escala thread...

I know I don't help much when I do that and I try to limit that shyte on my end. Its just that I couldn't resist poking him the way he was poking us....and by us I do mean the innocent bystanders having to read that stuff.

I was a good boy in that thread up until I responded to him...and I haven't been in trouble with the law in a long time.  :rolleyes:

OK...the crap with El Kabong a couple of weeks had nothing to do with CheersandGears, just a by-product of an old forum that has spilled in here since all of us came over here a couple of years ago

He was an all ally at first, but since then  he has soured me to the point where I cant tolerate the trolling on his end anymore either!  And I just told him what is on my mind. Came clean with my thoughts. Aired out the dirty laundry that he exudes.


Glad I got that off my chest. It was like a confession session.


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3 hours ago, oldshurst442 said:

I hope it wasn't because of me in the Cadillac Escala thread...

I know I don't help much when I do that and I try to limit that shyte on my end. Its just that I couldn't resist poking him the way he was poking us....and by us I do mean the innocent bystanders having to read that stuff.

I was a good boy in that thread up until I responded to him...and I haven't been in trouble with the law in a long time.  :rolleyes:

OK...the crap with El Kabong a couple of weeks had nothing to do with CheersandGears, just a by-product of an old forum that has spilled in here since all of us came over here a couple of years ago

He was an all ally at first, but since then  he has soured me to the point where I cant tolerate the trolling on his end anymore either!  And I just told him what is on my mind. Came clean with my thoughts. Aired out the dirty laundry that he exudes.


Glad I got that off my chest. It was like a confession session.


It's not just that. I have a lot of things on my plate at the moment and don't feel like there is way out for the time being. All I can do for the time being is put my head down and do the best I can with what I have in front of me.

Also, we all have days where we just lose it and do some stupid things. Unfortunately, I think that is what happened in the Escala thread that I had to lock down.

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58 minutes ago, William Maley said:

It's not just that. I have a lot of things on my plate at the moment and don't feel like there is way out for the time being. All I can do for the time being is put my head down and do the best I can with what I have in front of me.

Also, we all have days where we just lose it and do some stupid things. Unfortunately, I think that is what happened in the Escala thread that I had to lock down.

Well. I apologize for my behavior in that thread.  

As for your real life stuff: There are things you could control and there are things that are out of your control.

Take care of the stuff the best you can that are in your control and for the other stuff that you have no control over, just dont sweat about it. Manage the things the best you can. And yes, sometimes its best to take a couple of steps back for a day and the solutions just present themselves when you do come back. Taking a step back allows for the brain to reset and you think much clearer that way.


As for the thread being locked down. It was the right decision. It was going nowhere fast. Just chest thumping bickering much like gorillas do to show alpha male dominance...

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And on a related note when I was looking for a gorilla dominance fight with another gorilla gif (which I did not find), I came across this gif:

Even gorillas dont approve of human behavior. I think she thinks that that human baby is a bad influence on her baby....and she wants her kid to stay the phoque away from that badly behaving human.




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On 8/28/2016 at 2:45 PM, ocnblu said:

Look how sweet this is.  1964 Chevelle Malibu SS coupay in light blue.  Easy to love!


We used to have a similar car living near me in just astonishingly clean and unmodified condition...just getting close to that damn car and smelling it was enough to bring back the Johnson administration and the Apollo program!

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On 8/28/2016 at 8:25 PM, balthazar said:

That fist gen Malibu always looked a little off to my eye. It could be improved greatly IMO if the rear axle was moved forward 3-4 inches or so.

'64 Malibu :

'64 Tempest :

That is one beautiful Pontiac!

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On 7/29/2016 at 0:25 PM, balthazar said:

I have just recently been thinking about putting up a pull-up bar. Both for upper body strength & to stretch out the spine.

The olderI get the more I find stretching helps!

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On 7/28/2016 at 10:08 AM, ccap41 said:

Why can't I make enough money to buy a new car every 6 months..? That would be perfect. 

Ask OCNblu, for awhile he got one every six weeks or so!

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On 6/13/2016 at 11:06 PM, balthazar said:

The land speed attempt custom Fiat; the "Beast of Turin", 1911.



neat, this actually made my day!

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