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Also - random SHAMELESS shout-out - but check out the Drew's Motorcycle thread for interesting set of reaction videos that capture the emotions of Drew, the motorcycle and the badassness of motorbikes 




Drew as "Unimatrix Snake"


Oldshurst442 as "Revolver 'Shalashaska' Oldshurstalot"


FapTurbo as "The man who fapped the world 'Turbo' Snake"


David Felt as "Diamond 'Felt' Horse"


And yours truly as "Suave 'Suavzuhira' Miller"


And holy $h! IT'S RED MOON TODAY. WHAAAT?!!!

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Today I learned that eating a lunch with a fair amount of chickpeas will keep you full through most of the day.

Sometimes I'll eat a can of chick peas for lunch. However, I don't like hummus at all. 


Hoping that by August-end I have reduced BMI from 27% to 18%.

Good luck. BMI is terrifically misleading. People under guess my weight by 25-35 lbs regularly. I'm 'densely packed'. ;)
I could never get to a "normal" weight.

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Balth I just realized that I have never done a serious "core" workout. And it showed. Barely did 2 knee push-ups without breaking my back. Did like 4 sit-ups, called it quits. Did 2 butterfly sterches...


Managed 10 burpees somehow....


And I'm not exactly portly, but I'm totally unfit, and even when I was slim, I didn't do a lot of core building excercises.


When I do cycling now, there is a weird clicking coming from cartilage...it doesn't hurt but...

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Today I learned that eating a lunch with a fair amount of chickpeas will keep you full through most of the day.

Sometimes I'll eat a can of chick peas for lunch. However, I don't like hummus at all. 


Hoping that by August-end I have reduced BMI from 27% to 18%.

Good luck. BMI is terrifically misleading. People under guess my weight by 25-35 lbs regularly. I'm 'densely packed'. ;)

I could never get to a "normal" weight.

Bmi is the worst way to judge how in shape or fit somebody is. Extremely misleading. I also didn't think it was a %. Just a number. Lol

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Today I learned that eating a lunch with a fair amount of chickpeas will keep you full through most of the day.

Sometimes I'll eat a can of chick peas for lunch. However, I don't like hummus at all. 


Hoping that by August-end I have reduced BMI from 27% to 18%.

Good luck. BMI is terrifically misleading. People under guess my weight by 25-35 lbs regularly. I'm 'densely packed'. ;)

I could never get to a "normal" weight.

I am the same way. The weight guessers at the carnivals hate me.

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I just looked up my BMI(which is just a number, not a %). 26.0. I am considered "overweight" at 5'8" 171lbs. I should probably stop weight lifting and just be a lighter human...* :confused0071:


That's exactly why BMI is misleading.. 


So true,


I used the following posted chart:



Course it stops at 6 ft 4 inches


But for me on their chart at 6'4" 280 that gives me a BMI of 35 which is obese. Guess the BMI is a joke not being able to take into account muscle mass.


Just found this updated chart that goes up to 7' tall




So I am specifically a 32 on the BMI index and still considered Obese.  :stupid:

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Yeah BMI doesn't put into consideration fat vs muscle. Strictly just a height:weight ratio of some sorts. Which to the newb is great. It will give you a VERY GENERAL guideline of where you stand...


Weight lifters or athletes in general completely destroy the whole premise of BMI. 

Edited by ccap41
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Has anyone else seen some images of the Volvo V90 R-Design?!!


Most sexifull wagon that's going to be on sale very soon.


It is the prophecy, the legend realized - a Viagra pill  in the shape of a Volvo wagon. What I mean is that you can get some MAD action going - you're going to attract all the sophisticated women types, all the Subaru Outback babes, and wanna-mommies who initially fell in love with some kind of Nissan mall finder, Chevy Mall Traverser, Ford Mall Explorer, Toyota MallLander, Honda Mall Pilot......

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One online calculator (which requires no more info input than the BMI one; for men it's: height, weight, waist circumference), states 6-13% is 'athlete', 14-17% is 'fitness' and 18-25% is 'acceptable'. 'Obese' is over 25%. That site said I was 23%


Another which uses 'pinch points' in addition to weight said I was 11%. 



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So I happend to read this article on Yahoo ~



…because any article that leads with a bikini shot has a good shot at being read by me. I mean, you could get me to read about astrophysics, properly illustrated.


- - - - -

So on one hand it's : "Yay us!! We're embracing chubbsters curvy women!! Sports Illustrated had a morbidly obese curvy model on it's cover!! Up with flubber fluffy!!



On the other hand, the entire fitness & medical communities are telling us of the health risks overweight & obese are courting, trim up, slim down, eat right, etc etc.


Then this article, bi-polar-ly, states that 'skipping a meal is an alarming health risk'. 


HOW DO THEY THINK SO MANY PEOPLE ARE OBESE?? GO AHEAD people, skip lunch a few times! The only thing you are "risking" is loosing a few pounds.


- - - - -

There are 3 components to a body type; 1. intake, 2. metabolism, 3. burning.
If you ain't metabolizing fat away and you aren't burning it away, YOU NEED TO EAT LESS (better). 

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Well, I dunno about all THAT. But I can report that even without a test drive it is a wonderfully strange car, in roughly equal measure. The bodywork is cute but a bit stubby in profile, the door openings are small, the side sills are huge, the carbon fibre tub is pure artwork, as are the pedals. The seats are snug to the point of being painful, and the dashboard would look chintzy in a Nissan Sentra, never mind a car that lists for 76 large, Canadian.

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Well, I dunno about all THAT. But I can report that even without a test drive it is a wonderfully strange car, in roughly equal measure. The bodywork is cute but a bit stubby in profile, the door openings are small, the side sills are huge, the carbon fibre tub is pure artwork, as are the pedals. The seats are snug to the point of being painful, and the dashboard would look chintzy in a Nissan Sentra, never mind a car that lists for 76 large, Canadian.

If I had Jay Leno money, you would be correct to think that Id have me one of these parked in the Eye-Talian section of my enormous Costco sized garage.

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If I was single I'd give it some thought. But the better half absolutely hated the driver seat, so I never bothered asking her to sit in the non-adjustable passenger one. Nope, I suspect there's some Camaro variant at some point in my future again...

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Saw a GLA45 AMG today.. Honestly.. looked pretty dang good in person. The guy had a roof rack on top(for whatever) and it looked really sporty and like "I do adventurous things in my spare time" kind of way. I really liked it. 

Yikes...(on the vehicle...not on you liking it...different strokes for different folks. Im all for live and let live type philosophies)





Did Mazda sell the rights to their MazdaSpeed 3 to M-B and AMG?

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Saw a GLA45 AMG today.. Honestly.. looked pretty dang good in person. The guy had a roof rack on top(for whatever) and it looked really sporty and like "I do adventurous things in my spare time" kind of way. I really liked it. 

Yikes...(on the vehicle...not on you liking it...different strokes for different folks. Im all for live and let live type philosophies)





Did Mazda sell the rights to their MazdaSpeed 3 to M-B and AMG?


It didn't have that little ricer wing, I don't believe... I was actually more concerned with trying to find an AMG badge because I thought i caught a glimpse of the one in the grille as it passed by so I was looking for the one on the hatch as it passed. I was at a crosswalk in downtown STL as it went by so I actually got a decent look at it because it wasn't flying past or anything. 


I honestly never thought I'd like something like that but it did it for me. It might have been part of the roof rack because it looked less "I just have money" and more "I use this for the utility" as well. 

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Like I said CCAP, I aint judging you for liking it..

I am judging the decisions that M-B is partaking to fill every niche...


It might have been part of the roof rack because it looked less "I just have money" and more "I use this for the utility" as well.



This is a thought that M-B should NOT be striving for in the North American market.

Fine for Europe. Fine for Africa and some parts of Asia...but NOT for North America.


As North Americans, we have a disposable way of thinking.

If its cheap, we dont value it and throw it away and we consume another one...

Over time, when M-B saturates our market with these types of "affordable" and less than royalty vehicles on our roads, we will make a connection that M-B is mainstream and cheap when all these affordable M-Bs will be rusting on our streets like POS Chevys and Fords....


In Europe, Europeans KNOW the history of M-B and M-B is kinda the home town favorite...

In North America, we were ALWAYS led to believe that M-B was ALWAYS an UBER  luxury brand because of the 1920s and 1930s era M-Bs and when M-B got back on its feet in the 1950s after WW2, North America ONLY GOT the luxury cars and NOT the mainstream cars and work trucks....

50...80....100 years of luxury perception will go up in smoke the way M-B is handling this in North America...



Dont believe me?

Cadillac was ALWAYS a luxury brand...ALWAYS....never mainstream....Cadillac NEVER had to go this way....Cadillac Cimarron aside...


Ghostbusters in 1984 and in 2016 makes us believe that Cadillacs are shyte boxes because of that sole mistake Cadillac made in the 1980s....

And selling large barges to old folk did not help...


So....what do YOU think will happen to M-B perception when all these CLAs, GLAs, C Class cars are rotting on our streets along side Camrys, Civics and Fusions....especially when teenaged kids are driving around in them thinking they are hot shyte....


I saw a 19 year old two days ago pull up at my drive-thru window in one of these...



Beat up to shyte...

Looked good then when brand new...pillar less roof line and all...

Now...it looked like that Ghostbusters Cadillac...


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Ugh. They're terrible. Every time I see one, I wish I had something to throw out my window at it.

...You also think Panameras look good.. both first gen and second gen.. so your opinion no longer matters.   :neenerneener:   :rofl:

Here's a random though..


Olds, that Viper pic is gnarly. I dig it.  :thumbsup:

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Thanx CCAP for the compliment on that Viper pic.


I thought Id pay an homage to the Viper now that its gone. (or soon to be gone)

Riding into the sunset....that was the theme...


I figured the Viper is as American as it gets.

I figured the Viper is viewed in the same way as a Cowboy is viewed.

Rugged, tough, ballsy, and at times an outlaw...

A Cowboy is as American as it gets and when he rides off into the sunset, it means good-bye.


So I scoured the internet to find that perfect Viper in the sunset pic...

I think I succeeded!

Edited by oldshurst442
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Happy Fourth to you all. Just saw a video in which I was disappointed in how poorly our education system is failing people and not teaching the history of how this nation came into being.



You would think if you were born here, you would know these basic questions about what is the 4th of July, who we left, etc.


Happy 4th of July to you all!



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All you Americans have a safe America Day.


On America day I will be watching an American sport. I believe it is called the ball of bases. Yes.


Also - our cable package here gets the international version of CNN.


(Not too political I hope. Just funny)


Such an enjoyable circus what is going on for this election cycle. You get what you deserve America. And you deserve what you can earn. 


All the comedic entertainment for two lifetimes. AHHHH...

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All you Americans have a safe America Day.


On America day I will be watching an American sport. I believe it is called the ball of bases. Yes.


Also - our cable package here gets the international version of CNN.


(Not too political I hope. Just funny)


Such an enjoyable circus what is going on for this election cycle. You get what you deserve America. And you deserve what you can earn. 


All the comedic entertainment for two lifetimes. AHHHH...

Happy late Canada say to you Suave.

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All you Americans have a safe America Day.


On America day I will be watching an American sport. I believe it is called the ball of bases. Yes.


Also - our cable package here gets the international version of CNN.


(Not too political I hope. Just funny)


Such an enjoyable circus what is going on for this election cycle. You get what you deserve America. And you deserve what you can earn. 


All the comedic entertainment for two lifetimes. AHHHH...

Happy late Canada say to you Suave.

Canada DAY. Damn phone!

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All you Americans have a safe America Day.


On America day I will be watching an American sport. I believe it is called the ball of bases. Yes.


Also - our cable package here gets the international version of CNN.


(Not too political I hope. Just funny)


Such an enjoyable circus what is going on for this election cycle. You get what you deserve America. And you deserve what you can earn. 


All the comedic entertainment for two lifetimes. AHHHH...

Happy late Canada say to you Suave.

Canada DAY. Damn phone!



Here's the deal man....









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All you Americans have a safe America Day.


On America day I will be watching an American sport. I believe it is called the ball of bases. Yes.


Also - our cable package here gets the international version of CNN.


(Not too political I hope. Just funny)


Such an enjoyable circus what is going on for this election cycle. You get what you deserve America. And you deserve what you can earn. 


All the comedic entertainment for two lifetimes. AHHHH...

Happy late Canada say to you Suave.

Canada DAY. Damn phone!


Here's the deal man....










Yes I blame the phone for not being more accommodating to my rigid ass thumbs.

Good one Sauve.

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Just relaxing and enjoying a 4 day weekend at home..enjoying the pool. Going to watch some NASCAR tonight and F1 tomorrow.. going up north (Flagstaff) for a few days next week after the 4th to enjoy the cooler weather..

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Just relaxing and enjoying a 4 day weekend at home..enjoying the pool. Going to watch some NASCAR tonight and F1 tomorrow.. going up north (Flagstaff) for a few days next week after the 4th to enjoy the cooler weather..

At least they put out the Bug Creek fire. I-17 is no fun with one lane of traffic and my wife and I are headed up to Chino Valley tomorrow.

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