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Sunny and 25 out... supposed to get to 36 tomorrow, then more snow Mon-Tues.   Giant icicles hanging off the gutters, and even on one of the trees....tracks of the deer, the dogs  and other critters that have been in the back yard over the last week of snow storms.  Looking forward to March..






Edited by Robert Hall
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21 hours ago, ocnblu said:

If you are talking about garments that ppl wear, those are called "clothes", yet you misspelled the word as "cloths" over and over again in your comment.  I did not need to edit anything.


Everyone makes spelling mistakes and yet you edited the original sentence of what I stated, YOU TROLLED to bully a person about his spelling and change the sentence to what you wanted to bully about. Clearly you just need to stay in your own closet of ignorance since you have to hide who you really are, attack others needlessly, attack technology you cannot seem to comprehend nor understand how to embrace change.

As I stated


As you edited to attack on


You make fun of people due to them not agreeing with your narrow view of life. You now have also chosen to attack those that have English as a second language since Asian's have a hard time with R's, L's and just about any English word that requires a roll of their tong. We have had so much ignorance and attacks in this country over the last 5 years due to IGNORANCE and HATERED of all things not American and you speak of being American, Buy American, etc. etc. etc. and yet you talk about how much better a Japanese designed and sold CUV is over the gm Chevrolet Bolt. You attack those that do not support your political choices, we have gone on and been scolded by @Drew Dowdell for the politics, warned to not go there and yet you TROLL about peoples choices as we all attempt to stay on Auto's. You embrace the Cancel Culture that does not agree with your views.

Your internal hatred is so strong I feel for your own ignorance as you attack those that disagree with you.

In a Multi-Cultural world, so much beauty, love, desire and yes amazing technology is created when we embrace the differences rather than attack those differences.

I am far from perfect, I never will be perfect, but I will accept technology change, I will accept the fact that we can agree to disagree about products, food, music, art, etc. I never will expect you to understand or embrace anything I like as that requires one opening up their mind to experience differences. 

Live in your bubble, talk about things you like and find peace within yourself to love yourself and enjoy your ICE world as I will never take it away from you. 

I promise you I will enjoy my ICE world till the time comes that I can get my EV's and enjoy them.

Peace to you and your dark blackness of life you seem to live in as I have so much to enjoy, living each day to the fullest.

Find that part of you that you can dwell on with a Cup half full rather than the negative life your living in the attitude of a glass half empty.

Dog Comforting GIF

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I figured out why I like the Lucid Air as much as I do.

The C Pillar and rounded rear quarter panel remind me of a 4rth gen F-Body Firebird. Even if the rear quarter panel is soooo short on the Lucid and sooooo long on the Pontiac. 

The rake of the front windshields of both vehicles also seems to be the same angle which also lends to my illusion of sameness and hence why I like the Lucid Air...because I LOVE the 4rth gen F-Body.  Its just a 4 door (EV) Trans Am in my eyes. 

OK...maybe its a far fetched figment of my imagination.  But its still MY personal fantasy produced by MY brain that WAS NOT elicited by the use of recreational drugs, but from MY awesome natural intellect, mental capacity and wit. 

(Should I go with a smug emogi to show how my intelligence is somehow superior to yours?   :closedeyes:

Or should I go with a hipster dufus emogi cheering to show how "innocent" I may be in the "real world"? :cheering:)

Maybe Ill just go with a laughy emogi to show that this post is serious and funny at the same time instead! :smilewide:

Image result for lucid air ev

Image result for 2002 firebird side


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I know this is totally random, but it just dawned on me after seeing a silver one out on a test drive from a local dealer, the Mach-E front end with body-color "grille" reminds me of something uncircumcised with the tip pushing through.  The ones with blacked-out or otherwise contrasting color in the "grille" area don't, imho.  It is up to the reader's perspective whether that is a good or bad thing, coming from ocn ~




Edited by ocnblu
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12 hours ago, David said:

you edited the original sentence

Dave I didn't want to quote the whole post, there was no need.  Enjoy your day.

6 hours ago, balthazar said:

Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 7.40.31 PM.png

That's Steampunk right there.  Interesting juxtaposition between the artful grace of the original and the violent stitching of the hammered resurrection.


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6 hours ago, daves87rs said:

Can’t wait for at least slightly warmer weather here soon. Snow has been okay, but it’s gotta go now....

Gotta get the work on my house started as soon as we can!

Yeah, looks like another week of snow ahead here, but temps in the 30s-40s.   Was down to 7F last night, but I think the really cold is over here...looking forward to March. 

Edited by Robert Hall
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Not much snowfall this year up here.  The snow on the ground is not as high as other years.  Its high enough though as the last 4 of the 5 snowfalls have been 5-8 inches. But that is also in a span of 7-8 weeks.  No little 2 inches here and there this year in between the hard snowfalls.  

But it HAS been cold.  5F to -1F the last 2 weeks straight.  But then again, that kinda cold is usually from mid January and lasts up until the last week of February.  With a small 1-3 day break where the temps will go 23F.  

So...not that bad considering its phoquing winter in Quebec.  

What I gather is the Montreal region this year is a heck of a lot calmer than the rest of North America.  Not much snow as we Montrealers like to brag about and deem superior to ya'll because we are tough to endure winter climates. And it has been that way since a decade plus now. Maybe 20 years.  OK...we've had some really really cold polar vortexes in that time span, but North America in general was hit hard too.   

Climate change has improved the Saint Lawrence valley's winter blues.  I do NOT mind that one bit. LOL

I cant wait for April to kick in.   My WORST time of the year is...now.  From the 2nd week of January up until mid April.   Its cold. Snow gets on my nerves.  March is schizophrenic. One day its winter with blizzards and cold snaps and the next its spring. Teasing you and then WHAM! back to winter with a snowstorm... 

April is when Im looking forward too.   But even April sucks as its slushy and dirty from all that melting snow and the dirt and grime...YUCK!

But at least by mid-April, one could smell spring and summer kicking in.  

Edited by oldshurst442
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On 2/19/2021 at 12:42 PM, David said:

Lately I have been getting into butter basted steaks, burgers, etc. Meat cooked in a hot cast iron skillet.


Just had to make sure no scorpions were on them when you brought them in. Bet ya do not miss those pests! 

spider GIF

Fun fact: Even though I know they were all over the place, I never came across one scorpion (they seemed to be a bigger problem on the east side of the valley whereas I lived on the west side) and the only rattlesnake I came across was dead in the road already. Weird, I know lol.

Oh and great post about the ignorance of others btw.

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The reactionary down votes on here are both perplexing and interesting.

I'm not advocating extended dialogue on this venue, but if people are going to disagree with you, both parties should have at least 10 to 15 minutes worth of relevant, detailed, and factual back up at hand.

Reactionary people don't seem to grasp that. That's why they resort to being reactionary.

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59 minutes ago, trinacriabob said:

Reactionary people

It was not necessary to even post that video, let alone with the commentary attached.  Flat out.

59 minutes ago, trinacriabob said:

factual back up

This video was accompanied by a snide, non-factual commentary that was unnecessary and inflammatory.  It is the reason downvotes exist.

Now, if I smoked, I would light one up about now.

Edited by ocnblu
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The downvotes are a a bastard of a thing...

1. A post not agreed with getting a downvote WITHOUT additional explanation is maddening... ESPECIALLY on a fact based post or thread

If the downvoter could express his/her reasons as to why he disagrees, then a clear discussion arises and the whole point to the forums gets achieved...

If not...its just trolling

A troll gets to be exposed when PROPER discourse is being made.  

2. If a downvote is being made on an OPINION piece...than that is just wrong.  And kinda rude. Which again is just trolling by the downvoter.

3. Then a pattern gets established when a downvoter is CONSTANTLY downvoting. 

TROLLING gets to be the mantra of downvoting...all. the. time. 

In my honest opinion...TROLLING in a public forum is MORE detrimental than talking about politics or religion.

IF PROPER discourse WITHOUT trolling is made, EVEN when politics and/or religion is THE main topic, then there are NO problems.    

(Im not even going to mention uneducated-ness and close mindedness because IF PROPER discourse is being made...then civilized discussions are being made...no PHOQUING NEED TO DOWNVOTE...)

The up votes is yes...a feel good treat.

Its human nature to feel good about things.

A troll gets his goodies off by pi$$ing people off...

Again...its OK to disagree...and to downvote...but PROPER discourse should ACCOMPANY a downvote.  And a DECENT rebuttal should ensue.  If not...its trolling.  A whole bowl of not good...







Edited by oldshurst442
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2 hours ago, trinacriabob said:

The reactionary down votes on here are both perplexing and interesting.

I'm not advocating extended dialogue on this venue, but if people are going to disagree with you, both parties should have at least 10 to 15 minutes worth of relevant, detailed, and factual back up at hand.

Reactionary people don't seem to grasp that. That's why they resort to being reactionary.

Seems like at least one person here proved you right but hey no explanation needed right?

1 hour ago, ocnblu said:

It was not necessary to even post that video, let alone with the commentary attached.  Flat out.

This video was accompanied by a snide, non-factual commentary that was unnecessary and inflammatory.  It is the reason downvotes exist.

Now, if I smoked, I would light one up about now.

Yet if it was a video of a Clinton or Obama tower, you’d be upvoting it until your fingers bled thus proving the point about knee jerk reactions. Everyone else thought it was funny as hell btw so maybe the problem here is not the video, not the commentary, and not the person who shared it. 

There is also a certain irony here. The same person who replied with "speak Engrish" to someone whom he knows has a wife of Asian descent, complaining about "inflammatory" remarks. Step all the way off with that non-sense.

Those are the facts here. 

Edited by surreal1272
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6 minutes ago, ocnblu said:

Incorrect.  There would be no upvote from me on any politically charged post.

But no downvote either thus proving the point here. Again, just step all the way off with the inflammatory non-sense after saying some of the stuff you have said here.

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23 minutes ago, surreal1272 said:

But no downvote either thus proving the point here. Again, just step all the way off with the inflammatory non-sense after saying some of the stuff you have said here.

I did not say there would not be a downvote.  Give up.

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6 hours ago, ocnblu said:

It was not necessary to even post that video, let alone with the commentary attached.  Flat out.

This video was accompanied by a snide, non-factual commentary that was unnecessary and inflammatory.  It is the reason downvotes exist.

Most people would not construe that comment as particularly inflammatory.  It was a blighted casino that wasn't cutting it.  Atlantic City, in general, doesn't measure up to what it should have been.

Implosions are rare and complex events, requiring a lot of planning and with no room for error, so they're sort of nifty in a weird way.  I've only seen one and it was that of the Kingdome in Seattle in 2000.  Too bad, because I liked the Kingdome.  Closer to your turf, the implosion of some stadium, possibly where the Eagles once played ... not sure, on the south side of Philly along the Delaware River was one of the more interesting ones, with the collapse following the circular form of the stadium.

And you took my last comment incorrectly.  It applies to a lot of people who react the same way when they can't back up anything discussing a weighty topic.  So, in addition to you, it would be some ridiculous and not very enlightened friends of my late mom, a few clueless neighbors of mine, etc.

6 hours ago, oldshurst442 said:

The downvotes are a a bastard of a thing...

1. A post not agreed with getting a downvote WITHOUT additional explanation is maddening... ESPECIALLY on a fact based post or thread

If the downvoter could express his/her reasons as to why he disagrees, then a clear discussion arises and the whole point to the forums gets achieved...

If not...its just trolling

A troll gets to be exposed when PROPER discourse is being made.  

2. If a downvote is being made on an OPINION piece...than that is just wrong.  And kinda rude. Which again is just trolling by the downvoter.

3. Then a pattern gets established when a downvoter is CONSTANTLY downvoting. 

TROLLING gets to be the mantra of downvoting...all. the. time. 

In my honest opinion...TROLLING in a public forum is MORE detrimental than talking about politics or religion.

IF PROPER discourse WITHOUT trolling is made, EVEN when politics and/or religion is THE main topic, then there are NO problems.    

(Im not even going to mention uneducated-ness and close mindedness because IF PROPER discourse is being made...then civilized discussions are being made...no PHOQUING NEED TO DOWNVOTE...)

The up votes is yes...a feel good treat.

Its human nature to feel good about things.

A troll gets his goodies off by pi$$ing people off...

Again...its OK to disagree...and to downvote...but PROPER discourse should ACCOMPANY a downvote.  And a DECENT rebuttal should ensue.  If not...its trolling.  A whole bowl of not good

I agree, Olds.  It's that it's done consistently, as is the situation with the confused vote, and with no added commentary, which doesn't have to be present, but NEVER is.  And it's done in a little kid, "cat ate the canary," smart-alecky sort of way. 

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2 minutes ago, trinacriabob said:

Most people would not construe that comment as particularly inflammatory.  It was a blighted casino that wasn't cutting it

The thing is...you hit a nerve with him.  


3 minutes ago, trinacriabob said:

little kid

And THAT would sum it all up...

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On 2/20/2021 at 5:39 AM, ocnblu said:


Loved that Era of dodge vans....good memories of old days with those. Thanks for posting this up. 


6 minutes ago, ykX said:

@Robert Hall

You might be driving last GC

Chief Of Cherokee Nation Says It's Time For Jeep To Find Another Name For The Grand Cherokee

Chief Of Cherokee Nation Says It's Time For Jeep To Find Another Name For The Grand Cherokee (jalopnik.com)


Probably so.


May be an image of snow and text that says 'futtigue @futtigue They derailed a fucking train. In Boucherville. They laid tracks down in the middle of the street and drove it a kilometer. Deisel electric locomotives are just big generators. They rigged it to provide emergency power to keep people warm and alive. 8:21 a.m. 18Feb. 21 Twitter for Android 1,311 Retweets 281 Quote Tweets 4,345 Likes'

6 hours ago, daves87rs said:

Snowing again.......


Freezing Game Of Thrones GIF

Where was this taken, Tampa Bay?

9 hours ago, trinacriabob said:

Really? It seems more difficult to "get off" in general with the passage of time.

When I was a kid, MAD magazine had a cartoon about middle aged women replacing sex with food. I still have lots of sex, but my main cravings seem to be power tools and good books. 

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On 2/20/2021 at 5:47 AM, ocnblu said:

Tiny, capable things like this are adorable as heck.

And here is an area we agree...this is wicked cool. 

May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'Hey Debbie? It's me, The Lord. SADANDUSEI ESS.COM Listen... You need to stop telling the doctor your health is in my hands. You're going to have to watch your carbs and get your A1C checked on the regular, ok?'

May be an image of text that says '2:18 4G Why ain't Texas doing fine with all the snow? You'd think with all those lifted trucks they'd be used to something white and only You and 10 others Haha Comment'

Edited by A Horse With No Name
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27 minutes ago, ykX said:

@Robert Hall

You might be driving last GC

Chief Of Cherokee Nation Says It's Time For Jeep To Find Another Name For The Grand Cherokee

Chief Of Cherokee Nation Says It's Time For Jeep To Find Another Name For The Grand Cherokee (jalopnik.com)


Somehow I do not think Jeep is going to give up a nameplate that has been around almost 40 years. Not to mention customers would be upset about the change.

The might as well give up the Demon name too for those god fearing people.....?


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Passes closed early due to excessive snow fall and them rain on top that took avalanche danger to a crazy high threat level.


On the way down the mountain, in a little town that you are in and out of usually at 60mph I found this old house rebuilt and an old car since we were creeping along down the mountain.



Some cool big machinery on the pass.

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57 minutes ago, A Horse With No Name said:



LoL...as an aside, been watching a bunch of Jeff Bridges films recently...  watched 'Against All Odds', 'Jagged Edge', 'Blown Away', 'Arlington Road', 'RIPD', and 'Hell or High Water'... great actor, been a fan since the 80s..

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So the weekend was a comfort food night with left overs. ?

Left over for Sunday dinner homemade mac n cheese with Havarti cheese. 


Saturday night was BBQ chicken sandwiches with the mac n cheese.


The process:

Cooked the bacon


Then made a bacon roux.


Then building up the base of the sauce with seasoning.


Pasta is in as this is a one pot mac n cheese.


Stirring in the 4 cups of shredded Havarti Cheese.


Bacon time, but kept some out for garnishment on top.


Time to slowly stir it all together and let the pasta cook.

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4 minutes ago, Robert Hall said:

LoL...as an aside, been watching a bunch of Jeff Bridges films recently...  watched 'Against All Odds', 'Jagged Edge', 'Blown Away', 'Arlington Road', 'RIPD', and 'Hell or High Water'... great actor, been a fan since the 80s..

Funny. I was just watching The Big Lebowski the other night. Love Bridges in that!

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