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Well...if this was a Charlie Brown cartoon

This is what the USA looks like right about now...

Profile: Pig-Pen (Official) is an animated gif that was created ...


Time will come when we could play together again. But not now.


Until then, Canada is happy going on at it by itself.     Sorry.    




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Sun dried tomato vinaigrette salad dressing is one of the finest supermarket items I've habitually purchased.

I used to routinely buy the Wishbone brand years ago.

More recently, Kraft and Ken's made it. And I would buy it.  Now, its availability has just STOPPED.  Cue Eddie Murphy saying, "It just stopped, man!"

I'm hoping this is temporary.  It's ridiculous.  Consumers are clamoring for it.  Instead, they offer all these other creative but "stupid" salad dressing flavors.

On a more positive note, Turkey Hill ice cream and dairy in headquartered in none other than ocnblu's Lancaster, PA region.  "Interesting" name.  Great stuff.  And I've got a good coupon burning a hole in my pocket.

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30 minutes ago, William Maley said:

Rumor has it that the Malibu will be dropped by 2023

Most likely without a refresh, I'm thinking.

- - - - -

Back to food.

Great salad dressing:



Great ice cream:



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3 hours ago, dfelt said:

Seems Canada has decided they do not want us. :P 


8 in 10 Canadians want the border to remain closed to the US.

Can you blame them? The US looks deeply incompetent compared to most of the developed world when it comes to Covid-19.

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1 hour ago, dfelt said:

Seriously pass on all things Tomatoes. That is one fruit that seriously makes me puke.


None of this?

Best Greek Salad and Dressing Recipe - How to Make Greek Salad


Or this?

Quick and Fresh Basil Tomato Sauce


Or even this?  Because underneath all that melted cheese  and pepperoni awesomeness lies tomato sauce...

The Best Pizza Restaurants in Montreal - Eater Montreal


You poor poor thing.  You dont know what you are missin'  

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9 hours ago, oldshurst442 said:


None of this?

Best Greek Salad and Dressing Recipe - How to Make Greek Salad


Or this?

Quick and Fresh Basil Tomato Sauce


Or even this?  Because underneath all that melted cheese  and pepperoni awesomeness lies tomato sauce...

The Best Pizza Restaurants in Montreal - Eater Montreal


You poor poor thing.  You dont know what you are missin'  

Cut tomato sauce with heavy amount of cane sugar to get to a neutral PH level and I can tolerate it, but the Heart Burn sucks. Grew up on eating homemade Tomato soup and as I got older, it just made me ill. My body seems to not get along with Tomato anything.

Rather have a Pesto Chicken pizza.


My other goto Pizza is BBQ Chicken Pizza. Everything is better with BBQ sauce.


Pizza is awesome, white sauce pizza everything is da Bomb!


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11 hours ago, dfelt said:

@trinacriabob Seriously pass on all things Tomatoes. That is one fruit that seriously makes me puke.

How does the Icecream taste with turkey in it?

Got it.  I remember you saying that before.  Tomatoes are rich in lycopene.  I like most things with tomatoes but, like your pizzas, I may like pesto even more.

I also have a "no way" list:  anything spicy, eggplant, pecan pie, curry, and some types of shellfish are on that list.

As for the ice cream with turkey in it, I haven't used the coupon yet (this weekend) and I've never had ice cream with tryptophan in it, so I'll let you know!

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On 7/8/2020 at 1:11 PM, dfelt said:

Stay safe my friend, I hear 25% of those tested are positive for Covid-19 and Arizona is now running the highest infection rate with highest death rate. Scary.

Misinformed Lefty and MSM hype...


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On 7/8/2020 at 3:27 PM, oldshurst442 said:

Yup.  fix yer shyte!

That's great, because your clueless PM has air travel open with China during a Pandemic that started there so good luck with that...the CCP is lying about positive cases and deaths it's all propaganda that your Lefty PM fell for. Why would he let your people travel to China where's it's still a huge outbreak?! Makes no sense, he should never trust the Communist dictators. Should be shut down until we (the U.S.A.) get a vaccine ready first and we will be first, then all ya'll Canucks will be knocking our door down again. Maybe we won't answer when you need us if you cut us off? Nah, we will because that's what we do, more humanitarian work and science break through comes from the U.S.A. than anywhere else in the world. Better write your PM! ;)   

Fix our shyte?! Obviously, you're being facetious.

In June your PM states this. Sounds like pretty rocky relations with China...


Today still allows travel to China...


Highest advisory is "Avoid all Travel" he has it set as "Avoid Non-Essential Travel" for China...it should be shut down like our President did in January.




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21 hours ago, riviera74 said:

Can you blame them? The US looks deeply incompetent compared to most of the developed world when it comes to Covid-19.

That's why Canada still allows travel to and from China and we don't...?

There's more travel from Europe and Asia to the US than anywhere else so the spread would happen very fast. Pandemics like this is why we paid the W.H.O. hundreds of millions per year to catch this kind of contagion and sound the alarm, but they let us down big time! We shut down China travel early back in January once we found out how nasty it was and yes I think we should have shut down travel from Europe back then as well with Italy and others spiking cases. We knew cases would spike in the U.S. when we reopened, but we had hospitals prepared and knew more about SARS-CoV-2 once our doctors and scientists had time to find out what it was since the WHO and China held or hide information about it while it spread like wildfire throughout the world, but China made sure to protect it's own mainland from travel at the same time. Pretty damn suspicious if you ask me. Much of the incompetence comes from what people hear from the hate filled incompetent MSM. 

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50 minutes ago, balthazar said:

I think his name was Joe something.

I know

I wanted to reciprocate the joke by showing a GIF of a  Canadian (NHL) hockey player  playing in a very historical series between Canada and the USSR in 1972. Hatred for the Russians in Canada was very real, and Im sure Russians hated Canada and Canadians just as much too.  It wasnt just about a hockey tournament. It was political.  The Cold War.  It wasnt just about who has a better hockey team, hockey program. It was really about Capitalism versus Communism. Us against them. 

Phil Esposito really wanted to tear a Russian hockey player's head off.  That was a real emotion and action from Esposito. 

Canadians usually dont express that kind of hate and anger.  The whole Canadians are polite thing....

I thought it was funny.

But I think we should just end it because I see fireworks could be started easily with the last coupla posts...

Back to tomatoes I think...

Gee Balthy...those looks like delicious tomatoes you are growing there!!!   ?







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15 hours ago, ocnblu said:

Well a few months back, I posted a photo of the actual Turkey Hill.  My favorite rail trail lies at the base of it.  The Susquehannock Indians enjoyed bountiful turkey hunting on that hill, hence the name.  Goes back to William Penn's days.


Here's the Turkey Hill Overlook, and the magnificent Susquehanna River -




I dont think I ever saw Turkey Hill ice cream around here. Ill keep an eye out for it. 

I love posts like these. 

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A bad day for this guy. Heavily modified suspension and wheels are too wide and frogged out probably have spacers at the hub too. Looks like it makes it's way back to them towards the end of vid ?



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On 7/8/2020 at 6:42 PM, ocnblu said:

Thank you Mr. Rorschach

'twas but a typoe..

11 hours ago, balthazar said:

Turkey Hill used to be my fav but I think Blue Bunny eclipses it.

Hadn't heard of Turkey Hill, have had Blue Bunny somewhere before. My favorite home ice cream around here is from one of my local grocery chains, Heinen's.. Their ice cream is delicious.  

Edited by Robert Hall
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17 hours ago, balthazar said:

In our garden yesterday. I don’t care for tomatoes in their natural form, diced small is OK, but all other forms are fine.


Awesome, the cold summer here has everything growing slow. just got flowers but no toms yet for the wife. I will grow them but not eat them.

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17 hours ago, USA-1 said:

Misinformed Lefty and MSM hype...


Such a blinded Righty! Guess reading the fine print is hard since this was about the last few weeks since the ignorant governor opened everything up, encouraging people to go shopping, go out to eat. All fake news as he kisses the incompetent ass of the president. Yup this is a political post since you went with giving me a label.

First I am an Independent, I vote for the best person in that office not a party line of BS.

Second, I posted the story as I DO CARE about EVERYONE here and in our country regardless of political leaning. Stay Safe, Wear a face mask and do your best till we have a cure for this pandemic. 

End of political, back to Auto's.

Nice to see the CO2 levels dropping across the globe, sadly with people going back to life as usual levels are going back up affecting the planet.

Some very interesting studies on the whole EV versus ICE debate on which produces the most CO2. Coal energy does take EV's up to par with ICE, but for the most part, EV's win out.






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17 minutes ago, daves87rs said:



That said, looks like my lawn is finally going to get the rain it needs....looking stormy out there!!!!

Looking stormy here..I've been moving hoses w/ sprinklers around the front and back yard and trying to keep it from completely going tan...been a hot, dry stretch lately.   

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2 minutes ago, Robert Hall said:

Looking stormy here..I've been moving hoses w/ sprinklers around the front and back yard and trying to keep it from completely going tan...been a hot, dry stretch lately.   

I happily send ya some rain. :P 

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3 hours ago, Robert Hall said:

Looking stormy here..I've been moving hoses w/ sprinklers around the front and back yard and trying to keep it from completely going tan...been a hot, dry stretch lately.   

Yep, had the same problem here....gate to see my water bill! ? 

Sadly it’s not helping much either.....

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5 hours ago, dfelt said:

Such a blinded Righty! Guess reading the fine print is hard since this was about the last few weeks since the ignorant governor opened everything up, encouraging people to go shopping, go out to eat. All fake news as he kisses the incompetent ass of the president. Yup this is a political post since you went with giving me a label.

First I am an Independent, I vote for the best person in that office not a party line of BS.

Second, I posted the story as I DO CARE about EVERYONE here and in our country regardless of political leaning. Stay Safe, Wear a face mask and do your best till we have a cure for this pandemic.

First of all, you didn't post a story, you brought up the Pandemic in a sentence replying to a totally unrelated post that I had about the housing market here in AZ (another non-automotive subject you brought up) and made it like everyone where I live is sick and dying, it's ridiculous and WRONG! I stated what I'm seeing and what two of my neighbors are seeing on the front lines in hospitals here and it's not all doom and gloom.

Ok, so you're a heavily Left leaning "Independent" got it. Since there's really only 2 parties in the U.S.A., those being the Republicans and the Democrats and we know you're a #45 hater then we also know what side you're on come Nov. 3rd. I wouldn't admit to being a Democrat either with the far Left Extremists running the show and what all the Blue states have going on with everything being destroyed in their major cities, good move. Your Governor and Mayor are the most ignorant and incompetent State employees in the nation, right next to the ones running NY State and NYC, that's fact not opinion.

Our Governor opened up the state with a 2 week delay starting May 15th instead of the planned May 1st to complete more testing and it was in stages starting with Phase 1 as recommended by the CDC, it wasn't a free for all with packed restaurants and public venues like your misinformed comment makes it seem. 

You know you're being political by mentioning the Pandemic the way you did and ending it with...Scary. Don't try to play dumb I know what you're doing as do others on here and it's childish.

Supposed to just keep posts about Automobiles, but you just can't help yourself and you're the only one on here that starts with the political posts or brings it up.

I DO CARE about real Americans that love our country for what it is, ("Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness") Past, Present and Future, NOT the Anti-American rhetoric and criminal minded anarchists that are trying to destroy our history by burning cities and destroying monuments/statues just because they are POS human beings, most statues they pull down and/or deface have nothing to do with the Confederacy, bunch of morons!

Keep it to CARS!


Ending with this quote that goes with everything!

"Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it"

- Edmond Burke

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@USA-1 Sorry, I looked back and thought I had posted the updated Story that talked about the last couple weeks of Arizona leading the nation in infections and deaths. 

My Bad.

The rest I will reply DM to keep it all auto from here out.

Investors had an interesting report on 13 companies headed for a train wreck.

Ford is among these 13 companies. Looks like 5.2 billion lost for the Q2 on top of the last quarter. Over all sales are expected to be down 58% from a year ago and down 500% from it's 28 cents a share profit to a Negative $1.24 per share loss. OUCH


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No one seemed to have posted the 2nd quarter sales number results in the Sales Ticker forum like they used to, but from what I’ve seen elsewhere the numbers were down, more for some makers than others. 

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9 minutes ago, dfelt said:

@USA-1 Sorry, I looked back and thought I had posted the updated Story from Reuters that talked about the last couple weeks of Arizona leading the nation in infections and deaths. 

My Bad.

The rest I will reply DM to keep it all auto from here out.

Investors had an interesting report on 13 companies headed for a train wreck.

Ford is among these 13 companies. Looks like 5.2 billion lost for the Q2 on top of the last quarter. Over all sales are expected to be down 58% from a year ago and down 500% from it's 28 cents a share profit to a Negative $1.24 per share loss. OUCH


And CA, TX and FL have more confirmed cases and deaths among others, it's not good for anyone, anywhere in the world right now. Sucks!!


Yeah, Ford is hurting pretty bad. Seems like they should have phased out cars instead of shocking the company revenue by just dumping them all at once. Hopefully that's all it is. 

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7 minutes ago, Robert Hall said:

No one seemed to have posted the 2nd quarter sales number results in the Sales Ticker forum like they used to, but from what I’ve seen elsewhere the numbers were down, more for some makers than others. 

Agree, with Drew not around or Bill, seems the sales stuff has slid off. Some interesting numbers for sure.




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20 hours ago, balthazar said:

Turkey Hill used to be my fav but I think Blue Bunny eclipses it.

They didn't have the usual chocolate flavors I buy so I bought this one.

It was on sale at 3 for $10, so $3.34 ... less $1.00 from coupon.  Score!

The ice cream is very smooth but the peanut butter is roasted in flavor and is in the mix via fairly substantial shavings.  I'd say it's good but not great.  Again, it might be the flavor.

No sleepiness from tryptophan ... the sleepiness might have actually been brought on by eating it too quickly.  Going, going, gone.




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19 minutes ago, trinacriabob said:

They didn't have the usual chocolate flavors I buy so I bought this one.

It was on sale at 3 for $10, so $3.34 ... less $1.00 from coupon.  Score!

The ice cream is very smooth but the peanut butter is roasted in flavor and is in the mix via fairly substantial shavings.  I'd say it's good but not great.  Again, it might be the flavor.

No sleepiness from tryptophan ... the sleepiness might have actually been brought on by eating it too quickly.  Going, going, gone.




My favorite flavor from Heinen's is the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup...have a tub of that and the Sea Salt Caramel Toffee in the freezer now.

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Seems FCA is recalling 900,000 plus auto's for faulty airbags. The recall is right now limited to 2007 to 2011 Dodge Nitro SUV's and 2008 to 2010 Chrysler Town & Country and Dodge Grand Caravan minivans.



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Toyota Supra Fans should love this, seems the new Supra will get a huge power bump as it takes in the M3 version 520HP motor into the Supra. 



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Editorial on why Ford should build a Raptor Mustang.

What are your thoughts? Should ford have a Raptor version of Mustang and what about the rest of the product line? Every SUV/CUV should they have a raptor package like GM does with SS?


Story is about a new auto site that tracks down cheap manual track time type auto's.



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1 hour ago, dfelt said:

Agree, with Drew not around or Bill, seems the sales stuff has slid off. Some interesting numbers for sure.




Jeez, is the bleeding ever going to stop at Nissan, pushing -40%?!  The rest of the industry is following the decline curve with -20-25%.  I see NiMoCo downsizing even more. Already kicking vans to the curb with lack luster sales. Titan and the big BOF SUV's may be next. They should kick Mitsu to the curb as well, they're done with sales deep in the red also. 

9 minutes ago, dfelt said:

Editorial on why Ford should build a Raptor Mustang.

What are your thoughts? Should ford have a Raptor version of Mustang and what about the rest of the product line? Every SUV/CUV should they have a raptor package like GM does with SS?


Story is about a new auto site that tracks down cheap manual track time type auto's.



Call it the "Craptor" if it's also only offered with a boosted V6 that gets no better mpg's than a V8, but sounds horrible! ?

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1 hour ago, dfelt said:

My go too ice cream is all natural Tillamook from Tillamook Oregon.


Tillamook Creamery anything is the bomb! Their medium cheddar cheese is awesome as well! We get it all down here even. Used to only be Oregon then went PNW now West and SW US, even TX has it now. I told my neighbors across the street about their ice cream and cheese and they're hooked now :D

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43 minutes ago, USA-1 said:

Tillamook Creamery anything is the bomb! Their medium cheddar cheese is awesome as well! We get it all down here even. Used to only be Oregon then went PNW now West and SW US, even TX has it now. I told my neighbors across the street about their ice cream and cheese and they're hooked now :D

Tillamook Cheese Curds are the bomb too especially if battered and deep fried. :P 

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Tillamook IS great stuff ... probably my favorite.  While I don't like their cheese curds, their ice cream flavors are outstanding.  It's great to visit their factory, take the tour (or not), have a cone or a cup with two or three flavors you know and/or are trying out, and, most of all, pick out some cheese cubes with the toothpicks (ah, yes, those were the days).  They have a white garlic or something cheese that is my favorite.  My mom always had a block of their medium cheddar in the fridge to put into her recipes.  

The only negative aspect is one.  And, no, it's not the rain.  That adds to the ambiance.  It's all the damn cows in and around Tillamook.  The area is chock full of them.  And you know what that means for your olfactory nerve.

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