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9 hours ago, dfelt said:

I get what your saying, cold allows the virus to replicate and mutate, yet also moisture does the same thing, so too humid of a summer could set us up for a perfect storm of infection and death.

This is following the same trends of the Influenza of 1918 where the first wave hit early spring and then the worse was fall of 1918 before a vaccine was created and it settled down. 

This time, I suspect it will be worse than 1918 as we have more population and with incompetence in government, even with states taking on a bigger role for PPE, I think the civil unrest and global stand up to the cast of 1% that think they are better than the rest is going to leave us with a much larger hit to the population.

One does have to wonder since this is hitting smokers, seniors and out of shape folks harder than those that can afford to eat healthier and stay in shape how much the governments are hoping it kills off the population that relies now on certain government programs. From Social Services to our paid and due to all US citizens who have paid in the much earned Social Security check and Medicare.

We do live in interesting times.

I hope people don’t go crazy- just being careful. I do know it would be unwise to close again- for both financial and mental reasons. Since I fall in the higher risk group (Asthma)- I still plan to go out some- but prepared and more careful, just in case. I can only hope we look out for each other- be careful-yet return to some normalcy as well....

Also hoping folks are taking care of themselves getting into better shape after what has happened. I know I am . Started running (I HATE running) to force my lungs to open up a bit more...though I am taking it a wheezy half block at a time... ? 

Also hoping  we have a plan this time, so it won’t be like 1918...

Since the virus came out of China, it has me question if that was their purpose with the virus- since they have the world’s biggest aging population. I simply can’t see them doing that here.....

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10 hours ago, daves87rs said:

I hope people don’t go crazy- just being careful. I do know it would be unwise to close again- for both financial and mental reasons. Since I fall in the higher risk group (Asthma)- I still plan to go out some- but prepared and more careful, just in case. I can only hope we look out for each other- be careful-yet return to some normalcy as well....

Also hoping folks are taking care of themselves getting into better shape after what has happened. I know I am . Started running (I HATE running) to force my lungs to open up a bit more...though I am taking it a wheezy half block at a time... ? 

Also hoping  we have a plan this time, so it won’t be like 1918...

Since the virus came out of China, it has me question if that was their purpose with the virus- since they have the world’s biggest aging population. I simply can’t see them doing that here.....

We do know that the Virus came from bats. I honestly do not think normal scientist would release upon humanity a virus that can kill, but sadly we have governments both our own, China and Russia plus others that I am sure would not think twice about weaponizing a animal virus to hurt others.

Sadly we do have from our current administration on down into many conservative thinking groups that call Social Security a entitlement rather than the real benefit it is since we are taxed as a the process for paying into it and due to both sides of the political spectrum being responsible for allowing Social Security to be taxed and borrowed against, the political elites in DC have destroyed the basic retirement program for hard working Americans. Plenty of other issues but not going to go into the political side but focus on the facts that the social security system will never die as long as their are people working and paying their SS taxes, it will be funded but at a much reduced level and we have had various folks / groups say that if they could reduce the amount of people drawing on it, then it would lengthen out the life of the system without having to reduce benefits, so there is those here in the US that would like to see a reduction in the baby boomer population and a virus like this will have an affect for those that have medical issues.

My daughter was born with weak lungs and has had asthma as well, a year and a half ago she joined Orange Theory to improve her health and did great, then as a present her brother bought her a 6 month program of working with a nutritionist and in 18 months she has lost 40 pounds, went from being tired just walking to she can now run a mile in 12 minutes and can actually finally do pushups. She is very excited to try again snowboarding which she did before she did this and with her improved strength and stamina she should do well. 

She sleeps better, is more aware about the choices she makes on food quality and I honestly think if she gets accidently exposed to Covid-19, that she will do just fine in recovering as the healthier / stronger one is, the more resistant to the virus as well as recovery.

Wish you the best in improving your own health. I know pushing oneself to run and workout is never easy, but opening up the lungs, expanding them will make you stronger and have an easier time breathing.

I can stay this that my daughter no longer uses any of her drugs or inhaler. She just signed up for another 6 months of nutritional coaching to ensure her new habits stick and even with our current pandemic, she is working out daily at home and running through the neighborhood to insure she stays on target. Still loosing her college weight gain and looking and feeling great.

I know you can do it too, stick with it. ?‍♂️

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10 minutes ago, balthazar said:

I see the W.H.O. recently stated that virus transmission from asymptomatic people is very rare / unproven.

‘Very true facts’ strikes again.

Yeah, I have my doubts on some things right now, that is for sure.....Pretty sure we are not getting the full story. I know some folks who went completely back to normal with no issues. On the other hand, I have lost 4 friends to this, so I am still careful ........

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7 minutes ago, dfelt said:

We do know that the Virus came from bats. I honestly do not think normal scientist would release upon humanity a virus that can kill, but sadly we have governments both our own, China and Russia plus others that I am sure would not think twice about weaponizing a animal virus to hurt others.

Sadly we do have from our current administration on down into many conservative thinking groups that call Social Security a entitlement rather than the real benefit it is since we are taxed as a the process for paying into it and due to both sides of the political spectrum being responsible for allowing Social Security to be taxed and borrowed against, the political elites in DC have destroyed the basic retirement program for hard working Americans. Plenty of other issues but not going to go into the political side but focus on the facts that the social security system will never die as long as their are people working and paying their SS taxes, it will be funded but at a much reduced level and we have had various folks / groups say that if they could reduce the amount of people drawing on it, then it would lengthen out the life of the system without having to reduce benefits, so there is those here in the US that would like to see a reduction in the baby boomer population and a virus like this will have an affect for those that have medical issues.

My daughter was born with weak lungs and has had asthma as well, a year and a half ago she joined Orange Theory to improve her health and did great, then as a present her brother bought her a 6 month program of working with a nutritionist and in 18 months she has lost 40 pounds, went from being tired just walking to she can now run a mile in 12 minutes and can actually finally do pushups. She is very excited to try again snowboarding which she did before she did this and with her improved strength and stamina she should do well. 

She sleeps better, is more aware about the choices she makes on food quality and I honestly think if she gets accidently exposed to Covid-19, that she will do just fine in recovering as the healthier / stronger one is, the more resistant to the virus as well as recovery.

Wish you the best in improving your own health. I know pushing oneself to run and workout is never easy, but opening up the lungs, expanding them will make you stronger and have an easier time breathing.

I can stay this that my daughter no longer uses any of her drugs or inhaler. She just signed up for another 6 months of nutritional coaching to ensure her new habits stick and even with our current pandemic, she is working out daily at home and running through the neighborhood to insure she stays on target. Still loosing her college weight gain and looking and feeling great.

I know you can do it too, stick with it. ?‍♂️

Thanks! And I am very happy for her. ?  I’ve been working on a bit more, walking and simple cardio. Already down 11 pounds. Been eating much better too..only Taco Bell once in the last 3 weeks. Quite a few bananas though......


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11 minutes ago, Robert Hall said:

 Nor can you, you always post something negative whenever EVs are mentioned, for example.

EVs are fair game here at C&G.  They are pertinent.  Do I need to remind you of that, Bobby?  I guess so.

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That’s why I like it here,  it’s like family (or maybe some crazy uncles ? ) We just accept each other the way we are.....

It’s hard to not to dab into politics now, as it seems like nearly everything is intertwined in it. (Cartoons?) But for the most part, everyone gets along. There are some crazy days, but life would be boring if we agreed with everything.... ? 

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1 hour ago, dfelt said:

We do know that the Virus came from bats.

Maybe yes.  Maybe no.  Only the Chinese scientists involved and all the CCP political leaders in the loop know what is what.  To this moment, none of that is clear. To this moment, all information released then, and now from CCP is very very erroneous, disingenuous, misleading...   And lets us not forget...contradictory. 

Bats.  Wet markets selling these bats.

Bats.  In a lab. Where scientists were analyzing, testing, experimenting with bats. Whether these bats were infected naturally with this virus or it was man-made...

Some say the Wuhan lab was testing for cures to HIV and were testing this on bats. 

All that seems to be the common theme. But nobody really knows.  Only the Chinese scientists involved and all the CCP political leaders in the loop know what is what.  To this moment, none of that is clear. To this moment, all information released then, and now from CCP is very very erroneous, disingenuous, misleading...   And lets us not forget...contradictory.  

1 hour ago, dfelt said:

I honestly do not think normal scientist would release upon humanity a virus that can kill, but sadly we have governments both our own, China and Russia plus others that I am sure would not think twice about weaponizing a animal virus to hurt others.

Well...we (as in the greater people of the world) do not really know what is going on for sure, and that is why we  (as in the greater people of the world) could come up with several tin foil hat conspiracy theories.


1.  Only the Chinese scientists involved and all the CCP political leaders in the loop know what is what.  To this moment, none of that is clear. To this moment, all information released then, and now from CCP is very very erroneous, disingenuous, misleading...   And lets us not forget...contradictory. 

2.  And because this novel coronavirus 19 thing is kinda like something humanity has never quite seen before. Experienced similar pandemics, but not quite like this one.  So it lends itself to quite a few conspiracy theories. 

Because mainly

Only the Chinese scientists involved and all the CCP political leaders in the loop know what is what.  To this moment, none of that is clear. To this moment, all information released then, and now from CCP is very very erroneous, disingenuous, misleading...   And lets us not forget...contradictory.  

And when I say only the CCP folk  in the loop know what is what,  I mean:  if its a natural thing that occured, and it werent an act of  maliciousness, just an innocent but careless accident, then even they dont know what to do. And hence why they tried to cover it up.  Tried to cover up their carelessness and mistakes.  Which of course lends itself to tin foil conspiracy theories BECAUSE CCP is such a closed and secretive political party.   

But that is the thing, NOBODY seems to know what is what and what to do about it.

Social distancing.  Only a theory. A somewhat successful theory.   Lockdowns.  In theory it was to slow down contagion so hospitals are not overwhelmed.  And different situations with different countries defined what overwhelming hospitals meant.  Which also means different solutions for different countries were in order.  Lots of hits and misses and trial and errors involved.  

All theories of how contagion works for this novel coronavirus 19  is still debated and theorized and explained and revised to this moment. 

2 hours ago, dfelt said:

Sadly we do have from our current administration

And because of what I said about the CCP

No need to throw Trump under the bus for this.  He could have handled many things on Covid19 better. A lot better. Sure.

But his detractors being  Monday Morning Quarterbacks wont solve anything going forward.

But Trump and his administration better make the RIGHT moves going forward though. Unlike what his party and administration have been doing so far.   Enough correct information is available so the pandering to the party hardliners should stop.  But THAT includes his detractors too.  

Right about now, the country that is the USA should be standing together in fighting this. NOT trying to advance their political agendas and sabotaging each other just because political views differ.  

2 hours ago, dfelt said:

My daughter was born with weak lungs and has had asthma as well, a year and a half ago she joined Orange Theory to improve her health and did great, then as a present her brother bought her a 6 month program of working with a nutritionist and in 18 months she has lost 40 pounds, went from being tired just walking to she can now run a mile in 12 minutes and can actually finally do pushups. She is very excited to try again snowboarding which she did before she did this and with her improved strength and stamina she should do well. 

She sleeps better, is more aware about the choices she makes on food quality and I honestly think if she gets accidently exposed to Covid-19, that she will do just fine in recovering as the healthier / stronger one is, the more resistant to the virus as well as recovery.

Im sorry to hear about this.    Health to your family.  I am happy to know that she is doing great with her health. 




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13 hours ago, oldshurst442 said:

Maybe yes.  Maybe no.  Only the Chinese scientists involved and all the CCP political leaders in the loop know what is what.  To this moment, none of that is clear. To this moment, all information released then, and now from CCP is very very erroneous, disingenuous, misleading...   And lets us not forget...contradictory. 

Bats.  Wet markets selling these bats.

Bats.  In a lab. Where scientists were analyzing, testing, experimenting with bats. Whether these bats were infected naturally with this virus or it was man-made...

Some say the Wuhan lab was testing for cures to HIV and were testing this on bats. 

All that seems to be the common theme. But nobody really knows.  Only the Chinese scientists involved and all the CCP political leaders in the loop know what is what.  To this moment, none of that is clear. To this moment, all information released then, and now from CCP is very very erroneous, disingenuous, misleading...   And lets us not forget...contradictory.  

Well...we (as in the greater people of the world) do not really know what is going on for sure, and that is why we  (as in the greater people of the world) could come up with several tin foil hat conspiracy theories.


1.  Only the Chinese scientists involved and all the CCP political leaders in the loop know what is what.  To this moment, none of that is clear. To this moment, all information released then, and now from CCP is very very erroneous, disingenuous, misleading...   And lets us not forget...contradictory. 

2.  And because this novel coronavirus 19 thing is kinda like something humanity has never quite seen before. Experienced similar pandemics, but not quite like this one.  So it lends itself to quite a few conspiracy theories.

Great points, I have so much more to add to this, but I will refrain from most. I will add, Hey has anyone heard what's going on in Seattle? That was a rhetorical question I know you all have. Yeah, lets not bring up that the Seattle Mayor is encouraging the actions of the anarchists and Antifa cowards, in her words it's "just a Summer Block Party" talk about complete incompetence in the local government. All the WA State Gov. can say is "Oh I haven't heard about it" He's completely full of it! Seattle Police can't safely do their job and had to abandon an entire East Precinct in the area because the Mayor banned the use of flash bangs, pepper spray and tear gas used for unruly and/or criminal minded crowds, and yes a local liberal judge cleared the ban. So basically, no non-lethal way of subduing or dispersing the crowd of criminals and militant anarchists carrying AR-15's at checkpoints of a still confused naming of CHAZ or CHOP "Autonomous Zone" and No Cop Co-op with a list of demands before they give up the 6 block area around the East Precinct. They ONLY want to Fully Defund the Police, Free Education for all and a few other far Left Socialist agenda items that I don't care to list. Yeah, sounds like a great place to live right about now...

Just heard today that the Hells Angels are planning a trip to Seattle with other bikers to see what they can do to help "encourage" the morons to leave the area. Just might force the Mayor to do her job and let the local police do theirs.

We won't go into the massive issue of homeless drug addicts defecating on the streets of downtown Seattle also something that the Mayor won't do anything about...good luck with no Summertime tourists. Who wants to visit a wasteland? I had the "pleasure" of visiting Seattle for work not long ago and let me tell you, it was a disaster. 

There's a Huge difference in the way a Red State is governed over a Blue State in this country. Flash bangs and tear gas are used here in AZ if needed, and guess what? the anarchist cowards know they can't get away with that BS here or TX or FL or even NC where police dismantled an Antifa attempt at an Autonomous Zone that failed big time in downtown Asheville. I'll state it again, RULE OF LAW is in place in the U.S.A. as well as other industrialized countries for a reason...it's VERY effective.



Edited by USA-1
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Today is Trump's birthday.  It's also Flag Day.  Fortunately, Father's Day is next Sunday.

They often feature articles which rank the Presidents in terms of IQ.  I wonder where "the Donald" would land if they ranked Presidents in terms of the holiday worthiness of their birthdays.  So far, only 2 Presidents have qualified for such an honor.  After visiting the UVa again in the recent past, it reinforces how I've always felt - that Thomas Jefferson's birthday should be celebrated, but it's too close to Easter (and Passover) and he also had a kinky side that history has downplayed.

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9 hours ago, USA-1 said:

Great points, I have so much more to add to this, but I will refrain from most. I will add, Hey has anyone heard what's going on in Seattle? That was a rhetorical question I know you all have. Yeah, lets not bring up that the Seattle Mayor is encouraging the actions of the anarchists and Antifa cowards, in her words it's "just a Summer Block Party" talk about complete incompetence in the local government. All the WA State Gov. can say is "Oh I haven't heard about it" He's completely full of it! Seattle Police can't safely do their job and had to abandon an entire East Precinct in the area because the Mayor banned the use of flash bangs, pepper spray and tear gas used for unruly and/or criminal minded crowds, and yes a local liberal judge cleared the ban. So basically, no non-lethal way of subduing or dispersing the crowd of criminals and militant anarchists carrying AR-15's at checkpoints of a still confused naming of CHAZ or CHOP "Autonomous Zone" and No Cop Co-op with a list of demands before they give up the 6 block area around the East Precinct. They ONLY want to Fully Defund the Police, Free Education for all and a few other far Left Socialist agenda items that I don't care to list. Yeah, sounds like a great place to live right about now...

Just heard today that the Hells Angels are planning a trip to Seattle with other bikers to see what they can do to help "encourage" the morons to leave the area. Just might force the Mayor to do her job and let the local police do theirs.

We won't go into the massive issue of homeless drug addicts defecating on the streets of downtown Seattle also something that the Mayor won't do anything about...good luck with no Summertime tourists. Who wants to visit a wasteland? I had the "pleasure" of visiting Seattle for work not long ago and let me tell you, it was a disaster. 

There's a Huge difference in the way a Red State is governed over a Blue State in this country. Flash bangs and tear gas are used here in AZ if needed, and guess what? the anarchist cowards know they can't get away with that BS here or TX or FL or even NC where police dismantled an Antifa attempt at an Autonomous Zone that failed big time in downtown Asheville. I'll state it again, RULE OF LAW is in place in the U.S.A. as well as other industrialized countries for a reason...it's VERY effective.



So ya believe the FAKE FOX News and their photoshopped pictures of morons with assualt weapons walking around.

Do not my friend as there are idiots with hand guns, the police are doing their best to deal with it, but there are not these military with assualt weapons walking around as Fox Fake News posted and then took down once The Seattle Times called them on it as they photoshopped actual peaceful protest photo's Seattle Times took and posted with military people and assualt weapons.

Yes we have had our share of idiots protesting, but not the crazy burning destruction that they had in the mid-west. We are far more peaceful than what has been seen in other cities.

Best to just not go to the cities and be a part of it I think. Enjoying my garden and chatting with you folks. :) 

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2 hours ago, dfelt said:

 there are idiots with hand guns, the police are doing their best to deal with it,

 but not the crazy burning destruction that they had in the mid-west. We are far more peaceful than what has been seen in other cities.


Did you notice or even read the two News article links that I posted above and that they are NOT FROM FOX NEWS?

The YT vid below doesn't look peaceful to me...link/video coming from your local News channel NOT Fox News...



Please stop with the divisive rhetoric and stop blaming the "current administration" for everything, it needs to stop for the good of the entire country!! Others on here have directly or indirectly mentioned this.

Please don't ruin a good car site with divisive political crap, David. Let’s just talk about cars, classics and new. Thanks! 

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1 hour ago, oldshurst442 said:

As much as I dont mind EVs for our future and those EVs replacing ICE.

As much as Im interested in buying an EV  in the very near future, quite possibly my next vehicle purchase, I come across a youtube clip like the one below or I come across a 350 CI 1972 Stingray and I say:   TO HELL WITH ELECTRIC MOTORS. I WANT A V8!!!


The burble of that 472 (in the description it says its a 472) just makes me go crazy!   I WANT!!!

Id buy a 1996 Fleetwood Brougham.  Complete restoration on her. Id keep the LT1 for another project. But Id do a REVERSE engine swap on this one.  Instead of doing a modern (LS or Blackwing V8)engine swap  in her, Id DEFINITELY try and find either a 472 or 500 Cadillac motor and dump her in there.   I would want to hear that Cadillac Big Block burble coming from the last BOF Cadillac sedan.  

1996 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham | W261 | Indy 2019



Growing up we had a farmer neighbor who's wife had that exact mid 90's (think it was a '95) Fleetwood Brougham same gray/pewter color even. She was a Beaut, chrome was always shined up!! Super smooth ride, last of the big, old school RWD Caddy cruisers with the venerable LT1 350cid V8. That '71 "Fleet" is quite the masterpiece as well. And you're right it does sound amazing!  

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On 6/13/2020 at 1:57 PM, Robert Hall said:

A C&G Zoom meetup would be fun. 

How about making it an occasion to travel and meet people in person? 

Southwest is your (our) friend.*

* bags fly free

1 hour ago, oldshurst442 said:

1996 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham | W261 | Indy 2019


This particular M.Y. looked a little bloated, with the rear wheel skirts, heavy mouldings, and way too tall rear fender slab.  I've seen some pre-FWD ones that were more attractive, but can't pinpoint the specific years.  I'd keep what it's in if it's a small block Olds V8.  It's the early 4100 and the V8-6-4 engines I wouldn't want.  The finest V8 purr is that of a newer (or perfectly maintained) stock small block Olds V8.

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19 minutes ago, trinacriabob said:

How about making it an occasion to travel and meet people in person? 

Southwest is your (our) friend.*

* bags fly free

This particular M.Y. looked a little bloated, with the rear wheel skirts, heavy mouldings, and way too tall rear fender slab.  I've seen some pre-FWD ones that were more attractive, but can't pinpoint the specific years.  I'd keep what it's in if it's a small block Olds V8.  It's the early 4100 and the V8-6-4 engines I wouldn't want.  The finest V8 purr is that of a newer (or perfectly maintained) stock small block Olds V8.

Yes, traveling after the current situation maybe..once things get to the 'new normal'...those '93-96 Fleetwoods/Fleetwood Broughams had GM corporate (Chevy) 5.7L V8s, incl. the LT1 in '95-96 IIRC.  Always liked those cars, the last of the big RWD BOF Caddies...

Edited by Robert Hall
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On 6/15/2020 at 8:31 AM, ykX said:

Leonard Nimroy on set of Star Trek with his 1964 Buick Riviera


Wow.  When CA had 6 digit license plates and when Lauesen Buick (per plate frames), a single brand dealership that was located on Sepulveda Blvd. immediately north of Santa Monica Blvd, existed.  Single brand GM dealerships ... those were the days!

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40 minutes ago, trinacriabob said:

Wow.  When CA had 6 digit license plates and when Lauesen Buick (per plate frames), a single brand dealership that was located on Sepulveda Blvd. immediately north of Santa Monica Blvd, existed.  Single brand GM dealerships ... those were the days!

I forgot to mention, the Vette behind him supposedly belonged to William Shatner :)

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2 hours ago, trinacriabob said:

Single brand GM dealerships ... those were the days!

I realize there's basically 'none' today, but they were far from the norm in the '60s, too (tho there were more). The '60s was the decade that saw a lot of pairing up. You'd probably have to hit the '40s for single-liners to be common / the norm.

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Very interesting 2020 report by JD Powers and Associates. I know many love Mazda, but the Mazda is not well rated and in fact the CX-5 is rated at the bottom as the One CUV to avoid due to poor quality.

QUOTE of the key findings in their report:

Following are key findings of the 2020 study:

  • Vehicle dependability improves—but at a slower rate: The industry average in 2020 is 134 PP100, which is an improvement of just 2 PP100 from 2019. (However, in 2019, there was an improvement of 6 PP100 from 2018.) Despite the slowing rate of improvement, 2020 marks automakers’ best performance in the history of the study.
  • Dependability gains driven by crossovers and SUVs: Crossovers and SUVs still have slightly more problems than cars, but the gap is narrowing. On average, owners of crossovers/SUVs experience 134 PP100, compared with 127 PP100 by car owners. This 7 PP100 gap has narrowed considerably from 2019. With crossovers/SUVs now accounting for more than 50% of new vehicle sales annually, it is critical that automakers achieve the same level of quality and dependability as for cars.
  • In-vehicle technology shows greatest improvement: Audio/Communication/Entertainment/ Navigation (ACEN) is the most improved category (by 2.3 PP100), but still accounts for more problems than any other category in the study. Owners continue to cite problems with voice recognition, Bluetooth® connectivity and navigation systems. “Many owners complain about these systems early in the ownership experience and, three years later, they’re still frustrated with them,” Sargent said. “We’re seeing improvement, but automakers still have a long way to go to before they can declare victory in this area.”
  • Most Dependable Model: The Lexus ES is the highest-ranked model in the 2020 study. Its score of 52 PP100 is the best ever recorded in the 31-year history of the study.
  • First all-electric model receives an award: The Nissan LEAF is the first all-electric model to receive a segment-level award, for compact car.

Highest-Ranked Brands

Genesis ranks highest in overall vehicle dependability among all brands, with a score of 89 PP100. This is the first year Genesis has been included in the study. Lexus ranks second with a score of 100 PP100 (an improvement of 6 PP100 year over year). Buick (103 PP100) ranks third, Porsche (104 PP100) ranks fourth and Toyota (113 PP100) ranks fifth.

Cadillac shows considerable improvement with a reduction of 35 PP100 from 2019. Other above-average brands with strong improvement include Mazda (reduction of 29 PP100), Lincoln (by 28 PP100), Ford (by 20 PP100), Buick (by 15 PP100) and Volkswagen (by 15 PP100).

Toyota Motor Corporation receives six segment awards for the Lexus ES, Lexus GX, Toyota 4Runner, Toyota Avalon, Toyota Sienna and Toyota Tundra. The Toyota brand receives the highest number of segment awards in the study.

General Motors Company receives five segment awards: for the Buick Encore and Buick Regal, and for the Chevrolet Equinox, Chevrolet Silverado HD and Chevrolet Tahoe.

The 2020 U.S. Vehicle Dependability Study is based on responses from 36,555 original owners of 2017 model-year vehicles after three years of ownership. The study was fielded from July through November 2019.

To learn more about the U.S. Vehicle Dependability Study, visit http://www.jdpower.com/resource/us-vehicle-dependability-study.


Worth downloading and looking at the details.

J.D. Power 2020 U.S. Vehicle Dependability Study

J.D. Power 2020 U.S. Vehicle Dependability Study

J.D. Power 2020 U.S. Vehicle Dependability Study

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12 minutes ago, dfelt said:

Happy Birthday @USA-1 Wishing you a great day of relaxing fun and dreams. Enjoy your special day!

Thanks David! ?

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2 hours ago, balthazar said:

I realize there's basically 'none' today, but they were far from the norm in the '60s, too (tho there were more). The '60s was the decade that saw a lot of pairing up. You'd probably have to hit the '40s for single-liners to be common / the norm.

Single brand GM dealerships were the norm in SoCal in the '70s, though there was already some pairing up.  Perhaps because domestic cars were still popular enough and because of the population density.  

Frank Sanders Oldsmobile - mid-Wilshire - that image with the spotlights is what you got inside your temporary license plate


Albertson Oldsmobile - Culver City (home of the famous red rocket) - it was stand alone Olds into the '80s - it was just a car lot behind the rocket


Stan Chazen Pontiac - West L.A.

Bay Buick - Torrance (enormous with huge L.A. TImes ads with loss leaders ... i.e. the token Regal with crank windows and no A/C)

Majestic Pontiac on Imperial Highway in Inglewood-Hawthorne (they ordered their cars in a weird way) 

Livingston Pontiac and Guy Martin Olds right next to each other on Topanga Canyon Blvd. in Woodland Hills (in the Valley), selling lots of Firebirds and Cutlass Supremes, respectively. Buick-GMC (per sign) was added later and the Olds dealer was to the right ... and, yep, there was curbside free parking on the boulevard!


And the list goes on and on ...



Most of us should know whose Firebird this was!

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I do remember single brand Pontiac and Buick dealers in the 70s in Steubenville, Ohio..Montgomery Pontiac and Brandt Buick. I went to school with the kids of the owners of those dealerships.  Don't recall the Chevy dealer.  But over in Tuscarawas County where the family farm is, there was a Pontiac-Oldsmobile dealer and a Chevy-Buick dealer in one little town.  IIRC, there was a standalone Chevy dealer in the largest town.  

One of the more interesting dealers I remember was in the 80s was a GM dealer in Key West, Florida that had Chevy, Pontiac, Olds, Buick, Cadillac and GMC all in one showroom and lot. 

Edited by Robert Hall
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3 hours ago, dfelt said:

Very interesting 2020 report by JD Powers and Associates. I know many love Mazda, but the Mazda is not well rated and in fact the CX-5 is rated at the bottom as the One CUV to avoid due to poor quality.


But the report has Mazda being above average in the dependability survey.. I see no mention of the CX5 individually on the link.  Somewhere else perhaps?  I find JD Power's rankings pretty odd.. Buick and Chevy being so much higher rated than GMC currently.  Even twenty years ago when Buick was just a lightly disguised Chevy/Pontiac/Oldsmobile with a softer suspension  and slightly changed body panels from the same production facility it was so much higher rated.


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Of course there were stand-alones in the '70s. But here's an example of the first 60 or so numerically-coded San Fransisco Zone Pontiac dealers:
Pontiac only : ||||| ||||| ||||| :: 15
Pontiac plus 1 or more other brands : ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| | : 26
Unknown (name only) :
||||| ||||| |
|||| ||||| ||||| || : 27

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1 hour ago, Robert Hall said:

One of the more interesting dealers I remember was in the 80s was a GM dealer in Key West, Florida that had Chevy, Pontiac, Olds, Buick, Cadillac and GMC all in one showroom and lot. 

Sounds like a definite (un)planned stop.  Probably thin in terms of inventory depth since they are spread across all the brands.

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20 minutes ago, trinacriabob said:

Sounds like a definite (un)planned stop.  Probably thin in terms of inventory depth since they are spread across all the brands.

Was the only GM dealer in the Keys, 130 miles from the mainland.   Still there, Niles Chevy Buick GMC Cadillac.  

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Growing up we had Cadillac, Buick, GMC and Pontiac in one dealership and showroom and Chevrolet, Oldsmobile (Geo added in the 90's) in the other dealership across town in the 70's and 80's. Same setup today minus Olds, Pontiac and Geo of course. Cadillac has always worked to separate itself from the other divisions and has been pushing it for the past decade. I'm told by my Cadillac dealer buddy that any new Cadillac dealership built is required by GM to be a stand alone dealership that meets or exceeds their build quality and/or GM Corp. high-end standards for Cadillac to further differentiate the luxury marque from it's sibling divisions. It's pretty obvious with the new or remodeled Cadillac dealerships now.

This reminds me of a Summer job during college in the late 90's when in my early 20's at a large dealership in the East SF Bay Area Crown Cadillac, Chevrolet and Isuzu known by many as "Crown Dublin" in Dublin, CA, where the Cadillac dealership was of course a separate building and showroom from the Chevrolet, Isuzu. You had to get certified with GM to sell Cadillac's even back then. An older salesman (like mid 70's) Don, was the Big Kahuna Cadillac guy and used to say, "If you can fog a mirror you can sell a Chevrolet", basically saying they sell themselves and you don't have to be certified. Pretty funny none-the-less! Fun Summer job, and I'll never forget when Don took me for a ride in a new loaded '99 Seville STS. I'll tell you what that thing was quick for a FWD 300hp V8, then he showed me how good the brakes were. We took an off-ramp off the 680 Interstate he checked behind us and said you ready? Gripping the Oh sh!t handle good I said yep, when he anchored the brakes and the auto seat belt tensioners simultaneously activated and the girl just stayed straight as an arrow, literally squatted down (no reared up back end) sunroof shade slammed shut and I swear we stopped on a dime with 9 cents change from at least 60mph, pretty damn good for late 90's ABS tech. Then he stood on it and the electronic traction control took over squealed the fronts a bit, but it launched pretty hard with almost zero torque steer with equal length drive shafts that the Caddy's had and she was off. It was a blast! Never had a salesman "test drive" a new car like that with me and probably never will again! :D  

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I always say...on July 4rth:

Happy Birthday USA!  

But now, Im saying it 2 weeks earlier and saying it to an actual person.  

Happy Birthday @USA-1

My gift to you. A visual delight!

Hulk Hogan because of the "you are a real American" intro he had.

Image tagged in hulk hogan 1 - Imgflip


F-4 Phantom II because it was such a great kick-ass plane. This one is the Bicentennial one.  You know...Happy 200th America. Not that Im implying that you are a 200 year old geezer...just that its a kick-ass plane...and you know...birthday.. 

Happy Independence Day USA! – Aces Flying High

Corvette. You own a C5. This C3 is AMERICA baby!  (and...your name up front) 

All American 'Vette | Tv cars, Corvette, Austin powers

And a couple of USA-1 (your name) Chevys in action.  

Photo: Bruce Larson 70 Camaro 1 | 2nd Generation Camaro Funny Cars ...

Kyosho USA-1 Nitro Crusher 4WD | Classic and Vintage RC Cars ...





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1 hour ago, oldshurst442 said:

But now, I'm saying it 2 weeks earlier and saying it to an actual person.

Happy Birthday @USA-1


Thanks olds!!! Very awesome!!! America's Bi-Centennial is my birth year '76!! tommy wiseau flag GIF by The Room

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6 hours ago, oldshurst442 said:

"C2 Corvette"  NOT C3...


I knew you knew that :D?? C2 is one of my favorite Vettes. The '67 with 427 and stinger hood running the 4 spd Muncie is one of my dream cars!

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