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14 minutes ago, trinacriabob said:

CNN is my point of reference.  I looked it up in Wiki and the article said that, while the perception is that they lean left, the reality is that they present a balanced viewpoint.

I find CNN pretty balanced and mainstream..MSNBC definitely leans left, while Faux News is fiction for the right wing crowd.

I don't really watch much TV news, though occasionally I'll watch CBS News or the BBC.

Edited by Robert Hall
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I remember that commercial!  I LOOOOVED that commercial. 

Yes...let the good times roll.   In a luxury vehicle of your choice.  Be it a majestic Kings Ranch F250 or a lowly Mercedes Benz E250...  


6 minutes ago, ocnblu said:

Pure comedy gold, right there...

As funny as a European Mercedes taxi cab being a luxury car in North America. 

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10 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

Be it a majestic Kings Ranch F250 or a lowly Mercedes Benz E250...  

Much more lasting value in the Ford.  Earns its keep and then some, over a long life.

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4 hours ago, USA-1 said:

He shoulda got a coupla kicks to the head, in my opinion. 

The room coulda been completely black.  The cops coulda kicked him in the back.   And this song coulda been playin' in the background while each cop in the precinct got a go at him.  




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2 hours ago, ocnblu said:

So, by your logic, if I travel to, say, Ethiopia, I would become Ethiopian?  Not how things work, I'm afraid.

If ya get Covid-19 and I honestly hope not, we can call it the blu-virus! :P

39 minutes ago, trinacriabob said:

I'm talking about the perception of the virus rather than reality.  Your imbecile president, with an Ivy League pedigree from Penn, hastily called it the Chinese virus.

I doubt Idiot45 has an actual degree. No one is willing to show his school transcripts and there is no evidence he actually graduated. The only thing he did was play basketball and get a fake Bone Spur note to avoid serving his country. Yes he is an Idiot for calling it the Chinese Virus, just showing his racist boomer roots.

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1 minute ago, ocnblu said:

Much more lasting value in the Ford.  Earns its keep and then some, over a long life.

Now that's saying something. Let's not push the BS meter too far now blu! It's gettin' deep in here!?

3 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

He shoulda got a coupla kicks to the head, in my opinion. 

The room coulda been completely black.  The cops coulda kicked him in the back.   And this song coulda been playin' in the background while each cop in the precinct got a go at him.  




I wanted to see them throw him up against his totaled car and cuff him. He was totally cocky like they were all his buddies just BS'n with him. You could see the deputy in tan stand back a step or two with his hand guarding his firearm. Well trained officer right there, never know what the guy is on or will do when in that kind of predicament. 

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4 minutes ago, dfelt said:


I doubt Idiot45 has an actual degree. No one is willing to show his school transcripts and there is no evidence he actually graduated. The only thing he did was play basketball and get a fake Bone Spur note to avoid serving his country. Yes he is an Idiot for calling it the Chinese Virus, just showing his racist boomer roots.

His father probably paid someone to take his tests for him.     Corruption and cheating have been an integral part of his persona for decades, not that his idiotic base cares (or are capable of understanding the problem w/ having a corrupt, vile President).  

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5 minutes ago, USA-1 said:

I wanted to see them throw him up against his totaled car and cuff him. He was totally cocky like they were all his buddies just BS'n with him.

Me too actually.  Or at the very least, cuff him, and while they are putting him the back seat of their Explorer, tell him to watch his head while slamming his head getting him in the car.   


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1 minute ago, oldshurst442 said:

Me too actually.  Or at the very least, cuff him, and while they are putting him the back seat of their Explorer, tell him to watch his head while slamming his head getting him in the car.   


Also, the NYPD cops in blue let him go back to his car twice and the second time he got in and started the damn thing up again! They're lucky he wasn't going for a gun. 

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17 minutes ago, USA-1 said:

Also, the NYPD cops in blue let him go back to his car twice and the second time he got in and started the damn thing up again! They're lucky he wasn't going for a gun. 

Yeah...I didnt understand that. The car's front end was obliterated. It was blatant that the car was in an accident. I mean, the car had hit something...and it was clear that it was a hit and run...

Joking aside, I was expecting the cops to pull out their guns telling him to  put his hands up and slowly get out of his car.  At hte very least, when he was approaching them, I was expecting the guns to come out.  The dude, like you said, cockily got out, stumbled because he was still high and slowly moseyed on over to talk to the cops...

Like...WTF was that?

Maybe NYC cops are trained differently than the LAPD?  Maybe I have seen toooo many LAPD cop related bang bang stories? 

But I though NYC cops were just as bad ass as their LAPD counterparts.

My first visit to NYC, we were about 5-6 Greek Boys from Montreal visiting. In 1991. We were right in front of Macy's door. We were there about 5 minutes trying to decide what to do next, whether to go inside and buy something just to say we bought something at Macy's or just to continue on walking...  All of a sudden, we heard two loud and husky voices to get the PHOQUE OUT!!!   We were shocked. We didnt know where and who it came from. Then in no time, we saw 2 huge bodybuilder cops, 6'4" at least 260 lbs worth of muscle each and they were continuing to swear at us to get the phoque out of the door way and to stop loitering. 

We apologized and we said we would comply as we all shat our pants but they noticed our English wasnt local.  They in turn apologized and asked us where we are from. We said Montreal and they told us to enjoy their city... 

But my story about NYC cops is the complete opposite of what transpired with that accident...

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1 hour ago, trinacriabob said:

I'm talking about the perception of the virus rather than reality.  Your imbecile president, with an Ivy League pedigree from Penn, hastily called it the Chinese virus.

I didnt know he was imprisoned let alone finish his degree while locked up?

Oopsies. My bad.  Penn State...  Not the state pen.  Although we all know he deserves 10-15  in solitary confinement...with a straight jacket, possibly?


1 hour ago, dfelt said:

The only thing he did was play basketball

Fatso actually played basketball?   How in the hell did he move on the court, he rolled?

Joking aside, I thought he played football.   And I thought he was quite good at it too. 


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5 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

I didnt know he was imprisoned let alone finish his degree while locked up?

Oopsies. My bad.  Penn State...  Not the state pen.  


No, the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.  Known as 'Penn'. 

32 minutes ago, ocnblu said:

bad-ass individual!


Never been an Aztek fan, but that is maybe the slickest looking one I've seen..rather cool, IMO. 

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3 minutes ago, Robert Hall said:

No, the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.  Known as 'Penn'. 

I just googled both to inform myself better. 

U of Penn is Ivy League.  DUH  

Penn State is public.   I shoulda known better.   

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5 minutes ago, Robert Hall said:

Never been an Aztek fan, but that is maybe the slickest looking one I've seen..rather cool, IMO. 

I must admit. It does look...(gag me please)...good

But nah...let me get the vile out of my mouth again by posting  awesome Firebird/Trans Ams. 

Bob Thomson's Pro-Touring 1969 Pontiac Trans Am on Forgeline GW3 ...

Long Haulin' – 1979 Pontiac Trans Am | Hemmings Daily

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1 hour ago, dfelt said:

If ya get Covid-19 and I honestly hope not, we can call it the blu-virus! :P

I doubt Idiot45 has an actual degree. No one is willing to show his school transcripts and there is no evidence he actually graduated. The only thing he did was play basketball and get a fake Bone Spur note to avoid serving his country. Yes he is an Idiot for calling it the Chinese Virus, just showing his racist boomer roots.

Or we could say it's like having the blues, but then it would be confused with depression.

I believe he has a degree.  He dumbs down his presentation to connect with everyday blue collar folks.  He started out at Fordham and transferred to Penn to finish.  Since his father built out one of the largest and nicest developments in Queens NY (Jamaica Estates) back in the day, his dad's money could have kept him in, with the university sort of buying in to push him through with B-/C+ grades.  If he doesn't want to show transcripts, it's possibly because his grades aren't much to look at.  

44 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

I just googled both to inform myself better. 

U of Penn is Ivy League.  DUH  

Penn State is public.   I shoulda known better.   

It's okay.  When I was a kid, I would have thought the same thing, let alone even think about either of these schools.  On the East Coast, I only gave some thought to Georgetown because it looked cool in "The Exorcist," but I doubt I would have gotten in.

Also, up until about the late 90s, I always assumed your McGill was private because of its WASPy sounding name and because it didn't have the Univ. of (insert place) names given to most other major public Canadian universities.

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Multiple sources is best. 

All sources have a certain level of bias leaning one way or other. And..there is an element of truth in ALL!  And there is an element of deceit in all...to fit ones agenda. 

That is why one has to listen to multiple sources because one could filter the bullshyte better.  But one has to be willing to not be biased himself when listening to the media. One has to be willing to be open and when one has a certain point of view and then realizes that his point of view may be wrong in any way, one must have the strength to change his world view...and THAT therein lies the difficulty of filtering out the bulllshyte. Because one may be willing to believe the bullshyte and to continue on with the falsehoods rather than the reality of it all...



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2 hours ago, dfelt said:

I doubt Idiot45 has an actual degree. No one is willing to show his school transcripts and there is no evidence he actually graduated.

Yes he is an Idiot for calling it the Chinese Virus, just showing his racist boomer roots.

Previous president did the exact same thing- no transcripts, no thesis’s, no high school records- all permanently sealed. 

WRT calling COVID-19 something, see my link from the prior page.

The above are 2 apparent examples of watching only 1 network news source.

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1 hour ago, balthazar said:

Previous president did the exact same thing- no transcripts, no thesis’s, no high school records- all permanently sealed. 

WRT calling COVID-19 something, see my link from the prior page.

The above are 2 apparent examples of watching only 1 network news source.

I am sure previous presidents did not have college education too in our history, but I have never seen a president deflect so many straight forward questions and not want to deal with truth.

Multiple news sources had pictures of his notes where he crossed out the Covid-19 and put in Chinese.

Whuhan is open and everyone is fleeing.


76 days and street performers are out dancing. Interesting pictures of the area.



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2 hours ago, oldshurst442 said:

Greek Orthodox priest in that...which reminds me....

I read the book before I saw the movie.  True, in "The Exorcist," the younger priest's surname was Karras.  And, when they showed his elderly mother in NYC, she was sitting in her apartment listening to a Greek language radio station.  However, why was he hanging out at Georgetown?  Could it be that a very small percentage of Greeks are Roman Catholic?  There were always Greek Orthodox kids and Middle Eastern Christian (Coptic, etc.) kids in my schools but that's because they didn't have enough critical mass to have their own grade schools and high schools and their parents had no intention of sending them to public schools.

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2 hours ago, balthazar said:

I do not believe nor do I find any singular network news to be wholly objective & balanced. One’s best bet is to watch multiple ones and balance them against each other. Because they’re all biased to a degree.

I agree. Even if they lean a little to the left or a little to the right, you can use the information and make up your own mind on the topic.  We probably have our own opinions about the topics they present ahead of time.

My parents had these neighbors a couple of blocks over.  They were a younger married couple with kids.  The wife often began sentences with "you need to" or "you have to."  For being "uneducated," she was very patronizing.  One time, I got an emphatic, "You need to watch Fox News."  It turns out her husband moved to another state to attend to family matters and, last I know, hadn't moved back.  I'm sure he had had enough of "you need to" and "you have to."  On top of it, this lady was also a holy roller.

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17 minutes ago, dfelt said:

I am sure previous presidents did not have college education too in our history, but I have never seen a president deflect so many straight forward questions and not want to deal with truth.

Multiple news sources had pictures of his notes where he crossed out the Covid-19 and put in Chinese.

• I didn't say 'previous presidents'; I said 'previous president' (singular).
• I'll bet the news desks shown in the linked video also had things crossed out/changed on their transcripts, too. It's all immaterial; the terminology was initially used to communicate the specific virus, nothing more. It took weeks for the official scientific name to become widespread. But some op-eds will ignore the masses that used the same terminology repeatedly and try and make you believe only 1 person used it (and what he meant by it). That's called 'being fed a narrative'.

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15 hours ago, Robert Hall said:

Got them here also last night...the evening was great, up to 72 in Cleveland yesterday..sat on the patio until 11 enjoying the weather, some adult beverages and music.   Then went to bed and heavy thunderstorms and wind...some branches down in the yard this morning.  Read there are tornado sightings to the south and west of here.. 

Got worried here for a while.....it went from rain to hail fast! Caught me off guard! Freaked me out, even though it was only pea sized...been a while since I saw a storm change so quickly....

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10 hours ago, trinacriabob said:

I read the book before I saw the movie.  True, in "The Exorcist," the younger priest's surname was Karras.  And, when they showed his elderly mother in NYC, she was sitting in her apartment listening to a Greek language radio station.  However, why was he hanging out at Georgetown?  Could it be that a very small percentage of Greeks are Roman Catholic?  There were always Greek Orthodox kids and Middle Eastern Christian (Coptic, etc.) kids in my schools but that's because they didn't have enough critical mass to have their own grade schools and high schools and their parents had no intention of sending them to public schools.

Yes. There is a small minority of Greeks whose religious background is Roman Catholic.  I do not know why the author chose to have a Priest of Greek origin in the movie.  You taught me a something. I always thought he was a Greek Orthodox Priest. (The overwhelming religious majority for Greeks is Greek Orthodox. The remaining 10% is divided between Catholic, Muslim and even Jewish. So you could see as to why I assumed wrongly) I googled and wiki states that William Blatty wrote him as a Jesuit Priest.  

I was too young and maybe I did not care enough to realize his frocks are not Greek Orthodox and yes indeed,  Catholic.

Maybe the author thought that having Greek in the book and in the movie was more (because if I remember correctly, he talks to his mother in Greek at one point too)  original than hearing Italian as the Italian culture was more visible at that point in time.  Spaghetti Westerns and the Godfather.     Maybe he chose Greek because the word Exorcist  originates from the Greek language and he saw a connection there.  I dunno.

All I know, this is the only movie that still creeps me out.  The last time I saw the movie, I was 25 years old and I rented it. 25 years old. I said then that Im a grown ass man and I will defeat this movie. (I saw it when I was younger 2 times prior and I had nightmares)  Well, I wasnt afraid after viewing it...but.  It happened to be a windy night that night and every time I heard a tree branch move outside my bedroom window, I woke up...   I aint gonna see this movie again, in fear that I will be a sissy once again.  

I aint afraid of God, or the Devil.   I have faith in God. 

The reason why I aint afraid of God is because I am a child of His. He made me. He made me in His own image. He says in His words that He is always there for me.  My saviour, His son, died for all of our sins.  And as it were, Easter is right around the corner. Jesus' words say for us to be as good as Christians as we could be. And well, I might not be perfect, and He (The Holy Trinity) knows Im not perfect and well...I do try my best to be a good Christian. And that is all He has ever asked of us. And THAT is why I aint afraid of God.  Nor the Devil for that matter for that very same reason.   

But THAT movie...creeps me the phoque out. 


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Random thoughts could include mulling over current events:

- Bernie Sanders has dropped out of the race, and

- Linda Tripp died a day or two ago, at age 70.  The cause has not been revealed.  When I thought of the word bureaucrat, I thought of employees in European government posts who pushed paper and took forever to do so, probably giving priority to their smoke and coffee breaks.  We definitely have these same types over here.  At any rate, Linda Tripp, a previously obscure federal employee, became the American face of the term "bureaucrat" some 20 years ago ... and this is the face most likely to be etched into people's brains:



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I believe she died of cancer.   I wonder if she ever furthered her career...

I think slick Willy probably ignored her sexual advances on him and she was just bitter and she sought revenge. After all, slick Willy is known to be promiscuous. Not a wholesome fella he is. Down right rapey I think... 

Imagine how nasty she must have been for slick Willy to refuse her advances?   (Random Thought right there...) 

Another food for thought

1. what is more sinful? 

a) Slick Willy being unfaithful to his wife. A holy (monogamous) bond he made with her and God.  

b) Slick Willy engaging in "non-sexual" sexual acts with a CONSENTING ADULT.

c) A "non sexual" sexual act that was clearly made out of the bonds of holy matrimony.  Remember folk, sex is not a sin. "Depraved" acts are not a sin as long as they are done with your partner within the bonds of holy matrimony.

d) backstabbing "friends" and other humans in order to gain monetary and career benefits.  (This applies EQUALLY to Tripp AND to Lewinsky.

e) Being home wrecker. Because in essence, Lewinski is a home wrecker even though Hillary decided to "stand by her man".  (If I was Hillary, Id leave that SOB. Id leave that SOB a loooong time  waaaaaaay before he held office. He was accused of rape and had allegations of cheating on her early on in their marriage.) 

And lastly...

2. Was this ever our business?  Engaging in gossip last I heard, was also a sin...

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31 minutes ago, trinacriabob said:

Random thoughts could include mulling over current events:

- Bernie Sanders has dropped out of the race, and

- Linda Tripp died a day or two ago, at age 70.  The cause has not been revealed.  When I thought of the word bureaucrat, I thought of employees in European government posts who pushed paper and took forever to do so, probably giving priority to their smoke and coffee breaks.  We definitely have these same types over here.  At any rate, Linda Tripp, a previously obscure federal employee, became the American face of the term "bureaucrat" some 20 years ago ... and this is the face most likely to be etched into people's brains:



HARD PASS on that nasty woman. I would for sure take what Slick Willy did enjoy over Linda.

See the source image

23 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

I believe she died of cancer.   I wonder if she ever furthered her career...

I think slick Willy probably ignored her sexual advances on him and she was just bitter and she sought revenge. After all, slick Willy is known to be promiscuous. Not a wholesome fella he is. Down right rapey I think... 

Imagine how nasty she must have been for slick Willy to refuse her advances?   (Random Thought right there...) 

Another food for thought

1. what is more sinful? 

a) Slick Willy being unfaithful to his wife. A holy (monogamous) bond he made with her and God.  

b) Slick Willy engaging in "non-sexual" sexual acts with a CONSENTING ADULT.

c) A "non sexual" sexual act that was clearly made out of the bonds of holy matrimony.  Remember folk, sex is not a sin. "Depraved" acts are not a sin as long as they are done with your partner within the bonds of holy matrimony.

d) backstabbing "friends" and other humans in order to gain monetary and career benefits.  (This applies EQUALLY to Tripp AND to Lewinsky.

e) Being home wrecker. Because in essence, Lewinski is a home wrecker even though Hillary decided to "stand by her man".  (If I was Hillary, Id leave that SOB. Id leave that SOB a loooong time  waaaaaaay before he held office. He was accused of rape and had allegations of cheating on her early on in their marriage.) 

And lastly...

2. Was this ever our business?  Engaging in gossip last I heard, was also a sin...

Yet, if one does not believe in god, then is it really a sin? Who is to say that nasty Hillary was not involved in this and it was all setup to deflect her own plans to run for president which failed. ? After all being in politics is a chess game one now has to play well or have others behind the curtain to manipulate the system.

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15 minutes ago, dfelt said:

Yet, if one does not believe in god, then is it really a sin?

True dat.  But if there is a God. I said if...there is God, even if you dont believe in His Holiness, you might find yourself in a pickle come Judgement Day at them Pearly Gates.  But if there isnt God...I say, have yourself a blast dude!  

YOLO!  (do kids even say that anymore?)

15 minutes ago, dfelt said:

Who is to say that nasty Hillary was not involved in this and it was all setup to deflect her own plans to run for president which failed. ? After all being in politics is a chess game one now has to play well or have others behind the curtain to manipulate the system.

Sounds kinky.  You think she was watching them engage in those non-sexual sexual acts and when Lewinsky cleaned herself up and left the premises,  Slick Willy and Hillary had hot sex ON the Oval Office desk?   THAT might explain as to why she stood by her man...

This song IMMEDIATELY rushed to my mind


I love Janet. I miss her.  I may like her music more than Michael's. And I LOVE Michael's music. 

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@daves87rs I'm not sad about Bernie dropping out.  At all.  I'm hoping that Joe picks your state governor as his running mate.

@oldshurst442  She could have died of cancer.  The article mentioned that she has battled it before.  If she was weakened by that battle, it would have been harder to overcome COVID-19.  Some famous people, as we see on the news, have succumbed to it.  We don't know if it was the issue here.  A few days prior, Honor Blackman, who played the Bond girl with the  character name that has gone unforgotten in "Goldfinger," died at 94, and it was entirely due to other health issues.

I have heard that theory that Linda Tripp was a case of being scorned and being jealous of Monica.  If Linda Tripp was jealous or thought she had a chance, she was delusional.

As for gossip and sinfulness, imagine this.  Try to spend an hour with someone, such as a friend, and not talk about anyone.  It's not possible to operate in a vacuum.  Possibly, there are two options - just talking about someone in a "shoot the breeze" way and gossip of the "nasty" variety.  If you want to talk sin, the first one would not be while the second one could be.  I don't want to digress into a spiritual discussion.

Regardless, all this talk about Linda Tripp and company got me thinking about this classic tune (better here than in the music thread):


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21 hours ago, trinacriabob said:

I always assumed your McGill was private because of its WASPy sounding name and because it didn't have the Univ. of (insert place) names given to most other major public Canadian universities.

Not private. But Ivy League-ish nonetheless.  In many ways...

Visit McGill | Women in the Faculty of Engineering - McGill University

McGill University recognized as one of Montreal's Top Employers ...

McGill University | LinkedIn

Where to Eat and Drink Cheaply Around McGill University - Eater ...

  •  McGill University is a public research university in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Founded in 1821 by royal charter granted by King George IV,[8] the university bears the name of James McGill, a Scottish merchant whose bequest in 1813 formed the university's precursor, University of McGill College (or simply, McGill College); the name was officially changed to McGill University in 1885.
  • Part of the Association of American Universities of which Harvard, Princeton, Yale are apart of which are indeed private and Ivy League
  • Offers degrees in 300 fields of study including engineering, science, medecine and arts. 
  • highest admissions requirements of any Canadian University
  • Basketball, Ice Hockey and gridiron Football all started at McGill as organized sports 
  • the student body is the most international diverse of any medical-doctoral research university in Canada


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Crazy weather today... sunny at 46 at one point, rain, sleet, freezing rain, snow, high winds..

Been chillin' this afternoon and evening, ,after finding out tomorrow is a work holiday...didn't realize it. Had a couple Svedka vodka and pomengranate/oj martinis, a few glasses of chardonnay.. streaming music on You Tube...

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4 hours ago, Robert Hall said:

Crazy weather today... sunny at 46 at one point, rain, sleet, freezing rain, snow, high winds..

Been chillin' this afternoon and evening, ,after finding out tomorrow is a work holiday...didn't realize it. Had a couple Svedka vodka and pomengranate/oj martinis, a few glasses of chardonnay.. streaming music on You Tube...

Sounds like a good way to go!

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23 hours ago, oldshurst442 said:

True dat.  But if there is a God. I said if...there is God, even if you dont believe in His Holiness, you might find yourself in a pickle come Judgement Day at them Pearly Gates.  But if there isnt God...I say, have yourself a blast dude!  

YOLO!  (do kids even say that anymore?)

Sounds kinky.  You think she was watching them engage in those non-sexual sexual acts and when Lewinsky cleaned herself up and left the premises,  Slick Willy and Hillary had hot sex ON the Oval Office desk?   THAT might explain as to why she stood by her man...

This song IMMEDIATELY rushed to my mind


I love Janet. I miss her.  I may like her music more than Michael's. And I LOVE Michael's music. 

If God exists, he has allot of explaining to do and accountability for his incompetence. Like I said, If he exists. Currently history is on the side that religions exist to manipulate and control humanity for the few in power.

Yes, I also wondered about Hilly and her craziness with Slick Willy. Still take his presidential work over the craziness of stupidity we have now. At least Everyone worked together to have a balanced budget, pay down our national debt. The One and Only time any presidential administration has done that.

Love Janet also, her Rhythm Nation is my favorite album from her.

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1 hour ago, dfelt said:

Like I said, If he exists. Currently history is on the side that religions exist to manipulate and control humanity for the few in power.

Yes, I also wondered about Hilly and her craziness with Slick Willy. Still take his presidential work over the craziness of stupidity we have now. At least Everyone worked together to have a balanced budget, pay down our national debt. The One and Only time any presidential administration has done that.

I will not opine too much on this but agree that guilt has been used as a control mechanism by organized religion.

There's something to think about here - Slick Willie slotted in right after the Bush 41 1991 recession and right before the dot-com bust.  His timing in the business cycle couldn't have been more fortuitous.  Not talking about politics and ability, the first time I heard him open his mouth, I didn't like him.  He's too much like a car salesman, but with a very impressive IQ and educational background.

Talking business, there's one business that's not doing too shabby around here:  Starbucks.  If you've got a Starbucks in a suburb and it has a drive-through, you may see the "addicts" lining up through the drive-through.  They're the ones who don't wear down the seats and tables, use the restrooms, or use the wi-fi.  What they've "lost" is their in-store clientele, but some of those customers, myself included, can be cheap - order a cup of coffee or tea ... and sit there for a long time.  I usually leave their nice employees a tip, though.

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Gov't does the same thing as religion; asks you to follow it's leader ('pope' / president), leverages persuasion (guilt / laws), instigates strife with dissidents (preaching / warfare) and continually asks for money (contributions / taxes). Neither is all bad, neither goes away, but you can only walk away from one of them.

Whether it's laws, 'commandments' or social customs, the human animal generally benefits from some behavior control.

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I agree with just about all of that.  Said another way, most things are better in moderation: being mentally, spiritually, and physically "incarcerated" is one extreme.  A "free for all" would be the other.

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Well Said @balthazar @trinacriabob

I will back up the statement about Starbucks. Here many Burger Kings went out over the last 20 to 30 years where as McDonalds, Wendy's and now Five Guys and The Habit Burger Grill are still growing and strong.

The Burger King locations seem to have been snapped up by Starbucks and the drive through are crazy busy.

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9 hours ago, daves87rs said:

I think it might be time for a nice vacation from Facebook...people are going to drive me nuts.......

I went on it.  And went off it.  It keeps people in high school type dynamics.  No bueno.

- - - - -

In it's heyday:


It went out with a bang ... literally ... what a send off ...

When they do show you their marquee, it says "No Vacancy."  Duh.

There was a lot of fire once the implosion got started.  The Kingdome stadium was imploded -  the only one I've actually seen - but you only saw the flares and some smoke when it got started; nothing like this.

The Dunes went down to make room for the Bellagio.

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