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7 hours ago, riviera74 said:

Yes but most Prius owners want to BE SEEN driving 15 MPH under the limit in the passing lane as green.


7 hours ago, balthazar said:

I'm not sure the 'seen as green' thing is much of a thing anymore WRT the prius. Used to hear plenty of chatter along those lines, I don't anymore. Seems now more like 'yeah, yeah, you got a prius' So what?
- - - - -

Screen Shot 2019-02-24 at 7.58.12 PM.png

Clue me in.  Is that a Hudson Italia?

6 hours ago, Drew Dowdell said:

The problem is the Pruis C is small. Even with the seats down you don't get a lot of cargo room. 

So's the Corolla Hatchback.  Pretty small inside.  I just think it would be a logical progression for Toyota to build a Corolla Hatchback Hybrid.

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Was checking out a Germany News Show that was discussing the crazy American Politics and the Lady said in German, which was auto translated into CC English:

"In America you call it the Alt Right"

In Germany we call it "Why Grandpa lives in Argentina now and does not visit"


I have to say, watching some of the English Europe News shows with their editorial of what goes on is just too funny. 

I also loved the how many in Europe feel Britain Elite screwed the population with the Brexit vote referring to it as playing Russian Roulette with a 9mm that has blanks along with bullets but has said it will not really hurt when the blanks go off in your mouth.

BCC is just cracking me up this morning. :roflmao:

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The last pic I posted; picture walking in a narrow lane between 2 decrepit buildings in a large junkyard and seeing a car covered with a tarp. You lift the tarp and that view & emblem greets you; an unrestored but very solid black fuel injected '57 convertible. In '57 that means only one model- the 1st year Bonneville- all of them FI'ed, only 630 built. The line is they were built only 1 to a dealer, but there were far more than 630 Pontiac dealers; what's more accurate is dealers were limited to just 1 and not all of them got one.

The other unverified scuttlebutt I've read is that out of that 630 cars, only 3 were painted black at the factory.

I asked at the office but as soon as I mentioned it, they interrupted me to say 'Don't even ask about it'. Yard was crushed out sometime around 2000, but I have zero doubt that Bonneville was NOT among the flattened junkers- far too valuable. I have yet to see this car resurface, however.
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There's also this car- proposed but reportedly none were built. '57 Rambler Rebel, sign reads 'Electrojector Fuel Injection, 288 HP' :

Screen Shot 2019-02-25 at 11.42.31 PM.png

Edited by balthazar
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Interesting comparison of an Early production #89 and a late production #78712. Interesting comparison 18 min video. Clearly they cheapened things up moving forward. Very noticeable.


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1 of reputedly 2 '58 Plymouths, this one surprisingly a Belvidere vs. a Fury, wearing FUEL INJECTION emblem on the front fender. Original owner had it for a few decades, put over 100K miles on it. Whereabouts today: unknown. 2nd car was reportedly smashed while still relatively new.

58 Belvidere FI (1of2).png

- - - - -

Original '58 300-D FI car, converted over to 2x4 carbs, but owner retained not only the iriginal FI set-up, but picked up a 2nd set-up. Note FI emblem on spare tire cover. Reportedly, (57) 300-D FI cars were built. These set-ups are outrageously expensive if you can find one. Reportedly, a NOS '58 Dodge D-501 FI emblem sold online for $1000. The induction set-up might be worth $10K (I have no idea- not enough market info to establish; they probably sell privately among the model enthusiasts.)

Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at 12.48.56 PM.png

Edited by balthazar
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16 hours ago, A Horse With No Name said:


Very cool, love auto projects like this. Weird that it still only has a single exhaust and weird that at the end of the video when he is pulling back into the place he took off from that you can hear what sounds like a lifter tap.

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10 Everyday Items that will become Extinct before you know it. Do you agree with the list?

  1. Desktop Computers
  2. Keys
  3. Physical college text books
  4. Televisions
  5. Manual Transmissions
  6. Analog watches
  7. Car Insurance
  8. Remote controls
  9. DVDs
  10. Incandescent lightbulbs

I can see many of these changing but not totally going away. Television is one area that for some virtual reality headsets might replace their TV, but having tried from the latest $2,300 version from Microsoft to Dell's and others, just not for me.

What do you think?

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29 minutes ago, balthazar said:

How did car insurance sneak in there?? And keys??? Is there some movement afoot to banish keys? Are keys a problem/inconvenience somehow?

No to 2, 4, 6, 7, 8
Maybe/probably yes to 1, 3, 5, 9, 10

Car insurance was stated as self driving service cars will make people not need auto insurance as they will not have their own auto. I think they are making a crazy assumption that everyone will move to paying for auto service of getting from A to B using a Lyft or Uber type service. Not me, I love to drive.

Keys, I can see this happening as I see more and more keyless home door locks and fobs for auto's. I can see the push to go away from keys. Again not for everyone.

The remotes, I can see happen as more and more electronics move to using voice control. Guess the household will have shouting matches over what channel to watch.

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Interesting list. 

I've seen the electronic keyless home locks, but there are too many failure scenarios w/ them.  No reason to get rid of a physical key for me. 

I do watch some YouTube short videos or news clips on my phone or tablet, but for watching a tv show, movie, etc I like my HDTVs...

Sadly, I see manual transmissions going away in the US market, still likely to be common outside the US.   I will have another manual car eventually, I like them for a fun car.  For the daily grind, prefer an automatic.   As long as people drive themselves, I see a need for auto insurance.  

I quit using desktop PCs over a decade ago for home use, laptops only since 2008, but I know companies still like them for offices.   Working from home, I like the flexibility to work/surf from my home office, or on the sofa, patio, kitchen, etc.  

Haven't regularly worn a watch in at least a decade (no point w/ a cellphone), though I still have watches..I do wear them as jewelry once in a while.  I can't see myself using a smart watch anytime soon. 

 Still have remote controls for my TV and home theater equipment--and they get lost in the sofa---no interest in voice control.    Still have DVDs/Blu Rays, though I have mostly streamed content the last few years...

I do use energy efficient light bulbs, may try some smart bulbs for home automation eventually.  

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2 hours ago, dfelt said:


10 Everyday Items that will become Extinct before you know it. Do you agree with the list?

  1. Desktop Computers
  2. Keys
  3. Physical college text books
  4. Televisions
  5. Manual Transmissions
  6. Analog watches
  7. Car Insurance
  8. Remote controls
  9. DVDs
  10. Incandescent lightbulbs

I can see many of these changing but not totally going away. Television is one area that for some virtual reality headsets might replace their TV, but having tried from the latest $2,300 version from Microsoft to Dell's and others, just not for me.

What do you think?

No to 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8

1. There will be desktop computers for some time now, they may not stay in the consumer market forever, but for business they'll stick around. 

2. There is just too much old housing stock out there that needs a bulldozer and that isn't happening anytime soon. 

4. The idea that we're all going to move to VR goggles to watch tv completely ignores the way people use their TVs.  It's not practical to have people over for "movie night" if you only have 2 sets of goggles.  I often put the TV on in the background while I'm working on other stuff, not able to do that while wearing goggles.

6. Analog watches are still a status symbol and have a beauty compared to smart watches. I may buy a smart watch some day, but I'll still always have an analog automatic.

7. It's too big an industry to die out... it could have a big change to the way people pay for it, possibly including it in a subscription, but that doesn't mean it isn't there.  There would need to be a change to all 50 states for car insurance to go away completely... and the U.S. is too sue happy to let that happen.

8. No, they'll just evolve into something newer.  Maybe voice activated like what Comcast does. Maybe a touchpad and button like Apple TV, but still a remote.

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2 hours ago, dfelt said:


  1. Keys
  2. Physical college text books
  3. Televisions
  4. Manual Transmissions
  5. Analog watches
  6. Car Insurance
  7. Remote controls
  8. DVDs
  9. Incandescent lightbulbs


  • Desktop Computers

They have evolved into lap tops and tablets and smart phones. I dont see them going away per se. Just evolve into something else. 

  • Keys

Nah. They will be in existence. Maybe we wont be using them daily because keyless systems will take over...but as a back-up, physical keys will continue on. Electronics have a habit of shorting out and failing, therefore we will be needing a physical back-up. 

  • Physical college text books

Im surprised it hasnt happened already.  I guess charging students every year  for new bogus  editions is toooo much of a cash cow to do away with them...it may happen, but when they figure out how to fleece students in other ways it will happen.

  •  Televisions

They aint going away. EVER. They will evolve. Buit they aint going away.  We as humans will always default to a bigger viewing medium  when  we want to watch the next blockbuster movie, sporting event or youtube video. Yes, Millennials use their smart phones to do all that nowadays, but they too, succumb eventually, to the allure of a big screen TV.  Virtual Reality in holographic viewing is the only way to spell the end for TVs, but the way we have it now, wearing glasses, it wont do anything to end TV viewership. 

  • Manual Transmissions

Its happening already.  And in the not so distant future,  if EVs take over ICE, then for sure. The autonomous driving thing will not be a reality, ever, but EVs might just be. 


  •   Analog watches

Ive got many customers that pay with their smart phone watches. Smart phones are apart of life. But analog watches will continue to exist, not as a reliable source of time keeping, but as jewelry. Just like ties are a part of a suit, no matter how outdated and stupid looking ties may look in today's world, so will analog watches continue to be a fashion statement. 


  •  Car Insurance

Cars are to be driven/used on the road whether called upon on a Taxi service or Lyft/Uber autonomously or driven by a human, accidents are bound to happen and therefore insurance will exist for the companies that own those services. And seeing that private ownership of automobiles WILL always exist...but it does not matter if private ownership will exist or not, autonomous pods will exist, according to this, right? 

Well insurance will be offered to the company that owns the autonomous pods and those insurance policy fees will be paid by someone and those fees will be transferred back to the user.  Car insurance will even add a few other protective measures that will be paid...such as road sickness protection and protection against forgetting a briefcase or scarf in the autonomous pod...

So yeah...car insurance will not only exist but grow exponentially...


  • 7. Remote controls

Voice recognition technology is truly amazing nowadays...yeah, I see this going away soon enough. 


  • DVDs

Just like any other media, DVDs will eventually have their moment when they too, will disappear.  Paper is the only one that has existed for this long without any real danger of going extinct anytime soon. 

  •  Incandescent lightbulbs

In Canada, these are already off the shelf. Its been 5 years at least that no Canadian could buy an incandescent light bulb.

Edited by oldshurst442
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I love model railroads!

The Kirkland Washington Train Station store is just awesome! If your into trains check out their website, I can spend hours here looking and playing.




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19 minutes ago, Drew Dowdell said:


My version of high speed rail


I watch that same video every few days....we think a lot alike.

More good vintage American  iron...


For the first time in awhile, I wish I could weld well. Thinking of taking some welding classes. Or Blacksmith...or both.

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I like trains.  Definitely would like to ride one of the Japanese bullet trains or French TGV.  I've ridden conventional trains in the UK, France and Italy and they were fun. 

Rode the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad here back in 2017..got to do it again sometime.  Sat up in an observation car to view the park and flora and fauna..




Edited by Robert Hall
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21 minutes ago, balthazar said:

I like to watch that video with the sound turned off, so I can imagine it's a full electric train. That chugga-chugga noise is so annoying, and I'll bet the engine is dirty & sooty. ;)

Don't worry, we have two members who will fight about a full electric conversion for that...

15 minutes ago, balthazar said:

'During' shot of a current job, Horsey you might appreciate. Circa 1.5-in thick Elm, stripping the bark off but leaving the edge live/natural. I really like how it's turning out so far. Going to be a bar top along an angled wall.


I love it!

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1 hour ago, Robert Hall said:

I like trains.  Definitely would like to ride one of the Japanese bullet trains or French TGV.  I've ridden conventional trains in the UK, France and Italy and they were fun. 

Rode the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad here back in 2017..got to do it again sometime.  Sat up in an observation car to view the park and flora and fauna..




I rode the TGV from Paris to Avignon and back last August. Much better than flying.

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Looks like my Amazon account was hacked.  Today I received what appears to be an apparatus for women to wear after they've had a double mastectomy.  Of course I did not order it.  Now when I try to go into my account, some random email address appears.  A couple of days ago, I got an email from Amazon confirming my wish to change my password and associated email address, and I never requested any change in my account info.  I cannot find a customer service telephone number on the Amazon site.  Plus I don't know if my card number on file for them was used to make this purchase.  Not sure who I can call to remedy the situation.  There is no packing slip inside the mailer.

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2 minutes ago, ocnblu said:

Looks like my Amazon account was hacked.  Today I received what appears to be an apparatus for women to wear after they've had a double mastectomy.  Of course I did not order it.  Now when I try to go into my account, some random email address appears.  A couple of days ago, I got an email from Amazon confirming my wish to change my password and associated email address, and I never requested any change in my account info.  I cannot find a customer service telephone number on the Amazon site.  Plus I don't know if my card number on file for them was used to make this purchase.  Not sure who I can call to remedy the situation.  There is no packing slip inside the mailer.

Sorry to hear about that.  

The first thing that you should do, and if you havent done so already,THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR???!!!,  is call your credit card company to explain your situation and maybe even cancel your credit card!!!

Like lets go...do it now!!!




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25 minutes ago, ocnblu said:

Looks like my Amazon account was hacked.  Today I received what appears to be an apparatus for women to wear after they've had a double mastectomy.  Of course I did not order it.  Now when I try to go into my account, some random email address appears.  A couple of days ago, I got an email from Amazon confirming my wish to change my password and associated email address, and I never requested any change in my account info.  I cannot find a customer service telephone number on the Amazon site.  Plus I don't know if my card number on file for them was used to make this purchase.  Not sure who I can call to remedy the situation.  There is no packing slip inside the mailer.

Can you see the order in your order list? If so, go in there and start the help process. Eventually, you will be able to get to the phone number to get ahold of Amazon. 

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10 hours ago, Drew Dowdell said:

Can you see the order in your order list?

Well when you go to Amazon.com, the home page recognizes you, but asks you to sign in, I click that and it takes me to the sign-in page, where I am greeted with the fake email address, as if it is mine.  It's like my account has been hijacked, and by clicking on that to get in, how do I know the Russian who did this won't gain access to more of my info?  Won't that be like opening a door for the hacker?  It's in a Prime mailer, I am not signed up for Prime.

EDIT:  I hit "sign in" this morning, and my credentials appeared.  When I clicked on it, it indicated "no account with that sign-in info", so I created a new account.  So of course it does not know me, all of my Amazon history is erased, so I can't check recent orders.  It is like my old account was taken from me for a bogus order.  So I will call my credit card company I guess and make sure I wasn't charged for this.

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On 2/22/2019 at 11:06 AM, Drew Dowdell said:

MIA is such an absolute cluster these days. I don't know what their problem is. 

The city (MIA) is a mess.  Too many neighborhoods with unchecked sawgrass and chain link fences, if you know what I mean.  As for what they call "the beach" (Miami Beach),  it's too full of people, new high rise condos packed in, and is now just too expensive.  I remember it at a much quieter and less trendy time and it used to be decent.  Find a meter, put in some coins, go to the beach, and get some Cuban food.  Rinse.  Repeat.  Not now.

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1 minute ago, trinacriabob said:

The city (MIA) is a mess.  Too many neighborhoods with unchecked sawgrass and chain link fences, if you know what I mean.  As for what they call "the beach" (Miami Beach),  it's too full of people, new high rise condos packed in, and is now just too expensive.  I remember it at a much quieter and less trendy time and it used to be decent.  Find a meter, put in some coins, go to the beach, and get some Cuban food.  Rinse.  Repeat.  Not now.

I remember visiting Miami and Miami Beach as a teenager in the 80s when I lived in Marathon in the Keys...I can only imagine what it was like in the 40s--my Dad spent WW II w/ the Army stationed in Miami and the Virgin Islands.    My sister is looking into buying a condo in one of the high rises downtown or in the Brickell neighborhood for retirement, she loves it down there. 

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In 1960, Florida had just under 5 million people and California had just under 15 million people.  For some reason, I was looking this up the other day.  Under 5 million people in Florida probably loudly proclaimed "come on down!"  And they did.  Including some of my not particularly likable relatives from New Jersey.

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1 hour ago, ocnblu said:

Well when you go to Amazon.com, the home page recognizes you, but asks you to sign in, I click that and it takes me to the sign-in page, where I am greeted with the fake email address, as if it is mine.  It's like my account has been hijacked, and by clicking on that to get in, how do I know the Russian who did this won't gain access to more of my info?  Won't that be like opening a door for the hacker?  It's in a Prime mailer, I am not signed up for Prime.

EDIT:  I hit "sign in" this morning, and my credentials appeared.  When I clicked on it, it indicated "no account with that sign-in info", so I created a new account.  So of course it does not know me, all of my Amazon history is erased, so I can't check recent orders.  It is like my old account was taken from me for a bogus order.  So I will call my credit card company I guess and make sure I wasn't charged for this.

The other advice I give you is:

Online purchases...well, get yourself some prepaid credit cards and use those for online purchases. At least if your online shopping accounts get jacked, the pre-paid credit cards get used and you only lose the balance of those cards therefore minimizing your losses to just that. 

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10 minutes ago, oldshurst442 said:

The other advice I give you is:

Online purchases...well, get yourself some prepaid credit cards and use those for online purchases. At least if your online shopping accounts get jacked, the pre-paid credit cards get used and you only lose the balance of those cards therefore minimizing your losses to just that. 

That is great idea.  Seriously.   Did you folks know that, by default, Walmart's site stores your credit card?  I think that's the way it goes.  I buy household necessities there.  Other places, such as hotel chains, ASK you if they can.

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1 hour ago, Drew Dowdell said:

@ocnblu you might want to consider changing your email password too.

I would suggest all your accounts change the password and make sure you use the upper and lower letters, with symbols and numbers. That makes it much harder to hack.

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