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Three to four 8 oz cups of coffee = 360-480 mg of caffeine. That's your energy drink right there. ;) Of course, almost no one drinks a mere 8 oz cup of coffee, so YMMV...


I drink 1 or 2 8oz Red Bulls/day, which is 84 or 168 mg of caffeine. Some days I have none. Never took to coffee.


The crank tho, that I don't limit myself on.

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Three to four 8 oz cups of coffee = 360-480 mg of caffeine. That's your energy drink right there. ;) Of course, almost no one drinks a mere 8 oz cup of coffee, so YMMV...


I drink 1 or 2 8oz Red Bulls/day, which is 84 or 168 mg of caffeine. Some days I have none. Never took to coffee.


The crank tho, that I don't limit myself on.


Kindered Spirit, Having been born and raised in Seattle, My sisters and parents drink Star Bucks like crazy, I never took to coffee at all. Stuff stinks. So for me in the morning, an Energy drink prefer xyience but my backup is sugar free red bull. 


Like you crank is an unlimited. :P

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Three to four 8 oz cups of coffee = 360-480 mg of caffeine. That's your energy drink right there. ;) Of course, almost no one drinks a mere 8 oz cup of coffee, so YMMV...


I drink 1 or 2 8oz Red Bulls/day, which is 84 or 168 mg of caffeine. Some days I have none. Never took to coffee.


The crank tho, that I don't limit myself on.

Yeah, but coffee tastes so good...energy drinks are disgusting tasting, IMO...after 30 years on coffee, I can't imagine life without it.

Edited by Cubical-aka-Moltar
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I'm typically 2 large mugs of Earl Gray tea each morning till about noon and then a follow up mug... right about now to get me through to 5pm when I stop all caffeine. 

I do like tea, English style, or Chai.   I have to stop caffeine around 3pm or I can't sleep, even w/ my 500mg of Trazodone...(though an anti-depressant, I was prescribed it for my insomnia).  Over two decades on prescription sleeping pills... :(

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I'm typically 2 large mugs of Earl Gray tea each morning till about noon and then a follow up mug... right about now to get me through to 5pm when I stop all caffeine. 

I do like tea, English style, or Chai.   I have to stop caffeine around 3pm or I can't sleep, even w/ my 500mg of Trazodone...(though an anti-depressant, I was prescribed it for my insomnia).  Over two decades on prescription sleeping pills... :(


Bummer, I have Narcolepsy so for me, I could drink Triple Jolt Cola which is still sold in Japan and still fall asleep 30 min later.

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Chocolate Milk for me...


I know I said cognac coffee before....that was me trying to be cool...


I wake up in the morning already ready to face the world...



Yup...Im chirpy and happy...when I wake up...



and the only fuel I need is a nice cold glass of chocolate milk!




With one caveat...





and Nestlé Quick!


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Why are people so hesitant to pass on simple 2 lane highways? They'd rather just ride you bumper than pass. I've never understood this and it grinds my gears.

This morning I had somebody close enough I couldn't see their license plate in my rear view mirror when there were multiple times they could have easily passed. Wouldn't even have been close or anything.

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Wanted to give a shout out to GENERAL DYNAMICS for placing 13th in that Fortune Blue Ribbon thing they got going on...









The original developers of the F-16 Fighting Falcon, my absolute fave Fighter Jet. 

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Wanted to give a shout out to GENERAL DYNAMICS for placing 13th in that Fortune Blue Ribbon thing they got going on...









The original developers of the F-16 Fighting Falcon, my absolute fave Fighter Jet. 

That jet looks stupid gnarly! I'm not usually a fan of tier stripes or flames.. but they made it look awesome! What is that on the tail? 

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Whenever I see fighter jets, I'm always having the same gut reaction.


"Holy $h! that's so advanced and technology and stuff dude!!!"


"Now if only the rest of everything wasn't so dull and mundane"


Good stuff fer (a word mannerism a bode to picking up stuff when it just makes good ol' sense) sure, but looks like everyone is in on pricy jet fighters.


Expect China, India as well as the usuals - Russia and Japan to be having kick-ass jets soon too.


Olds for me, it's gotta be either the SR-71 Blackbird or the X-15 scramjet. I like stealth. And the old notions of stealth...er wealth. Therefore insert Buick here.


Though I am partial to F-4 Phantom because Fortune Son.

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Yeah...expensive jets...Canada may have just canceled that contract....I hope they did. CRAPPY EFFIN' jet.


The F4 Phantom II. I LOVE that plane. My second most favorite jet ever. Viet Nam war pics.

And in 3rd place is  the Russian MiG 29/35 Fulcrum.


The French Dassault Rafale and Mirage 2000 closely follow in 4rth and 5th place.


I dont like the F/A 18 too much. Super Hornet or otherwise. I never like the F-14. I loved the movie though.


But...as with cars, my favorite era would be WW2 in that I prefer the classics over the modern. 

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Hey EL K. In keeping with what you said about God Bless America...

Remember this rendition of O Canada?

I remember watching Mr. Dress up and The Friendly Giant and this would come on. The visuals man, and the orchestra. Best Ever I think!



I just teared up...

Edited by oldshurst442
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*just gets in the door*

*reads last two posts*

*off to TSN.ca to see what the deal is*

About the Beckam Jr stuff? If you weren't watching the game you won't have the real "feel" for what was going on. It was a mess and embarrassing. I kid you not, he was involved in stuff nearly every play he was on the field in the 3rd quarter. Honestly kind of surprised his coaches and teammates allowed him to stay on the field. The commentators were surprised he wasn't ejected.

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*just gets in the door*

*reads last two posts*

*off to TSN.ca to see what the deal is*

About the Beckam Jr stuff? If you weren't watching the game you won't have the real "feel" for what was going on. It was a mess and embarrassing. I kid you not, he was involved in stuff nearly every play he was on the field in the 3rd quarter. Honestly kind of surprised his coaches and teammates allowed him to stay on the field. The commentators were surprised he wasn't ejected.


Agreed. I watched the game from start to finish and in thirty plus years of watching football, I have never seen any player commit so many personal fouls, on top of a deliberate helmet targeting hit and NOT get ejected. Piss poor officiating by not sitting that punk down for the rest of the game. That helmet to helmet hit could have ended a career.

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*just gets in the door*

*reads last two posts*

*off to TSN.ca to see what the deal is*

About the Beckam Jr stuff? If you weren't watching the game you won't have the real "feel" for what was going on. It was a mess and embarrassing. I kid you not, he was involved in stuff nearly every play he was on the field in the 3rd quarter. Honestly kind of surprised his coaches and teammates allowed him to stay on the field. The commentators were surprised he wasn't ejected.


Agreed. I watched the game from start to finish and in thirty plus years of watching football, I have never seen any player commit so many personal fouls, on top of a deliberate helmet targeting hit and NOT get ejected. Piss poor officiating by not sitting that punk down for the rest of the game. That helmet to helmet hit could have ended a career.


I didn't even realize how poor of a call(or lack thereof a call) that was until replays and there is really only one angle that shows how deliberate and heinous it was.  Also, seeing highlights does'nt do it justice to how bad and out of control he was. Like you and I watching it all the way through we understand how out of control he was and coaches, teammates, and refs all just let it happen over and over and over. Chippiness is one thing, it gets annoying to watch but it just is inevitable when you have 22 alpha males all in one place with the same/opposing goals, I at least understand that crap even though I hate it. This was on a whole 'nother level. 


Good news though, he's likely to be suspended at least one game for his antics. He deserves the final two regular season games but I doubt that will happen.

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*just gets in the door*

*reads last two posts*

*off to TSN.ca to see what the deal is*

About the Beckam Jr stuff? If you weren't watching the game you won't have the real "feel" for what was going on. It was a mess and embarrassing. I kid you not, he was involved in stuff nearly every play he was on the field in the 3rd quarter. Honestly kind of surprised his coaches and teammates allowed him to stay on the field. The commentators were surprised he wasn't ejected.


Agreed. I watched the game from start to finish and in thirty plus years of watching football, I have never seen any player commit so many personal fouls, on top of a deliberate helmet targeting hit and NOT get ejected. Piss poor officiating by not sitting that punk down for the rest of the game. That helmet to helmet hit could have ended a career.


I didn't even realize how poor of a call(or lack thereof a call) that was until replays and there is really only one angle that shows how deliberate and heinous it was.  Also, seeing highlights does'nt do it justice to how bad and out of control he was. Like you and I watching it all the way through we understand how out of control he was and coaches, teammates, and refs all just let it happen over and over and over. Chippiness is one thing, it gets annoying to watch but it just is inevitable when you have 22 alpha males all in one place with the same/opposing goals, I at least understand that crap even though I hate it. This was on a whole 'nother level. 


Good news though, he's likely to be suspended at least one game for his antics. He deserves the final two regular season games but I doubt that will happen.


I think it also sealed Coughlin's fate with the Giants. He is done. He was not even aware that Beckham had three personal foul penalties. Utterly clueless and it showed by him not sitting Beckham's ass down for a series or two. It's been a long time since I have been disgusted with a game in which my team still won. Just horrible on so many fronts.

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*just gets in the door*

*reads last two posts*

*off to TSN.ca to see what the deal is*

About the Beckam Jr stuff? If you weren't watching the game you won't have the real "feel" for what was going on. It was a mess and embarrassing. I kid you not, he was involved in stuff nearly every play he was on the field in the 3rd quarter. Honestly kind of surprised his coaches and teammates allowed him to stay on the field. The commentators were surprised he wasn't ejected.


Agreed. I watched the game from start to finish and in thirty plus years of watching football, I have never seen any player commit so many personal fouls, on top of a deliberate helmet targeting hit and NOT get ejected. Piss poor officiating by not sitting that punk down for the rest of the game. That helmet to helmet hit could have ended a career.


I didn't even realize how poor of a call(or lack thereof a call) that was until replays and there is really only one angle that shows how deliberate and heinous it was.  Also, seeing highlights does'nt do it justice to how bad and out of control he was. Like you and I watching it all the way through we understand how out of control he was and coaches, teammates, and refs all just let it happen over and over and over. Chippiness is one thing, it gets annoying to watch but it just is inevitable when you have 22 alpha males all in one place with the same/opposing goals, I at least understand that crap even though I hate it. This was on a whole 'nother level. 


Good news though, he's likely to be suspended at least one game for his antics. He deserves the final two regular season games but I doubt that will happen.


I think it also sealed Coughlin's fate with the Giants. He is done. He was not even aware that Beckham had three personal foul penalties. Utterly clueless and it showed by him not sitting Beckham's ass down for a series or two. It's been a long time since I have been disgusted with a game in which my team still won. Just horrible on so many fronts.


Well, he's been suspended for 1 game... I think it could have and probably should have been both regular season games. That intended blow to the head needs to be made an example of. 

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I finally saw that crap...and the three things that I saw, including that very dangerous head hunting hit...I was like...OMG!!!

Why doesn't somebody just pound that effer???!!!


kinda like this situation in hockey...where the Blue Jacket's Dubinsky tried something funky and the Flyers' Simmonds right away just pounds away...



THAT is why I LOVE hockey...the players police themselves...OK...a lot less than how it used top be as the NHL wants to curtail fighting, but as long as the NHL does NOT enforce dirty hits nearly as much as they should, and they know that, they allow the fights...

Edited by oldshurst442
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I agree about the suspension ccap. Should have been two games just because the refs screwed up ejecting him in the Carolina game. The plethora of excuses he and the Giants have given for his actions have just shown that they have zero respect for what could have happened here. Completely classless by the entire organization.

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Loving the snow we are getting in the mountains, going to enjoy another weekend of skiing. :D


At the rate we're going, I'm not going to get to do any skiing here on the east coast  :(


Careful what you say.. last year the north east got BLASTED!


I'd like a little more snow than we got here in the STL area. While the rest of the US got hit hard at times we only really had 1 snow.

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Loving the snow we are getting in the mountains, going to enjoy another weekend of skiing. :D


At the rate we're going, I'm not going to get to do any skiing here on the east coast  :(



Come visit Seattle and enjoy our skiing!




15" of freshies overnight. Another day of glidding.



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Loving the snow we are getting in the mountains, going to enjoy another weekend of skiing. :D


At the rate we're going, I'm not going to get to do any skiing here on the east coast  :(


Careful what you say.. last year the north east got BLASTED!


I'd like a little more snow than we got here in the STL area. While the rest of the US got hit hard at times we only really had 1 snow.



and I didn't get to ski any of it because of my crazy travel schedule  <_<

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Loving the snow we are getting in the mountains, going to enjoy another weekend of skiing. :D


At the rate we're going, I'm not going to get to do any skiing here on the east coast  :(


Careful what you say.. last year the north east got BLASTED!


I'd like a little more snow than we got here in the STL area. While the rest of the US got hit hard at times we only really had 1 snow.



and I didn't get to ski any of it because of my crazy travel schedule  <_<


...ouch...  :fiery:

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