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..I believe I've received harassing PMs from a select 1 individual as well.. What's the old saying about throwing rocks in a glass house or something like that?  :violin:

And you know why it was sent too. What's that about comparing apples to oranges? :thumbsup:


Maybe if you weren't so busy trying to defend your new buddy and down voting every other post, you'd have proper context and would actually defend yourself. Not my fault that you don't get it.

Edited by surreal1272
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A harassing PM is a harassing PM. There aren't Grape flavored ones or Watermelon flavored ones. They are all harassing and they all taste the same.


Look at you assuming about the two of us. I wish you knew how many PMs Wings and I have sent eachother, ya know colaborating against everybody else. You'd have a better perspective on things. But you go on assuming, after critisizing me for doing the same. Sniff Sniff.. smells.. smells kind of like..

Edited by ccap41
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A harassing PM is a harassing PM. There aren't Grape flavored ones or Watermelon flavored ones. They are all harassing and they all taste the same.


Look at you assuming about the two of us. I wish you knew how many PMs Wings and I have sent eachother, ya know colaborating against everybody else. You'd have a better perspective on things. But you go on assuming, after critisizing me for doing the same. Sniff Sniff.. smells.. smells kind of like..

Sniff Sniff...smells kinda like...teen spirit?



Id rather it be more closer to home though...my home...Montreal.

Translation: it smells...like the Cup is near!




It feels a little bit like '93





Most of the time its this though...


Edited by oldshurst442
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"Smells like the cup is near..."  Whoa, really?  You sneak into locker rooms and smell ppl's cups?  I knew I liked you.

No...not the cup...



THE Cup.




Never joke about that to a Canadian. Its blasphemy.


You might be spitting out some Chiclets if you do. :retard:


You know why I LOVE this Cookie emoticon the most?

Because he may very well be a hockey player...


(hint: look at his teeth...or tooth I might say!)

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)


No one was just focused on you. That is all in your imagination of your "me, me, me" attitude while saying it's not about you (yet another lie). You did not send that as a joke to anyone but yourself so again stop trying to play coy about this. It was a dick move and you know it. You are being 100% full of it as far as your intentions because it was this kind of non-sense that got you booted form a certain other place (that you will of course deny but we all know the truth). Sorry but the only joke around here Wings, is you. You are a permanent punch line and don't even realize it.


"Rather than downgrade threads"? Seriously? Did you type that with a straight face with the amount of downgraded posts you have made already? HAHA! Now that was a joke!


Seriously. Back up your talk for once and click on the "ignore" button for me. You'll feel better and come off as being slightly less full of crap.


Oh and I don't really need to post it because everyone already knows. Drew also doesn't want that mess here and I'm going to honor that. Harassing PMs are your "MO" and will not be tolerated in the future.


And please stop acting like you have some honor around here with that "So post it.  That was my original intention, but I chose not to degrade threads." non sense. You didn't post it here because you knew it would get you in trouble, not because of what you "chose". That is the biggest joke of all and I'll tell you why. Who in their right mind would send a condescending PM to someone who has clearly expressed no interest in hearing from you whatsoever? Only a narcissist like yourself apparently. 


Antifan (your forum name in other sites, because you loathe anyone having a preference) ,

You did in fact focus on me in a few threads, completely off topic, because of my simple bias for a brand. Others even commented on you doing just that, and I recall up-voting at least 2 individuals for their remarks to you suggesting where your focus was, so please don't deny it. We all have eyes. So as the mods suggest, focus on the topic.....not the OP.


Look, you are the one that keeps bringing up the one single PM I sent that apparently was so horrific, you reported it to the mods.  And the minute you asked me if I wanted you to post it, I had to call you out on it, and now you back pedal.  Why?  Because you know I am right.


And regarding that PM, the theme was a simple award nomination, to you, done in a humorous manner (albeit a slight to you) suggesting your efforts for great thread contributions are appreciated.  I believe their was a slight recognition for when your grammar skills go south, when you are angry.  That's about it.  And I did it in PM, to avoid this drudgery, which of course found it's way back into threads in the first place.  So again, post it, prove me wrong. Because at the end of the day, the worst thing I did here, was send you a PM joke that rubbed you wrong, and you can't stop whining about it.

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I find it fascinating how two people who grew up in the same household, with the same kinds of influences around them can develop to have such drastically different ways of doing things.How on earth did my siblings and I (one in particular) manage to take such vastly different lessons from the way we were raised?  Or did the problems come from something after moving away from home?


Yeah, me and my older brother are very opposite personalities. He's the laid-back charmer, while I'm the wrought iron fist of the family. We sometimes don't even understand how that even happened. We both went to the same schools, sure he's 5 years older than me, but still. 



My brother and I are waaaayy different too, but it was pretty obvious growing up. He was popular in high school and gave my parents hell, I was book smart and dorky, my parents barely had to try.


My older brother and I may as well be from completely different families...very different personalities and tastes, different culture, polar opposites as far as politics.  The 21 year age difference is part of it, I'm sure.  We barely are on speaking terms.  My older sister and I are much closer, much more similar in interests and tastes.

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Random thoughts are plenty after a night of insomnia and very little sleep.  Good thing I'm off today for the 4 day holiday weekend.  Work has been very strange the last 2 weeks, been stuck in a conference room with a vendor and conference calls to their Chinese developers as we work to install their very-no-ready-for-enterprise-use application on our servers...8-10 hr daily conference calls in Mandarin with one of their people in my client's conf. room translating.  At least the OT hours have been billable....

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HAHA, bitches... got ONE HUNDRED PERCENT on my alumiminum aluminum F-150 test.  Still don't want one.  :smilewide:

Way to go Ocnblu, that is awesome and I agree with you I do not want one either.

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"Smells like the cup is near..."  Whoa, really?  You sneak into locker rooms and smell ppl's cups?  I knew I liked you.

No...not the cup...



THE Cup.




Never joke about that to a Canadian. Its blasphemy.


You might be spitting out some Chiclets if you do. :retard:


You know why I LOVE this Cookie emoticon the most?

Because he may very well be a hockey player...


(hint: look at his teeth...or tooth I might say!)


If the cup is not filled with wine who cares?  :lol2:


"Smells like the cup is near..."  Whoa, really?  You sneak into locker rooms and smell ppl's cups?  I knew I liked you.

No...not the cup...



THE Cup.




Never joke about that to a Canadian. Its blasphemy.


You might be spitting out some Chiclets if you do. :retard:


You know why I LOVE this Cookie emoticon the most?

Because he may very well be a hockey player...


(hint: look at his teeth...or tooth I might say!)


If the cup is not filled with wine who cares?  :lol2:

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A harassing PM is a harassing PM. There aren't Grape flavored ones or Watermelon flavored ones. They are all harassing and they all taste the same.


Look at you assuming about the two of us. I wish you knew how many PMs Wings and I have sent eachother, ya know colaborating against everybody else. You'd have a better perspective on things. But you go on assuming, after critisizing me for doing the same. Sniff Sniff.. smells.. smells kind of like..

Whatever you have to tell yourself. You have made more assumptions about me the past few weeks that I can shake a stick at so I am just merely returning the favor. Tell me again how I only go after certain Ford fans again, while ignoring the fact that I have also gone after Casa (GM), Tonavi (Toyota), XFists (Toyota), Apex_Alex (Toyota and general lunatic) in the past. I have been on those threads for years so when you only try to reference the recent past (like you have), you just make yourself look foolish. That is the 100% truth because that is what you have done. 

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)

Strange, with so few here in Nafpaktos that speak English, and with little use of that language, my random thoughts sometimes are actually in Greek.

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No one was just focused on you. That is all in your imagination of your "me, me, me" attitude while saying it's not about you (yet another lie). You did not send that as a joke to anyone but yourself so again stop trying to play coy about this. It was a dick move and you know it. You are being 100% full of it as far as your intentions because it was this kind of non-sense that got you booted form a certain other place (that you will of course deny but we all know the truth). Sorry but the only joke around here Wings, is you. You are a permanent punch line and don't even realize it.


"Rather than downgrade threads"? Seriously? Did you type that with a straight face with the amount of downgraded posts you have made already? HAHA! Now that was a joke!


Seriously. Back up your talk for once and click on the "ignore" button for me. You'll feel better and come off as being slightly less full of crap.


Oh and I don't really need to post it because everyone already knows. Drew also doesn't want that mess here and I'm going to honor that. Harassing PMs are your "MO" and will not be tolerated in the future.


And please stop acting like you have some honor around here with that "So post it.  That was my original intention, but I chose not to degrade threads." non sense. You didn't post it here because you knew it would get you in trouble, not because of what you "chose". That is the biggest joke of all and I'll tell you why. Who in their right mind would send a condescending PM to someone who has clearly expressed no interest in hearing from you whatsoever? Only a narcissist like yourself apparently. 


Antifan (your forum name in other sites, because you loathe anyone having a preference) ,

You did in fact focus on me in a few threads, completely off topic, because of my simple bias for a brand. Others even commented on you doing just that, and I recall up-voting at least 2 individuals for their remarks to you suggesting where your focus was, so please don't deny it. We all have eyes. So as the mods suggest, focus on the topic.....not the OP.


Look, you are the one that keeps bringing up the one single PM I sent that apparently was so horrific, you reported it to the mods.  And the minute you asked me if I wanted you to post it, I had to call you out on it, and now you back pedal.  Why?  Because you know I am right.


And regarding that PM, the theme was a simple award nomination, to you, done in a humorous manner (albeit a slight to you) suggesting your efforts for great thread contributions are appreciated.  I believe their was a slight recognition for when your grammar skills go south, when you are angry.  That's about it.  And I did it in PM, to avoid this drudgery, which of course found it's way back into threads in the first place.  So again, post it, prove me wrong. Because at the end of the day, the worst thing I did here, was send you a PM joke that rubbed you wrong, and you can't stop whining about it.


You are so utterly clueless and have played the victim car so many times Wings, you don't know your up from your down. That PM is merely the latest in the number of trolling acts you have pulled with me and many others at many different sites. It got you banned from a few of them yet you continue to exhibit the same behavior while wondering why you are being "picked on". You keep living that delusional life where you never do anything wrong and accept no responsibility for your behaviors but everyone else knows better. That is what bothers you the most and you know it.


And for the last time, people who wish the other one would "just die" on one site, do not send "joke" PMs. You sent that to be a harassing asshole and you know it. Only in your narcissistic mind, would you think you were "joking" with someone who doesn't give two fistfuls of cat crap what you think. Not sure why you can't seem to get that through your thick skull.

Edited by surreal1272
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Anyway, yesterday was a stressful one. Was feeling very ill on my stomach and then I get a call from my family back east regarding my dad. He has been battling Parkinsons for a few years now (very late diagnosis) and was complaining of chest pains (a side effect of some his meds apparently) and that put me in a bad space. Fortunately, everything turned out okay and his heart and blood pressure checked out okay. This has been a hard fight for a man that has worked his tail off for half a century, only to retire and two years later, get saddled with this horrible disease. It is no joke and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It has prompted me to get checked out more often, since there are genetic links.


Sorry to unload the baggage but that is my no so random thought today.

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Anyway, yesterday was a stressful one. Was feeling very ill on my stomach and then I get a call from my family back east regarding my dad. He has been battling Parkinsons for a few years now (very late diagnosis) and was complaining of chest pains (a side effect of some his meds apparently) and that put me in a bad space. Fortunately, everything turned out okay and his heart and blood pressure checked out okay. This has been a hard fight for a man that has worked his tail off for half a century, only to retire and two years later, get saddled with this horrible disease. It is no joke and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It has prompted me to get checked out more often, since there are genetic links.


Sorry to unload the baggage but that is my no so random thought today.


Wishing you and your family all the best, Parkinson's, dementia, and Alzheimer seems to be hitting the baby boomers hard. Never fun on anyone and I agree these are not to be wished on anyone even enemies. 


Education is the great equalizer that allows us to all have our say and still live on this planet together peacefully.

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Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)

I intend to find out what the average life span is in Greece.

I swear, some of the folk I come across are over 100.  Many, many old timers.


I hear it's their diet and low stress life styles.

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Anyway, yesterday was a stressful one. Was feeling very ill on my stomach and then I get a call from my family back east regarding my dad. He has been battling Parkinsons for a few years now (very late diagnosis) and was complaining of chest pains (a side effect of some his meds apparently) and that put me in a bad space. Fortunately, everything turned out okay and his heart and blood pressure checked out okay. This has been a hard fight for a man that has worked his tail off for half a century, only to retire and two years later, get saddled with this horrible disease. It is no joke and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It has prompted me to get checked out more often, since there are genetic links.


Sorry to unload the baggage but that is my no so random thought today.


Wishing you and your family all the best, Parkinson's, dementia, and Alzheimer seems to be hitting the baby boomers hard. Never fun on anyone and I agree these are not to be wished on anyone even enemies. 


Education is the great equalizer that allows us to all have our say and still live on this planet together peacefully.


No doubt. The worst part has been the dementia side of this. With Parkinsons, every patient is different. Most people see Michael J. Fox and think that is what Parkinsons is and its not. My dad doesn't get the shakes like Fox but he has many other symptoms. That is what makes Parkinsons treatment very difficult to assess. It is different with each patient. He is only 71 and it has killed me to see him struggle like this and it has taken a serious toll on my family. It is even worse when they are 2200 miles away (they are in NC while I'm Arizona). Again, I would not wish this on my worst enemy. Thanks again for the well wishes Dfelt.

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A harassing PM is a harassing PM. There aren't Grape flavored ones or Watermelon flavored ones. They are all harassing and they all taste the same.


Look at you assuming about the two of us. I wish you knew how many PMs Wings and I have sent eachother, ya know colaborating against everybody else. You'd have a better perspective on things. But you go on assuming, after critisizing me for doing the same. Sniff Sniff.. smells.. smells kind of like..

Whatever you have to tell yourself. You have made more assumptions about me the past few weeks that I can shake a stick at so I am just merely returning the favor. Tell me again how I only go after certain Ford fans again, while ignoring the fact that I have also gone after Casa (GM), Tonavi (Toyota), XFists (Toyota), Apex_Alex (Toyota and general lunatic) in the past. I have been on those threads for years so when you only try to reference the recent past (like you have), you just make yourself look foolish. That is the 100% truth because that is what you have done. 


Hypocritcal posts.. "returning the favor" is the same thing as admiting to being hypocritical.


I don't recall saying you only go after one Ford fan. I recall saying you love to argue, start arguments, continue arguments, argue just to argue.. all of the above..


Oh I'm sorry that I only look at what I've been around for.. How foolish of me to not dig into the archives to check our posting history against other people. Oh how foolish of me.. My apologies..Sincere Sincere apologies. Oh god father who's the most right about everyone please forgive me..

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A harassing PM is a harassing PM. There aren't Grape flavored ones or Watermelon flavored ones. They are all harassing and they all taste the same.


Look at you assuming about the two of us. I wish you knew how many PMs Wings and I have sent eachother, ya know colaborating against everybody else. You'd have a better perspective on things. But you go on assuming, after critisizing me for doing the same. Sniff Sniff.. smells.. smells kind of like..

Whatever you have to tell yourself. You have made more assumptions about me the past few weeks that I can shake a stick at so I am just merely returning the favor. Tell me again how I only go after certain Ford fans again, while ignoring the fact that I have also gone after Casa (GM), Tonavi (Toyota), XFists (Toyota), Apex_Alex (Toyota and general lunatic) in the past. I have been on those threads for years so when you only try to reference the recent past (like you have), you just make yourself look foolish. That is the 100% truth because that is what you have done. 


Hypocritcal posts.. "returning the favor" is the same thing as admiting to being hypocritical.


I don't recall saying you only go after one Ford fan. I recall saying you love to argue, start arguments, continue arguments, argue just to argue.. all of the above..


Oh I'm sorry that I only look at what I've been around for.. How foolish of me to not dig into the archives to check our posting history against other people. Oh how foolish of me.. My apologies..Sincere Sincere apologies. Oh god father who's the most right about everyone please forgive me..


You pointed out me going after Wings, Bill, and Stang, all of them Ford fans. Just stop already with the condescending bull$h! ccap. You know full well what I am talking about when you go around and try to make assumptions about me. Is it just in your nature to NOT accept responsibility for what you have done? The point is that you don't know $h! about me so stop trying to assume what you know about me. Seriously, I am done discussing this with you or Wings. Now, we can all either agree to disagree and try to act like actual adults around here, or you can continue on with this BS. The choice is yours but I am effectively done explaining a damn thing to you. 

Edited by surreal1272
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A harassing PM is a harassing PM. There aren't Grape flavored ones or Watermelon flavored ones. They are all harassing and they all taste the same.


Look at you assuming about the two of us. I wish you knew how many PMs Wings and I have sent eachother, ya know colaborating against everybody else. You'd have a better perspective on things. But you go on assuming, after critisizing me for doing the same. Sniff Sniff.. smells.. smells kind of like..

Whatever you have to tell yourself. You have made more assumptions about me the past few weeks that I can shake a stick at so I am just merely returning the favor. Tell me again how I only go after certain Ford fans again, while ignoring the fact that I have also gone after Casa (GM), Tonavi (Toyota), XFists (Toyota), Apex_Alex (Toyota and general lunatic) in the past. I have been on those threads for years so when you only try to reference the recent past (like you have), you just make yourself look foolish. That is the 100% truth because that is what you have done. 


Hypocritcal posts.. "returning the favor" is the same thing as admiting to being hypocritical.


I don't recall saying you only go after one Ford fan. I recall saying you love to argue, start arguments, continue arguments, argue just to argue.. all of the above..


Oh I'm sorry that I only look at what I've been around for.. How foolish of me to not dig into the archives to check our posting history against other people. Oh how foolish of me.. My apologies..Sincere Sincere apologies. Oh god father who's the most right about everyone please forgive me..


You pointed out me going after Wings, Bill, and Stang, all of them Ford fans. Just stop already with the condescending bull$h! ccap. You know full well what I am talking about when you go around and try to make assumptions about me. Is it just in your nature to NOT accept responsibility for what you have done? The point is that you don't know $h! about me so stop trying to assume what you know about me. Seriously, I am done discussing this with you or Wings. Now, we can all either agree to disagree and try to act like actual adults around here, or you can continue on with this BS. The choice is yours but I am effectively done explaining a damn thing to you. 


This quote from you on the previous page is why I call you on things.


" Harassing PMs are your "MO" and will not be tolerated in the future.


And please stop acting like you have some honor around here with that "So post it. That was my original intention, but I chose not to degrade threads." non sense. You didn't post it here because you knew it would get you in trouble, not because of what you "chose". That is the biggest joke of all and I'll tell you why. Who in their right mind would send a condescending PM to someone who has clearly expressed no interest in hearing from you whatsoever? Only a narcissist like yourself apparently."


The underlined pieces are 100% exactly what you've done to me. Couldn't have been described any better. You've sent me 6 aggressive/harassing/threatening/however one would like to describe them, PMs.

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A harassing PM is a harassing PM. There aren't Grape flavored ones or Watermelon flavored ones. They are all harassing and they all taste the same.


Look at you assuming about the two of us. I wish you knew how many PMs Wings and I have sent eachother, ya know colaborating against everybody else. You'd have a better perspective on things. But you go on assuming, after critisizing me for doing the same. Sniff Sniff.. smells.. smells kind of like..

Whatever you have to tell yourself. You have made more assumptions about me the past few weeks that I can shake a stick at so I am just merely returning the favor. Tell me again how I only go after certain Ford fans again, while ignoring the fact that I have also gone after Casa (GM), Tonavi (Toyota), XFists (Toyota), Apex_Alex (Toyota and general lunatic) in the past. I have been on those threads for years so when you only try to reference the recent past (like you have), you just make yourself look foolish. That is the 100% truth because that is what you have done. 


Hypocritcal posts.. "returning the favor" is the same thing as admiting to being hypocritical.


I don't recall saying you only go after one Ford fan. I recall saying you love to argue, start arguments, continue arguments, argue just to argue.. all of the above..


Oh I'm sorry that I only look at what I've been around for.. How foolish of me to not dig into the archives to check our posting history against other people. Oh how foolish of me.. My apologies..Sincere Sincere apologies. Oh god father who's the most right about everyone please forgive me..


You pointed out me going after Wings, Bill, and Stang, all of them Ford fans. Just stop already with the condescending bull$h! ccap. You know full well what I am talking about when you go around and try to make assumptions about me. Is it just in your nature to NOT accept responsibility for what you have done? The point is that you don't know $h! about me so stop trying to assume what you know about me. Seriously, I am done discussing this with you or Wings. Now, we can all either agree to disagree and try to act like actual adults around here, or you can continue on with this BS. The choice is yours but I am effectively done explaining a damn thing to you. 


This quote from you on the previous page is why I call you on things.


" Harassing PMs are your "MO" and will not be tolerated in the future.


And please stop acting like you have some honor around here with that "So post it. That was my original intention, but I chose not to degrade threads." non sense. You didn't post it here because you knew it would get you in trouble, not because of what you "chose". That is the biggest joke of all and I'll tell you why. Who in their right mind would send a condescending PM to someone who has clearly expressed no interest in hearing from you whatsoever? Only a narcissist like yourself apparently."


The underlined pieces are 100% exactly what you've done to me. Couldn't have been described any better. You've sent me 6 aggressive/harassing/threatening/however one would like to describe them, PMs.


Whatever you have to tell yourself. Again, I'm done explaining the difference in the very context of those PMs you are choosing to ignore. Don't worry ccap. You can go on acting like you don't know what I'm talking about and try to turn this on me but it ain't happening because you are not worth it and I have more important things to worry about than you.


Sorry for all the commotion Drew. Moving along...

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Ad in back of Road & Track, August '65 ~

Shows pic of VW van with smoke billowing out of the rear wheel well and the front tires 3-4 inches in the air. Superimposed over it is the word VOLKSVAIR.


Text: "Ridiculous? Of course, but your Volkswagon, Ghia or Porsche can have 200% or more increase in dependable power by adapting a Corvair engine to it."


You know you're not in Kansas anymore when a Corvair engine speeds up your Porsche. ;)

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^ But you just used it in a sentence.


- - - - -

1956 Motor Trend test of a mercedes 300-SL gullwing:


"...it's time of 4.2 secs to go from a (true) 30 MPH (indicated: 34) to a true 50 (indicated: 56) in 2nd gear is just slightly faster than a '56 Oldsmobile, It's best time from 0-60 (indicated: 67) of 8.5 secs was but 0.7 secs quicker than a Studebaker Golden Hawk with Ultramatic trans."

Top speed officially timed @ Bonneville was 134.73.


 Same issue has a brief report on the first-year, 320-HP DeSoto Adventurer, which did 30-50 in 3.9 secs. The 'A's top speed was recored as 139 on sand and 144 on paved road.

Edited by balthazar
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Actual post from the Malibu forum:


"Has anyone calibrated the TPS sensor to 22" tires? I have 22's with 49 psi rating on my '11 2lt and the TPS sensor is constantly flashing on the dash. Help please."


The dude has his tires set to 49 psi because that's what the max pressure says, doesn't like how the tire pressure sensors are shouting at him to stop being a f@#king moron.

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Actual post from the Malibu forum:


"Has anyone calibrated the TPS sensor to 22" tires? I have 22's with 49 psi rating on my '11 2lt and the TPS sensor is constantly flashing on the dash. Help please."


The dude has his tires set to 49 psi because that's what the max pressure says, doesn't like how the tire pressure sensors are shouting at him to stop being a f@#king moron.

OMG. There are soooooooooooo many ignorant people when it comes to ANYTHING tire related. It's actually surprising..and scary.

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Actual post from the Malibu forum:


"Has anyone calibrated the TPS sensor to 22" tires? I have 22's with 49 psi rating on my '11 2lt and the TPS sensor is constantly flashing on the dash. Help please."


The dude has his tires set to 49 psi because that's what the max pressure says, doesn't like how the tire pressure sensors are shouting at him to stop being a f@#king moron.

OMG. There are soooooooooooo many ignorant people when it comes to ANYTHING tire related. It's actually surprising..and scary.



LMAO I stand corrected, he has his tires set to 45 psi because he follows the "4 psi below rule" that a custom shop taught him!! Where do these people come from?! Cut up your license before you kill us all...


Did I mention this is a base 4-cylinder car? I'm sure he'll be back to ask why he's getting like 4 mpg below EPA and why it takes 12 seconds for him to merge onto the highway at full throttle.

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Actual post from the Malibu forum:


"Has anyone calibrated the TPS sensor to 22" tires? I have 22's with 49 psi rating on my '11 2lt and the TPS sensor is constantly flashing on the dash. Help please."


The dude has his tires set to 49 psi because that's what the max pressure says, doesn't like how the tire pressure sensors are shouting at him to stop being a f@#king moron.

OMG. There are soooooooooooo many ignorant people when it comes to ANYTHING tire related. It's actually surprising..and scary.



LMAO I stand corrected, he has his tires set to 45 psi because he follows the "4 psi below rule" that a custom shop taught him!! Where do these people come from?! Cut up your license before you kill us all...


Did I mention this is a base 4-cylinder car? I'm sure he'll be back to ask why he's getting like 4 mpg below EPA and why it takes 12 seconds for him to merge onto the highway at full throttle.


Hahahaha what a JABRONI! Worse yet is that technician that told him that information.


OMG. that car is going to be doggy as F. 22inch wheels on a 4cyl sedan. I know some are all "show" and don't care about the "go" but there's a line and 22 inch wheels crossed that.


So I used to work in a shop.. and we've had cars, CARS, come in with 75-90spi in their tires. Absolutely no clue how the made it places with tires over inflated to that degree. And the stupid dummy lights that are in most vehicles(excluding GM as far as I know) that onl show that there is a "low tire" only go so far if the person driving the car still doesn't have a pressure guage. Then they just go around the car putting in air so the tire doesn't "look" low. So well over inlate most likely 3 tires and probably the 4th that was actually low as well.

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I really don't care for Avocado, but my parents own an Avocado farm (not their main business).  I had them ship me up a box to give to my best client who is having surgery on Monday. Not sure how he's going to eat even half of this. 



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That is freakin SEXY! :metal:


Announcement: Conversate is not a word.


I'm now going to try and work this into a review.


Your going to Conversate your Review?


:yikes:  :yikes:  :yikes:  :yikes:  :yikes:  :yikes:  :yikes:  :yikes:  :yikes:  :yikes:  :yikes:

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