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Yellow jackets have been infiltrating the side of my house, around the electric connection for the A/C condenser. Thusly, they are getting in the basement, and a few have made their way into the living space, probably around the floor vents. Guess I'll have to call an exterminator.

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My crv just pissed oil all over the driveway. The last oil change was 3 weeks ago. It looks like a bad oil filter seal. The filter was on so tight I had to get a wrench to get it off. Put a new filter on and filed it back up with mobile one and put cardboard under it to watch for more leaks.

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Man I had no luck hooking up at the bar the other night. The best story however is that when I was piss drunk I fell off a bar stool.


The bar's Alpha male getting all the attention - heck there was a bombshell with tats fondling his hair for Christ's sake. He commandingly takes the bar stool over to his table. His cronies and bitches laughed at me.


I gather myself while I witness the incredible.


He perches on it for about 45 seconds. Struggles to sit level on it. And then he falls over with a resounding crash. I could not believe I bore witness to that. He squealed because he landed funny on his arm. It was a loud ass bang, and I shuffled over, picked up the stool (while being way over the limit) bent the legs back straight, and offered my hand to pick up slick. 


Now he couldn't say no because he landed funny on his arm; no one on his table could resist to laugh and I left the place with a sense of "yea bitch."


He didn't get lucky either that night. Victory for me right? I demolished the rep of an Alpha. Now if only I wasn't wasted, then I could have slid right in for the easy pickings. Dammit! 

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I got one of those once. I think it's just a software thing. Unless it was a downvote, then it's been disabled.

Minions was an ok movie, but the premise is a bit flimsy to stretch over a feature-length film.

Edited by El Kabong
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So...you want to discuss the Minions movie, huh?

My 8 year old son thought it was the best movie ever
My 10 year old daughter just thought it was alright. No more no less, but she did like it.
My wife was happy that her kids enjoyed the movie.

My thoughts:
It was the biggest waste of time I have ever tried to entertain myself with.

I had more fun watching Thelma and Louise with a girlfriend that I had just broken up with back in the day than I did with this stupid movie.

It was money well spent as my kids loved the movie...however...I was more entertained chewing on the straw I sipped my Coke with by making funny shapes with it during the movie...

The soundtrack was OK...as I appreciated the fact they used many songs from the 1960s...but they could have chosen better songs from that era...to better fit the 1960s feel...with better songs that kids could relate to...using said 1960s songs...

I did snicker with that Abbey Road reference...yet...I think Love Me Do was a poor choice as well...

On second thought:

Love, love me do
You know I love you
I'll always be true
So please, love me do

Yeah...I could see why they chose Love Me Do.  

Edited by oldshurst442
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Yeah...I should have liked it as much as you did because my posting style over at MT....especially when "discussing" matters with the Great Winged One and his sidekick Sideshow Dog Mr. Deaner have about the same level of intelligence and humor.

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It's like I always say: you don't go to the circus to get mad at the clowns. As with the previous ban, it is of zero concern to me.

But I read the other guys's last post before he got gassed. The irony was stupendous.

Also: steak-it's what's for breakfast (in Alberta).

Edited by El Kabong
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It's like I always say: you don't go to the circus to get mad at the clowns. As with the previous ban, it is of zero concern to me.

But I read the other guys's last post before he got gassed. The irony was stupendous.

Also: steak-it's what's for breakfast (in Alberta).

Speaking of Alberta.

The family is watching Cool Runnings for the umpteenth time.  My family loves this movie.



It hit me when I saw the skyline in the movie....

Calgary has changed just a little bit since this movie was made.

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It's like I always say: you don't go to the circus to get mad at the clowns. As with the previous ban, it is of zero concern to me.

But I read the other guys's last post before he got gassed. The irony was stupendous.

Also: steak-it's what's for breakfast (in Alberta).

Speaking of Alberta.

The family is watching Cool Runnings for the umpteenth time. My family loves this movie.


It hit me when I saw the skyline in the movie....

Calgary has changed just a little bit since this movie was made.

Just a bit. Good grief, that movie is what, 25 years old now... You still see the ski jumps and bobsled run heading out of town on your way to Banff. And of course, the Saddledome is still standing. Edited by El Kabong
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It's like I always say: you don't go to the circus to get mad at the clowns. As with the previous ban, it is of zero concern to me.

But I read the other guys's last post before he got gassed. The irony was stupendous.

Also: steak-it's what's for breakfast (in Alberta).

Speaking of Alberta.

The family is watching Cool Runnings for the umpteenth time. My family loves this movie.


It hit me when I saw the skyline in the movie....

Calgary has changed just a little bit since this movie was made.

Just a bit. Good grief, that movie is what, 25 years old now... You still see the ski jumps and bobsled run heading out of town on your way to Banff. And of course, the Saddledome is still standing.


22 years if one wants want to be accurate.

As happy as I am for Calgary and for Canada to be growing in leaps and bounds...I am saddened as I realized that in 22 years...Montreal and Quebec have not changed at all...


The good news...our Champlain Bridge that Transport Canada said was gonna fail and collapse into the St. Lawrence by 2016 is being replaced...and construction of a new one was started this year by tearing down some parts of the highway system leading up to the bridge and an all new highway system...the bridge itself will be started in 2016 in the Spring...


The highway system around Downtown Montreal will also be replaced with a brand new plan....


Big changes....finally.

Edited by oldshurst442
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Drove through the National park from Banf to Lake Louise and then up to Jasper and drove as far north as I could before running out of road and the repaved roads are so smooth and nice. Was a great vacation trip and the beauty of the area is a must see for people who love road trips.

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Drove through the National park from Banf to Lake Louise and then up to Jasper and drove as far north as I could before running out of road and the repaved roads are so smooth and nice. Was a great vacation trip and the beauty of the area is a must see for people who love road trips.

Doing the same run in early September. Only thing not finalized is the lodging in Jasper.

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Aw come on, Stew! As long as you're alive and have your health, you're winning the battle!

True on the former, latter is questionable lol.  I don't know, 4 year string of bad luck, financial catastrophe.  Just keeps going the wrong way and is getting really tough to find the point in trodging though all this. 

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I won't tell you any inspiring stories masquerading as advice... ok I will but my heart's in a good place:

When me and the missus got hitched we were so broke we couldn't even declare bankruptcy (thanks to student loan laws in Canada that is really a thing). But things did come around eventually.

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Aw come on, Stew! As long as you're alive and have your health, you're winning the battle!

True on the former, latter is questionable lol.  I don't know, 4 year string of bad luck, financial catastrophe.  Just keeps going the wrong way and is getting really tough to find the point in trodging though all this. 



I know the feeling quite too well. When there's just no progress when it be damned you've been firing on all cylinders for so long, that you forget what it means to idle. I believe you and I Stew may just be in similar situations, so here's my take on it....


(Rambling war music and imagine Winston Churchill's voice) ...Every theater of war being lost. The lines keep getting pushed back. Losses, irrecoverable losses. Time. Falling behind not on objectives - but even on adequate rest; breathing room. When each step forward is mired by a such a pervasive and indifferent headwind that pushes you back not 2 or 3 steps. It sets you so back that you can't even see the steps you had left ahead of you.


There is no teacher but the enemy. No one but the enemy will tell you what the enemy is going to do… Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you where he is strong… From now on the enemy is more clever than you. From now on the enemy is stronger than you. 


The feeling where your deliverance, your retribution... your vengeance is being denied to you because in this insane world; you've tried your best to be sane and remain humble and honest. 


A very wise fellow told me once that the hardest working man is a drowning one. But now a tactical lesson - that in order to defeat an enemy we cannot beat; we must become what we hate. We must explore this world; destroy any obstacle; become the very reapers that we despise.


Anyways, my thoughts on the war... Victory... at any cost! Continue the assault! Keep pushing, keep firing! Never give up, and never, on absolutely any occasion ever surrender!

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Apartment's flooded thanks to Roto-Rooter. My water bill is going to be insane and I've been staying in a hotel. Not happy, but I'll be reimbursed so it'll all be fine in the end. At least I'm getting a new carpet out of the ordeal. 

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This past weekend we had our anual "Bro Float"(huge group of just guys - no broads allows!) and we rent one big-ass van and then somebody else usually takes a truck for extra storage. Well my buddy recently bought a 2010 Ram 2500 with the Cummins 6.6 and a 6spd(he works on farms and actually uses the truck for what it's made for - the day before he was towing 20,000lbs). That engine was an absolute monster at any speed. My friend is a very conservative driver like myself and our 200 mile(one way) trip on the interstate and through mountains we got 19.2mpg - round trip. I don't know what the tow package had but that thing was geared super low. 70mph on the interstate was turning nearly 2500rpm in 6th. He actually would start in 3rd 90% of the time because 1st is for those 20,000lb loads and second was just as short. 3rd gear ever bogged it down once nor was he slipping the clutch for an hour. Also where we filled up at diesel was only $2.25/gallon!!


The trip itself went according to plan. We all just got super wasty while floating down the river with no women to tell us to slow down lol. Everything was within walking distance so that rocked. I managed to convince some bar owner to let us in and drink(just 3 of us at this point in the night). It was right at 1am and they were supposed to be closing right then. We ended up drinking with the owner and bartenders for a couple of hours and I only remember having to pay for our first beers. It rocked.

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Close friend of mine's dad just picked this up. Not exactly the trim I would go with but it's stupid nice.


My friend tried to convince his dad to get the little red guy over there. Now that one is more up my ally.. dark grill, no chrome wheels..


His dad was coming from a '12 F150. This time they again test drove a Silverado as it was the only other truck that peaked his interest. And odd quote from my friend when they were test driving, " We test drove a Silverado First. God they are lame." then his next text was "well ok, they're fine as long as yuo're sitting in the front seats. The back is way more cramped with no AC vents back there aaaaaaaand if the front person is using the cooled seats it actually blows hot air right on the person in the back. It's miserable"

I thought that was SUPER odd that the seat cooling system would work like that in any vehicle.

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Shew, second day in a row as the only person in the department out of 3.  Doing some better today though.  no new bad news has hit yet....... 


I do find it amazing my old trucks get a lot of love and compliments from strangers.


Close friend of mine's dad just picked this up. Not exactly the trim I would go with but it's stupid nice.


My friend tried to convince his dad to get the little red guy over there. Now that one is more up my ally.. dark grill, no chrome wheels..


His dad was coming from a '12 F150. This time they again test drove a Silverado as it was the only other truck that peaked his interest. And odd quote from my friend when they were test driving, " We test drove a Silverado First. God they are lame." then his next text was "well ok, they're fine as long as yuo're sitting in the front seats. The back is way more cramped with no AC vents back there aaaaaaaand if the front person is using the cooled seats it actually blows hot air right on the person in the back. It's miserable"

I thought that was SUPER odd that the seat cooling system would work like that in any vehicle.


I agree, the red one looks pretty decent!  Weird on the Silverado. 

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Rode from Toronto to Oakville and back today. Good ride, but rear wheel out of true because I ride all of my bikes into the ground. Oh well. I'll just true it back at work tomorrow. It's pretty neat to be a Bicycle Service Tech sometimes, because bikes are simple enough once you get them, but it's all hand tuning and by feel really.


Does anyone else ride bicycles here? I had to downgrade from car to bike, but honestly, I live in the city so it's not bad at all. It's an old workhorse, but I know it'll outlast anything made from aluminum or carbon.




Edited by Suaviloquent
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5.3 years in keeping the same phone?

And you call yourself cheap?

Ill call you sensible...


Whatever happened to the way it used to be when we used to buy things in hopes that they lasted for ever?

America was not always about consumerism...I wish we could go back to that....this over consumption is what is the real demise of the American Empire. Because our morals and our ethics of working hard to achieve the American Dream is gone astray...its easy to buy things on credit...only to throw it away and buy a new one...on credit...

Edited by oldshurst442
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5.3 years in keeping the same phone?

And you call yourself cheap?

Ill call you sensible...


Whatever happened to the way it used to be when we used to buy things in hopes that they lasted for ever?

America was not always about consumerism...I wish we could go back to that....this over consumption is what is the real demise of the American Empire. Because our morals and our ethics of working hard to achieve the American Dream is gone astray...its easy to buy things on credit...only to throw it away and buy a new one...on credit...


5.3 years in keeping the same phone?

And you call yourself cheap?

Ill call you sensible...


Whatever happened to the way it used to be when we used to buy things in hopes that they lasted for ever?

America was not always about consumerism...I wish we could go back to that....this over consumption is what is the real demise of the American Empire. Because our morals and our ethics of working hard to achieve the American Dream is gone astray...its easy to buy things on credit...only to throw it away and buy a new one...on credit...


I'm pretty frugal I guess. My bike is the same age as me, and I've used up all the bearing systems. I tortured the hell out of the old wheels and so was forced to upgrade. Heck, I can build a bike now for under $60 and have it ride better and last longer than anything from Crappy Tire (It's a common enough Canadian hardware/department/auto parts big box store).

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5.3 years in keeping the same phone?

And you call yourself cheap?

Ill call you sensible...


Whatever happened to the way it used to be when we used to buy things in hopes that they lasted for ever?

America was not always about consumerism...I wish we could go back to that....this over consumption is what is the real demise of the American Empire. Because our morals and our ethics of working hard to achieve the American Dream is gone astray...its easy to buy things on credit...only to throw it away and buy a new one...on credit...


5.3 years in keeping the same phone?

And you call yourself cheap?

Ill call you sensible...


Whatever happened to the way it used to be when we used to buy things in hopes that they lasted for ever?

America was not always about consumerism...I wish we could go back to that....this over consumption is what is the real demise of the American Empire. Because our morals and our ethics of working hard to achieve the American Dream is gone astray...its easy to buy things on credit...only to throw it away and buy a new one...on credit...


I'm pretty frugal I guess. My bike is the same age as me, and I've used up all the bearing systems. I tortured the hell out of the old wheels and so was forced to upgrade. Heck, I can build a bike now for under $60 and have it ride better and last longer than anything from Crappy Tire (It's a common enough Canadian hardware/department/auto parts big box store).


That aint frugal my friend...that is the way to do it. That is the smart way.


I laugh at some of my neighbors...not my direct neighbors, but the people that live in my community...and Im sure its everywhere in North America...


I see some people with $5000, $6000, $7000, $10 000 dollar bikes and they are dressed like they are training for Le Tour de France.

A $200 bike from Crappy Tire minus 50% sales or when they have their scratchy ticket is good enough....yes I know...these bikes are not tuned...yada yada yada...we are not training for Le Tour de France!!!

Besides...when I was young...I had a  $75 (in 1984) 12 speed bike bought at Sears...heavy like you wouldnt believe...and I rode that thing everywhere until I got my driver's license at 17....and I did not need to train my legs too much when I started weight training as that heavy bike made my legs huge!

To boot, I was FASTER then these idiots today....actually, I still benefit from that bike as my legs are pretty muscular...and guess what? I could probably keep up with them in speed and in stamina...and my bike is a Schwinn bought at Crappy Tire for $150. %50 off from $300. And its a hybrid...its a cruiser rather than a speedster...but it gets the job done...

$5000 dollars for a stinkin' bike!!! What farce!

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Olds is from Montreal. He knows what Crappy Tire is *L*

Funny story: out west it's only easterners who call it Crappy Tire. Many of the locals out here are farmers descended from folks who were getting away from the czar back in the day... so out here they call it Ukranian Tire. No joke.

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I'm gonna finish my bike build soon. By the weekend, Saturday. I might post a picture of it. It's such as sweet bike, like the frame, the donor parts and just heroic effort it took from me to source all these old but well maintained parts from the 1980s. All under 60 bucks. I just gotta custom size the front fork, install the rest of the headset and then it's a half hour of parts installation away from greatness.


At work we call them Franken Bikes, heck my road bike is a Franken Bike. Parts from all over the place, different eras, different technologies.


Oh, I forgot to mention, I almost got killed on my bike ride twice today. One person tryed to parralel park into me and just fifty feet from there a driver of a Nissan Rogue started turning on the intersection way too late, I was halfway through at least.


I had to stomp on my brakes, and I almost went over my handle bars. The brakes I have at least are Dura-Ace. Top of the line Shimano road brakes. I have Shimano's reputation to thank for me being conscious at this time.



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